Quadruple split

Chapter 624 Robbery (I)

Are you an idiot?

Facing Qiuyue's look that looked like a fool, Mo Tan actually felt a little speechless. After all, according to the conventional sense, he who had just been seriously considering whether there were people from the future, messengers of gods, and people with superpowers was indeed that kind of person. He is a bit of an idiot, and Captain Qiuyue seems to be a little bit of a middle school student. He can't help but notice that, but the problem is that although he is a middle school student, he is a rational middle school student who can distinguish between fantasy and reality, so She didn't take the things she set herself seriously...

In this way, Mo Tan, who was a little nervous because of Shiliu's words about "marginal people" just now, was very embarrassed.

"Forget it, it doesn't matter the little things."

Qiuyue waved her hand, obviously not taking her rant just now seriously, and then suddenly blinked her big eyes and looked Mo Tan up and down, and finally clapped her hands suddenly: "You are a player, right?"

Naturally, Mo Tan wouldn't mind if the other party thoughtfully changed the topic from the question of 'am I an idiot?', and quickly said, "Well, I am."

Wang Badan, who was lying next to him, did not show the slightest surprise. He just raised his eyelids in a lack of interest and then retracted his head into his shell to catch up on his sleep. As a blood contract partner with Mo Tan's heart, it had already been there for a long time. In the past few months of getting along, I have learned the identity of the other person from another world, and at the same time I have also learned that there are countless 'players' in this world besides Mo Tan and Ji Xiaoge. Now that things have happened, Wang Ba dares to The understanding of the concept of "outsiders" has surpassed that of Xia Lian, even compared to Xiu who has spent a lot of time investigating players. Because of this, Wang Badan naturally became Mo Tan's third one after Ji Xiaoge. The second "cover", when Mo Tan needs to go offline but it is not suitable for the character to turn into white light and leave the realm of innocence, Wang Badan will basically guard him, even if he has to "evaporate" due to some special circumstances. After a period of time, Wang Badan would think of a reasonable explanation for him.

But when Ji Xiaoge was still there, he basically said, "I saw Mo going to the market for a walk in the morning" and "Oh, I just separated from Mo, and he seemed to be talking about where he was going to maintain his weapons." ', and the fact that he is also helping to cover up his 'offline status' will most likely turn into nonsense words like 'My eldest brother went to the brothel' when Wang Badan said it.

At first, it often scared Judka Yaya and the others, but as time went by, everyone knew that Wang Badan was talking nonsense, and gradually they didn't take it seriously.

"Brother, look, they all know now that I'm talking nonsense, so even if you really go to the brothel, you'll probably be fine."

Wang Badan often asked Mo Tan for credit like this, and then was beaten.

However, as mentioned before, Jadeka is not stupid, Yaya is just relatively simple, and there is no shortcoming in intelligence. These two partners who have been with Mo Tan for more than half a year will definitely not have any clues now. I can't tell, it's just that I tacitly didn't say anything.

And Mo Tan is also going to find time to tell everyone that he is a player. After all, the setting of this game itself is very magical, since warlocks, summoners and other professions can summon demons from the shadow world or other dimensions. , aberrant beasts and the like, then the setting of "people from another world" is not too difficult for the natives of the Innocence Continent to accept, at least it is better than letting people living in modern times accept people from the future and people with supernatural powers. It is much easier to set the class. In addition, there are objective reasons such as more and more players, and the system does not block the NPC's knowledge in this aspect. Mo Tan feels that the concept of 'foreigners' will not take long. It will be known to the world. After all, there are not a few people like Qiuyue and others who have never deliberately hidden their identity as players.

It's just that he hasn't found a suitable opportunity to tell Jadeka and Yaya about this so far, so he has delayed it until now.

Back to business...

Although Wang Badan's reaction was mediocre, other people who loved to join in the fun... to be precise, Smith and Pomegranate were both shocked. Although the former had a certain degree of suspicion, it was just suspicion, while the latter was completely He didn't expect that Mo Tan turned out to be a player.

As for the petite girl Mingsakaki wearing a triangular pointed hat and a black cloak, she still stood there quietly as before, showing no emotion.

Neat, taro purple short hair, bright but lifeless amber eyes, Gujing Mubo's expression, delicate and dignified appearance, and a body that is even petite than Qiuyue, make this girl look like an exquisite doll, if not Those unfocused eyes would blink twice from time to time, making it difficult for anyone to feel that she was a living person.

She was the only one who was completely unmoved after Qiuyue accurately identified Mo Tan as a player, which was completely opposite to Pomegranate who was shocked for some reason.

However, the other three people in the group who love to join in the fun seem to have long been accustomed to Ming Sakaki's calmness. Even Smith, who has an extraordinary ability to complain, did not take the opportunity to say anything, but turned to look at Qiuyue: "How did you guess it?"

"It's very simple."

Qiuyue shrugged, spread her hands and said: "First of all, when we were talking about school, homework, etc., one of the heads of him and the ogre looked normal and not curious at all. Secondly, when I asked the question just now, When I was deciding, Mo didn't feel like an NPC at all."

The corner of Smith's mouth twitched and he smiled dryly: "It would be great if you could be so thoughtful."

"I've always been very considerate, okay!"

Qiuyue wrinkled her nose, then turned to Mo Tan and winked: "We are students from J City, what about you?"

"City B, current college student."

Mo Tan answered casually, and then asked curiously: "Are you in the same class?"

"Ajiong and I are in the same class, and Mingsak is in class six."

While studying the crystal clusters on Wang Ba's gallbladder shell, Qiuyue replied: "Gushu is from class nine, and Pomegranate is one year older than us. I don't know which class he is from, but we are all in the same club."

Mo Tan nodded slightly: "So your club is..."

"I like to join in the fun, but I wear the sign of a book club because the teacher won't approve."

Qiuyue curled her lips in displeasure, but the next second the rain had passed and the sky had cleared up. She put her hands on her hips and said proudly: "It's just a sign. Under my wise leadership, that classroom has been completely transformed into a fun-loving group." It’s our base! We have everything from board games to maid costumes!”


Pomegranate shrank her neck, as if thinking of some bad memories.

"Actually, they are just useless things."

Smith sighed helplessly, then turned his head and glanced at Ming Sakaki: "Although I don't care, as the active reading club president, don't you really intend to stop Qiuyue from making a mess there?"

"It doesn't matter."

Akira shook his head slightly, his tone calm: "It's good to have a place to read."

"It's very noisy."

"It doesn't matter."

"Do you really don't mind? If you don't want to, you can tell Qiuyue. Even if she doesn't listen, I can still help."

"Yeah, I don't mind."

"All right……"

Smith raised his eyebrows at Mo Tan, spread his hands and said, "That's probably what happened. You can understand us as a small student group that is too weird."

Mo Tan smiled. Although he agreed with the description of 'weird', he still smiled and said warmly: "It sounds quite interesting."

"That's right! It's obviously very interesting! Ajiong, your level of thinking is too low. Even Ming Sakaki is more enlightened than you!"

Qiuyue made a face at Smith, then hugged her knees and looked at Mo Tan with interest: "So are we going to patrol now?"

Before Mo Tan could speak, Smith beside him shook his head and said, "What were you listening to when we were assigning tasks before? The vigil positions of our two adventurer teams are fixed, and patrolling is a matter for the caravan. "

"What, boring."

Qiuyue immediately became listless, lazily leaning on the crystal clusters on Wang Ba's gallbladder shell and waving her hands: "Then Mingsak and Pomegranate should go back first, and Ajiong will play with me here."

Smith laughed dryly and whispered: "But I don't want to play with you here."

Pomegranate looked at Qiuyue with great concern and suggested in a low voice: "Well... how about you let me guard the first night shift first? Qiuyue, you have been tired for a day... Do you want to go back and take a rest first?"

Mo Tan noticed that Smith's originally dull eyes suddenly lit up.


"No need, go back."

Qiuyue shook her head and said absently: "When I get tired of playing, I will go back with Ajiong to replace you. If I don't get tired of playing, I will continue to guard. Anyway, we don't have to sleep. It doesn't matter if we change shifts or not."

The light in Smith's eyes dimmed again.

"Oh well."

Pomegranate didn't insist, and just gently pulled Mingsakura's hand: "Then let's go back first."


The latter nodded, turned around and left neatly.

"Wait a mininute!"

However, Mo Tan suddenly called out to the two of them, and quickly ran to Pomegranate, who seemed to be relatively easy to communicate with: "I want to tell you something..."

The girl shivered subconsciously, and then nodded timidly: "Okay, you say."

five minutes later……

"That's probably the case. Although it's just my guess, it's better to pay a little more attention. After all, you can only sail with caution."

After saying something that he cared more about, Mo Tan nodded to the four people beside him, including Qiuyue and Smith: "What do you think?"

"This... feels very reasonable..."

Smith held his chin and nodded.

"I know...I know, I will be prepared!"

Pomegranate pursed her lips, her expression very solemn.


Ming Sakaki's words are concise and concise.

"It seems like fun!"

Qiuyue clapped her hands excitedly and said in conclusion.

Game time AM03:45

Parcell Avenue, south of the caravan station

Pars Blast Furnace, who was guarding the second night shift, was sitting upright on a large rock, holding his cane that seemed to have been blackened during the barbecue and staring into the distance. The black man who was on the same shift The deputy captain of the goat adventurer team and the priest in the team were on guard on both sides of him. The positions of the three of them were very particular, covering almost most of the area directly south of the station. Together with the two members of the Tyrannosaurus team who were also keeping watch in the south, It has been able to take care of 90% of the area within a few miles in that direction. Unless the attacker is lucky enough to completely avoid the warning area of ​​the five pairs of senior mercenaries, otherwise he will definitely be attacked outside the range that can support a 'raid'. Discover.

However, the three members of the Black Goat adventurer team still did not relax their vigilance. Everyone, including the leader Pals Blast Furnace, was in high spirits.

"Loriente and Thick Tooth, they two..."

Pals took out his usual wine bag and took a sip of water with a slight alcohol smell in his mouth. He wiped his chin and asked in a deep voice: "We should have arrived at the southwest warning point, right?"

The bugbear vice-captain carrying a giant sword next to him nodded vigorously: "If we count the time, we should be almost there."

A snoring sound came from not far behind the three of them.

"Haha, that guy Bill slept soundly."

Pars turned back and glanced at his camp behind him. The three newly replaced first-shift night watchmen were wrapped in blankets and sleeping soundly around the fire. The snoring sound under one of the blankets was particularly loud.

The dwarf priest on the right chuckled, shook his head and said, "You can truly sleep soundly if you can sleep peacefully with that guy's snoring."

"Yeah, that makes sense."

Pars stroked his uneven beard, looked up at the moon surrounded by a few black clouds, and took another sip of water that smelled slightly of alcohol.

half an hour later


Pars's angry roar almost woke up everyone in the entire camp, but when he saw him standing on the boulder, he quickly waved his cane and summoned several little demons burning with black flames from the void. Then he rubbed his hands violently, spilling a raging dark green evil flame, and fiercely greeted the uninvited guest not far away.


The key word is 'not far away', not 'uninvited guest'.

After all, everyone is always on guard against the bandits that may pop up at any time, and everyone has never relaxed their vigilance, so this 'uninvited guest' is actually a bit watery, but the meaning of the words 'not far away' is very bad. .

When the first group of people who quietly approached the caravan station under the cover of night were discovered by Pars, the distance between the two sides was only less than twenty meters.

Twenty meters, a distance that is no longer satisfactory for the attacker!


Two staggered blades flashed past, and several little demons just summoned by Pars fell to the ground while wailing and spitting blood.

"Little tricks."

The leader of the massacre, who was wearing a black outfit, smiled coldly, made a slight mistake in his steps, and then bypassed the evil flames coming toward his face like a ghost, kicking the one who was about to cast another spell. Pars kicked off the rock.


Chapter 617: End

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