Quadruple split

Chapter 670 Miners Association

Half a minute later, Mo Tan, who failed to resist, still failed to protect the body of the hunting bird behind him, so the latter ended up falling into the hands of the two curious girls.

However, Yaya, who had just made a fuss about it, didn't have much interest in the dead bird itself. He just went up to it and sniffed it casually before throwing it directly to Ji Xiaoge.

Ever since, the latter saw such a string of information.

[Innocent hunting sparrow lying down with a gun]

Status: dead

Height: 0.3m

Weight: 2.0kg

Attack Power: It's dead

Explanation: The hunting sparrow is reckless by nature. As long as it is to protect its territory, it will still rush towards its opponent, even if it is a large beast. It will circle around the territory at super high speed to protect its territory from being invaded.

Hunting finches are social creatures and when they sense danger, they emit a very high-pitched call to alert their companions.

[Note 1: It is distributed in mountains, plains, hills, grasslands, and swamps, and is often found in places where humans live together. 】

[Note 2: It will not evolve into a big-billed bird. 】

[Note 3: He lost vital signs the moment he was hit by a stray bullet, and the cause of death was initially determined to be food poisoning. 】

After reading the above explanation, Ji Xiaoge knelt down and sat on the spot as if struck by lightning. After a while, he turned his eyes blankly to Mo Tan and murmured with a pale face: "The cause of death turned out to be food poisoning. "?"

The latter sighed and said with a wry smile: "That's why I don't want you to see this."

The wings on the girl's back drooped. She stood up unsteadily and staggered towards the center of the town. She muttered in despair: "I have worked hard for Yaya for more than half a month."

"Don't be sad, you are already doing well if you have this heart!"

Mo Tan shouted at her, and then sent Jadeka and others to chase after her to comfort Ji Xiaoge. He drew out his long sword and stabbed a [spinous process] on the ground, made a small hole and pulled out the lying bird. The shotgun was buried.

Even though he was not a bad person, even when he was in a lawful good state, he often hunted wild game with Yaya and others to roast and eat, but Mo Tan still sympathized with the man who came out for a ride but died of food poisoning caused by a gunshot inexplicably. hunting bird, so he buried the unlucky bird with the good hope that the bird would have a good pregnancy in the next life.

Ten minutes later, the ‘Gear Square’ in the center of Craftsman Town

Ji Xiaoge, who was finally amused by some cold jokes made by Dabus and Mo Tan, finally returned to normal. She was seen wiping her tears and covering her flanks as she climbed up from the ground, finally regaining her breath. He waved his little hand and said energetically: "Let's go! Let's study the materials for mass-produced sniper bullets!"

So everyone marched to the Miners Association headquarters not far away.

"What's the matter?"

The little dwarf girl at the door who was not old enough to grow a beard was startled by these five people (six heads). She subconsciously held the small hammer at her waist and raised her head and asked: "What are you doing here?" Oh shit!"

But when the dwarf girl suddenly showed a look of horror in the middle of her words, she fell from the pony to the ground with a clang, turned around and rushed into the extremely grand gate of the Miners Association. After a long time After a while, he carefully poked half of his head out.

"Uh, I'm really sorry."

Dabbs, who often frightened his little friends with two heads on his shoulders, smiled apologetically and immediately took two steps back and squatted there with his neck scrunched up.

But Mo Tan keenly noticed that the dwarf girl's eyes were not on Dabus at all, but

"Sister Ye Ye Ye Ye Song"

The trembling little girl looked pale and put on a smile that was as forced as possible: "What about that? Actually, I have never been embarrassed to tell you. In fact, I gave up snacks in my last life."

Everyone immediately turned their horrifying eyes to Ji Xiaoge.

"Little hammer!"

Ji Xiaoge blushed and stamped her feet, and said angrily: "I'm here to do business today!"

The dwarf girl named 'Little Hammer' shrank her neck and muttered: "Sister Yege, you came here to do some business last time, but when a pack of biscuits was handed out, we apprentices were totally disappointed on the spot. ah!!"

"Don't you have to ask me for snacks?"

"Well, I've given up now. Little Mao next door almost gave up eating."


Ji Xiaoge turned her head to look at Mo Tan stiffly, her eyes twitching as she laughed dryly: "What about that? There was a slight misunderstanding when I came to the Mining Association last time."

Mo Tan and others all showed understanding expressions. Even Ya Ya vaguely guessed what happened when her sister Wang Ge came last time, and looked at the little hammer girl with eyes full of sympathy.

"Don't worry, I really didn't bring anything to eat this time."

While Ji Xiaoge secretly stuffed the bag filled with animal biscuits back into his luggage, he pointed sideways at Mo Tan and others, and said to Xiao Chui: "Let me introduce, these are my friends who are in the same adventurer team with me. This time you are here to accompany me."

As a result, the dwarf girl named Xiao Chui clapped her hands vigorously before Ji Xiaoge finished speaking, and suddenly said: "Oh! So you are adventurers! I know what you are here for, okay, hurry in. , Father Kage should be cursing in the house right now, sister Ye Ge, do you know the way?"

"Well, I do know the way right."

Ji Xiaoge was a little confused by Xiao Zhui's inexplicable reaction, but since she was here to find that 'Grandpa Kage', she didn't say anything more and said thank you to Xiao Zhui before leaving. Zhuo Motan and others entered.

"Oh, this place is really impressive."

As soon as Jadeka entered the door, he smacked his lips in admiration. Looking at the huge main hall in front of him that had obviously been expanded by space power and with an area of ​​nearly a thousand square meters, he sighed: "This should be the largest I have ever seen. of the Miners’ Association.”

What he said is absolutely true. You must know that the size of the ordinary miners' association is usually not very large. Whether it is the floor space, decoration level or the number of staff, it is far inferior to the Adventurer's Guild, the Mage's Guild, and the Thieves' Guild. In places like this, even in Anka Market, which is very developed in all aspects, the miners' associations located in the East District and North District are not very eye-catching. Together, they are not as impressive as the association where everyone is currently. Before The Wangwang team also visited the Miners Association several times for various reasons when they were operating around Anka, so Jadeka sighed like this.

"Hehe, because this is a craftsman town."

Ji Xiaoge, who has been here for a while, smiled and explained: "Because there are a large number of engineers gathered here, the demand for various metals has also increased. In addition, the mineral deposits in Hongyun Platform are very rich, so this miner The association is one of the largest in the entire northwest, and it also handles smelting, forging, polishing and other businesses. Even the teachers will occasionally send orders here when they are busy, which is very powerful, but "

She paused and looked around suspiciously, her expression a little confused.

"Just what?"

Mo Tan asked curiously.

As Ji Xiaoge led everyone into the hall, he tilted his head and muttered: "I always feel like it's a bit deserted here. It was clearly not like this before I set off to Anka Market to find you."

"Is it deserted?"

Dabbs rubbed his nose and looked around the Mining Association Hall, which was as noisy as the Anka Adventurer Guild: "I think it's already very lively here. It doesn't feel deserted at all."

"Let's put it this way."

Ji Xiaoge stopped in front of a large iron door in the corner of the association, shrugged and said: "Normally, we can't speak at a normal volume here. I just took a brief look, and not only did I not see you today, To those concentrators who are busy all day and night, even the big furnace in the middle has not been started.”

Yaya tilted his head: "Woof?"

"Well, it's okay. It doesn't have anything to do with us anyway. Maybe he's on vacation or going to a social gathering."

Ji Xiaoge pinched Yaya's nose, then turned around and knocked on the big iron door next to him: "Is Father Kage here? I'm Little Pigeon!"

"I'm not hungry!"

A strong voice came from inside the door.

"I'm not here to bring you food!"

Ji Xiaoge stamped his feet with a red face, and took out a tea egg: "I blew up the door!"

"Don't explode!"

Then there was a burst of heavy footsteps. A few seconds later, the big iron door in front of everyone creaked up. A dwarf old man who was indeed not light stood at the door with a pale face, holding two weapons. Tea Egg waved to the winged girl with a playful smile on her face: "Come in."

"Thank you, Grandpa Kag~"

Ji Xiaoge smiled brightly and led everyone in.

This is an office space that looks quite old. The area is quite large. There are a large number of parchments, miner's hammers, metals of unknown texture and metals with distinct textures piled on the iron shelves around it. In the middle is a piece of paper for ordinary people. It's a big round table that's a little short. On top of it, there's a lot of things similar to those on the iron shelves around it. There's also a big black iron felt behind it. There's a furnace in the southeast and northwest corners of the room. Next to the furnace, an unknown genius placed two wine barrels. The specific alcohol content was unknown, but Yaya's dog eyes were already a little straight now.

"This is Daddy Kag Ironbeard, the president of the Miners Association of Artisan Town. He takes good care of me."

Ji Xiaoge first introduced the old dwarf who ran behind the table and sat down against the iron felt as soon as he entered the room, and then pointed at Mo Tan and others: "They are my good friends, adventurers from the same team. Partner, I just arrived in Artisan Town last night."

Kag Tiebeard, who was originally a little listless, suddenly brightened up. He suddenly raised his head and looked at Mo Tan and others behind Ji Xiaoge: "Adventurer?"

As the representative of the Wangwang team, Mo Tan immediately nodded and saluted politely to the old dwarf who was said to take good care of Ji Xiaoge and had high poison resistance: "Hello, President Kage, we are indeed The adventurer is right.”

"Haha, don't look outside. Just call me Daddy Kage like the little pigeon. If you don't mind the trouble, just call me daddy. Tsk tsk, adventurer, adventurer, I've been waiting for you."

Kag smiled boldly, and then pointed to a few small wooden blocks on his left hand: "Everyone, sit down, everyone, little pigeon, sit next to me, hahaha, you girl is really reliable, you also know how to call friends to come to daddy Help, tsk tsk, it’s just that the cooking is a bit unpalatable.”

Ji Xiaoge stared: "Can you be a little more reserved?!"

Kag was shocked: "Am I not subtle enough?!"

Ji Xiaoge: "."

Mo Tan, on the other hand, keenly caught the key point of Kager's words and turned to the latter with some surprise: "Help?"

"Don't worry, as long as you can really settle things for us, the reward will definitely be indispensable."

Kag grinned, and then said seriously: "So, when are you going to set off? Do you want a map of the mine? There are also ready-made ones in the Oil Lamp Association, but this old gentleman should be a mage. I feel like you don't need it. What the lighting looks like.”


Jadeka looked confused.


Ji Xiaoge also looked confused.


"Could it be that"

Anthony was always at a loss, and Dabbs showed a thoughtful expression.

"What a mess"

The drunken Yaya leaned on Ji Xiaoge's shoulder and wrinkled his nose.

In the end, Mo Tan gave a bitter smile and asked Kag, who was looking through the map among the pile of things in front of him, "Did you misunderstand something?"

"Misunderstanding? What misunderstanding?"

The latter was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly said: "Wait a minute, aren't you here to help deal with those stinky dogs?"

The tipsy dog ​​girl immediately slapped the table: "Old man, tell me clearly!"

"Deal with those rebellious kobolds in the mine."

Kag frowned and said suspiciously: "Isn't this why you came?"

【Sure enough, it was a misunderstanding.】

Mo Tan shook his head and gave Ji Xiaoge a look, signaling the girl with Kag to explain.

"Father Karg, we don't know any kobolds."

Ji Xiaoge looked at Kage innocently, spread his hands and said, "I came here to order something from you."

Kag was stunned for a moment, then looked at the other people (Wang Badan did not come because of food poisoning): "What about them?"

"Stay with me."

Ji Xiaoge smiled awkwardly, and then asked curiously: "So, Dad Kage, what was the kobold you mentioned just now?"

"Hey, so that's what happened. I told you how you knew about it just after I sent out the mission, little pigeon, and even brought adventurer friends over."

Kag curled his lips in disappointment, then gritted his teeth and said, "There's something wrong with the big mine to the east of the town!"

"there is a problem?"

Ji Xiaoge naturally knew about the mine and hurriedly asked: "What's the problem?"

"Most of the engineers in our Craftsman Town purchase their products from the association. You know this."

"Yeah, I know."

"Then our association can't afford so many absentees, so we have been outsourcing 50% of the mining work to others. You know this, right?"

"Yeah, I heard something."

"The big mine to the east was contracted to be mined by more than three hundred kobolds. Do you still remember?"

"Eh? Ah, I have an impression."

"Those grandsons rebelled."

Chapter 663: End

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