Quadruple split

Chapter 671 Kobold Rebellion

Many people know that in the south of Hongyun Terrace and around Craftsman Town, there is a large-scale mineral vein. Its mineral deposits are rich enough to support one-third of the entire northwest metal consumption, ranging from the lowest value to the largest demand. It has everything from the largest iron ore to rare metals such as mithril and fine gold. Its annual export volume is astronomical. The surrounding mining areas are as numerous as stars. Even in the entire Sinless Continent, it is one of the best. extremely large mining areas.

In view of the fact that there is no clear ownership of power in this area, countless people have been trying to make money here for thousands of years. The largest conflict even involved a large number of legendary powerhouses. In just two days, The forbidden curse smashed a total of seventeen, not only causing a large number of casualties, but also caused an extremely rare elemental collapse phenomenon, causing the sky within hundreds of kilometers around to be dyed crimson by the fire element.

The real clouds had long been burned away, and the rampaging fire element turned into pieces of flame clouds, burning the sky and the earth. It lasted for three days and three nights before gradually dissipating, and the name "Red Cloud Terrace" was derived from this. Come.

After that, the major forces who realized that if they continued to grab the whole mining area sooner or later, finally woke up and moved the battlefield from the heads of those rare mineral deposits to the negotiation table, and after a long period that lasted two days, After negotiations between the leaders of the forces, it was finally decided to place this area under the name of the neutral organization 'Miners Association'. It will be supervised by the Gold Coin Chamber of Commerce and the Steam Consortium, which are the largest and do not deal with each other very much. Open bidding will be held every five years. to divide mining areas.

To put it simply, as long as you have money, anyone can get a mining area here with a mining period of five years. During this period, except for the use of extreme means for destructive mining, you can do whatever you want. How to play.

The gold coins obtained from the bidding will be used for basic personnel security, a new round of exploration and mining area maintenance. There is basically no profit in this link, and the accounts are completely open and transparent. In terms of interests, the Miners Association, gold coins The Chamber of Commerce and the Steam Consortium each receive 1% of the bidding proceeds, and the other 97% are all public funds. Although this amount of money is definitely an astronomical figure for ordinary people, it is really not considered to be enough. The reason is very simple. The cost of maintaining such a large mining area is also astronomical, very astronomical.

All in all, peace has finally been restored in the Hongyun Platform, and its mining work is on the right track, allowing countless people to make a lot of money.

Today, the mining areas in this mining area have been divided into 143. Among them, the wealthy Gold Coin Chamber of Commerce and the Steam Consortium occupy 27 and 35 mining areas with precious metals as the core respectively, and the other six Sixteen mining areas are occupied by more than thirty forces, and Craftsman Town is one of them.

No. 12 C+ level comprehensive mining area and No. 28 A level comprehensive mining area are the sites that Craftsman Town won four years ago. Although it seems a bit strange to use "town" as a unit, because there are a large number of engineering masters and even masters gathered here. reason, so as long as these dead houses who are not short of money can raise a little money, it is really not difficult to get two mining areas in the water tower, and other forces are also very generous, and usually they will not fight with this 'small workshop' Asking for a price in a shameless way, after all, the circle of engineers is not big or small. If you really offend someone, whether it is the chamber of commerce, the country, or even major neutral organizations, it will all be the same to them. It's quite a waste.

The masters in Craftsman Town also know how to deal with the world. Although they can spend a lot less every time with the humility of other competitors, they are never greedy and always only take two small-scale mining areas. After the mining is completed, the miners' association will be solely responsible for the matter. The income issue will be entrusted to the Gold Coin Chamber of Commerce and the Steam Consortium in turn. The money earned will be directly distributed to individuals in the form of materials, ore or cash according to different needs and investment ratios. How to calculate it in the end? No matter how you make money, everyone will be happy.

Until a bunch of troublemakers show up.

"You also know that although kobolds are not as good as us dwarves, they are also good at mineral exploration and mining, so not only we who accepted the commission from the Artisan Town agent, but other people with mining rights also like to hire those guys to help dig. Mine, the result...sigh."

Father Kag rubbed his rosacea vigorously, and complained with a sigh: "As a result, some time ago, the No. 12 mining area to the east of the town suddenly rebelled. Well, to be precise, it was the gang of kobold miners who rebelled. , they drove away all the miners of other races, destroyed a large amount of raw ore that was just about to be transported back to the town, and then blocked the mines, causing us huge losses. We really had no choice, so we went to the Adventurer's Guild. Bian issued the task."

Several members of the Wangwang team (which were more serious) looked at each other.

"Um, Dad Kag, I have a question I want to know about,"

After briefly understanding the ins and outs of the matter, Mo Tan, who was defaulted to be the talker of the Wangwang team, coughed lightly and asked the old dwarf: "Why did those kobold miners rebel? Is there any misunderstanding?"

"For example, did Sister Yege deliver meals to those ugly and smelly guys?"

The slightly drunk Yaya grinned, and then the angry Ji Xiaoge pinched his face and ravaged it hard.

Mo Tanqian laughed and felt that although the reason Yaya just said was valid in a sense, it was still a bit unrealistic. After all, with the kobold's small body and unusually good appetite, if If you really eat the big pot rice cooked by Ji Xiaoge, you will probably die in rebellion.

So what he suspected was another aspect, that is, the "exploitation", "squeeze", "abuse" and other contents that ordinary people always subconsciously associate with the word miner.

Nothing comes out of nowhere. To give a simple example, chefs and miners both make money with their own hands, and when people joke, they will say, 'I haven't seen you for so long. Did you send me to mine?' instead of 'XX hasn't been seen for so long, has he been sent to XX to cook?' Apparently the former is more likely to reflect 'being cheated', 'being sold', 'being cheated', 'unlucky' etc. meaning.

That's why Mo Tan asked this question.

To his surprise, Father Kager answered directly: "I don't know if there was a misunderstanding, but I know the reason for their rebellion was because of the treatment issue."

[Is it really a matter of treatment? 】

The three players Mo Tan, Ji Xiaoge and Dabus exchanged surprised looks, while Jadeka, a native of the Innocence Realm, looked normal. As for Yaya and Anthony, who lacked common sense, there was no reaction at all. One person is dozing off, and the other is dozing off too.

"Well, Father Karg, since those kobolds feel that they have been treated unfairly."

Ji Xiaoge scratched his cheek and suggested, "Why don't we sit down and talk about remuneration together, such as giving them a salary increase or something."

Kag rolled his eyes: "Speaking of little pigeon, do you know what the average salary in our mining area is?"

The little pigeon shook his head blankly.

"Ordinary miners receive 80 copper coins per person per day, including food and accommodation, and a subsidy of 20 copper coins for every thirty kilograms dug, with one day off every ten days. This is basically the case across the entire continent."

Kag sighed and asked again: "Then do you know what kind of treatment I gave to the kobolds in mining area 12?"

The little pigeon continued to shake his head blankly.

"They are all ordinary miners. I got those guys 1 silver coin per day for each person, including food and accommodation, 1 copper coin for each extra kilogram dug, two days off in ten days, and wine!!"

Father Kag slapped the table angrily and gritted his teeth: "I saw how pitifully the kobold tribe was being squeezed out, and the engineers in our town didn't care about such a small amount of money, so I thought of ways to give them more trouble. I asked for some treatment so that those guys could have enough food and clothing, but they actually said that the treatment was not good. Damn it, if I give out this treatment now, tomorrow the threshold of the association will be trampled to pieces! This is called Not treated well!!”

The three players were stunned at the time. Not only did Father Karg not exploit the working class, he even gave those kobolds a lot of special treatment. Although it was just a one-sided statement, looking at the old dwarf's angry and corrupt behavior, it didn't seem like it. He was lying, so they all became confused.

After a while, Ji Xiaoge, who was relatively familiar with Kage, broke the silence and asked the old dwarf who was drinking wine: "If that's the case, why are they still rebelling? Are they really like Mo just now? Is there any misunderstanding in that?"

"What a misunderstanding! They are just a bunch of white-eyed wolves! @#¥!%\u0026 @!"

Kag first cursed loudly and unpleasantly, and then angrily threw the wine glass down on the table: "Let's put it this way, there is actually a group of foreign kobolds, there are probably less than twenty in total, half a month When they arrived at our Artisan Town, they said they were looking for something to do. When they saw that they were kobolds, they introduced them to me directly, but guess what?"

Dabbs asked in a very cooperative manner: "What's going on?"

"The leader actually said they wanted to die. What he said at that time was that he wanted to protect us and let us give them money every month. Don't you think this is nonsense? Who are the people who live here? The explosives carried by people can kill those smelly dogs (Ya Ya made a threatening whine at this time) Uh, sorry, I killed those kobolds ten times, who needs their protection!"

Kag curled his lips and shrugged: "So I ignored the nonsense he said and directly introduced the work of mining in the mining area. I also told them that there were many similar kobolds there, and they could have a happy life when working together. I took care of him, but it turned out that he @#! The leading kobold actually overturned the table on the spot, cursed and left."

Mo Tan nodded slightly, twitching his chin and guessed: "Then they went to the mining area you mentioned, Father Kag? And they incited the kobolds who were working there to rebel?"

"You are quite smart, young man."

Kag took out a cup from under the table, poured half a cup of wine and pushed it to Mo Tan: "Yes, you are right. In the next few days, the little pigeon probably just came to our Artisan Town to find unmelted ice. Around that time, I got the news that the twenty or so kobolds had come to Mining Area No. 12. We didn’t pay much attention at that time. We just thought that if they couldn’t save their face and said that as long as they were willing to work hard, we would just pretend. I don’t know, I’ll just settle the bill how I want to.”

‘Father Kag is such a good man’

Ji Xiaoge sent a message to Mo Tan.

‘Well, it can be seen that the old gentleman is actually very kind-hearted. ’

Mo Tan nodded slightly and replied in seconds.

‘So it must be those kobolds who are at fault? Should we help? ’

‘I think so too, but let’s listen again. If you really want to help, I think we can start by talking. ’

‘Just talk about therapy? ’

"hold head high."

After the brief exchange between the two ended, Kag, who had just taken a large gulp of strong wine, continued: "As a result, more than ten days have passed, and I don't know what happened, but those kobolds turned around. It's happening, and the commotion is getting bigger and bigger. Now it's not just our Miners Association, but the entire Artisan Town is in trouble. Mine No. 12 contains some basic ores that are easy to mine, and they are used very quickly. Now everyone can see the inventory on hand. At the end of the day, everyone is so upset."

"Just a moment, Mr. Karger."

Jadeka suddenly interrupted him and said with a suspicious look on his face: "You mean, more than 300 kobolds in the mining area rebelled together, causing the Artisan Town to have a headache?"

Kag nodded vigorously: "That's right."

"This isn't right."

The old mage stroked his beard and frowned: "As far as I know, the average strength of the kobold race is basically not very strong. There are not even a few geniuses. Most of them can't even reach the high-level threshold. In a mining area There are more than 300 kobolds here. I think the average strength is overwhelming, that is, the elementary level. Even if there are some intermediate or even high-level experts, it is not scary to the great engineers here, right? Why is the situation like this? To the extent that you have to publish quests in the Adventurer’s Guild?”

“Isn’t it enough to be afraid?”

A wry smile appeared at the corner of Kag's mouth, and he shook his head and said: "That's what I thought at first, too. How powerful can a bunch of kobolds be? At worst, I have to deal with them all and then reason with them, but the result... alas."

"What happened?"

Dabbs expressed curiosity.

Father Kag's face was expressionless: "Naxam Brando, a well-known craftsman in the town, has brought a large number of advanced engineering creations and plans to go over and 'reason' with those kobolds."

"Then what?"

"Then that despicable and shameless instigator set the location of the negotiation inside the mine."

"What happens next?"



"Master Brando blew up the place with just one detonator. He was seriously injured and fell into a coma. He was taken hostage by the leader, a kobold who called himself Brother A Liang."


"Brother Aliang."

Chapter 664: End

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