Quadruple split

Chapter 675 Retreat first

Not to mention the issue of whether the kobolds are slaves or not, Mo Tan and the others really can't hold on anymore.

After Jadkar's deceptive staff exploded on the spot, roasting the biological and chemical weapons that should have been burned directly, a smell that was so bad that it was indescribable completely filled this relatively spacious space. It turned out that even the kobolds who generally paid less attention to personal hygiene were a little bit unbearable, and one can easily imagine the situation of the Wangwang team, which was always under fire at this stall.

The first one to suffer was Yaya. This girl with a sensitive sense of smell, let alone her fighting ability, even her mobility has been reduced to zero. She knelt not far behind Mo Tan and kept retching. She usually had a pair of shiny eyes. Her big eyes had lost their sparkle, and her delicate and lovely face had no color at all, and she was about to spit out bile just by looking at her.

Ji Xiaoge, who is also a girl, is not much better. Although her identity as a player makes her pain tolerance much higher than that of ordinary NPCs, this 'pain' refers to real injuries, such as large blades. , fireballs and the like, and in terms of the five senses, there is no systematic decline in smell, taste or hearing, so the attack power of these kobolds is unknown, but they are as disgusting as they are 'biochemical weapons' Nature exerted its full effect on her. Although it was not as miserable as Yaya, it still made Ji Xiaoge's hands and feet weak. She lay on the ground and couldn't help retching. It had reached the point where she would be forcibly disconnected by the system if she continued. .

As for Wang Ba Dan, there is a saying that his theoretical endurance should be stronger than that of the two girls. After all, from a biological (?) point of view, he has a dirty personality and is more dirty in this form. The offensive resistance will definitely not be too bad, but the problem is that as the first being to be targeted, and also the best target in the Wangwang team, Wang Badan was hit by that thing that is not very convenient to describe. His face was confused, and he was also the only one in the group who was directly confused. Although Mo Tan rushed forward to block a large number of attacks at the first time, Wang Badan was still directly put into the 'Void' state. , the whole brain was blank and stayed in a daze.

In other words, except for Anthony Dabbs, who was unable to pass the initial section of the mine tunnel due to height issues and stayed behind, three of the remaining five members of the Wangwang adventurer team have completely lost their fighting ability, and although the kobolds around them are still there, The flavor of grilled SHI is more or less affected, but it still has the energy to continue to 'fire' at these uninvited guests.

"Stop! We have no intention of harming you!"

As one of the only two fighting forces present, Mo Tan almost danced the giant sword in his hand into a screen of light in order to protect Ji Xiaoge, Yaya and Wang Badan. His physical strength dropped rapidly like a floodgate, but he still did not act rashly. He took action to fight back against the kobolds. After being hit by two SHI balls, he had already judged that most of these kobolds had not even touched the low-level threshold. Converted to a more easily understandable term for players, they were not yet level 10. , that is to say, if Mo Tan really uses a few skills on top, such as [Arc-Moon Double Flash], [High Wind], etc., he may directly chop those kobolds to death, so he is always in a passive defensive state.

And Jadeka also has the same worries as Mo Tan. As one of the only fighting forces at the moment, he not only has to prevent his lethal spells from falling on those kobolds, but he is also always careful not to use his best skills. Fire magic is used to intercept those 'barrages'. After all, the smell of this space is already bad to a certain extent. If a few more fires are added, not to mention Ji Xiaoge and Yaya who have fallen, even the old mage himself may not be able to Keep holding on.

"This can't go on like this."

The old mage raised his staff and carefully summoned a wall of fire half a meter in front of a dozen kobolds, forcing them to throw their shit weapons and retreat. Then he covered his mouth and nose and said in a deep voice to Mo Tan: "If you don't retreat, , either we fall here, or we have to be cruel, Yaya and Xiao Yege will not be able to hold on anymore!"

Mo Tan nodded solemnly. Because the scene was too noisy, the tall kobold who looked like a leader not far away did not seem to hear his words, while the excited kobold miners around him He didn't look like he could communicate rationally with others, so he immediately shouted to Jadeka: "You take the three of them and retreat first, and I'll attract their attention."

"Okay! Follow as soon as possible, if anything happens."

Jadeka paused for a moment when he said this, until a 'barrage' flew past his face before he said seriously: "Just use the method that only you know to tell Xiao Yege or Dabus. "

Obviously, Jadeka has always been aware of the differences between Mo Tan and other three players from ordinary people, but he just deliberately didn't mention it before.

"No problem, hurry up."

Mo Tan, who had known that Jadeka and Ya Ya were aware of the players, nodded without thinking, and then took advantage of the moment when the kobolds' attack slowed down to quickly hang the giant sword behind his back and take it out of his bag. He picked up two blunt, rusty flails with [extremely low attack power], rushed forward with a [Collision Blow], and the powerful-looking flail in his right hand roared out. , hitting a kobold who was caught off guard in the chest, sending his thin body flying into the air.

"What a big trough!"

The kobold warrior, who was directly hit and lost 28% of his health, screamed in surprise, drew an arc in mid-air, danced and fell to the ground, rolling several times before he could stop.

Mo Tan had chosen this target a long time ago. He felt that the kobold who wore a set of heavy armor that seemed to be of decent quality and did not throw SHI balls with most of his companions was most likely a player, and his level was probably not high. It would be extremely low, so he changed it to a weapon of poor quality and directly swung it away, which attracted a wave of hatred to himself. At the same time, Jadeka kicked Wang Badan awake and dragged Ji Xiao behind Yaya's back. Pigeon rushed towards the mine tunnel that several people had taken when they came.

"Fight that half-dragon warrior!"

"Let's see if Shuai Hu is dead!"

"Kill her to death!"

"Do it, do it! Brothers, copy the guy!"

"There are many of us!"

Several kobolds who were also brothers of Brother A Liang were angry at that time. While running hurriedly to see if the brother who had been smashed away was okay, they shouted to the surrounding miners to attack the Motan group.

For a moment, Jadeka and others were ignored in such a gorgeous way, while things were raining down around Mo Tan, which made him miserable.

"Can you please stop for a moment? This is probably a misunderstanding!"

Mo Tan swung the two flails to protect himself as much as possible, calling at the top of his voice. If possible, he still hoped that there would be some understanding among the players who were suspected of inciting the miners to riot, so that everyone could sit down and have a good chat. chat.



The warrior who had been thrown away just now stood up in embarrassment. He didn't care about the shit flying in the sky. He aimed at Mo Tan and charged: "What the hell are you doing?"

Boom! !

The kobold warrior, who was hit hard on the chest again, staggered and fell at Mo Tan's feet, covering his heavy armor that had been smashed into cracks and coughing violently: "You cough, cough, cough."

"It's not good to curse."

Mo Tan shook his head, casually picked up the kobold warrior who was in a [stunned] state and threw it among his fellow players. He said solemnly: "I am also a player. Fighting like this won't solve the problem. You should be able to see I will always be merciful when you come out!"

As a result, amidst the shouts of "He's pretending", various long-range attacks were thrown at him along with everything in the sky, including arrows, magic, bricks and even stinky boots that smelled like salted fish.

"Did you mess it up?"

Mo Tan smiled bitterly and shook his head. While trying to dodge the attacks from players that could cause harm to him, he secretly lamented in his heart how none of these guys could even listen to what others were saying.

In fact, there is.

Putting aside those Ma Zai who don’t know how to be cowardly in the game and are particularly easily fooled, Brother Aliang himself is not a person who can’t even listen to an explanation, but the latter is now because of the ubiquitous people around him. He lost consciousness due to the smell of roasted SHI. To put it bluntly, he was forcibly disconnected by the system because he was too disgusted. Although the character 'A Liang' is still in the game because there are a large number of NPCs paying attention to him, his main consciousness But now he has left the realm of innocence, so naturally he will not react to Mo Tan's words.

But his group of brothers who are quite loyal to the world are not so easy to get along with. Under the preconceived notions, these young and energetic boys and girls (yes, there are also girls) subconsciously follow this group of kobold miners. The poor man who he had not been able to save in the Marshall Territory for several months was equated with him. In addition to the reasons such as A Liang's coma, Shuai Hu being beaten, and Mo Tan's behavior that was very pretentious in their eyes, there was no such thing as After hearing what the latter explained, all I wanted to do was kill him!

To take a step back, if this happened in a reality where each person had only one life, these guys wouldn't be so excited. After all, let alone beating people to death, even if they gave people a little nosebleed, they would easily be taken to the cell. Criticism and education, so there must be some scruples in behavior, and scruples mean being able to negotiate. In this way, it is not difficult for Mo Tan, who is quite eloquent, to explain this matter. It will be huge.

It's a pity that this is a game world, and Mo Tan has personally admitted the fact that he is a player. From this, A Liang and his gang came to the conclusion that "it's okay to be beaten to death." The offensive, which had a certain amount of room, immediately became fierce.

[Perhaps I shouldn’t say that I am also a player.]

After discovering that the offensive of the twenty or so players suddenly became sharper, Mo Tan sighed in his heart with regret, and then completely gave up the idea of ​​​​talking things out today, waving the flail and fired vigorously. They found their way out and broke out of the encirclement without killing or maiming any kobold.

fifteen minutes later

East of Craftsman Town, entrance to the mine

"I thought I was going to get a bark."

Yaya lay limply on the ground like a dead dog, with a face as pale as the earth and murmured: "It's so adorable, I don't want to be barked again, hiss! What a bark!"

The pale-faced Ji Xiaoge wiped the back of the bitch's neck with a wet towel and said comfortingly: "Be good, it's better to be cooler than dirty."


Jadeka waved his re-iced staff and sprayed a stream of water on Wang Badaan's big, loveless face.

The latter shook his head vigorously and grumbled: "Why the hell do you call this Yongquan? Even if you urinate, it will show kidney failure, okay?"

"I'm not good at water magic."

Jadeka blushed and explained for himself, then turned to look at Dabus who was a few meters away: "Hey! Is it that serious? We have already wiped it clean, and the smell should be almost gone. Bar!"

Dabbs laughed twice and took another half step back: "That's because you can't smell it."

"Let's go back to the hotel and take a good shower later, if they are willing to let us in."

Mo Tan, who was leaning on Wang Ba Dan's side (the side with less SHI) sighed, and while wiping his armor, he reflected: "I'm sorry, it was my failure to make appropriate judgments that made everyone suffer... So much sin.”

Yaya flicked his tail gently and said with a groan: "Well, Mo Wang, if you let Wang hold you to sleep today, Wang will forgive him! It's so cold!"

"It's not Mo's fault. After all, no one would have thought that those people would whine."

Ji Xiaoge's pretty face turned pale again, and she put the wrung-out towel into Yaya's hand: "Wipe it inside yourself."

"Wang wants Sister Wang Ge to wipe it. Anyway, they are all girls, so Wang doesn't mind."

Yaya carefully rubbed Ji Xiaoge's face, which had been washed more than a dozen times, and hugged the latter with a smile.

Ji Xiaoge gently pinched Yaya's ears and said with a bitter smile: "I can't do it!"

"All in all, I personally feel that, let alone just a few of us, under that level of offensive, even if everyone in the hotel comes, it will be difficult for us to negotiate successfully."

Seeing that his apology was taken directly by the two girls, Mo Tan stopped being pretentious. He just spread his hands and concluded: "Go back and rinse briefly, and then go talk to Father Kag about the situation."

"Brother, are you sure we can get into the hotel? Despite this smell."

"Is there any other way?"

"Find a water source nearby. You guys can wash together, and I, the eldest sister, and Yaya, the three little girls, can wash together!"

"Where's your face?"

"It was in the placenta when I was born."


Time flies, time flies

Two days later.

Game time AM08:43

Free City, Night Zone, in front of the Kaivos family mansion

"Ah~ I really want to poop~"

A young man wearing a black servant's uniform yawned lazily and slowly walked into the courtyard in front of him, pushing a cart filled with ingredients.

Chapter 668: End

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