Quadruple split

Chapter 676 He sneaked in

The warm and bright sunshine illuminates the entire Free City equally. The chaos and darkness that fills every night have disappeared as usual a few hours ago. The light rain last night not only diluted the blood stains deep in every alley. , and also brings fresh air to the city that can last for an entire morning. The earthy smell that almost no one dislikes can cheer up anyone with a normal schedule when they open the window.

Mo Tan's energy was so high now that he was almost in vibrating mode.

Although he routinely had several battles with a certain 1.5 meter person on the Internet before going to bed, and in the middle of the game, he was in a hurry because the latter's offensive routine doubled and he had a fatal illness. , was almost pulled out from more than 70 groups of emergency addresses by the other party, so much so that 'himself' was forced to go to pieces, and actively transformed his personality at the cost of giving up a large number of virtual nodes, and finally published the story just when he was about to be finished. In the doubtful formation, with the frenzied operation of 'changing homes', the four-eyed tablet put an end to the aggressive final move, but he still felt very comfortable.

He never disliked the excitement of wandering on the edge of life and death, and could even say he enjoyed it.

Because of this, even though his brain was aching due to the amount of calculations that had just been carried out for two people, Mo Tan still seemed to be in high spirits, and even had the leisure to flirt with a certain good-looking woman during the 'infiltration' process. There was some rape viewing.

"Mr. Cordoba."

Wearing a pair of gold-rimmed glasses, the beautiful but mean dark elf housekeeper frowned slightly, and said coldly to the human guy with aggressive eyes in front of her: "I thought you were a qualified and decent person. The gentleman has even made plans to let you out of your 'trainee' status in advance."

Mo Tan smiled, his eyes still fixed on the former's proud bust, and impeccably leaned forward to salute this lady who had experienced blood embrace and whose status was much higher than that of a lowly servant like himself. : "I hope you won't do this, dear Ms. Eva, this is my lifelong request."

The dark elf housekeeper Eva Black Garden was slightly stunned and subconsciously asked: "Why?"

She couldn't help but be curious, because since a long time ago, the biggest wish of 'temporary workers' like Cordoba in the manor was to get out of the trainee status and become a full-time employee without being dismissed every few years and having to pay more. Twice the number of regular servants.

There is a stable backer, no need to worry about livelihood, and no need to worry about casually dying on the street one day. Many people with no skills and relatively common backgrounds hope to get such a job in the city of freedom. , and becoming an official servant of the Kaivos family is one of the countless channels, and being able to work stably here also has a unique advantage, that is, if you perform well, you may even get a 'blood embrace' as a reward. The temptation to greatly extend one's lifespan is enough to drive many people who think their lifespan is short into crazy.

Although the special group of blood seekers has many shortcomings, such as having to drink blood to survive, being often looked at with colored glasses, etc., compared with the temptation of being able to live dozens or even hundreds of years longer, this side effect is more common in many people. It is nothing in human eyes, not to mention that this is the most chaotic free city in the entire continent. Not to mention blood seekers, even necromancers, evil god believers and other existences do not need to hide their identities. The price of this is a free city. It seems even more insignificant.

It is precisely because of this that existences like the Kevos family, which is not even a third-rate force in the Free City, have a lot of people coming to apply for jobs every year hoping to become one of them, even if they can only start from the lowest level. Even a low-level servant has no complaints when he starts.

But as mentioned before, the Kaivos family, which is composed of blood seekers as its core, is not even a third-rate force in the Free City. The combined properties under its command only have one manor and two workshops. So naturally we don’t need that many people, even temporary workers. That is to say, unless there are special circumstances, a group of people will be replenished here every three to five years, and only about one-tenth will be added. Talents who have arrived can be converted from 'trainee' to full-time employment, with chefs, gardeners and the like accounting for the largest proportion, while ordinary servants have a slim chance of becoming full-time employees. The reason is very simple: the threshold is low and the base is large.

However, a housekeeper like Eva Black Garden who has served the Keyworth family for more than three hundred years naturally has the right to decide whether to let a trainee servant become a regular servant. In fact, the person in front of her is named Cole. She liked the young man from Dowa very much.

Although this Cordoba has only worked here for more than a month, his behavior is hard to find fault with. Compared with those little girls and boys who only work seriously when someone is watching, he starts working hard every day. Cordoba, who gets up early and sleeps the latest, is like a model worker. This young man can handle any task assigned to him in an orderly manner, and will not miss any detail that seems insignificant but is actually insignificant. He will take the initiative to share the work with others after handling the assigned tasks. In terms of behavior, although it can be seen that he has not received any advanced education, he is also polite and meticulous. In addition, his appearance foundation is also very good. Eva actually decided to recommend him to become a regular employee two days ago.

But today

[Is he possessed by evil spirits? 】

Ms. Eva looked at Cordoba with lowered eyes in confusion, and she didn't understand why the young man stopped her from recommending him to become a regular employee.

"A month ago, what you just said would have absolutely delighted me, Ms. Eva."

Mo Tan sighed softly, moved his eyes from the other party's slender waist to the trolley in front of him filled with daily ingredients, clenched his fists as if unnoticeably, and whispered: " But now I’m afraid I can no longer watch your busy figure in this mansion as calmly as I did at first.”

Eva was stunned for a moment, and vaguely made some associations under a certain intuition unique to women, but still maintained a cold and stiff expression, and asked lightly: "I don't understand what you are talking about, Mr. Cordoba."

"It's understandable, dear lady. After all, we are from two different worlds. Even if I am lucky enough to be embraced by blood in the future, I will only be an insignificant passerby in your long life."

Mo Tan smiled sadly, and held the trolley tightly with his hands whose knuckles were white from excessive exertion. He took another step towards the kitchen and said without looking back: "I will take the initiative to resign in one month. The time I spend under the same roof with you will be the most important treasure in my life."

Although his words were very ambiguous, the head maid, who had a fairly low IQ and EQ, still reacted after being stunned for a few seconds, and subconsciously called out to the former's back who had walked several meters away: "Cole .Mr. Doval”

'Cordoba''s stiff footsteps paused for half a second for a huge amount of information. Finally, without saying a word, he turned around the small fountain in the center of the courtyard and disappeared behind the hazy mist.

The average age of dark elves is 1,200 years old. For humans, even if they accept blood embrace and become blood seekers, they can only live three times longer at best, which is an average of 240 years old, not even 10 years old. The years my baby has experienced so far are long.

For some reason, Eva Heizhi, who suddenly thought of this, had an impulse to immediately catch up with the person who, logically speaking, should not have met her a few times, or she felt that the two had not fought each other a few times. The young man I met, let him speak clearly!

But she didn't do it after all. She just stayed silent for a long time, shook her head with a complex expression, and went back to what she was supposed to do.

at the same time

"Haha, didn't you come after me? Well, if that old maid really comes after you, things will become a little troublesome."

Mo Tan skillfully moved the ingredients on the wooden cart to the kitchen, chuckled and murmured, opened the message bar and sent a string of garbled codes to someone in the chat box.

‘Garbage garbage garbage garbage garbage! Were you scared to death just now? ! Hahahaha, if it hadn't been for this young lady's arrogance, you would have been sent to jail by now, you fat bastard, to have your butt played with by others! ’

The other party's reply was also very fast.


Mo Tanyan replied briefly and concisely to Futaba, and then blocked it directly. The specific content can basically be analyzed as "Haha, silly girl, you didn't realize that you were trapped until the end. If you weren't lucky, you would have stopped in time." I was exposed by the whole internet, now you still have the nerve to show off in front of your father? ’.

Although the scalability is relatively strong, this is indeed what Mo Tan wants to express with the word 'ha', and it is also what Futaba interpreted from the word 'ha'. In fact, the latter was originally worried about the other party yesterday. The flaw that Wan suddenly revealed due to his carelessness was actually a trap. In the end, he was sweating when he stopped the offensive at the brink.

Although if she had not chosen to pull back from the brink 'wisely', Mo Tan might have been sent to prison and had her butt played with by now.

All in all, as of now, the two of them have been chatting with each other in the message board for nearly two hours. Yes, including the civilized, harmonious, honest, friendly, professional and free greetings between Mo Tan and Ms. Eva when they were flirting. It never stopped.

The result was the same as before. Although the two men used a huge amount of temptations and counter-tests in their verbal exchanges, they still generally achieved nothing.

At least that's what it seems.

[Huh, let’s not worry about that damn tablet, it’s better to come sooner than later~]

After saying goodbye to the dwarf apprentice who was making soy sauce in the kitchen, Mo Tan had just pushed the cart away when he saw a middle-aged man with a stocky build, average appearance, and short height striding towards this side. He quickly lowered his head and saluted: " The head of the family."

"Haha, don't be so formal, be more casual."

The middle-aged man, whose complexion was too fair to match his painting style, grinned, patted Mo Tan on the shoulder, and raised his eyebrows at him: "Is there anything left to eat in the kitchen?"

The visitor was none other than the current owner of this manor, the current patriarch of the Kaivos family, Lesa Keyvos's biological uncle, who tenderly killed the former head of the family, Feizelen, on a dark and windy night. ·The great bull carriage of Keyworth and his wife - Creb Keyworth.

As Lesa said, his sinless uncle didn't seem to have much airs. Even after becoming the head of the family, he still looked like a cook, and his loud voice almost shook Mo Tan.

"There is still food in the kitchen! Master!"

Mo Tan also yelled at the top of his lungs with no less momentum than Kreb, causing the latter's head to buzz.

"Good boy."

Creb Kevos smacked his lips and nodded to Mo Tan: "Go and do your business. I'll go in and find some meat to eat."

Then he rubbed the base of his ears and ran to the kitchen.

"You walk slowly."

Mo Tan leaned over and saluted Creb's back. He didn't straighten up until the latter waved his hand randomly. He watched the master of the house get into the kitchen, with a playful curve at the corner of his mouth.

Game time AM12:31

Free City, Evangelical Quarter, Sun Cult Chapel, Confession Room

"Hello, I am willing to be your listener and pray to the great god to forgive your sins~"

A soft voice came from the other side of the wooden board. The sweet voice was refreshing and made the young man sitting on the chair smile.

"I don't think I have any sins that deserve forgiveness."

Cole Schulun leaned back on the chair happily and stretched his body lazily: "Long time no see, Xiao Ai, it feels so good to hear your voice again."

The girl on the other side of the board was silent for a few seconds before snorting in displeasure: "Obviously, sir, you didn't commit any crime as you just said, and you haven't come to see your friend for so long. Absolutely a big mistake.”

"Well, you're right~"

Cole trimmed his nails with the short blade hidden in his cuffs and asked with a smile: "So, will God forgive my sins?"

"God doesn't care about you!"

Xiao Ai pouted, and then suddenly chuckled: "But I can forgive you. It's been a long time, Cole, you sound good."

The latter nodded slightly and complained with a bitter look on his face: "I'm just a little too tired. If you knew what my husband asked me to do, you would definitely shed tears of sympathy."

"You are much more glib than before."

The girl rolled her eyes slightly and said condescendingly: "Anyway, you did it voluntarily. Your work is probably a sign that your husband values ​​you."

"Don't come here, sir, he obviously values ​​you more."


"it is true."

"Who said that?"

"The gentleman told me personally."


Chapter 669: End

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