Quadruple split

Chapter 698 New Life

[Ole Star α·0.2 dual-core prototype machine]

Manufacturer: Merlin/Mo

Category: Special

Faction: █立% # 好█ @\u0026

Quality: Unique Epic

Synchronization rate: 31%

HP: 5800/5800

Magic reserve: 38000/38000

Enchantment: Overloaded Elemental Furnace, Rampant Elemental Torrent, Out-of-control Elemental Ascension

Mount: [Bionic Tactile Nervous System β·0.8], [Bionic Auditory Nervous System β·1.0], [Bionic Visual Nervous System γ·0.3], [Low Power Neurons]*3000, [High Power Neurons]*20 , [Type 7 Artificial Synapse Matrix]*5, [Strong Magnetic Generator], [Restraint Device], [Arcana Feedback Device], [Plug-in Secret Gold Charging Armor], [One-piece Black Box (Sin-immersed) pollute)】

Dual Core: Luther King/Vacancy

Activation restrictions: any legal profession level \u003e 40

Full activation limit:? ? ?

Absolute authority: Mo/Silent Prayer

Traits [I]: Soul drive, high-speed charging, elemental vision, sin-immersed overload

Traits [II]: NA/NA

Talent [I]: The limit of mediocrity, the elegance of the mage B, zero fault tolerance, multi-line processing A, position composition EX, effort EX, sin-soaked overload (not available yet), in the name of sin (not available yet)

Talent [II]: NA/NA

Skills [I]: [Six series of fire, ice, wind, earth, thunder and light, all medium and low-level conventional magic], [Arcane Missile], [Arcane Barrage], [Arcane Nova], [Arcane Storm] ], [Powerful Arcane Awakening], [Arcane Structure], [Arcane Enhancement], [Prism Shield], [Crystal Barrier], [Elemental Perception], [Elemental Runes] [Stacking Twin Stars], [Life Circuit], [Sin-soaked Arcana-Explosive Kill], [Sin-soaked Arcana-Soul Fusion], [Sin-soaked Arcana-Disintegrating Storm]

Skill [II]: NA/NA

[Remarks: Merlin's experimental machine was improved to an upgraded version based on the Fierce Star α·0.1 prototype. In addition to improving all indicators by more than 20% compared to the prototype, it also installed a complete set of expensive equipment. The external armor greatly improves its survivability, and the core black box technology has been transformed into a one-piece structure, which can support multiple cores to drive high power at the same time. The overall output is 200% of the original black box, but its shortcomings are The difficulty of soul synchronization has also increased significantly. In addition, the new black box contaminated by the power of original sin cannot accommodate ordinary-sized cores. Only souls that have also been 'baptized' and have a integrity of more than 90% can control it. 】

Life passes from the body at an unimaginable speed.

Everything in front of me became blurry, turbid, and fragmented.

The elegant genius not far away had his staff erected in front of him and was saluting himself.

[It is an honor to fight with you. I am Bart Garros, the Grand Mage. 】

This is what he said, that dazzling genius, the Grand Duke who had almost everything he dreamed of, the teacher's most proud disciple, a hard-working genius.

Okay, maybe he didn't work hard on his own, but in terms of talent, there is a huge difference between the two.

Haha, if you say that, you should be the one who feels honored, after all

I'm just a mediocre person who chooses the 'right answer'.

"It's an honor to fight with you. I am Luther King, a high-level mage and a disciple of Farah Ossis."

So I still chose the 'correct' answer at the last moment, and even at the moment of curtain call, I didn't complain about the hateful fate.

How hypocritical.

At the end of my life, I lamented in my heart.

"May the light of magic be with you and me."

The Duke, who was favored by fate, greeted me. I couldn't see his expression clearly, but I guess it was pity. It could only be pity, right?

"May the light of magic be with you and me."

I used my last bit of strength to maintain my hypocrisy to the end, just because this sentence was a 'correct' and 'respectable' answer, but in fact, I knew very well that I had never been illuminated by the radiance of any magic.

Then, death came hastily, pulling me into eternal darkness at the invitation of Archduke Garros.

Whether it’s envy or longing, it’s all just an act.

In the last moment when my heart stopped beating, all I wanted to do was accuse, accuse everything I could think of.

But I didn't. I decided to close my eyes "peacefully", maintain the role that Luther King should play until the last moment, and keep those incorrect thoughts that would make others ashamed under my nose.

No matter how bad the mage is, as long as he is a mage, that's all.


What a boring reserve.

Boring, boring, boring, boring boring boring boring boring! ! ! !

Those who believe this statement to be true are the real fools.

Stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid! ! ! !


Such a boring idiot

my name is.

"Luther King."

The black box that had been completely extinguished buzzed again, and the puppet that collapsed on the ground roared hoarsely. He stood up suddenly amid a wave of tyrannical magic power, and turned his head to look at the two figures in front of him without any hesitation. [Bionic Visual Nervous System γ·0.3] has been dyed pitch black by some indescribable force, and the creaking metal joints on its body have been operating smoothly and without any jerkiness after a series of explosions.

As the opponent stood up, Merlin rushed to the magic crystal board next to him, staring at the constantly refreshing values ​​on it, and shouted selflessly: "The synchronization rate is 40%! 48%! 55%! 72%! 80%! We succeeded, Boy Mo! 002 has completely adapted to his new body, a miracle! A miracle with a success rate of less than 1%! Hahaha, hahahahaha! Praise for knowledge! Praise for my motherfucker Everything I can praise! This world is so interesting!!”

"I understand how you feel, Merlin."

Mo smiled faintly, then turned his gaze to the seemingly chaotic [Ole Star α·0.2 dual-core prototype] in front of him, and corrected: "But from now on, you'd better call him Mr. Luther King. , after all, the name 'Experimental Subject No. 002' really lacks beauty."


Merlin said without looking back. He excitedly took out two pieces of crumpled parchment and started writing on them. He smiled enthusiastically and said, "No. 002. Oh, that Luther King... Our only high-quality finished product, I can call him ancestor."

Mo smiled noncommittally and looked calmly at Luther King, who was raising his arm in front of him. To be precise, it was an artifact driven by Luther King's soul: "This name won't last long, if it doesn't come out. If something unexpected happens, you will get a new identity soon, Mr. Luther."

What answered him was a string of basketball-sized, pitch-black [Arcane Missiles].

A crystal with the same black brilliance appeared silently in mid-air, swallowing up all the dozen orbs containing astonishing magic power, and then disappeared from Luther King's sight like an illusion, leaving no trace behind. trace.

"The destructive power of high-level magic."

Merlin suddenly turned his head to look at the [Evil Star Trial Machine] which was in a sluggish state, tossing the parchment in his hand with gleaming eyes, and muttered quickly: "The casting speed and consumption are completely low. The level of high-level magic, but its power is comparable to the sixty-three types of single high-level magic, haha, hahahahaha, you really don’t pay attention to the law of conservation of energy at all!”

"The Lord of Sin."

After recovering from the shock, Luther ignored Merlin and instead locked his gaze on the young man in front of him, staring at the highly recognizable mask on the latter's face. A certain sound-producing device said hoarsely: "Why are you here?"

"Witness the birth of a miracle!"

Merlin interjected feverishly.

"As Merlin said, witness the birth of a miracle, Mr. Luther."

Mo showed a warm smile and said playfully: "Returning to this boring world in this way. As a native of this world, although this experience is not unprecedented, it is still It can be said to be unprecedented.”

Luther's thoughts were still a little confused, but this did not prevent him from guessing what happened to him, so he had to ask subconsciously: "What do you want to do?"

“There’s a lot I want to do”

Mo gently adjusted his mask and said to the man-made object in front of him, which Merlin called a work of art: "But for now, I just hope you like this little gift and cooperate with me in the future. The work of this Master of Merlin was then put to my use in a completely new identity.”

Luther was silent for a long time, shook his head and said, "I don't understand what you are talking about."

"You'll understand, soon."

Mo walked up to Luther with his hands behind his back and said with a smile: "White Bishop Osiris, if everything goes well, you will get this name after the end of Merlin's current project."

Luther snorted, and a complex magic circle with a radius of more than two meters suddenly appeared at his feet. A pair of dark 'pupils' stared at him coldly: "Although I don't quite understand, Sir Sin Lord is not really naive enough to think Will you let me serve under you?"

"Of course, because there is no place for you except here."

Mo seemed to have completely missed the large elemental array that was so close at hand, surging with violent magic, and just said to himself: "Mr. Luther, although I still want to call you that, the fact is, the high-level mage Luther King has died a long time ago. The existence in this body now is just a lonely ghost. To a certain extent, even the lowest undead creature is inferior to everything in this world. They can't accept you, and now you can't accept everything in this world, right?"

Luther did not launch an attack, nor did he question Mo's specious words. He just asked without emotion after a long silence: "How did you know?"

He suddenly stopped in the middle of speaking, and then actually dispersed the heavy magic formations under his feet and behind him. He closed his eyes and staggered back two steps. He raised his finger to point at the ink tremblingly, unable to say a word.

"You guessed it right, Mr. Luther."

The latter nodded slightly, put his hands behind his hands and chuckled: "Everything you can feel now after being reborn is the only meaning of my existence, or it can be said to be my existence itself, the first and last. Look, Come on you already understand.”

"I do not understand!"

Luther's voice trembled: "This is ridiculous."

"Yeah, it's ridiculous, all of this is ridiculous."

Mo nodded slightly and said with his hands behind his back: "So we should correct this ridiculous mistake, right?"

One minute later.

"Yes, we should."

Luther lowered his gaze and no longer looked at the pair of abyss-like black eyes. He clenched his fists filled with metallic texture and said with a sense of fanatical ritual in his tone: "We must do this, Your Excellency."

"very good."

Mo nodded slightly, turned around and walked out: "Check your body carefully. You have obtained everything you could not dream of in the past. During the next period of time, you will assist Merlin in completing the next few stages of the project. That's it."


Luther first bowed, and then whispered as if he suddenly remembered something: "Ah, please wait a moment!"


Mo's footsteps paused slightly.

Luther hesitated for several seconds, and then asked a little uneasily: "You just said, 'If everything goes well, you will get this name after the end of Merlin's current project,' right?"

"That's right."

"So, who do you mean by 'you'?"

"As you expected, Merlin will tell you the rest."


Luther stood up straight suddenly, and the high volume erupted from the sound machine almost knocked Merlin off the workbench.

A few minutes later, Mo disappeared at the exit of the underground workshop.

"002 No, Mr. Durkin, Garros told me about you before."

While adjusting various values ​​on the magic crystal board, Merlin said absently: "It seems that you and your very powerful mentor were both killed by Boy Mo, right?"

I have to say that this old man really doesn’t know how to talk. In a blink of an eye, he remembered Luther King’s name incorrectly and stopped talking about it. He also asked a very embarrassing question as soon as he started talking. question.


However, Luther did not show any displeasure. He just looked at the information about his 'body' on the magic crystal board with interest and nodded: "You are right."

Merlin laughed and turned to wink at Luther: "I thought you would fight your way to the bottom after regaining consciousness, but in the end you agreed to work for Mr. Mo so easily."

"Is it weird?"

Luther looked down at the old dwarf in front of him who was said to have built his new body with his own hands.

"I don't know, I'm not interested."

Merlin curled his lips and said casually: "I'm just checking to see if you have any resistance."

"You are worrying too much. For me now, Lord Sin is the real savior."

"Oh? What about you before?"


"Mr. Lukin?"

"The me before was already dead."

"Oh, that's how it is."


Chapter 691: End

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