Quadruple split

Chapter 699 Chaotic lights and shadows

Game time PM13:15

[You have been disconnected urgently, please choose whether to reconnect]


【Reconnection starts.】

[Connection completed, reading character information]

[Welcome back, lawful and kind Mo, will soon enter the realm of innocence, wish you a good night]

Hongyun Terrace, Artisan Town [Burning Steel] Hotel, Mo’s Room

After logging back into the game, Mo Tan opened his eyes vigilantly and found that he was still sitting in the cross-legged posture when he was offline. He let out a long sigh of relief, and then he pressed his legs in place for a full two minutes before he managed to move his legs that made him feel extremely sore. Most of the pleasant numbness was dispelled.

"Huh, why doesn't [Premonition] trigger every time it's 'fragmented'?"

Mo Tan frowned and muttered, while pushing against the lingering numbness in his legs and rubbing against the bed, his eyes full of confusion: "Not only can the [Premonition] not be triggered, even the [Wise Man's] has already broken through once. Foresight] failed to issue an early warning. Although nothing major has happened in this regard these days, but if there is no way to solve it in the future, forget it, people have to learn to be content."

He sighed softly, lay back on the bed and stared blankly at the ceiling, rarely in a daze.

Ever since Cordoba informed Cordoba about the state of the crazy and irrational humanoid creature in the Small Inquisition when he was 'fragmented', those intermittent memories that have been sealed in dust for more than ten years have always been difficult to suppress. When it pops up, its content will naturally not be anything that can be associated with positive emotions.

Even if the memories related to it have become vague and specious, the chilling feeling has never weakened by half. The overwhelming fear and the trembling with nowhere to escape can almost drive anyone with a sane mind crazy. people.

Mo Tan felt that he was lucky, because he survived in the end. Not only that, but the side of him that would make everything messy every time he appeared also fell silent unconsciously. To this day, except for the side that he has become accustomed to In addition to being a natural mental illness, which means that one can switch between the three personalities at any time, life has become normal to the point where it can no longer be satisfactory.

Of course, the so-called 'normal' is only compared to himself. In the eyes of others, such as the only insider, Yi Dong, Mo Tan is still an alien among aliens, a psychopath among psychopaths, and a fighting egg among bastards. .

But again, at least compared to the days before that could no longer be described as hazy, Mo Tan is really normal enough now. At least he doesn't need to worry about whether he will accidentally kill Yi Dong. .

The days when the situation was most serious were also the days when he most wanted to break up with his best friend.

Fortunately, everything is over.

"Is it all over?"

Mo Tan raised the corners of his mouth bitterly, and his eyes were full of confusion: "If it has really passed, how can we explain the 'it' locked up in the small tribunal of the City of Light?"

He did not use 'I' as usual to describe the existence that seemed to be his fourth side. On the one hand, it was because Mo Tan was still not 100% sure that the monster was himself, and on the other hand, because, regardless of his current personality, When he is in absolute neutrality or chaotic neutrality, it is difficult for him to regard the 'that side' in his memory as himself.

Although there are only some hazy impressions left, Mo Tan still remembers that during that time that is difficult to describe easily, every time he recalls being 'that side' of himself, he feels like watching a first-person documentary This feeling, this experience, is far from the feeling of 'although it's very confusing to think about it now, but I did the right thing' when he switched between the other three personalities.

To put it simply, the latter is the feeling of A in the afternoon when he recalls A in the morning, while the former is like A watching a documentary in which he starred but had no impression at all.

Just like those typical split personalities in the cases

Mo Tan, who diagnosed himself as a patient with atypical schizophrenia, smiled to himself.

All in all, he still couldn't connect 'that side' to himself, no matter which self he was.

In addition to this concern, Mo Tan, who has a lawful good personality, also has another layer of entanglement, that is, if the monster in the Small Inquisition is indeed 'that side', then he has always been locked in a dark cell. Or maybe I am a little pitiful.

[This is ridiculous sympathy! 】

He warned himself this every time, but he still often had this thought subconsciously.

To this day, in addition to the shadow of the apocalypse that Cordoba once discovered in Chauvin, Mo Tan has basically completely locked in the identity of the two lights and two shadows in the prophecy of Tianzhu Mountain. First of all, as 'Mo' himself and the body The person who is 'Tan Mo' is definitely one of the groups of lights/shadows, and the person who is Black Brahma has a high probability of being another light of revelation. Although there is a small probability that it may be Yu Chen, as long as you use the induction method After a little reasoning, you will find that the possibility of 'Black Brahma' is much greater.

The problem lies with the theoretical final Shadow of the Apocalypse.

Yes, in theory, one.

But in fact, there are two.

A Shade of the Apocalypse discovered by Cordoba in the Chauvinist Empire.

A shadow of the apocalypse identified by Cordoba in the Small Inquisition of the City of Light.

The former was discovered on January 14th in real time, in the ruins of Banser City in the southern part of the Chauvin Empire on the Southwest Continent, and his whereabouts were subsequently unknown.

The latter was discovered on January 10th in real time, in the outer suburbs of St. Prey Town on the border of the Northeastern Continent’s Holy Land. It has been under the control of the Dawn Sect since then, and was later transferred to the Small Inquisition in the City of Light until today.

In the ten days from January 10th to January 20th, 'Tan Mo', who was also the Shadow of Apocalypse and had a chaotic neutral personality, was busy blackmailing the local thieves guild in Kalan City. It was absolutely impossible Appear in Banser City or Saint Prey Town.

In this way, Mo Tan can easily come to the fact that at the same time, there are three shadows of Apocalypse that are absolutely impossible to appear in the same place in this world at the same time, and this is obviously related to Tianzhu Mountain. That prophecy is contrary to that.

Among the three Shadows of the Apocalypse, after excluding the self in the chaotic neutral state, what remains is the monster in the Small Inquisition that can be basically determined to only appear in his 'fragment' time, and the one who appeared at the scene of the death of a certain Tianzhu Mountain agent. exist.

No matter how you look at it, that monster perfectly meets all the conditions for his 'side', that is, crazy, disordered, unable to be online with any of the three characters 'Hei Fan', 'Mo', and 'Tan Mo' at the same time, and According to Yuchen and Cordoba, his appearance is quite similar to that of 'Mo Tan'.

At first glance, it seems like everything is fine, but...

"If the two known lights of the apocalypse and the two shadows of the apocalypse are really me"

Mo Tan rubbed his forehead with a headache and murmured to himself: "Then how do you explain the 'shadow' that appeared in the southwest continent?"

Although he rarely showed it, Mo Tan had never stopped thinking about this matter. No matter which personality he was in, he had racked his brains to think about and analyze it countless times.

There is an extra shadow. At first glance, it seems to be big or small, and even if it is a big thing, it is a problem that those in Tianzhu Mountain need to worry about. But if the first four lights and shadows are all related to Motan, then the extra shadow no matter what It has nothing to do with him.

Of course, if you have to explain it, you can find many reasons. For example, the fifth one is actually a quest monster with the trait of "shadow". It needs to be conquered after having all the Mo Tan level equipment. Anyway, it is innocent. The world is just a game, and this snake-oil explanation makes sense no matter how you explain it.

But Mo Tan, who has been playing for half a year and has experienced a lot, can no longer just regard this thing as a game.

So. I always feel that this matter is a bit deep.

He thinks so under the three personalities↑

The difference is that Mo Tan in the absolute neutral state is relatively timid, so he has no interest in delving into it at all, while although Mo Tan in the chaotic neutral state is very concerned about this matter, he has too many things on his mind. Now, I'm playing with the Whispering Sect, scolding and killing Futaba, studying Yu Ying's scary quest chain, doing experiments on Leisha who has two souls in one body, investigating the tricks of the Kaivos family, and cultivating priests who don't believe in God. He is very interested in cheating for money, sex, etc., so since he determined that the monster in the City of Light is most likely to be 'that side', Mo Tan (Chaotic Neutral) has lowered the priority of this matter. The frenzied investigative energy I had before.

Ever since.

[Perhaps I should find time to go to the Southwest Continent.]

Mo Tan scratched the scales on his cheek and began to seriously consider the matter. However, after considering it, there was no need to run to the southwest in the near future. At least he had to wait until Tianzhu Mountain. Come to a conclusion and give an explanation before making plans.

"Phew, I don't think about it anymore. I don't think about it anymore."

Mo Tan, whose legs were no longer numb at all, stood up and shook his head vigorously to expel the chaotic thoughts. He planned to go out first to chat with Jadeka and the others to understand the situation.

So the question is, what does he want to know about Shenma?

There is only one truth, and that is the situation of the nearby No. 12 Mine!

Of course, the strategy here does not include the Wangwang team. On the one hand, it is because the two girls Yaya and Ji Xiaoge have not yet recovered. On the other hand, the tasks jointly issued by the Miners Association and the Engineers Association of Craftsman Town have spread. , many adventurers have gathered here today.

As the saying goes, there must be fools under heavy rewards. Although Father Kag has warmly reminded everyone not to give in easily, most of the adventurers who know very well what kind of combat power the kobold race has do not take it seriously. With so many competitors, they all clapped their chests loudly and rushed into the mine eagerly to get Brother A Liang's dog head!


"Hey, brother, are you finally willing to give up?"

Wang Ba, who was lying at the door, looked back cheerfully at Mo Tan, who had just come out, and smiled mischievously: "This morning, several other adventurer teams of eight to fifteen people were killed. Together, four of them were killed." Of the ten or so people, only thirty managed to escape, and the rest were captured by the gang of grandsons. It is said that each person was poisoned with three pounds of SHI. One of the teams happened to live in the three rooms above us and ran back. When I was there, I almost ran away without being exposed to Yaya, it was so exciting!"

"This is really...sigh."

Mo Tan smiled bitterly and shook his head. He stepped over Wang Ba Dan's back and stood in the corridor. He casually asked the latter, "What are you all doing?"

Wang Ba boldly rushed to the room diagonally across the street and pursed his lips: "In Old Man Jia's room, Hu Jiba is hacking."

"Be civilized!"

Mo Tan kicked Wang Ba Dan, and then walked to Jadeka's door. Before he could knock, he was hugged by a graceful figure who came out of the door.


Yaya, who was hanging on Mo Tan's body, cheered, licked twice on Mo Tan's cheek with lightning speed, and shouted cheerfully: "I miss you!"

"Please calm down!"

With a blushing face, Mo Tan took off the excited girl from his body, stretched his neck and shouted to the people watching in the room: "Come here and help! Yaya is too strong today!"

Ji Xiaoge, who was leaning at the door, chuckled, shrugged and said, "When you were talking to Wang Badan outside just now, she was blessing herself with dog-whispering magic."

"Don't just talk! Come and help!!"

Mo Tan was distracted and was hugged by Yaya again. He staggered back and shouted: "Dabus! Jadeka! Come and help pull Yaya away!"

The other two people who were standing behind Ji Xiaoge stretched their necks to look out and then walked out of the room happily, pulling Yaya off Mo Tan's body one on the left and the other on the right.

During this process, Mo Tan unexpectedly lost 5% of his blood, which shows how tightly the girl was hugged.


Because of the series of unavoidable physical contacts just now, Mo Tan, who walked into the room, coughed twice in embarrassment. After being silent for a while, he looked at the dog with lingering fear, which was held in Ji Xiaoge's arms and wagging its tail. Mother: "What? What happened to Yaya today?"

While Ji Xiaoge was controlling the dog girl in his arms by tickling, he said with a smile: "She is usually like this, but today she jumped out after being blessed with the dog whispering magic. How about it, what a blessing, right?"

Mo Tan looked around and saw that no one seemed to have any intention of seeking justice for him, so he had no choice but to change the subject: "Well, speaking of the mining area, there doesn't seem to be any progress."

"What progress can be made?"

Dabbs let out a long sigh, spread his hands and said, "Those kobolds have completely brought the tactics of tunnel warfare and guerrilla warfare to Mine No. 12, and the results are outstanding."

"Uh, use tunnel warfare and guerrilla warfare to directly drive away other adventurers?"

"That's not entirely true. There were several very powerful teams that relied on scouts to survive."

"Then what?"

"Didn't Wang Badan tell you, he managed to escape more than thirty people, and each person lost three kilograms or something."


Chapter 692: End

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