Quadruple split

Chapter 700 A friend comes from afar

As of today, under the heavy reward jointly issued by the local Miners Association and Engineers Association, the number of adventurers gathered in Craftsman Town has exceeded three digits. Although the strength is generally not particularly strong, the number of adventurers at the same level as the Wangwang Team There are quite a few. Among the more than 100 people, there are about 70% mid-level, 25% low-level and six high-level professionals. Among the six bosses, there are two loners and four leaders. A horizontal comparison. If so, the strength is quite good.


It is both unexpected and reasonable, whether they are ordinary adventurers who want to try their luck, or high-level adventurers who feel that they are overkill by coming to fight the kobolds. With one exception, they all suffered head injuries and bloody injuries in Mine No. 12. The word "miserable" cannot describe their experiences.

There is only one reason, and that is Brother A Liang, who knows very well how much he weighs, has never thought of playing hard with these 'evil forces'. As a thoughtful and pursuing little gangster, he was almost defeated by the Wangwang team. I opened the search engine that night and bought more than a dozen sets of genuine military books (electronic versions) online, ranging from Sun Tzu's Art of War to On Protracted War. After breakfast the next day, I kept reading until I was supposed to have dinner. At that time, I finally watched the old movie "Tunnel Warfare" produced nearly a hundred years ago for a full hour and a half before going online, and then I logged into the game with more than satisfied.

After going online, Brother Aliang immediately asked his gang to summon the rest of the kobold miners. First, he briefly taught the gang of kobolds about the seven tactical principles of guerrilla warfare, namely -

[Concentrate operations and disperse guerrillas.

Get together into a gang and rush forward in one fell swoop.

If the enemy's situation is unknown, do not fight him.

When the enemy advances, we retreat; when the enemy retreats, we pursue him.

The enemy uses the form of running circles.

For distant enemies, first use methods such as throwing bricks, Molotov cocktails, crossbows, and SHI to harass them, and then use assault methods to carry out targeted strikes.

If the enemy seems to be in a bunker and is standing still, do not engage in direct combat with them for the time being and intensify harassment. 】

After finishing these seven points, he didn't care whether those excited dogs understood it or not. He immediately ordered everyone to carry out secondary transformation of the original mine. On the premise that it would not cause landslides, the digging could be as complicated as it was. How complicated it is to dig.

This move directly abolished the detailed map of Mining Area No. 12 in the hands of Artisan Town.

After that, Brother Aliang first ordered people to transfer the prisoners, and then talked about the greatness of guerrilla warfare and tunnel warfare with his younger brothers and sisters, and let these people who could not understand what they heard, but were still very excited. The young men each led a group of kobolds to conduct drills. They did nothing all day long and just ran around in the increasingly complex mining area. They were very busy.

One thing to say is that for the hundred-year-old kobolds who are extremely weak in individual strength, these two fighting methods passed down by their ancestors are indeed very suitable for them. Not to mention anything else, the mine that these guys are currently in is a There is no better tunnel. As long as you remember the terrain, even if the enemy's strength can crush you, you can still escape with one shot (or something else).

Even if the scouts of some teams move fast enough, they don't dare to pursue them too closely, otherwise a few of them will bend down and break away from the large army, and a bunch of dogs will definitely disgust them to the point of doubting their lives by relying on the favorable location.

This is not just talk. As of this morning, six or seven adventurers from the thief profession have gotten lost and were eventually captured because they pursued them too closely.

All in all, although Brother Aliang himself and the kobolds who listened to his orders were not very good at fighting, and their understanding of tactics was very superficial, they still gave those greedy adventurers (called Aliang) a head-on blow, and then As a result, so many days had passed, not to mention capturing the enemy chieftains and liberating the prisoners. Not one of the unlucky ones on the Bai Lai had even made it to the back half of the mine. Not to mention the heavy losses, many people were also caught in the mine.

However, Brother Aliang is still a principled and bottom-line person after all. Not only did he not abuse the prisoners, he even released a few captured girls and sisters. Although they were escorted out blindfolded, they were still considered It’s pity for the fragrance and cherish the jade.

However, no one appreciated it, including the girls who were finally released. They all hated Brother A Liang and his paparazzi with an itch.

The reason is simple. When those bastards saw that something was wrong and started throwing SHI at the adventurers, they never distinguished whether they were men or women!

This is so fucking embarrassing

"I went out for a walk this morning."

Jadeka slowly peeled an orange, shook his head and said: "Now there is no one here who doesn't hate those kobolds. Several adventurer teams have left the Artisan Town to move reinforcements. Old Kag from the Miners Association and a few The big craftsmen who have more say are also discussing whether to further expand the scope of the bounty, such as hiring a few mercenary groups or something."

Mo Tan, who was sitting opposite the old man, frowned slightly: "If this continues, I'm afraid this matter will cause a big fuss."

"It's not that small now."

Ji Xiaoge lazily leaned against Yaya, back to back, and lazily folded his two snow-white wings in front of him: "Even now, even Father Kage still thinks about our feelings and repeatedly emphasizes to those red-eyed adventurers. Don’t be cruel, but those people are no longer willing to go in. If the environment in the mine is not suitable for using large-scale destructive magic, it is estimated that the teams with mages have already started plowing the ground."

Dabbs sighed deeply, shook his head and said: "Actually, this matter is completely a misunderstanding. If it can be solved, anything can be done. It's a pity that Brother A Liang never turned on the friend switch, otherwise he wouldn't be like this at all. trouble."

Mo Tan glanced at him in surprise, but before he could speak, he was interrupted by Jadeka with a smile.

"Xiao Yege already told Yaya and me about you yesterday."

The old mage stroked his beard and smiled with folds on his face: "To be honest, in all my life, I have never heard of the concept of 'outsiders', but you don't have to think too much about it, let alone others. Yaya and I have always regarded you as our own. There are a lot of weird things in this world, and there are still people who are willing to sign contracts with the devil. A few more of you will not be too much, and a few of you less will not be enough."

"I'm sorry, I kept hiding this from you before."

Mo Tan smiled, then breathed a long sigh of relief, feeling that a big stone in his heart finally fell to the ground. In fact, he had long wanted to confess to Lao Jia and Ya Ya who had noticed the clues, but he had never found the right opportunity. .

Now I finally don’t have to give Wang Ba Gu a chance, otherwise that guy would say every now and then that he was going to visit a brothel when he was offline. If things go on for a long time, what if everyone accidentally believes him one day.

Ji Xiaoge turned around and stuck out her tongue at him: "You just think too much. We are all friends, how can we have so many messy worries."

"Yes, it's my fault."

Mo Tan nodded sarcastically, then raised his hand to clarify: "But it's not that I don't believe you, Lao Jia, it's just that the impact of this matter is a bit big."

"That's true."

Jadeka's expression suddenly became a little strange, and he grinned for a long time before he hesitated: "When Xiao Yege told me that Lu Jiang was actually a man, I was really frightened."

Recalling Lu Jiang's pretty little face, Mo Tan subconsciously twitched the corners of his mouth and said with a dry smile: "Actually, we were also shocked at the time."

"Well, let's stop talking about your identities here."

Jadeka seemed to still find it difficult to accept Lujiang's gender, so he casually changed the topic: "The Tyrannosaurus team that is traveling with us is already preparing to return to Anka with the caravan. To be honest, the team that loves to join in the fun, their team I don't understand, and I don't know what they are going to do next. What should we do? Should we stay or go back?"

Mo Tan, the nominal leader of the group, is also quite confused. First of all, from the perspective of completing the task, the value of everyone staying here is actually not very great. After all, a large number of adventurers have poured into Artisan Town in the past two days. There may be mercenary groups coming in the future. No matter how powerful the kobolds rebel, they will be eliminated sooner or later.

In other words, even if everyone agreed to Father Kager to help deal with the riot, no one would say anything if they left now. After all, so many people have come now, and Kager, as one of the publishers of the task, does it every day. They have to receive a large number of adventurers, and they are as busy as the grandfathers in the novice villages of many mainstream games.

But is this really good?

If things continue to ferment, no matter whether it is Brother A Liang whose sense of justice is a little skewed, or those kobolds in the mine who are confused and rebel with others, they will definitely not get anything good.

But even if you don't want to see that situation, what role can a few of you play in this process?

There is a way to complete the task before everyone else, but it is easy to say it, but it is completely another matter to do it. Not to mention that the interior of the mining area has been completely changed, and the kobolds have two things. Although it was a childish but at least systematic tactic, even if it was still the same as before, when Anthony Dabbs couldn't squeeze in and Ji Xiaoge and Yaya couldn't fight the whole battle, Mo Tan didn't think that he, Jadeka and Together, Wang Ba and Gu Gu can successfully enter the core of the mining area.


"Anyway, there's nothing going on now, so just wait and see."

After all, he did not choose to leave immediately, but suggested with a wry smile: "If it doesn't work, I will try it alone to see if I can meet someone who can talk well and explain things clearly. If it doesn't work, I will leave." It’s not too late.”

Dabbs chuckled: "I have no objection."

"I'll go with you, so we can both take care of you."

Jadeka also nodded and said with a smile: "Old man, I have lived for so many years and I haven't seen anything. It's just some feces."

Ji Xiaoge's little face turned a little pale, but he still nodded happily: "I don't support leaving in such a dejected manner. Let's do this. I will go to the association to borrow a workshop soon to see if I can develop it. Get a filter mask or something, and then go with you."

I have to say that although this girl has a ceiling-level appearance and temperament, she is not squeamish at all. Even though she has no resistance to disgusting things like most girls, she can still suppress this resistance. Come on, grit your teeth and go to shit together with everyone.

"Woof woof a bit...woo."

Ya Ya swallowed her saliva with a look on her face, huddled behind Ji Xiaoge and shivered for a while before gritting her teeth and said: "If Sister Wang Ge can make Wang not smell it, Wang will go too."

Ji Xiaoge rubbed Yaya's hair with a smile: "Hey, this time you stay behind and take care of Dabus. Even if I can really make a device to filter out odors, I probably won't be able to handle Yaya's sensitive sense of smell." It won’t have much effect.”

Yaya pouted, as if he was planning to show off, but after thinking for half a second, he lowered his head sincerely and muttered in a low voice: "I can't afford to bark."

"What are you apologizing for?"

Ji Xiaoge hugged Yaya's tail hanging on his lap and said with a smile: "Dabbs can't get in either. Look how calm he is."

Anthony scratched his bald head, turned to Dabbs with an honest look on his face and asked, "No shame?"

"I'm so sorry for being so shameless!"

Dabbs rolled his eyes, and then scolded him seriously: "Don't dare to learn those nonsense words from Wang Ba in the future. You have to be civilized and polite, you know!"

"I understand you, uncle!"

Wang Ba's bold curses came from outside.

Several people burst into laughter.

A moment later, just as Mo Tan was about to get up and go out to kick the bastard, the notification sound of a friend's message suddenly rang in his ears.

He was stunned for a moment, then opened the message bar in confusion

Córdoba - Kind Neutral: ‘Where are the people, where are the people! When will you come over? I can't hold it any longer! ’

Mo Tan was stunned, couldn't he hold on any longer? What can't you hold on to?

As a result, he scrolled up and found that Cordoba had sent him several messages.

'Hey! Are you in Craftsman Town? I happened to be passing by there, let's get together? ’

‘I remember that Lao Jia and Xiao Yaya were also with you, right? Please treat me to a meal. ’

‘I’m almost there, just come out and pick me up in five minutes. ’

‘By the way, you’re not online, are you? ’

'I have arrived! ’

‘Then, whether you are online or not, can you come and pick me up first? Something seems wrong.’

‘Fuck me, fuck me! ! ! ’

‘What the hell is going on! ? ’

'silent! If you are a brother, come to the east of the village! Waiting online! urgent! ’

There are nine messages in total, including the latest one, ten in total.

Mo Tan: "."

Now that I think about it, I must have been too absorbed in thinking when I was alone in the room and didn't notice it.

After all, compared to the system prompts in other situations, the sound of friend messages is much quieter, and it will get quieter when the messages are denser.

Although I have been particularly sensitive to this kind of sound recently when I am in an absolutely neutral state, this is happening now and then.

‘Sorry, I didn’t see it just now, I’ll go over right now. ’

Mo Tan first replied to Cordoba with a message, and then stood up to greet everyone to pick him up.

He didn't know if it was an illusion, but he always felt...

It seems that something bad happened to Cordoba again.

Chapter 693: End

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