Quadruple split

Chapter 751 Lamorlock’s suggestion

"Want to hear my advice?"

Lamorlock walked slowly behind the illusory figure, put his hands in his pockets and asked with a smile: "I am a talented chess player who has been greatly blessed by God and won a great victory for the Southwest Diocese not long ago. Zen Thoughtful suggestions”

The shadow of Archbishop Eden turned his head, stared at the opponent's back covered with a large cloak, and said solemnly: "I am all ears, Lord Lamorlock."

"To be honest, regardless of the fact that there is an unfathomable upper limit, I actually don't understand the commander who is causing trouble for you in Sumir, and I have no idea what means he will use to break the situation in front of him. After all, I personally am not very interested in astrology, so of course I can't do this kind of thing."

Lamorlock smiled slightly, then clapped his hands gently, and then the wall in front of him twisted strangely, and in just a few seconds turned into a map centered on the main peak of the holy mountain Sumir. The locations of key points such as the Whispering City, the Northeast Diocese Reinforcements, and the Holy Union Expeditionary Force are accurately marked, marked with red, green, and gold flames.

"This is."

Although he knew that people from the Southwest Diocese had quietly infiltrated, Archbishop Eden was still shocked by such a map that was both accurate and timely.

"This is a chessboard, a chessboard that, although it can bring a sense of freshness to those who see it for the first time, is still firmly bound by various rules and conditions."

Lamorlock walked briskly to the 'chessboard' and raised the corners of his mouth slightly: "Now, let's take the most critical first step - conditional integration."

The red flame located in the upper left corner of the map suddenly surged, and gradually turned into a group of overlapping rings centered on itself, shrinking like a heartbeat.

"First of all, the main peak of the holy mountain Sumir, which is the strategic target of your diocese."

Lamorlock stroked the coat of arms on his collar and said calmly: "In a simple analysis, our advantage lies in the 'purpose', which is the core part of the Northeast Diocese's plan, which is to use our Lord's supreme power to The divine power pollutes the Holy Spirit of the Earth sleeping in the hinterland of the main peak, and subtly gives Sumir the concept of an 'Earthly Kingdom of God' around Sumir through several earth veins. This is something that the enemy does not know. They don't know the means used or even the 'cycle' to complete the pollution, which is our greatest advantage."

"It only takes half a day for us to make the Holy Spirit of the Earth surrender to the whisper."

Archbishop Eden nodded. After being in a stalemate with Sumir for so long, he was not so confused that he didn't even know where his advantage was.

"So, looking at this core strategic point, what are our disadvantages?"

Lamorlock stared at the red flames that looked like lotus petals, and his delicate and handsome face was reflected with a lot of blood: "The answer is very simple, that is, the huge disadvantage in the away game and the lack of regional combat effectiveness. The former I think after these few months You probably already know the friction of , the focus is on the latter.”

Eden immediately shook his head and retorted: "The lack of combat effectiveness is only temporary. We have already had a large amount of support arrive in the north. Although it will take some time to truly transform into combat effectiveness, as long as the attitude of the Holy Religion Union continues to be ambiguous, as you said before We tried to wait until the end before taking action. After integrating our forces, we can definitely defeat the orcs in Sumir head-on."

"Oh, what is the attitude of the Holy Religion Union? We can discuss that matter later. As for now."

The young man with the highest status in the Whispering Sect smiled casually and said in a leisurely tone: "You just said that after integrating your power, you can definitely defeat the orcs in Sumir head-on. Although there are things that need to be corrected in this sentence, but Because it’s not important, I won’t say much. In short, if I analyze your words from another angle, can I think so - before you have integrated your strength and completely integrated support into the system, you There is no guarantee of defeating Sumir head-on, and even if we can barely attack the main peak, there is absolutely no guarantee that we can hold it for 'half a day', which is the time it takes to completely pollute the spirit of the earth."

Eden, who was far away in the prayer room of the Whispering City, immediately darkened his face, because he had no way to refute the other party's contemptuous words.

"Very good, it seems we have reached a preliminary consensus, Lord Eden."

Lamorlock saw that the other party did not speak, so he continued on his own: "Then let's take a look at the Whispering City. If we speed up the analysis appropriately, it is very simple. The advantages are the geographical location and high-end combat power. The disadvantages are The location was exposed several months ago and may be threatened at any time."

Following his words, the mark burning with green flames on the upper right side of the wall quickly turned into a triangle, rotating at a fixed frequency that was fast but barely noticeable to the naked eye, making people feel a little sick.

"Excluding the personnel who must be stationed in the city to maintain the operation of the position so that believers who are far from ordinary can receive the gospel of the Lord, all the combat forces on the line extending directly to Sumir from the Whispering City are about um, 5 About the intensity.”

Lamorlock stretched out his slender fingers and drew a horizontal line between the two very small flames at the top of the map. Then he moved his eyes downward and lit a second green flame on the wall: "The strength of the reinforcements that are entering Sumir through various channels is about 4. Of course, without being integrated, the strength of 2 to 3 is enough to make people laugh. Sumir’s side.”

Along with his light words, the red flame entrenched on the symbol of Sumir's main peak suddenly surged.

"Assuming that the commander has the three conditions of 'possessing strategic capabilities no lower than the tactical level', 'excellent judgment and overall view' and 'sufficient right to speak', then he has also gained a lot of power in recent times. With little support from all walks of life, their strength is probably around 6 to 7."

Lamorlock looked at the waveless figure like a pool of stagnant water with a smile, and gently pushed the lens in front of his left eye: "Although it doesn't seem to have much advantage on the surface, it is even better than what your diocese has assembled. The strength is inferior, but this level of chips is enough to complete a beautiful comeback.”

"So, Lord Lamorlock, you have come a long way."

Archbishop Eden was silent for a while before taking a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "What kind of advice do you want to give us?"

"Don't be anxious, Archbishop Eden. Although time is extremely precious, please listen to me finish the last necessary condition, which is the expeditionary force of the Holy Religion Alliance."

Golden flames ignited in the lower right corner of the map. Lamorlock lazily fiddled with the strand of black hair on his forehead and said slowly: "Although it is just an irresponsible judgment, I gave those guys a strength rating of 10. Sounds a little scary, right? But there is no need to be nervous. Referring to the previous performance of that team, we can make a very easy judgment. That is, before we defeated Sumir, we wanted to make Sumir owe a big favor but not I hope that the United Holy Religion Expeditionary Force, which has lost too much power, will not act rashly. In other words, under normal circumstances, for us who only need to attack the main peak of Sumir and hold on for half a day to be victorious, those people are almost equivalent to decorations."

The golden flame curled up into a ball behind Lamorlock. Although it was still dazzling, it was no longer sharp and looked non-aggressive.

"At this point, both the chessboard and the chess pieces have been clearly presented in front of us."

Lamorlock turned his body sideways, allowing the simple and almost rudimentary 'game of chess' behind him to be fully presented in front of Archbishop Eden, and said with a smile: "What do you think?"

The latter, who had no opinion at all, twitched his lips: "I admire your ability to analyze the battle situation in simple terms, Lord Lamorlock, and I look forward to the 'suggestions' you want to provide us."

Obviously, this is nonsense without any nutrition.

Lamorlock thought so, but he didn't say it out loud.

For a living person, this does not conform to the aesthetics of communication.

There is no point in talking to a dead man.

For a living person who is about to die, it is not only unesthetic, but also meaningless.

Therefore, he just smiled modestly, and then expressed his 'suggestion' without reservation.

"In my opinion, wars and battles are just games of victory and defeat. As one of the parties, there is only one thing we should do from the beginning, which is to achieve the goal earlier than the enemy. To win, nothing in the process has any value.”

Lamorlock spoke calmly, which was not difficult to understand, but his soft voice made people feel cold for some reason: "Victory is victory, whether it is a complete victory, a big victory, a small victory, or a miserable victory, it is always a victory; a defeat. It is a defeat, whether it is a complete defeat, a big defeat, a small defeat, or a disastrous defeat, it is still a defeat. Under this premise, what I care about is always victory or defeat, not gains and losses."

Archbishop Eden, who suddenly felt creepy for some reason, listened silently.

"I don't like to be a roundworm in anyone's belly. Although in many cases it is necessary to speculate on the enemy, the act of 'speculating on the enemy' will limit yourself in many cases and miss a lot of valuable things, so I don’t know, and I don’t want to know what method the other party will choose to use to break the situation.”

Lamorlock's tone was extremely brisk, but the arc at the corner of his mouth became sharper: "Under this premise, there is no need to guess how the other party will win, but I will concentrate on thinking about how to win. The troubles I have to face will be Much less than the average person. The advantage of this habit is that the time I have to think is often longer than others, and my thinking process is often shorter than others."

Eden snorted coldly and said impatiently: "My time is limited, Lord Lamorlock, if you don't mind, can you"

"First, cherish the team of the Holy Religion Alliance that is still on display, ignore them, and then immediately reorganize the combat forces that have been withdrawn to the east of Sumir's main peak, engage in battle in the shortest possible time, and forcefully attack the mountain."

Lamorlock's emotionless voice interrupted Eden, his eyes that were smiling most of the time were cold and coquettish——

"Second, order all the believers who come to support to gather on the spot and rush to any place fifty kilometers southwest of the main peak of Sumir within two days to stand by. Send three to five bishops to act with them."

"Third, after one day of the mountain attack on the main battlefield, set up a supervising team and integrate all the believers whose strength is below the peak of the intermediate level as the vanguard to launch an oppressive attack, regardless of casualties, until all members are killed."

"Fourth, when all the middle and low-level believers who would be greatly reduced without the support of a position die, send the high-level believers who have always maintained their position in the Whispering City to the front line without leaving any time to repair, and let them take over where they are completely wiped out. The former vanguard troops continued their strong attack, forcing the Sumir side to use its upper-level combat capabilities."

"Fifth, clear out the Whispering City and put all the combat power in your hands to the front line. Leave no reserves or supplies, day and night."

"Sixth, attack!"

"Seventh, attack!"

"Eighth, storm!"

"Ninth, let the support troops assembled in the southwest of Sumir go straight to the Enlightenment Temple and start the pollution ceremony."

"Tenth, the mountain attacking force is divided into two parts. On the one hand, it will contain the Sumer people who are trying to return for reinforcements, and on the other hand, it will intercept the Holy Religion Alliance who will definitely take the opportunity to dispatch."

"In the end, the Sumir side will be unable to return reinforcements because 90% of its combat power is contained on the east side of the main peak; while the Holy Religion Alliance, although it has sufficient combat power, will be unable to kill all our main attackers due to its poor offensive position. The mountain troops rushed up to the main peak."

"Conclusion, the strategic goal is achieved and we win."

Lamorlock looked at the main peak of Sumir that was dyed dark green on the map and the two flames of red and gold that were crowded and burning on the east side of the main peak, and laughed happily.

But the green flames that originally represented the power of the Whispering Sect had only a few scattered residues left, and the entire army was almost wiped out.


Seeing that the power he had worked so hard for so many years was destroyed in an understatement, Archbishop Eden's eyes almost burst out with fire.

"I simply put forward a 'suggestion' that may not be correct. As for whether you are interested in adopting it, I don't care."

Lamorlock snapped his fingers to restore the messy wall behind him to normal, and said leisurely: "With that said, I wish everyone in the Northeast Diocese good luck in martial arts."

Then he simply cut off the 'murmurs' that were pouring into the prayer room from above, and forcibly terminated the conversation.

a moment later

"grown ups."

The middle-aged man with the emblem of the Dreamland Theocracy on his robe quietly walked out of the shadows, stood beside Lamorlock and lowered his head and said, "Why are you doing this?"

"Why tell him the only way to win for sure?"


"Of course it's because I want him to lose~"


"Haha, but the specific situation actually depends on that guy Sumir."

"That's what you said."

"I sincerely hope that this friend I have never met can show me a good show."

Chapter 744: End

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