Quadruple split

Chapter 752 Love Troubles

at the same time

The main peak of the holy mountain Sumir, the war hall, the command room on the second floor

"All in all, we have no time to waste."

Mo Tan held his cheek and sat in front of the huge sand table in the center of the command room, his feeble expression carrying a rare sense of seriousness: "When the Holy Alliance has done nothing, hand over the initiative to the opponent. The risk is too great, and I don’t believe how simple their reasons for delaying the offensive are, especially when they don’t even understand the ‘victory conditions’ of those guys.”

Huo Yanyang walked back and forth across the table several times with his arms folded, and then asked with some trepidation: "So what you're saying is that if we don't take action as soon as possible, the consequences will be disastrous?"

"Roughly the same."

Mo Tan nodded slightly, casually flicked the white chess piece in front of him, and then watched as dozens of chess pieces fell over with a deliberate spacing, and said with an indifferent expression: "This is not Misha County. Those of you who have been fighting in Sumir for almost a year in this kind of low-level power confrontation should understand that although tactics can accumulate advantages and can be used to achieve large and small 'results', they really determine the outcome. What matters is strategy, and if you want to reverse the decline, you can only rely on strategy."

Huo Yanyang swallowed and hesitated for a while before asking: "What about that, brother, in that case, you should be able to ensure that your strategic talent is not inferior to your tactical talent, right?"

"have no idea."

Mo Tan shook his head without thinking, and then said: "But what I can guarantee is that my strategic level will not be weaker than that of the leaders of the cultists, and of course, it will not be weaker than your Sumir." Those big guys are weak."

Yi Zhao, who was standing behind him, opened his mouth worriedly, but in the end he didn't say anything.

However, Huo Yanyang didn't think so much. As someone who had also entered Mo Tan's "friendship realm" in reality, he immediately asked directly after hearing these words: "Are you okay?"

"Of course it's okay. I'm in very good shape now."

Mo Tan answered without hesitation, and said calmly while gathering the scattered chess pieces in front of him: "Both the physical and mental levels are impeccable."

Huo Yanyang laughed twice, waved his hands and said, "No, no, no, I mean, normally you wouldn't say such ridiculous words just now, so... um, you understand what I mean, right?"

"I just made the above suggestions from the perspective of a diner who has been taken care of recently, and out of an urgent desire to repay the host."

Mo Tan raised his eyebrows and said lightly: "If you want to go deeper, maybe you can also add the factor of 'wanting to express dissatisfaction with the Holy Religion Joint Expeditionary Force who cheated me, Yi Zuo and others'. However, given that They have been paddling under the guise of reinforcements for several months, so it shouldn't be too much to beat them properly. Of course, this is based on the position of the Holy Mountain Sumir as an ally and not the 'Black Van Priest'. Down."

"Stop pretending."

Huo Yanyang pouted his lips impatiently, sat down opposite Mo Tan, shook his head and said: "Although you are not someone like me who will write everything on your face, you are not the kind of person who will write everything on your face." The type who can hide in his heart without leaving any trace, as a buddy, I can't just sit back and watch."

Mo Tan looked away: "You are meddling in other people's business."

"Even if you are nosy."

Huo Yanyang patted the table and said in a deep voice: "Even if we have only known each other for less than a year, even if I am not someone like Yi Dong who has been having sex with you since the days of open crotch pants."


Mo Tan glared at him with one glance, gritted his teeth and said, "Be careful what you say! Who is gay!"

"It's pretty much the same meaning anyway."

Huo Yanyang waved his hand and said seriously: "Although we haven't known each other for a long time, I still treat you as a good friend. Your current situation is obviously not right."

Mo Tan glanced at him funny, shrugged and said, "Off topic, aren't we studying how to make Sumir win this battle?"

"It's not off topic. I have remembered everything you just said, and I will tell my mentor and them word for word."

Huo Yanyang did one of Commander Ikari's signature moves, crossed his hands in front of his nose and asked in a very convincing manner: "So the question now is, what happened to your kid?"

"I am in a bad mood."

"For what?"

"Because there are some things that I can't help you with."

"Damn, I really don't care!?"

Huo Yanyang was just halfway through his words when he suddenly found that his message bar flashed. When he opened it, there were four big words 'Emotional Problems'. The sender was [Hei Fan/Absolute Neutral], which was the one sitting in front of him. A guy who claims to be in a bad mood.

This is so fucking embarrassing

Huo Yanyang, who had only had half of a failed relationship in the second grade of elementary school, felt like a thunderbolt exploded behind him, and then found in despair that he really couldn't help Mo Tan, even if he tried hard, he couldn't help. Busy!


Mo Tan took a sip of the tea that Yi Zhao got from somewhere and raised his eyebrows at Huo Yanyang.


Huo Yanyang drooped his shoulders in frustration, quickly completed the transformation from Commander Ikari to Uncle Ge, slumped on the back of his chair and lamented: "Damn it, that kind of thing is completely in another dimension to me. ."

Mo Tan showed a triumphant smile that was not happy at all: "Is there anything else?"

"That's all, it's purely a personal guess. Is your question a follow-up question? Well, it's okay!"

Huo Yanyang was halfway through speaking when he shut up under Mo Tan's suddenly sharp eyes.

"Thank you for your kindness."

After a brief silence, Mo Tan smiled apologetically at the friend in front of him who was worried about him from the bottom of his heart: "I will adjust my mood properly, don't worry."

Huo Yanyang shook his head and stood up, hitting Mo Tan on the shoulder across the table: "It's best like this."

"Then, the arduous task of communicating with those big guys will be left to you."

Mo Tan raised his hand and patted Kai Yanyang's fist, and said seriously: "What I just said is indeed the best measure that can be thought of at the moment. There is absolutely no intention in it."

"I know, I'll go talk to the instructor right now."

Huo Yanyang plucked his ears, then gave Yi Zou a look that he didn't even know what it meant and left in a hurry.

The spacious command room suddenly became quiet.

Mo Tan breathed a long sigh of relief and took a sip of tea. Looking at the huge regional map in front of him and the large number of chess pieces scattered on it, he suddenly found that this scene was somewhat familiar. Although it was far from a sense of déjà vu, it was still Can bring back a lot of memories.

Those scenes that would make me laugh out loud every time I think of them, are so special now.


That's right, it's heart-breaking. It's not a complaint or a joke. It's the only way to describe his mood at the moment. It's a realistic and a bit cruel description.


[At least compared to before, I have made some progress now. 】

Mo Tan laughed to himself, and then the heart-rending phantom pain faded away as if it had never existed.


After an unknown amount of time, Yi Zhao's inexplicably weak voice suddenly sounded behind Mo Tan.


Mo Tan turned his head and looked at his well-behaved 'junior' with light pink hair and a very different temperament of heroism and gentleness. At the same time, he secretly rejoiced that the person who was here at this moment was 'Hei Fan' Rather than 'Tan Mo', he asked in as relaxed a tone as possible: "What's the matter?"

Yi Zuo stared at Mo Tan worriedly for a long time before holding back four particularly meaningless words: "Are you okay?"

"No matter how much I say I'm fine."

Rubbing his forehead helplessly, Mo Tan smiled bitterly and shrugged at this junior who was indeed a bit arrogant: "You will also think that something is wrong with me, right?"

The half-dragon female knight nodded straightforwardly: "Yes!"

"Well, as you just heard, I'm in a bit of a bad mood."

Mo Tan held the ice-cold tea cup and said slowly: "This is a normal thing. After all, everyone has bad moods sometimes, especially for me, a mediocre person with immature thoughts and not strong enough mind. For some or It’s completely normal to be bothered by things big or small that keep you awake.”

"Senior is not a mediocre person."

Yi Zhao immediately retorted. Although his tone was very firm, perhaps because Mo Tan was obviously in a bad state today, the volume was not very loud: "Senior is a very powerful person!"

"The mediocrity I am talking about is mediocre mediocrity, not mediocre mediocrity. It has nothing to do with whether one is powerful or not."

Mo Tan explained casually, then stood up slowly, turned to look at the 'junior' who was half a head taller than him, and said with a smile: "But mediocrity also has its benefits, such as... well, such as Troubles don’t last long or anything like that.”

Yi Zou remained silent in a very imposing manner, her bright deep purple eyes filled with disbelief.

"Well, at least most worries don't."

Mo Tan sighed as if he had given up, and then walked towards the door with a heavy step: "I'm going to go for a walk, bask in the sun and breathe in the fresh air. You can go and do your own thing."


Yi Zhuo ran after Mo Tan with great concern, fearing that the latter would be in a coma for another day and night due to altitude sickness: "I'll go with you!"

Mo Tan walked to the door and said without looking back, "No need."



Mo Tan turned his head and looked tiredly at the girl behind him who stopped suddenly, and said helplessly: "You know, for a weak-minded person like me, I absolutely cannot let someone as gentle as you at this time. With a pretty girl by my side.”


A few seconds later, when Yi Zuo came to her senses and rushed out the door, her 'Senior Black Fan' had already disappeared.

[You have actively disconnected, please choose whether to reconnect]

"Don't say such ignorant words to a poor person who falls in love without permission and falls out of love without permission."



two minutes later

Mo Tan opened his eyes in the game cabin.

"Oh, you have tried so many times before without any flaws, but are you willing to provide such considerate service for this kind of thing that can reveal that you really have the ability to think independently?"

Mo Tan stared at the continuously rotating breathing light inside the game cabin, then moved his gaze to the deep darkness outside the cabin, and laughed without joy at all: "I really can't figure you out, System-chan. .”

He did not leave the game cabin immediately as usual, and then went straight into the kitchen to make himself a cup of coffee or something. He just closed his eyes again and savored the feeling he had never experienced before.

Very, very bad mood.

The time for impulsiveness has passed

The time for being cool has passed

Although he thought he had accepted the reality a few hours ago, now a few hours later, when the unreal sadness gradually solidified with time, Mo Tan still inevitably fell into the depths that suddenly reached the MAX. of negative emotions.

Just like the anesthetic before surgery, we tend to feel horribly calm when something happens that is enough to upend our lives. But as time goes by, when the anesthetic that lasted us through the most painful period gradually becomes less effective, After it subsided, the severe pain that followed still penetrated deep into the bone marrow, reminding the client that this was not an illusion.

Mo Tan, who has a "slight understanding" of various strange fields, knows this very well, but it is one thing to be able to use theory to explain his current state, and it is another thing to be able to face it calmly.

Especially after all the big words I've said to myself.

"Is time the best medicine?"

Mo Tan sighed deeply and rubbed the corners of his sore eyes. Suddenly, in this silent darkness, he had the illusion of being abandoned by the whole world.

Of course it was an illusion. After all, not long ago, Huo Yanyang and Yi Zuo, two guys who were real people and NPC respectively, were trying to comfort themselves.

[If it were an ordinary love trouble, maybe I would really complain to Wanyang. 】

Mo Tan opened the game hatch, covered the upper half of his face and sat up. Like anyone who is troubled by love, he was startled.

[But my love troubles have nothing to do with the word "ordinary". Who can I talk to about this kind of thing?]

Buzz! !

The phone in his pocket vibrated, interrupting Mo Tan's self-pity.

He took out his cell phone expressionlessly, and after scanning the caller ID on the screen, he suddenly smiled sincerely.

"What's up?"

Mo Tan answered the phone and calmly asked gay friend A, who was currently on vacation in Japan.

"Let me confirm first."

Yidong, who was on the other side of the conversation, first let out a long sigh of relief, and then asked in a gloomy voice: "What state are you in now?"

“A state where I can’t blow up a toilet seat or help an old lady cross the street.”

Mo Tan replied instantly.

The friend on the other side of the phone was silent for a few seconds.

"Are you having fun?"

"Well, let's play it off"

Chapter 745: End

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