Quadruple split

Chapter 816 That pile of evil is worth fighting

Game time AM00:28

The far north of the Innocence Continent, within the territory of the Holy Mountain Sumir, in the Snowy Goose Plains

The main force of the Whispering Sect of nearly 6,000 people is stationed here, ready to continue advancing northward at any time.

Because Lucius asked everyone to abandon their baggage and only bring two days of rations, this lightly-armed and simple army only needs to trek for less than ten minutes to reach the location of the Northern Expeditionary Force of the Holy Alliance. If If nothing else goes wrong, as long as we continue to go northwest along the mountain, we will be able to reach the Whispering City before dawn.

Accidents will always happen, but according to the current situation, the probability of the most dangerous possibility for this army is getting smaller and smaller.

However, despite this, Lucius still ordered the army to temporarily stop marching after the small cavalry team returned to report the news, and personally started to adjust the formation of his soldiers, carefully and in detail, whether this component was counted or not. The complicated team was once again reorganized.

He wanted to be foolproof. He wanted to let the Holy Religion Union, which was still waiting and watching, know that his team was a tough nut to crack. Even if the latter was stronger than him on all levels, if he fought to the death, his team would be a tough nut to crack. Even a hard bone can break off a few of the opponent's teeth.

It was impossible to take the initiative. After all, for Lucius, the most terrifying situation was that he was forced to go head-to-head with the people from the Holy Religion Alliance.

But you can't appear too weak and can be bullied, and you can't leave any loopholes for the other party to take advantage of. Otherwise, if the enemy who had originally planned to do nothing will seize the opportunity, they feel that they can destroy you at a small price, and then It would be a big loss if we had a big fight.

"That way, it should be fine."

Lucius, who stood in front of the 5,900 Whispering Cultists with his hands behind his back, smiled slightly. Under the induction of the detection spell, he knew very well that everyone strictly followed his orders and waited where they should be, waiting. Looking forward to a brilliant victory, waiting to intervene strongly on the battlefield and make the final decision!

Brainwashing or incitement is a skill that most superiors must master skillfully, and Lucius has always done a good job in this aspect. Not long ago, those members of the congregation who were still a little confused and confused Already excited by his impassioned speech, he was just waiting for a fight.

But I didn’t lie to them. If things continue to develop as they are now, the Northeastern Diocese, which was originally led by others, will most likely reverse course at dawn and complete the feat of polluting the holy mountain Sumir.

Although the situation had changed dramatically in just two days, Lucius still felt that he was keeping up with the rhythm and was not disrupted by the series of sudden changes.

As of now, the interior of the Holy Mountain Sumir is empty. The main force with the largest number in the Northeast Diocese is rushing to support at high speed. Most of the outsiders who came to Sumir for support are stationed not far away under the leadership of the red-haired orc. The core battle sequence of taking one step seems to have broken through that layer of defense, and it will take up to two hours to appear in the Whispering City.

The Holy Union still stood still, and its relationship with the Sumir side was even worse than they imagined. So much so that they didn't know the Sumil side's plan at all, and they didn't even know that the Whispering City was already on the verge of collapse at this moment.

They must not know, otherwise, no matter how conservative the commander of the Holy Religion Alliance was, he would never be able to let the 1,200 cavalry led by Eric pass through calmly.

As for the Whispering City side, to be honest, their performance disappointed Lucius. After all, even if the contaminated ground line had been destroyed, causing the 'home court bonus' to drop off a cliff, the home court was still the home court. With Archbishop Eden and other high-level officials of the diocese guarding the area, and a large number of elite troops stationed there, Lucius was really surprised to be beaten so hard that he couldn't hold his head up.

Could it be said that besides the red-haired orc who is known as everyone in tactics, Sumir has other people who are good at strategy and tactics?

It was an outrageous guess, but Lucius still felt that the possibility was by no means low.

Otherwise, how could they design such a sophisticated and complicated strategy, and how could they suppress Archbishop Eden and others in the home court of Whispering City when the combat effectiveness of the two sides was not much different.

But if that's the case, why were they so naive in the beginning?

Lucius shook his head and threw the messy thoughts out of his mind.

Those things are no longer important. Thanks to the opponent's plan to force the support troops under Lahuan to merge with the main force of the mountain attack force, this force of nearly 6,000 people has become the second largest force in the North. A powerful force, second only to the Holy Union.

Even if the red-haired orc attempts to fight to the death with him, as long as he makes a forced breakthrough regardless of damage and cooperates with the power of whispering that can cause huge trouble to the opponent, he can still penetrate the opponent's defense in a short time.

Or perhaps, that team has just now told the Holy Religion Union their intentions and wants the latter to help them intercept their own team. This is not impossible, but according to what the commander of the Holy Religion Union has said during this time, Judging from the style judgment shown, such a short time is not enough for him to make a decision.

What Lucius is most satisfied with is that not only can he keep up with the rhythm, but his judgment speed is also so fast that it is almost super-level performance.

From the moment he met up with Griphook and others, he immediately ordered everyone to prepare for a rapid march. Although he had been dancing on the tip of a knife, Lucius felt that he had not made a single wrong judgment!

Therefore, at this moment, he had the opportunity to pull Rumbling City back from the edge of the cliff, and even take advantage of the situation to start a counterattack that would determine victory or defeat.

"It's a pity. If we both have the same resources under the same conditions, I'm afraid I really can't beat you."

Lucius chuckled softly, then suddenly raised his right hand, and after a pause of more than ten seconds, he waved it down: "Let's go!"

ten minutes later

Game time AM00:39

More than two thousand people led by Huo Yanyang and their crude fortifications appeared in Lucius's field of vision at the same time.

"Maintain the current speed, temporary first battle sequence, temporary third battle sequence, sharp knife assault formation!"

Lucius's voice boomed under the amplification of divine magic, echoing in the ears of every whispering believer: "The left and right wings are formed in an arc formation, ready to go up at any time. Temporary second battle order, speed up and follow me to break the formation. !”


The cultists burst into fanatical shouts in unison, and then they followed Lucius's orders seriously and not very rigorously and made preparations. After being broken up twice in just one day, they had already I did the best I could.

【that's enough! 】

Lucius took a deep breath. He who had been walking at the front of the team like a ghost suddenly disappeared and appeared dozens of meters away in the next second. He roared in a low voice: " Get out of here”

He didn't finish speaking, because just when the last word "kai" was pronounced, Lucius suddenly found that there was another person in front of him.

A middle-aged man with a golden-proportioned Chinese character face, thick eyebrows and big eyes.

The light shone on him.

Pure light, holy light, endless light

Lucius subconsciously took half a step back, and then his eyes widened in disbelief. He looked at the man who was at least ten meters away from him in confusion, and his boiling blood cooled down at an unimaginable speed.

The opponent looked to be about thirty years old, wearing a set of silver battle armor engraved with a large number of pale golden holy words, and a pair of huge wing-shaped shoulder pads that seemed to weigh at least a hundred pounds, with the words "Holy Religion Union" printed on them. emblem and a portrait of the goddess of dawn, Paksi, with two broken golden swords hanging on her waist, and a huge and heavy mithril cross hanging on her back where the cloak should have been.

more importantly.

This seems to be a paladin with a legendary rank.

Lucius fell silent and swallowed the words on his lips.

But the cultists behind him did not remain silent. As long as the knight not far away did not release his breath, they could not tell the other party's rank.

Lucius could tell, just because he was stronger.

The distance of tens of meters disappeared in an instant.

Just when the guardian knight of the "temporary second order of battle" in Lucius's mouth passed over his boss and was about to chop down the sacrificial flag of the man in front of him who was wearing a somewhat fashionable dress, the latter moved.

His right hand gently rested on the hilt of the sword, and he breathed softly, two glimmers of light flashing through his dark brown eyes.

"Holy light is above!"

The broken sword was lightly swiped, and a golden thin line was slowly pushed out.

"This evil is worth fighting!!!"


[Ji·Dawn Judgment of Crime]

Holy Light Sect active skills

Mastery requirements: Holy Optical Sect level 55, One-Handed Weapon Specialization level 65, Strength 800, Intelligence 400, believer of the goddess of dawn Pakoshi, upper limit of faith value \u003e 15000, [Dawn Judgment] hidden proficiency MAX

Consumption/restrictions: 1000 physical energy, 3000 faith, holding one-handed weapon

Effect: Casts an extremely large-scale slash containing the divine power of dawn in the specified direction, causing a large amount of physical damage equal to the real damage to enemy units within the user's concept. It will target blasphemers, undead creatures and followers of the Dark Goddess Delia. The damage is increased by 100%, and there is a 50% chance of triggering the purification effect. The 'purified' target will be dispelled by three random buff states, reducing its maximum health by 30% for 3 minutes. This skill ignores the effects of terrain and environment, and is not suitable for use. Friendly and neutral units within the player's concept will not cause any damage. Cooling time: 10 minutes.

[Note 1: In the name of the goddess, I wave my big sword to my mother! 】

[Note 2: ‘Conviction Slash’ is the only sword move mastered by the Grand Knight Commander of the Dawn Sect, Green Tyree. 】

[Note 3: The Immortal Grand Knight Green Tyree is gentle and kind. The last time he used Judgment Killing was in Pato City a few months ago. 】

In an instant, the thin golden 'cut mark' turned into a torrent of vast and dazzling sword light, which surged out with an extremely magnificent light effect. In an instant, it directly swallowed up nearly a hundred evil spirits who rushed at the front. Believers.

What a big open space!

Among the people who had just been covered by the sword light, only Lucius was alive. However, he saw three slowly rotating dark golden magic circles intertwined in front of him. He was completely pressed into the ground below his knees, and his face was extremely pale. , there was a cut mark deep enough to the bone on his chest, and he was about to pull away and fly away.

The opponent's second sword came, and he also announced his home address.

"My name is Green Tyree, the Grand Knight Commander of the Dawn Sect stationed in Light-Chasing City, and the commander of the Second Chapter of the Holy Religion United Northern Expeditionary Army. Now"

Grand Knight Greene drew out his other broken sword and took a heavy step forward: "Eradicate the cult!"

The next moment, a straight cold light flashed through, and dozens of cultists behind Lucius froze at the same time. Then they all looked down at their chests with a big hole in them, and fell to the ground and died on the street. .

[Emergency·Dawn of the crime]

Holy Light Sect active skills

Mastery requirements: Holy Optical Sect level 45, one-handed weapon specialization level 45, strength 300, intelligence 100, believer of the goddess of dawn Pakoshi, upper limit of faith value \u003e 10000, [Dawn Judgment] hidden proficiency MAX

Consumption/restrictions: 600 physical energy, 500 faith, holding one-handed weapon

Effect: Shoots a 29m/s sword energy in the specified direction, causing a large amount of holy light damage to all targets along the path. The effective range is 15 meters. Cooling time: 5 minutes.

Trait: penetration

[Remarks: The physical damage has been discarded, and the improved version of the Dawn Judgment Slash with deflection speed has been discarded. 】

The skill is simple and straightforward.

Notes are also simple and direct.

Just like Green Tiray, simple and direct.

Huo Yanyang looked at the back of the man in charge not far away and smacked his lips. Sure enough, there are real heroes in the Xindao Holy Religion Union. Should I put down my dignity and sing a hero song to accompany him on the spot?

However, this thought only came up for a moment, because in the next second, a radiant brilliance lit up behind him, behind Green Tiree, and behind this team of more than 2,000 people. , lit up in front of those Whispering Cultists.

There are a total of 720 clergymen from various sects in the Second Chapter of the Holy Religion United Northern Expedition. They also turned on the [Halo of Piety], blessing the surrounding comrades and the allies in front of them with dazzling blessings!

It was really dazzling. In the next second, the status bar of the players headed by Huo Yanyang suddenly had seventeen or eight kinds of buff effects!

In the second second, five hundred paladins from the Justice Sect began to charge, heading straight towards the vanguard of the cultists, who had been severely beaten twice by the Grand Knight Green and had the weakest combat power.

In the third second, two hundred paladins from the Sun Sect, two hundred paladins from the Dawn Sect, and two hundred paladins from the Plenty Sect charged in unison and pushed away!

In the fourth second, fifty Holy Word priests rushed out, escorted by twice as many Templars as themselves, loudly praising their respective masters, and invariably performed the simplest and most direct Holy Word magic!

At the fifth second, the mixed battle group of the Inquisition, which exuded an ominous aura, dispersed on the spot, and everyone flew towards the nearest Whispering Cultist with a sick smile.

At the sixth second, several powerful auras suddenly rose from the center of the Northern Expeditionary Army station in the distance!

Seventh second.


Huo Yanyang sent a message to the group, and more than 2,000 people immediately broke into pieces as if a nest had exploded, and ran away under the cover of friendly forces!

Chapter 809: End

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