Quadruple split

Chapter 817 Interception/Strangulation

Chapter 817 Interception and Strangulation


Huo Yanyang ran away!

War Priest Huo Yanyang led a group of players who had [Sacred Mountain Defense War] in their sub-task columns and ran away!

This is something very unexpected and quite reasonable.

Unexpectedly, for those who belong to the second battle group of the Holy Alliance Northern Expeditionary Army under Green Tyree, they must know that the Lord Knight, who really violated the creed of 'honesty', had previously burned the fire intact. Yanyang's words were conveyed to everyone, that is, "I, Sumir, are afraid that our allies will be attacked by the large army of those blasphemers, so we specially sent a group of dead soldiers to help stop them."

What he said was really nice. Although not many people really took it to heart, when the people of the second battle group left the station, formed a battle formation and rushed to join Huo Yanyang and others outside the defense circle, they were really taken aback by this. The helpless people were moved, thinking that the latter had really had a fierce fight with the previous group of cultist vanguards.

As a result, everyone spontaneously pushed the battle line forward a little, and secretly protected Huo Yanyang and others at a farther position, hoping that these people would get into a fight and lose a few lives.

Then, with Green Tyree's two decisive blows, the battle officially began!

Then, Huo Yanyang and his gang ran away.

It's reasonable to run, but there's nothing wrong with running.

Although this move seemed a little bit like Sun Tzu's, Huo Yanyang himself felt a little bit regretful, because he could see that the Holy Religion Union soldiers of the second battle group sincerely wanted to protect his group, but He still had to run.

There are two reasons

First of all, Mo Tan needs manpower. After the Holy Cult jointly launched an on-the-spot attack and fought against the large forces of the Whispering Cult, Huo Yanyang and his group immediately rushed to the Whispering City. This was the plan, and this was the only way to do it. Completely uproot the enemy's foundation 'Babble City' in a short period of time.

Secondly, the United Holy Religion Expeditionary Force, which rushed to the north under the guise of support, has not shed much blood in the past few months. Not only that, it has also formed a tacit understanding with those blasphemers who massacred countless Holy Mountain warriors. , No matter what all this has to do with those ordinary soldiers, it is enough to offset the guilt in Huo Yanyang's heart.

So, run! Just run hard! Sayazi left and ran!

Accompanied by a burst of excitement mixed with obscene cries of ghosts and wolf howls, Huo Yanyang and others quickly moved away from the battlefield, so much so that when the clergy who initially launched the attack reacted, their backs were almost invisible.

"Continue to suppress heretics!"

Green Tyree, who retreated to the main formation, shouted in a low voice, causing the confused warriors to regain their senses. He twitched the corners of his mouth and said loudly: "Our Sumir allies are attacking the heretics' dens regardless of consumption. I asked that person to regain their consciousness." The war priest brings people back to support his compatriots!"

Everyone's expressions were solemn, and they had no time to think and believed the Grand Knight Greene who once again violated the creed of 'honesty'. After all, the latter's sharp-edged face with Chinese characters was too convincing, plus the look on his face. He has thick eyebrows, and the big eyes under the thick eyebrows don't look like the kind of person who talks a lot about things. He is not a member of the Justice sect.

"We are the ones who come to support, and we are the ones who are incompatible with those heretics."

Greene used both swords at once, slashing out two dazzling haloes of light like the sunset (also a type of [Dawn Judgment]), killing dozens of people who shouted loudly about their invulnerability and indestructibility. The Whispering Cultists blocked the way and killed them, shouting loudly: "But it was Sumir who bled, it was Sumir who fought to the death, it was Sumir who attacked the heretic's lair at all costs, and in the end, it was Sumir who paved a road to victory for us. !”

Many warriors had a look of shame on their faces, and veins popped up on the backs of their hands that were holding weapons, holy scriptures, flails, lime powder, and crosses tightly, and the offensive became more and more fierce.

In the distance, a large and powerful force also appeared in silence. It was the first regiment under the command of Jeff Harrington, the commander-in-chief of the Northern Expeditionary Army. Not only was it the largest and most powerful, but it also There are also a large number of gilded talents sent by various sects.

Nine out of ten people who are eligible to be sent for gold plating are young people who are truly capable, potential and have a future.

Regardless of the Holy Religion Alliance or this world, after all, there are still more practical people. If outside the game, the ratio of talented people and useless people who are sent to various places, various positions, and various schools to be gold-plated is 50-50. So it’s really not an exaggeration to open on September 1st here.

"The time to assess the situation is over. Although I haven't been here long, I don't want to lead everyone back with their heads down."

Green Tyree raised the broken sword in his hand high, and then swung it down suddenly: "In the name of the Holy Religion Union, fight to the death!"

The dazzling divine power of dawn exploded on the cross behind him, and turned into a golden ripple sweeping out in the next second, passing over every member of the second battle group.

Green Tire, the legendary paladin who belongs to the Dawn Sect, single-handedly completed the synchronization of three thousand people. After a few breaths, the combat power of every knight and every priest under his command was forcibly reduced. Pull out 10%.

"Fight to the death!!"

The Holy Knight from the Justice Sect shouted loudly, and the heavy war hammer in his hand roared down, smashing the Whispering Cult in front of him who had been covered with lime powder by his brother, breaking his bones and muscles.

"Fight to the death!"

With red eyes, the priest who believed in the God of Wealth took out a dozen gold coins from his pocket and threw them into the air. A few seconds later, the same number of golden arrows rained down, pinning several heretics who had no time to dodge to the ground.

"Fight to the death!"

The bishop of the Abundance Sect strode out of the crowd, plunged into a place where cultists were densely populated, and opened his arms. Before his body was penetrated by the weapon, a large number of thick and powerful vines burst out of the ground, wildly like a cloak. With the dance, a clearing was cleared, and at least thirty people were driven away.

"Fight to the death!"

Kevin, the knight of great light, had a figure like electricity. The great sword in his hand flashed with light. He slashed hard with the extremely powerful [Broken Shoe Slash], knocking down two cultists who were far more powerful than him to the ground. In a second, he was knocked to the ground by a third cultist whose strength was far superior to his.

"Fight to the death!"

The priest whose heart is dedicated to the God of Melody fluttered his sleeves, and the silver strings of the harp in his hand automatically fired out several shock waves of different colors, blasting the cultist who was about to finish off Kevin at the feet of the two just knights. .

"Fight to the death!"

A certain paladin under the Mist Sect smiled grimly and pierced the side of the cultist beside him with his sword, but the latter was still desperately attacking the lifelike mirage in front of him.

"Fight to the death!"

The old priest who converted to the God of Knowledge read aloud the origin of the twelve months of the holy calendar. The moment a certain cultist thief appeared in front of him, he slammed the Bible shut, jumped up and used the iron-covered spine of the book. Hit the opponent's head hard and take the head directly.

"Fight to the death!"

The Sun Priest, whose face was as heavy as water, clenched his fists hard, and then a series of irregular [Sun Flame Techniques] exploded a few meters away, turning the two heretics who were making strategic shifts into two fireballs. people.

"Fight to the death!"

A row of men in black from the Inquisition of various sects strode forward. Behind them, countless heretics who died miserably fell in a pool of blood. Their empty eyes stared at their backs, seeming to silently ask why these monsters were so different. Even more cruel himself.

"In the name of the Holy Union!"

The second battle group shouted wildly, frantically venting their suppressed emotions for months: "Fight to the death!!"

At the same time, the most elite first battle group in the hands of Jeff Harrington also arrived on the battlefield.

"This is long overdue."

In the team, a young man with short brown hair and a height of nearly 200 centimeters smiled warmly and took off the huge war hammer behind him: "This is correct."

Next to him, a fat boy with long sleeves and an erhu turned his head to look at him and said with a sneer, "Are your Plenty Sect so warlike?"

"you misunderstood."

The paladin who followed the two men on horseback shook his head, lifted up the visor with the emblem of the Justice Sect, and revealed a seemingly honest and honest face: "Fiyali just doesn't want our allies to continue to bleed. .”

Then he was hit in the nose by a silver coin and covered his face in pain.

"I am Fiyali!"

The blond girl who was standing next to the young knight of justice at some point glared at the former fiercely, then pointed at the big young man who spoke first and shouted: "His name is Philip!"

"Be gentle! I just mispronounced a word! We have only known each other for a few days, and it's already good to remember two words!"

The just knight covered his face and waited for a long time, then rubbed his red nose vigorously, and glared at the gorgeously dressed blond girl next to him who was playing with steel: "If it were the gentle and lovely little saint of Dawn, Your Highness, I can definitely remember her name, so don’t feel too inferior to yourself."

The blond girl, who was actually quite cute, was so angry that she gritted her teeth and said angrily: "I am also a saint!"

"The emphasis is on gentleness and cuteness."

"I'm gentle and cute too!"


"Deserve it!"

With a wave of her hand, Feiyali recalled the gold coin that hit the young knight's chin, and then smacked her lips: "Speaking of which, I wonder how the old friend of His Highness Wangyu is doing now?"

"What, you want to steal love with a sword?"

"That's not true. I've seen that man, and he doesn't look rich at first glance."

".Are your Wealth Sect's views on mate selection so curious?"

"Not really."

"Tsk, but it's quite surprising that the old sweetheart of Little Saint Dawn can survive."

"Who says otherwise? That Warrens is really nothing."

"Haha, didn't he get retribution just after he returned?"

"You also know about this?"

"Sister, after all, I am also a favored person of God, and the church still values ​​me very much."

"You teach that God's favored ones are worthless."


The knight of justice pulled down his visor with a foul look on his face and stopped talking.

On the other hand, the tall and fat man next to him were chatting quite happily.

"Do you think there's something going on between them?"

The fat one looked at the tall one and asked quietly.


The tall one looked at the fat one and nodded vigorously.

Then the two of them were locked with a sharp gaze.

Feiyali happily held a handful of money and asked with a smile: "What are you talking about so happily?"

Phillip smiled naively and said, "Let's talk about you."


He stopped the big-mouthed young man with a beer belly and smiled coquettishly: "Let's talk about how the Black Van priest who has been hanging around Sumir is doing now."

"it should be no problem."

Fiyali blinked and shrugged: "Isn't it said that he is good at fighting? What if Sumir keeps him as a staff officer?"

"That would be inappropriate."

The worthless holy son of the Justice Sect raised his visor again and said something unexpectedly.

"Not suitable?"

Feiyali looked at the other party with some confusion and asked: "What do you mean?"

The latter smiled, lowered his voice and said to the three of them: "I talked to Uncle Gelbin of our sect about that old friend. The uncle spoke highly of him. If nothing else, if we only let him be a consultant, , is definitely a talentless person."

The big man Philip scratched his hair and asked naively: "Then what can he do in Sumir?"

"Haha, if you ask me, he can't be anything~"

The Holy Son of Justice grinned, looked up in the direction of the Whispering City with twinkling eyes, made a pose looking at the sky at an angle of 45 degrees, and murmured in a low voice: "Our orc allies can't let a person from the Holy Religion Will you achieve the position of commander-in-chief?"


"Ouch! It hurts! Fiyali, are you crazy?"

"Stop yelling! It's our turn!!"

The Holy Son of the Justice Sect was stunned for a moment, and then heard a roar, coming from Jeff Harrington, the commander-in-chief of the United Northern Expeditionary Army of the Holy Religion——

"Purification execution! The gods are with us!"

The next second, several young people and the surrounding robes who also came from the Holy Cult felt a lightness on their bodies. Those with horses and those without horses all started running subconsciously.

The cultists who are inextricably linked to the second battle group are close at hand!

at the same time

The northern border of Sumir, in front of the city of murmurs

"The Guardian Knights!"

Archbishop Eden, who had white hair and beard, flicked out a black ripple with his fingers and directly killed more than twenty wolf cavalry passing by at high speed in front of him to the left. His eyes were red and he roared: "Follow me and kill them!"

"That's too late."

At the other end of the battlefield, the young man standing on the temporary command platform with his hands behind his hands sighed softly, looked away from the twisted corpses of the wolf cavalry, murmured in a low voice, and then focused his gaze——

"The First and Second Destroyer Chapters, close the doors."

"T1 to T8 sacrificial groups, target two hundred meters in front of the gate of Rumbling City, jointly cast the spell [Destruction of the Earth]."

"All hunter-killer columns, you have ten seconds to rush to the designated location."

"All middle and low-level shamans, Healing Tide Totem, cast in the front line, receive Thunder Storm, freely choose the target Rock Collapse ten seconds after the spell is cast."

"In the second, third, and fourth battle sequences, ignore the enemy cavalry and start charging counterclockwise."

"The first battle sequence executes the third plan and splits all enemy spellcaster units."

"The war drums cease, and the bloodthirsty war songs begin."

"Hunter, start strangulation without restriction!"

"The sacrificial group, start strangulation without restriction!"

"The Destroyer Chapter, push over and start strangulating without restriction!"

"All freely organized wolf cavalry, begin to strangle without restriction!"

"The ancestors protect you!"

Chapter 810: End

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