Quadruple split

Chapter 828 The worst/best policy

Chapter 828 The worst policy is the best policy

Declare war on the Griffin Dynasty?

Although William's plan had been vaguely guessed before, when the emperor, who had almost no longer concealed the madness in his eyes, really raised this question, including Galahad, Garros and Will who had just explained the situation of the legion under his command. Inside, everyone's expressions were stiff.

Immediately afterwards, there was a long silence

The originally heavy and breathless atmosphere in the conference hall seemed to be extremely oppressive.

No one dared to speak easily, because everyone knew very well that since William could ask this question, he must have already made some calculations in his heart and was prepared.

Be prepared to involve the entire empire in the whirlpool of war.

From William Bohe's bloodshot eyes, Archduke Fossey and others could clearly see the madness and deep exhaustion that could no longer be suppressed.

he is too tired

Since he succeeded to the throne, he has been working hard to govern, making Chauvin, a small and unknown border country, increase its national strength by no less than five times in more than ten years. In terms of commerce and trade, it has become the economic center of the southwest continent second only to the Port of Palmyra. It can almost It is said that the king who has created many legendary achievements is tired.

In less than a year, William Bohe endured too much. Starting from the tragic massacre in Banser City, all developments were beyond the emperor's control.

Farah Ossis, the backbone of the Chauvinian empire and the pinnacle of stability that made countless neighbors fear him, the supreme warrior, fell mysteriously. The Knights of the Tsar's Sword and the Hurricane Mages suffered heavy losses.

Immediately afterwards, Kunda Bohe, who was willing to sacrifice himself for the sake of the country and became a "waste prince", one of the people who knew Emperor William best in the world died mysteriously in the "Royal Capital of Trone", and William He didn't even know about it before getting the news from Emperor Thorn Castle.

Later, due to an invisible pusher, the relationship between Kun Daling and Troon became very tense. William's much-loved nephew Witham Bohe once suspected that William had killed Kun Da due to unknown reasons. The real murderer.

Immediately afterwards, Archduke Fossai, who went to negotiate on behalf of Troon, was attacked by unknown forces and failed to arrive at the negotiation location in time. On the same day, the young lord of Kunda Territory, Withem Bohe, was killed, which directly led to the Emperor Thorn Castle entered war mode and raised its flag of rebellion.

An unknown rebellion and an unknown counter-rebellion thus began. Although the eager Griffin dynasty did not seize the opportunity due to the efforts of Arthur and the Sin Lord, the Kunda Territory still became The area was devastated, and the large area near Emperor Thorn Castle was completely empty.

Because of a series of horrifying conspiracies, countless innocent people were killed in this absurd war.

William knew very well that those warriors who were willing to be loyal to their own murders, and those who were willing to ask for an explanation for the deceased Kunda and Withem at the expense of infamy, were worthy of his pride, but he still had to let Ya Se and others went to suppress and even massacre, because this country must not collapse in such an inexplicable turmoil.

Arthur succeeded. Not only did he put down the rebellion in the Kunda Territory, he also did not give the Griffin dynasty, which had originally planned to take advantage of the situation, a chance to return in triumph.

It took William a long time to snap out of that chaos, which had no value other than consuming Chauvin's national strength, and planned to fight back against the invisible hand.

With the help of Mr. Li Fu Astor of Tianzhu Mountain, William grasped many possibilities and made a bold decision, that is, to use the secret letters found from Huangthorn Castle not long ago as a You, on the surface, questioned Griffin, but actually tried to reach a cooperative relationship with the latter.

This was a risky move. After all, according to Li Fo's analysis, the possibility that the mastermind behind the scenes was hidden in Griffin was not low, but William still decided to take a gamble.

There are two reasons.

First of all, if the situation is allowed to continue to develop without external force, the weak-founded chauvinist empire is likely to collapse on its own before the truth is found.

The second reason is that his son Arthur Bohe fell in love with the eldest princess of the Griffin Dynasty.

William is indeed a wise king, but he is also a father, and he is not the kind of inhumane 'father'.

So at Arthur's insistence, he compromised.

And the result of the compromise is.

"I lost my only son, and you also lost a great king."

William broke the silence, stood up and held the table with his hands full of veins, gritted his teeth and said: "I can bear Arthur's death. Although he is my beloved and unique son, he has grown up. He has reached the age where he can bear his own responsibilities and consequences, so I can do the same as I did when I faced the tens of thousands of lives in Banser City, the death of Grandpa Ossis, and the deaths of Kunda and Little Witham. Keep enduring it, but..."

Boom! !

He slapped the goblet in front of him that contained half a cup of dark red juice, smashing it into countless pieces. He clenched his bloody right hand and gritted his teeth and said, "I can't tolerate Arthur's death being so casual. I can’t tolerate Griffin’s second princess letting that despicable murderer go so unscrupulously. I can’t tolerate the feeling of powerlessness that I can’t even avenge my child with my own hands. I can’t tolerate Griffin’s contempt and disregard for Chauvin. ! We can’t even tolerate that our dignity is so worthless in their eyes!!”

Archduke Fosset sighed and stood up silently, followed by Marquis Miranda, Marquis Diggory, Earl Burke, and finally Mo.

Everyone stood up and stared intently at the emperor who had never vented his emotions like this before.

They all knew that the string in William Bohe's heart that had been stretched to the extreme was broken.

But at this moment, no one was willing to refute the merchant king, whose eyes were split and his hands were dripping with blood. On the one hand, it was because he couldn't bear it, and on the other hand, because William was right.

Perhaps the jingoistic empire can tolerate all the disasters that happened in the country in the past, and it can also tolerate the covetous neighbor to the north who shows off his power wantonly. It can even tolerate the fact that the crown prince of his country was assassinated while on a mission and died in a foreign country.

But if the jingoistic empire can even tolerate the fact that Griffin casually let go of the murderer of Arthur Boho, then when the truth comes out, the dignity, face and backbone of this country will no longer be there. exists.

Regardless of whether the murderer is a member of the Griffin Dynasty or not, this incident is a naked insult to Chauvin!

“Everyone, if you don’t want me, Chauvin, to become the laughing stock of my neighbors, if you don’t want that desperate curse to envelope the entire land that is not great but gentle enough, if you don’t want that pusher to act unscrupulously after witnessing our ugliness. Laugh loudly, if you don’t want this sinking country to be crushed into smelly nutrients in the future.”

William's eyes burning with rage slowly swept across everyone, and said solemnly: "Then support me, declare war on the Griffin Dynasty, and let those cowards who only know how to tremble at the feet of the old lion know, Even if we burn everything, we will not meet our demise in humiliation."


Galahad, always wearing armor, knelt on one knee, drew his sword and held it close to his forehead, saying in a deep voice: "I invite you to fight!"

Boom! Boom!

"I invite you to fight!"

Following closely behind were the Archduke of Garros and the Marquis of Will.

"I invite you to fight!"

Then came the Archduke Fosset, Marquis Miranda, Marquis Digory, Justice Clement, and Earl Moody, whose eyes were red and blood was surging.

at last.

There were only two people standing in the meeting hall.

One is the master of this empire, William Bohe.

One is Zui Jue Mo, the most junior and lowest-ranking person in the room.

Earl Moody Burke, who had been sitting next to Mo and was now kneeling on the ground, reached out covertly to pull the Sin Lord, but the latter skillfully dodged it.

Immediately afterwards, William Bohe cast his eyes on the Lord of Sin.

"You don't want to fight?"

His Majesty the Emperor looked calmly at the young man standing quietly at the foot of the long table, and spoke in an understated tone, as if he were chatting about everyday matters.


Mo nodded slightly and replied in the same understatement.

"You were the person Arthur admired most during his lifetime, and you were also his best friend, Mo."

William laughed, but his face was extremely stiff, and his eyes were burning with cold anger: "So for Arthur's sake, I am willing to give you another chance and kneel down."

Mo remained unmoved and even shook his head slightly in the disbelief of everyone's eyes.

William clenched his fists tightly: "Galahat!"

The old marshal's figure flashed, and he appeared behind the Sin Lord in an instant, raising his hand to hold the latter's shoulders.

"His Majesty."

Just a second before Galahad was about to force him to his knees, Mo suddenly spoke.

William narrowed his eyes, raised his hand to stop Galahad's intention to force the Lord of Sin to kneel to the ground, and said slowly: "Speak."

"I believe that if I, Chauvin, declare war on the Griffin dynasty, the Adolphus Free Territory, the Dreamland Theocracy, and the Silver Alliance, which have already been eyeing the latter, will not remain indifferent, especially since the justice belongs to us and the Griffin dynasty is in the wrong. Those wolves who have been looking for the opportunity for a long time will definitely want to take the opportunity to bite a piece of meat from the rotten lion, and even tear its throat and heart."

Mo calmly looked at the emperor in front of him and spoke calmly: "And this is destined to become a war of extremely large scale. Although it does not rule out the possibility of ending in an anticlimax, it is destined to affect the entire northwest continent. , including the Palmyra Free Trade Zone, which has always maintained an absolutely neutral attitude, no one can stay out of it. By then, the Griffin dynasty, which is seemingly the most powerful and aggressive, is destined to not have many allies, and may even be isolated."

William Bohe, who had absolutely never thought about this aspect, just nodded: "Go on."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Mo Tan nodded slightly and continued respectfully: "If I, Chauvin, take the lead in declaring war on Griffin, then in this foreseeable, uncoordinated but tacitly understood war, I can only see three outcomes."


William's eyes became sharper.

"The first one is that the forces headed by the Silver Alliance have gained enough benefits from the Griffin Dynasty, and many parties have reached a tacit agreement to work together to end this anticlimactic war. The Griffin Dynasty has removed its own lesions but has greatly lost its vitality. A large number of The nobles were purged, and the royal family became the dominant one, and the family system that had existed for thousands of years collapsed; in the second, the Griffin dynasty was destroyed by multiple forces, and it became history; in the third, the Griffin dynasty relied on its heritage to stabilize many parties. Defense, starting from the Adolf Free Territory, gradually broke down the loose Southwest Alliance, and finally completed the great purge and swallowed up the Southwest in one go."

Mo quickly finished explaining his idea as if he had memorized the lines, and then said in a deep voice: "But no matter which outcome it is, my Chauvinist empire will definitely be wiped out in this war."

"But we at least have a chance to drag the Griffin dynasty into the grave."

William Bohe, who had long thought about various possibilities, calmly looked at the sinner in front of him and said coldly: "And even if we don't declare war, the cowardly chauvinist will inevitably weaken and eventually turn into that grudge." The nourishment of the Riffins.”

"You are angry, Your Majesty."

The corner of Mo's mouth curled up, and he said in a neither humble nor condescending manner: "Although you don't seem to be carried away by this anger."

"I do feel angry, Mo."

The gray-haired William stared at the Lord of Sin with splitting eyes, gritted his teeth and said: "I lost my most beloved son, Chauvin lost an heir who was destined to be great, but only got a sad humiliation, and you, as Ya Se’s best friend is now so calm that it makes me feel chilled.”

The eyelids of Marquis Digory, Marquis Miranda and others twitched at the same time, feeling that this time the Sin Lord might be in trouble.


"That's not the case, Your Majesty. I am equally angry about Arthur's death and the humiliation of the Griffin Dynasty."

Mo took a deep breath and said solemnly: "It's just that the difference between you and me is that after you learned about Arthur's accident, you locked yourself in the palace and immersed yourself in sentimentality and anger. When you saw the song When Her Highness Verle Rogen's letter mentioned that Elisa Logan was very likely to let the murderer go deliberately and prepare to move the entire empire to the gambling table for her to vent, I was doing something more meaningful. thing."


Galahad roared angrily and hit the Sin Lord in the back with the hilt of his sword.

"Stop, Grandpa Galahad."

In the end, William stopped the marshal who was furious because of the rude remarks made by the Duke of Sin. He stared at Mo and asked, "You said you are also angry?"

Mo smiled and said, "If I wasn't also blinded by anger, how could I dare to speak to His Majesty like this?"

"You said you"

William didn't care about Mo's answer, but continued to ask with stern eyes: "Did I do something more meaningful while I locked myself up?"


"what have you done?"

"I contacted Staff Officer Lamorlock, who was hidden by the Dreamland Theocracy and bloodbathed a county in the north of Griffin a few months ago."

"What did you say?"

"In fact, what I just said is exactly what Staff Officer Lamorlock said."

"Come on."

"The best strategy is for us to provide great righteousness, and then let the Dreamland Theocracy, whose national power is several times stronger than Chauvin's, cooperate with Adolf's Free Leader to swing the first sword towards the lion!"

Chapter 821: End

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