Quadruple split

Chapter 829 Deep in Consciousness

Real time PM20:07

City B, Dexin District, Motan's apartment

Accompanied by a pleasant buzzing sound, the lid of the game cabin slowly opened, revealing Mo Tan with a rather sad expression inside. This is an expression he would rarely show under his current 'Lawful Good' personality, which shows his mood. How unbeautiful.

"Too bullying."

After the fragment ended, he did not return to the game immediately, but chose to log off first to calm down. While making coffee for himself, Mo Tan complained unhappily: "Even if I have to fragment every day, there is no need to come up all the time." Just disconnect immediately, and why was it that 'Mo' was kicked off twice in a row as soon as he came online? During this period, I also played with 'Tan Mo' a lot. If you want to be kicked, go ahead and kick that one!"

Obviously, although they are the same person, Mo Tan in his current state prefers the character of 'Mo', which is why he sighed like this. If Mo Tan was not a 'Lawful Good' personality when he just regained consciousness, but In the 'chaotic neutral' state, it's probably a different situation.

"Haha, hahahahahahaha, what a deep and heavy love this is! Stand up tall and be proud of being lucky enough to be doted on by yourself, now!"

Mo Tan laughed wildly as if he had lost his mind, and then his face filled with joy but extremely stiff quickly sank, looking at the mirror behind the stove (convenient for development) (Observe your own face when making new dishes to judge whether it is necessary to save yourself) He laughed dryly and said: "Huh, this is probably the virtue."

Obviously, he was imitating himself when his personality was 'Chaotic Neutral'. Although he looked very similar because he had the same face, Mo Tan himself knew very well that in terms of charm, his performance just now was actually far behind. Being crazy is actually more like a pervert.

[Wait a minute, actually, the word pervert seems to be appropriate.]

[Wait a minute, was I scolding myself just now? 】

Mo Tan, who suddenly became a little dull for some reason, sighed, and made a face listlessly at himself in the mirror, feeling a subtle sense of dislocation that he had never felt before in his heart.

But he quickly put that fleeting feeling behind him, then returned to the living room with the coffee that was a little scalding, and sat down on the sofa upright.

The reason why you did not go online immediately after disconnection and reconnection can be summarized into two points.

First of all, Mo Tan clearly remembered what he was doing before he was forcibly kicked offline and entered the fragment state, which was to solemnly swear in front of Ji Xiaoge that he was definitely not a pervert.

Although the main component was to cooperate with the other party's jokes, his attitude at the time was not unserious.

Of course, Mo is still confident under his 'Lawful Good' personality. After all, in that situation, he is indeed not a pervert. In fact, even his other two personalities cannot be classified into that shameful realm. , even if he has a 'chaotic neutral' personality whose behavior is no different from that of a scum, Mo Tan has nothing to do with the word 'lustful'.

Therefore, no matter how harsh the effect of [Chivalry: Honesty] is, it will never be able to punish yourself for telling the truth.

This is also true. Regarding the oath whose main purpose was to interrupt the ambiguous topic, Mo Tan's chivalry was completely indifferent and affirmed his character with silence.


He threw himself directly in front of Ji Xiaoge as if he had been punished by God, and since being kicked off the line by 'Fragment' would trigger the [Premonition] talent, Mo Tan felt that he should have said 'Gah'. It's over.

This is so fucking embarrassing.

Although it is not a big problem, if he can think of countermeasures before going online, Mo Tan still doesn't want to adapt to Ji Xiaoge's expected teasing. After all, thanks to that heart-piercing talent of honesty, he hides a lot of secrets. As long as Mo Tan is not careful, he will be punished into a scumbag.

So the necessary preparations still have to be made.

The above is the first reason why Mo Tan did not go online immediately.

As for the second one, his mind has just become clearer and he plans to sort out what happened last night carefully.

In other words, before going online tonight, Mo Tan's mind was a little unclear for the whole day.

The fragment from last night, or rather early this morning, lasted until the server shut down, which is exactly 07:00 AM in real/game time, and Mo Tan woke up from the game cabin until he logged into the game again just now, a full twelve hours They are all a little confused. Although they are far from the state of the walking dead, they are at least as hangover-like as they are for all three personalities.

Although he could still feed the cat, run in the morning, miss someone, play with his mobile phone, catch up on the show, curse with someone on the Internet, and mess with forums, he didn't even feel that there was anything wrong with him, but when Mo Tan was there, (Real time) After logging into the game an hour ago, he was surprised to find that something was quite wrong with his seemingly ordinary day. Although it seemed no different from usual at first glance, in fact, if he thought about it carefully,

To give an example that is not very appropriate, it is like a person with slight myopia putting on glasses that perfectly match the current vision for the first time. It is the difference between unconscious blur and the whole world suddenly becoming transparent.

I originally planned to confirm it in the game, but due to the routine interruption time that appeared just after launching, and some entanglements in how to explain that I was punished by God immediately after swearing, Mo Tan chose to disconnect after regaining his sanity. connect.

So now is the time to think, and the main content of my thinking is the reason why I spent the whole day in a blur, and some things that may be important but have been accidentally ignored.

This is not difficult for Mo Tan who now 'puts on glasses'.

Although it seems like there are two important points, there is really only one thing to think about.

Just before tonight's last round of 'fragments', when he was still 'Black Brahma', what exactly happened to himself in Sumir.

The memory that had been reliable since the "fragment" suddenly became confusing, making Mo Tan feel very anxious.

I obviously have a lot of time to think in the day, but I turn a blind eye to such an obvious problem and just go about my normal daily life. It is too strange to think about it carefully.

Mo Tan frowned, then drank most of the slightly cooler coffee, closed his eyes and immersed himself in the vague memory, trying to add logic to the bizarre scenes around him.

This is his usual operation when carrying out deep memories, that is, matching himself into the corresponding memory, and reassembling those diluted memories through rationality and logic.

For example, if he forgets what he had for lunch one day, then the purchase records in the previous half month and the kitchen waste processed that day will become clues. Coupled with some specious impressions, there is a high probability that he can restore the meal at that time. Forgotten Recipes.

Of course, this operation is time-sensitive.

Except for certain things or knowledge that must be remembered in Mo Tan's eyes, which will be stored in his head through special techniques, Mo Tan's memory is only a little stronger than the social average, otherwise he would not need to go through the process just mentioned. It’s a way to recall what happened in Sumir not long ago.

This is a strange thing in itself, because as mentioned before, Mo Tan's memory is still stronger than the social average, so it is strange that he cannot remember what happened only a dozen hours ago at best.

【Has the overall situation been decided?】

In Mo Tan's consciousness, the scene near the Whispering City was being drawn quickly by an invisible pen, and became vivid and vivid in just a few seconds. It was obvious that as of Mo Tan's strategic level, The victory was established, and the moment when the four Sumir elders headed by Mundo Pan went to behead them, his memory was still very clear.


The picture gradually began to blur, the fierce fighting and roaring sounds became more and more erratic, and a pale golden outline appeared in front of him.

Who is that?

Mo Tan's question only lasted for less than half a second before he solved it himself.

The only golden outline that can be imagined is the paladin armor, and after Mondo Pan left, the female knight who had always emphasized the need to protect herself would naturally guard herself more strictly to guard against attacks that were almost impossible.

Therefore, the silhouette in front of him could only be that of Yizuo Jileite who always stayed on the podium with himself and Mondo Pan.

The moment Mo Tan made the decision, the golden outline in front of him quickly changed into the appearance of Yi Zuo, and he said to himself with a worried look on his face——

"Senior, take a rest, you haven't slept for too long."

Mo Tan, who was immersed in consciousness, smiled slightly. He remembered that Yi Zhao was worried about him at that time.

The surrounding environment returned to normal again, and the conversation between the two continued until Mo Tan set a certain flag. To be precise, it was the moment when Mo Tan set up half of the flag that Yi Zuo pushed him away.

The imagined world once again fell into stagnation, the picture became blurred, and the clear sound became misty again.

Only herself was left standing frozen in mid-air, and the female knight in front of her who was holding a high-five with an expression that was somewhere between fun and serious.

There was a gap in the memory again, but Mo Tan was not discouraged, because at least until now, he could still make enough analysis to continue the plot.

Because according to Yi Xuan's character, even if he and Huo Yanyang had talked about planting flags before, he would not have knocked him away because of a mere Flag.

Coupled with the change in her expression, even though it was very subtle, it still did not escape Mo Tan's 'impression', and the answer was already obvious——


It was enough to threaten his own life, so that Yi Zou had to use relatively rough means to push away the danger for the first time!

A red flash appeared in Mo Tan's field of vision.

The next moment, the female knight's slender body was thrown high into the sky and hit hard in front of her with a deafening roar.

The picture became clear again.

His vision was dyed crimson by a large amount of blood that did not belong to him or his enemies.


Golden light flashed, and the female knight's [Dawn Seal] was branded on her body. It felt very warm, and strength was injected into her frail body.

The figure in the pool of blood stood up unsteadily.


The figure said so.

"Run quickly."

The figure repeated lightly.

"Run, you idiot."

A memorable first time being scolded by a cheap school girl.

Laws and healing techniques that come out of your hands.

A contemptuous snort.

Silver glitter.

Standing in front of him, with a gentle smile on his face, Yi Zou was almost cut in half!

The scarlet world became pitch black.

The world stopped again.

Listening to the illogical noise that seemed to come from another parallel space, Mo Tan, who was sweating profusely, rejected this inference.

The world has not stopped, memory has not been interrupted, time is still passing.

He didn't know why he knew it, but he just knew it.

Everything continued, but he was blocked by the darkness that followed the scarlet just now.

A shield that doesn’t even allow for thinking.

Maybe something happened, but it was destined to have nothing to do with me.

Mo sighed deeply and began to wait quietly.

Although he could 'wake up' at any time and leave this depressing shield that could only cover certain scenes, he still waited patiently.

Then he waited.

The stubborn darkness faded away like water, and Mo Tan, who was sitting on the stone platform, found himself looking into the distance, watching the dawn on the horizon.

Next to it, I can feel a familiar atmosphere.

If I guessed correctly, it should be the aura of Yizuo Jileite.

She's not dead?

She's not dead!

The sudden ecstasy engulfed Mo Tan. He wanted to look back to the side, but found that he could not do it because he did not look back at that time. Even if he felt Yi Zuo's breath, even if he guessed that Yi Zuo was still alive, he still couldn't. He had no intention of looking back, he just stared at the dawn in the cold wind in the north.

[Is this ‘I’? 】

Mo Tan was a little confused, because he felt that he was not that kind of person, at least the current self and the 'absolutely neutral' personality were not that kind of person.

a few seconds later


A familiar voice sounded behind him.

It is certain that it is Yizuo Jileite.

She is really alive! Despite being so seriously injured and having his entire body almost severed, he survived!

Time stands still again

Mo Tan desperately tried to turn his eyes, but he couldn't do it anyway.

Because this memory does not belong to him now.

【In this case.】

Deep in his consciousness, Mo Tan let out a long breath and released the suppressed impulse in his heart.

The next moment.

The owner of this memory, Mo Tan, as the 'Black Brahma', turned his head and looked calmly at the female knight who was covered with a priest's robe, her eyes were closed, and she was unconscious.

Time starts to flow again.

"I don't want to be your guard knight anymore."

She said so.


The injured person was the most serious. Although he felt a little hurt for no reason, Mo Tan replied obediently.

"I want to be your guardian knight"

She tried very hard to open her eyes, but she couldn't.

Mo Tan, who didn't know what was going on, was stunned, but soon, the corners of his mouth turned up in a gentle arc, and he nodded vigorously——


The memory stopped abruptly at this moment.

Chapter 822: End

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