Quadruple split

Chapter 950 Opportunity

Although there are countless things in this world that can make Mo Tan, who has a "chaotic neutral" personality, feel happy, but even so, he is still looking forward to the grand event that is about to be held in Academy City.

Although... he himself didn't know exactly what he was looking forward to, but there was only one thing that was unquestionable, that is, this trip would definitely be extremely fulfilling, to an extent that even he could not imagine now.

Not only that, while being fulfilled, Mo Tan also knew that Academy City would become extremely exciting in the near future, especially for him, it could be said that his life would be in danger if he was not careful.

To put it bluntly, a girl with a height of less than 1.6 meters is very likely to become wolfish one day in the future and kill herself until she explodes.

Since he and Diana had already agreed to see each other in Academy City, Mo Tan will definitely spend most of the time working together with the former after going there, and a certain person who was ranked among the players as of last night The guy ranked tenth in the combat power rankings will naturally accompany him. Considering that the game between the two parties is in the present tense, the probability of him being killed directly after his identity is revealed is infinitely close to 100%!

It is true that apart from the character 'Black Brahma' whose individual combat power is difficult to reach even at high levels, both characters 'Tan Mo' and 'Mo' have strength that exceeds the average level of the public, especially the latter. , to be able to break into the top 200 of the personal combat power rankings under the restriction of only about a quarter of the game time of others, even if Wang Ba dared to add a lot of points to him, it can be said to be incredible, but...

Not counting NPCs, just in front of those truly powerful players...that is, the dozens of people at the top of the combat power rankings, Mo, who barely managed to squeeze into the rankings with his blood contract partners, is not enough.

If he really takes action, he has been able to play the full game every day since the launch of the server. Whether it is enthusiasm, talent or luck, Zhou Lan can definitely solve the problem with Wang Badan in two minutes. Drop it, and it won't cost much.

This world is relatively fair. For example, hard work will bring rewards. For example, enough talent and experience can make people avoid detours. Therefore, from an objective point of view, Mo Tan is indeed more talented than most people and has four times the gaming career. Although the time is limited, he has not been left behind by the big army, and there is even a character who has made it to the list.

This world is absolutely unfair. For example, no matter which personality Mo Tan is in, he cannot have a complete game experience for even half a day. For example, he cannot have a normal relationship like any other person of his age. For example, [Innocent] Powerful], [Demon King], such completely illogical talents, such as the fact that although they are of equal skill, there is no way 'Tanmo' can beat Futaba who has plenty of game time.

Referring to the strength shown by Christina, Mo Tan is almost certain that the current Futaba can easily kill Hirashi instantly, but Hirashi is strong enough to kill 'Mo', his strongest character, and in his own In his mind, it only takes five minutes for 'Mo', who is doing all he can to defeat 'Tan Mo' who is also working hard!

The Realm of Innocence is not a chess game. There are no nonsense rules like eating the tiger or the rat eating the elephant. Therefore, Mo Tan knows very well that as long as Futaba has murderous intentions, the moment his identity is revealed, basically It can be equated to your own death date.

So the question is, first of all, will Futaba have murderous intentions?

The answer is unquestionable. You must know that this is not the time when the two of them were in the Violet Empire a few months ago. At that time, Mo Tan's ability to survive safely was completely a fluke. If Futaba hadn't subconsciously realized that his mentality was wrong, If he planned to use 'BLACK' to correct his mistakes and complete his revenge plan, Mo Tan would have been killed as soon as he appeared in front of the girl.

Of course, if she hadn't guessed that Futaba was emotionally unstable at the time and was only thinking about revenge for her friends in the Fenrir team, Mo Tan might not have appeared in front of her.

All in all, the previous 'truce agreement' is difficult to replicate. Futaba is definitely not the kind of person who will struggle with the same issue twice. For that girl whose psychological quality is far beyond ordinary people, although in the real world The emotion she had almost never experienced gave her a huge impact, but she could only be naive once at most, and there was no way she would be messy again.

Therefore, to sum up, if Futaba, who has regained his form after the civil strife in the Violet Empire, finds Motan, 90% of the time he will choose to kill him directly!

And this leads to the second question, will Mo Tan reveal his identity in front of Futaba?

To be honest, if Futaba were replaced by someone else, even Mo Tan’s best friend A Ito, Mo Tan would have absolute confidence that the slightest clue would not be detected under his current personality, but the problem is that Futaba is not Yidong, in front of this flat girl, even if Mo Tan has cards like [Hundred Forms], 'Black Brahma's Side Attack', and 'Diana's Coordination and Assistance', he may not be able to get through.

Although it can't be said that she knows 'Mo Tan' very well, Futaba is familiar with 'BLACK'...or Mo Tan, who wears a BLACK vest most of the time and has a chaotic neutral personality. It couldn't be more familiar.

What's more, Futaba had long suspected that there was something wrong with her mentor's boyfriend, Frank Hughes, who fascinated Diana.

And the person 'Tan Mo' will definitely be classified as one of the alternative answers to that question by Futaba, without even thinking about it.

Under this highly targeted and completely correct suspicion, Mo Tan had no doubt that he would be exposed and killed if he was just a little careless.

Not only that……

Apart from the inevitable death factor of Frank = Tan Mo, the Frank Hughes vest itself is not considered safe. Based on his private investigation and the information mentioned in Diana’s letter, Mo Tan felt that the man named Ken Nice A. Azizolti's [Sage of the Mist Moon] also doesn't have a great impression of him. Although he most likely won't personally kill a little guy like himself, he doesn't rule out the possibility of paying someone to kill him. Then add a restriction like 'Don't do anything in front of Diana' or something like that.

【It’s really exciting~】

Sitting back on the exquisitely crafted sofa in the main hall, Mo Tan took a glass of cold white drink named [Night-Wanderer Hotel Special Sweet Lemonade] brought over by Liz and took a sip, then narrowed his eyes in comfort. .

It's not unreasonable for him to be so excited. In fact, even though he has been staying in this most chaotic, craziest and freest place in the entire continent during this period, Mo Tan has found nothing but the Bloodwing family. Apart from having fun, he barely experienced any excitement. This was not because his requirements were too high or the level of the Free City was too low, but simply because the level was not enough.

Even though Mo Tan has done a lot of things during this period, such as ruthlessly defrauding the Bloodwing family and supporting the Kaivos family, this level of success is in the eyes of the real rulers of this city. It's just a house-level slapstick. Maybe the fact that Countess Lessa Kevos is suspected of merging and absorbing the source blood of Illyli Bathory is a little interesting, but it's just 'a little interesting'. .

Not enough level, not enough level, not enough status, not enough strength, not enough financial resources, not enough power, not enough influence. At this moment, even if Mo Tan does something, no one will be willing to play with him. At best, they will just treat him as a monkey. Just playing around.

It’s true that if you dance too hard or if you annoy others, you could be crushed to death at any time.

I want to lift the psychedelic veil, enter the most real, craziest, and most essential side of this city, and sit with those lunatics, fanatics, wise men, sages, plutocrats, careerists, or other messy things. To play Heartbeat on the same poker table, I am far from qualified now.

Mo Tan knew this very well, but he was not in a hurry. After all, food had to be eaten one bite at a time, and chess had to be played step by step. Rushing could not solve anything, but time could.

While waiting for time to pass, Mo Tan naturally would not sit still and find a place to count sheep, just like Futaba had no intention of staying in the City of Miracles for a long time to improve his strength.

Some people are born to be restless.

What's more, in addition to the thrills and excitement of this business, it also comes with an opportunity.

A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to kill Futaba and win the bet under the premise that her strength is almost impossible to catch up with Futaba!

It is true that Futaba has an overwhelming advantage in terms of strength, but she is a mage after all, while the character 'Tan Mo', who is mainly a thief, is a level 40 thief, a level 35 assassin, and a level 6 thief.

He can be a killer if he wants to!

And no matter how bad a killer is, he will definitely have a greater advantage than a mage in this game between two people, especially if he has enough time to figure out the target's style, or even be close to each other for a long time.

Absolute advantages in terms of profession, absolute advantages in intelligence, and absolute disadvantages in terms of strength. Although they are at a disadvantage in the most critical areas, if they really let go and play, the success rate will definitely not be zero!

Burying 'Two Leaves' in Academy City is the biggest purpose of Mo Tan's trip under his 'Chaotic Neutral' personality, and getting to know and even fall in love with Diana was simply a way of paving the way to achieve this goal. That’s all.

Because the other party only has about a quarter of the game time, Mo Tan, who is well aware of Futaba's abilities, knows very well that every day the latter is allowed to grow, the gap between the two will widen. Sooner or later, Ye will become a mountain that 'Tan Mo' can't shake no matter how hard she tries, so we must kill her as soon as possible!

And this trip to Academy City is his biggest and best opportunity.

"Hey, honey~"

Mo Tan blinked at the Blood Seeker Countess sitting opposite him, and did not let the unexpected expression in his eyes leak out. He raised the cold white glass in his hand and smiled in greeting: "Cheers to your beauty."

Lesa, whose anger was still lingering, snorted angrily, and finally raised the glass of drink in front of her that contained a large amount of red blood cells and platelets, put it to her lips and took a sip: "Be quiet, don't disturb me."

"As you command, ma'am."

Mo Tan smiled, then leaned back slightly, resting his arm on his head and stopped talking.

Lesa, who was sitting opposite, shifted her gaze back to Liz, gently held the cold hands of the silver-haired maid in front of her, and said softly: "Relax."

"Although Liz is a little worried that you will do something against basic morality to Liz..."

The Blood Seeker maid nodded slightly and said calmly: "But because you are very beautiful and Liz is not particularly repulsive to Goji, it is relatively easy now."

Lesa blinked and said confusedly: "What... Ji?"

"My master teaches me some knowledge every day that is mostly useless."

Liz nodded, pointed at Mo Tan and said, "Goji means between women and women..."


Lesa interrupted Liz quickly and said through gritted teeth: "If you keep talking, it will be my turn to be nervous. Relax your body and don't move."


Liz immediately nodded and obeyed.

Immediately afterwards, a hazy red mist flowed out from Lesa's palm and climbed directly onto Liz's arms. After a brief pause, it suddenly accelerated and flowed around the latter's body, like a red light ribbon. The afterimages of the debut finally stayed on the small red curse mark on Liz's face and slowly melted into it.

"It's a little itchy."

Liz shuddered and subconsciously raised her hand to scratch her face.

"Itching is normal... what Yili said."

Lesa retracted her hand to hold Liz's hand, turned to Mo Tan and whispered softly: "Liz's body recovered a little too fast, what did you do to her?"

Mo Tan raised his eyebrows and said with a smile: "Psychological counseling."

"Psychological counseling?"

"Just chatting with her."

"Then what?"

"When you are in a good mood, your recovery speed will naturally be faster."

Mo Tan yawned and seemed not very interested in the topic of psychological counseling: "Let's put it aside for now. How is Liz's current situation? Can I use it casually?"

Lesa glared at him fiercely, shook her head and said: "The load is still very heavy, and the collapse has no momentum to stop. Although Liz's physical fitness is very good, she can recover a little faster than the collapse, but this balance It’s really too delicate. It’s okay to do a maid’s job, but if you want her to help you kill people and set fires... it’s very difficult.”

"That's quite a pity."

Mo Tan smacked his lips and asked, "Is there any relief from the pain?"

Lesa was silent for a long time, and finally shook her head and said: "No, as I said just now, her body balance is very slight..."

"In the name of the stars, the floating spirits and the black flames bear witness!"

Cholera Tazdingo, the pharmacist who had just been semi-forced by Mo Tan from the day area to attend Kevos Manor not long ago, strode into the main hall, his slightly trembling voice loud and powerful——

"I...I will repent of my sins and punishments, and with the hand of darkness, I will try my best to dispel Ms. Lidette's pain and eliminate bad karma."

Chapter 943: End

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