Quadruple split

Chapter 951 Cholera

"Confess your sins?"

Mo Tan raised his eyebrows slightly, turned to look at the tall figure not far away who had just been brought into the main hall by Cole, and laughed with interest: "Oh, this matter really has nothing to do with you, the former Blood Wing. It’s related to the family’s biochemistry consultant, which means... the reason why Liz became like this is entirely your responsibility, Mr. Hogg?”

"It's cholera, not Hog."

The tall alchemist who exuded a certain strange temperament slowly turned his hood towards Motan, and said in his low and hoarse voice: "Traveler full of ominous aura, please be clear, Cholera Tazdingo I have never served as your so-called biochemical consultant in the Bloodwing family. In fact, we just signed an uncomplicated contract. It was an equal deal. After all, as the apostle of Eternal Night, there is no way I can belong to Under anyone, even though..."

"Although you are responsible for what the poor lady is like."

Mo Tan stood up, raised his arms grandly and pointed at Liz, who was standing behind the sofa, with a sad face: "Whether it is direct or indirect, whether it is an intentional mistake or an unintentional mistake, it is meaningless in the face of the results. excuse, I think you should know this very well."

Liz also turned her emotionless dark red eyes to Cholera and said solemnly: "You should be responsible for Liz."

Mo Tan whistled, took steps silently, walked around the sofa and walked towards the tall figure of the alchemist who was still calm.

The latter was silent for a moment, slowly raised his face hidden under the hood, or rather the mask on his face, bowed slightly to Liz, and said in a deep voice: "Yes, no matter what the reason is, I I have no intention of evading responsibility. In the name of the stars, I must admit that the results of my research have caused indelible harm to you, so I should do my best for your recovery."

Liz didn't speak, but silently looked at the responsible alchemist and Mo Tan beside him, who had almost put his middle finger into his eye sockets.

"Very good, he's still a man."

Mo Tan retracted his middle finger at the moment Cholera finished what he just said, and said with a smile: "Then I'll leave our maid's body to you."


Cholera was silent for a moment, and then slowly turned his head to look at Mo Tan. After a while, he nodded and said: "Every cause must have an effect. The dark night will favor this young girl who survived the disaster. As his apostle, I am responsible for it." Try your best to undo the harm she suffered."

Mo Tan nodded with a smile, patted Cholera on the shoulder and said with a smile: "That's good, I believe in the contract spirit of you, the Dark Night Apostle."

It is worth mentioning that when Cholera just spoke, or to be precise when he said the word 'apostle', Mo Tan raised his middle finger again and waved it right in front of the former's face, and there were two root.

Then he still put away his rough gestures the moment the other person finished speaking, and patted the person on the shoulder as if it was nothing.

And Cholera didn't seem to see Mo Tan's two extremely arrogant middle fingers. He just took half a step back without leaving a trace, and said to Lesa in his thick nasal voice: "Then, please ask the countess to take this maid Sort out the lady’s physical condition in as much detail as possible and send it to my temporary workshop before dusk.”

"I will as soon as possible."

Lesa nodded slightly, and then said hesitantly: "But I think you can check Liz yourself. I think she will cooperate."

The person involved also nodded: "If you don't need to take off your clothes, Liz will cooperate."

"That doesn't have to be the case."

Cholera, however, shook his head, turned around and walked out without looking back, and said with a high voice: "The stars are whispering in my ears, they will reveal the answer and point the way."

Through these few days of getting along, Lesa already had a certain understanding of this alchemist who exuded a mysterious aura, so she just nodded silently and didn't say anything else.

But just because she didn't say anything, it didn't mean that others would also follow suit.

"I think Mr. Cholera's reluctance to examine Liz in person may have other deeper reasons besides those nagging stars."

Mo Tan laughed, and suddenly rushed to the tall figure of Cholera, grabbed the latter's shoulders, and sneered: "Some shady reasons~"

Cholera's footsteps were immediately a meal.

Leisha also raised her eyebrows in surprise: "Tan Mo, what do you mean..."

"I mean~"

Without letting Lesa finish her words, Mo Tan pulled off Cholera's loose robe with a sudden force, and said with a ferocious smile: "Our dishonest Mr. Cholera seems to be hiding an interesting little secret. ~"

"I can not understand what you say."

After being torn off his cloak, he was only wearing a linen shirt and a pair of coarse trousers. Cholera suddenly turned his head to look at Mo Tan, and took half a step back calmly. The voice under the mask was low and thick: "I must warn you, the ominous person, I..."


The bright red blood splashed out, and while Mo Tan stirred the dagger stabbed into Cholera's abdomen, he asked with an innocent and curious face: "What are you?"


Poof! Poof!

The red knife left the body, then went in, and then came out——

"What's wrong with you?"

Mo Tan, whose face was spattered with blood, blinked, his expression still innocent.


Poof! Poof! Poof!

"I just want to prove my suspicion."

After stabbing Cholera three times in the heart, Mo Tan shrugged and said, "It turns out that I seemed to have guessed right."

Cholera fell silent.

Not far away, Leisha, Xiao Ai, and Cole, who unconditionally trusted Mo Tan, just stared at this scene blankly, with no intention of stepping forward to stop it.

[Could this man have been stabbed to death? 】

The three of them just thought so in unison.


Only Liz looked at Mo Tan who was covered in blood with a calm face and tilted her head: "Are you finally completely crazy?"

"Actually, it's not that thorough."

Mo Tan smiled brightly, then slowly pulled out the dagger, stuck out his tongue and licked it in a perverted way, and narrowed his eyes as if enjoying it: "Sure enough, this does not taste like human blood."

Lesa, Cole, Xiao Ai, Liz:?

"Of course, it doesn't taste like dwarf blood, half-dragon blood, ogre blood, lizard blood, dwarf blood, or elf blood."

Mo Tan finished the second half of the sentence with a chuckle, then patted the strong body in front of him, and said with a smile: "What? It's already reached this point, do you still plan to keep hiding it?"

His whole body was covered with fatal wounds, and the amount of bleeding that had reached the level of cholera that was fatal was still silent, without any signs of life.


Mo Tan shrugged, sheathed the dagger, took out his ferocious-looking one-handed sword [Cerberus] with his backhand, and said with a smile: "In that case, I can only change to some props that are easier to achieve results. Let’s continue the conversation. Let’s agree in advance that this sword has a lot of messy effects. Although its lethality is only that much, it can definitely stimulate your senses very well.”

After saying that, he raised his sword without hesitation and aimed at Cholera's abdomen as if to stab him.


"Wait a minute!!"

A muffled scream suddenly sounded within Cholera's body. Yes, it didn't come from his masked head, but from his stomach like ventriloquism.

"I don't!"

Mo Tan's face was stern, and he said in a loud voice: "Do you know how to cherish your life now? It's too late!"

Then he chopped off the opponent's head with a sword.

Lesa, Cole, Xiao Ai:? ? ?

Liz nodded: "Well, the master is indeed crazy."

After an uncomfortable silence...

"When did you find out?"

The decapitated Cholera staggered back half a step and let out a long sigh from his belly, startling Lesa and the others.

This is understandable. After all, even blood seekers with very tenacious vitality and some orcs with special bloodlines will never be able to continue talking after their heads are chopped off.

"I've had suspicions since we first met, but if I want to concretely confirm it, it should be just now."

Mo Tan grinned and took back the [Cerber Hound] with a layer of plasma on it: "Although your second-rate remarks can indeed hide your slowness to a certain extent, the incongruity of being unable to speak and observe the situation at the same time is still there. too strong."

"I can't help it, I...I tend to get nervous easily..."

The voice in Cholera's stomach muffled and said feebly: "I'm really sorry."

"Hey, we're all our own people, there's no point in being sorry or not."

Mo Tan, who had just been stabbed all over with cholera and even cut off someone's head with a piece of cholera, laughed and suggested cheerfully: "Come out and have a chat?"

"You can talk about...anything."

After letting out a long sigh, Cholera's tall headless body suddenly fell to the sky, and then gave birth... to be precise, a person emerged from his belly that was silently cut open on both sides.

A young man who is over 160 centimeters tall, has a short crew cut, wears glasses, tight clothes and is slightly chubby. He should be a human with red roots. He is also holding a dusty little book in his hand. book.


Mo Tan smacked his lips and said with a smile: "I thought you would be a goblin or a dwarf, but it turns out you are a human being, and a pretty solid person. You don't have another one in your belly, right?"

As for the four NPCs next to them, including Liz, who had a calm expression until now, they were all dumbfounded.

"I'm really sorry because I'm a human being. To be honest, it would be great if I was born as a goblin or a dwarf. At least I don't have to be so crowded every day."

The fat young man twitched his lips, laughed twice, and then lay down listlessly on the ground: "Brothers and sisters, I was wrong, don't kill me."

"I'm completely confused about the situation."

The Countess, who had always been elegant in front of her family members, took a sip of red wine to calm down her shock, but it had little effect.

"Ha...haha...I always see a lot of interesting things around you, sir."

Xiao Ai smiled reluctantly, trying not to look at the headless corpse and the shocking blood stains on the ground.

"Just get used to it, get used to it."

Cole comforted in a low voice, but he didn't know whether he was comforting Xiao Ai or himself.

"Liz also wants to know if there's another one hidden in there."

I don't know if it was because of Mo Tan, but Liz, who seemed to have some problems with her outlook on life, weighed the ax gun in her hand, stared at the young man who was prostrate to the ground without blinking, and licked the corners of her lips.

"Did you hear that? My friends are very dissatisfied with you for deceiving everyone's feelings."

Mo Tan leaned over and pulled the young man up, and threatened fiercely: "From now on, I will ask you to answer. If you don't say it well, ha, have you ever heard of Chef Ding Jie Niu?"

The latter nodded repeatedly with horror on his face: "I've heard of it, I've heard of it!"

"As long as you've heard of it."

Mo Tan patted the dagger on his waist and threatened: "If you are not honest, I will have your penis forfeited."

"Is that the same cook who cooked the cow?!"

Xiaopangsha was stunned at that time.

"Shut up!"

Mo Tan flicked the opponent's head hard and said sternly: "What's your name?"

"Cholera...just called cholera."

"Are you a player like me?"

"Yes, I am a player."

"Age? Gender? Hobbies? Sexual orientation?"

"Twenty-five years old, male, likes Bingkuoluo and two-dimensional girls."

"what for?"

"Graduate student... currently studying in graduate school..."

"Liberal arts and sciences?"


"What is the multiplication of all prime numbers up to thirty?"

"Six billion four hundred and sixty-nine thousand six hundred and ninety-three thousand two hundred and thirty."

"You, meow, specially carried it on your back, didn't you?"

"hold head high……"

"Why are you carrying this thing? Are you sick?"

"Am I right?"


"Then you've also carried it on your back..."


After a brief silence, Mo Tan coughed lightly and skipped the embarrassing topic: "So, what on earth is that headless corpse next to me?"

Cholera sighed and said helplessly: "AS, the full name is Armored mobile master-Slave system, which is a super failure of the master-slave mecha system..."

Mo Tan blinked and asked curiously: "Why is it called a super failure?"

"Because it cannot carry the ECS camouflage system, it has no synchronized action recognition system, its maximum traveling speed is less than 10 kilometers per hour, it cannot carry any conventional weapons, its defense power and mobility are terribly low, and its image capture system only has a resolution of 640*480 It’s very fast, and it’s black and white. It can’t even beat an adult wild boar in hand-to-hand combat.”

Cholera pointed at the headless body next to him and said expressionlessly: "There are also beam sabers, plasma beam cannons, and laminated armor anti-beam shields, not to mention."

Mo Tan was speechless for about half a minute, and then looked at Cholera with blank eyes: "Are you... trying to make a Gundam?"


Cholera also raised his eyes and replied half-deadly: "Is that what I think?"


"Brother, if you hadn't failed, you would have been turned into ashes, okay?"

"that's true."


"Then you made a deal with the Bloodwing family before, and now you're asking for wages from Lesa, just to build a real Gundam?"

"No, I've given up on creating big robots in this world."

"Then you now..."

"Bingkuoluo is being developed."

Chapter 944: End

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