Quadruple split

Chapter 96 Suddenly enlightened

Northeast of the Innocence Continent, located in a forest south of the Sanctuary

Yuchen yawned and walked out of the tent, rubbed his eyes drowsily, and then quietly used a waking spell on himself...

"Well, as expected, there is no way to use magic to dispel the sleepiness in reality." The girl rubbed her little face and smiled silly in the air, and then she saw Saint Xia Lian walking towards her from a short distance away. .

"You should rest a little longer." Xia Lian touched Yuchen's hair, shook her head and said, "We still have a long way to go, and it is very important to maintain physical strength."

There was nothing wrong with what she said. After all, just half an hour ago, the saintly sister saw her little apprentice walking in the station. Before that, the two of them had been with the accompanying paladin team. They were all on their way and didn't set up camp to rest until nightfall.

As a strong person among the Shuguang Sect, Xia Lian can completely replace her daily sleep with short prayers, but in her eyes, Yu Chen is far from reaching this level. You must know that although she is a fellow Disciples of God's Favored Ones are extremely talented, but they are far from being able to stay alert for a whole day with just a moment of sleep.

"Well~ Sister Saint, I understand. I will definitely pay attention to rest next time." Yuchen responded obediently, lowering her head and secretly sticking out her tongue. You must know that she looks a little sleepy now. It's not because I didn't get enough rest, but... I overslept during my nap.

After this girl logged off the line in the morning, she stayed in her room and watched TV for most of the day. Then she accidentally slept from afternoon to six o'clock in the evening, and she still hasn't recovered yet.

[It seems that I have become more and more lazy since I left city S. I have never been like this when I was helping my mother in the hospital... Well, I can’t be so depraved starting tomorrow! 】

The girl secretly made up her mind, her face flushed, and she grabbed Xia Lian's sleeve and shook it.

"You kid." Saint Xia Lian rubbed Yuchen's cheek vigorously, and whispered in a vicious manner: "You have learned how to act like a baby, haven't you! She is obviously a big girl, and..."

While resisting the clutches of the saintly sister, Yuchen asked vaguely: "And what?"

Xia Lian glanced at the curve of the young apprentice in front of her that even the priest's robe could not hide, and angrily snorted: "And your Dawn Armor is so thick!"

"Huh?" Yu Chen was stunned for a moment, and after reacting for a long time, he blushed and covered his chest. He backed away and waved his hands hesitantly: "No...no! Sister Saint, please don't talk nonsense!"

"Hmph~" Xia Lian made a gesture of grasping at the former, successfully scaring the girl back several steps before shaking her head and saying seriously: "Keep your strength up, there is still a long way to go, the Holy Cult is over there in Misha County We don’t have many manpower. I hope the epidemic will not expand further...otherwise..."

She glanced at Yu Chen's timid appearance, shook her head and said no more. She just stepped forward and patted her disciple's shoulder gently, sighing: "I just hope you won't be scared by then." .”

"Well, it's okay with me, Sister Saint." Yuchen smiled softly: "I also hope to help those innocent people..."

Xia Lian nodded happily: "Let's go, Knight Taylor and the others are already waiting."


"Wangyu, can you please stop nodding so hard in the future?"


"You make me dizzy..."

Thirty minutes later, the Fire Claw leader fell into the Ax City Council Hall.

"I have never seen such a magical person like you!" Futaba, who was sitting on the long table in the center and shaking his calves, sighed and cast a very mocking look at Mo Tan: "How weird is this? What sense of direction do you need to get you lost in this crappy place with only three floors for half an hour?"

Mo Tan, who had just entered the door, first saluted Xiluo who was sitting beside him, then smiled bitterly at Futaba and said, "Why don't you go pick me up?"

"No, it's too embarrassing to go out for such a stupid reason." Futaba curled his lips in disdain, then turned to Xiluo and shook his index finger: "Well, I'll just say that this guy has tenacious vitality, lie down for a while Just stay overnight.”

The only two people accompanying Xiluo in the meeting hall were the half-orc Lewin of the Fox tribe and the beast elf Cassie. Many of the big shots from the Fire Claw leader were not present at this time. Apparently, everyone had decided on the specific course of action. It has started to get busy, but after all, no high-level officials in any territory have nothing to do and have meetings every day...

The chief of the Fire Claw Territory stood up and walked to Mo Tan, asking with concern: "Brother Hei Fan, are you okay? Yesterday you suddenly..."

"It's okay, I'm sorry to make you worry." Mo Tan shook his head. He had just finished communicating with Futaba through friend messages. He immediately smiled and said without hesitation: "I may have been a little exhausted before. In addition, I haven’t had much rest during this period, and I suddenly fainted yesterday, but now I’m fine.”

Xiluo nodded slightly, took out a dusty whistle and handed it to Mo Tan: "This is the wolf whistle that I asked the copper handle to be copied yesterday. Later, Lewen will take you to pick out a warg from the Axe City. , there are also many things that may be useful on the road, and I have prepared some for you. It is a long way from here to the holy mountain Sumir. If your physical condition, little brother Hei Fan, has not fully recovered, it is best to try more Stay for a few days before leaving."

"No need." Mo Tan took the wolf whistle handed over by Xi Luo and said with a smile: "It's early rather than late. My health is fine and I can set off in a while."

"I will set off for the Violet Imperial Capital tomorrow." Futaba said while playing with her nails absentmindedly: "You'd better seek help from the major sects as much as possible along the way. As far as I know, the Dawn Sect is in the Holy Stick Alliance. Your status is very high, and there should be a church in a slightly larger place that can protect you."

Xiluo also said in a deep voice: "Lewen has prepared an identity certificate for you as a 'Special Envoy of the Fire Claw Territory', which should be of some use. Please be careful on the road."

"Okay, get out of here now." Shuangye waved to Mo Tan: "I will contact you at any time if there is any emergency."

"No problem, then I'll leave first." Mo Tan originally wanted to leave as soon as possible. He was mainly worried that if he suddenly fainted again, Xi Luo might not dare to let him go, so he simply After saying goodbye to the two of them, Di and Lewen left the chamber together.

The latter first took Mo Tan to the warehouse in Falling Ax City to pick up some things, and then the two of them went to the large animal pen, and after Mo Tan selected a snow-white warg, they returned to the warehouse again...

Mainly because Mo Tansi thought about it for a long time and finally felt that he still needed a map. No matter what state he was in, he needed it very much!

"This is a rough map of the Innocence Continent, but except for the southeastern continent, there are only some relatively important countries, cities and roads." Lewen handed the map to Mo Tan and smiled: "After all, most of our activities are The scope is only on the Fire Claw side, and trade is limited to the southeast area. I hope it can be of help to you."

Mo Tan couldn't wait to unfold the map in his hand, and while shorthand and consolidating it at a crazy speed, he nodded vigorously and said: "It's been a big help!"

An hour later, Mo Tan left Axefall City on the snow-white warg he had just acquired, and his initial luggage could hardly hold anything at this time.

Among them, the more worth mentioning are: Map of Innocence Continent, Wolf Whistle of Fallen Ax City (copy), Fire Claw Territory Special Envoy Token, Intermediate Healing Potion*5, Intermediate Magic Potion*5, Fire Claw Territory Special Pie Pie*20, Intestines of mountain boar*20, portable military tent.

It can be seen that Xiluo still takes good care of him, and even packed a lot of his favorite pig intestines for Mo Tan to use as dry food on the road.

The ones worth mentioning here are:

[Falling Ax City Wolf Whistle (Copy)]

Quality: only the best

Use: Take control of an Axefall Warg and make it your mount.

Trait: When you carry the Axefall Wolf Whistle, you will not be attacked by local tamed beasts.

[Remarks: Don’t take advantage of the bastard if you have an advantage. 】

[The Warg of Fallen Axe City—Xiao Bai]

Category: Mount

Quality: ordinary

Ride: Movement speed increased by 100%

Traits: No riding skills required

[Note: Xiaobai is a shy and very smart female wolf, so if you, as the owner, give her orders such as 'Xiaobai, turn into marshmallows', 'Xiaobai, catch the little JJ', You will definitely get bitten! 】

"Well, does this kind of remark really make sense?" Mo Tan happily rode Xiaobai on the road. While sighing that this thing was much more comfortable than the self-destructing sheep, he muttered: "And the copied wolf whistle is definitely not What a ready-made prop, but this note is very appropriate... It is indeed a bit intriguing..."

However, he did not worry about this matter for too long. After all, although it is not common to have such intelligent automatic footnote software in modern times, it is definitely not unheard of. You must know that he also made a collection of various curses in the past. It is a software that can be used for simple filtering of terms through an intelligent thesaurus, and has been dominant in some online games for a long time. If the process is extracted alone, it may be enough to open a new book, but I will not go into details here.

Mo Tan has more important things to do now!

That's teasing...I mean contacting girls.

‘Are you free now? ’ Mo Tan quickly sent a friend message to Yuchen, and then a friend request to Yi Dong.

‘|ω) I’m free~’ Yuchen replied almost instantly.

Mo Tan immediately breathed a sigh of relief, then thought for a moment and asked: 'Is there anything new about the monster you mentioned to me before? ’

'Ah, I'm not with him now, I'm sorry Σ(°△°|||)︴' Yuchen still responded in seconds. Mo Tan was really curious about how this girl could respond so fast. I input these emojis using my brain.

"Why is she apologizing..." Mo Tan sighed with some disappointment, and continued to ask: "Then did it change anything between noon and evening yesterday?" ’

To be honest, his question was a bit deliberate, at least not like a question that could be asked by someone who was just curious about certain things, but Mo Tan didn't care about that much at the moment, not to mention Yu Chen at that time The impression left on him was very clear. First of all, this girl was very shy and did not look like the type who would dig into a problem to get to the bottom of it. Secondly,...well, her breasts were very big...

Yes, unlike her slightly slender figure, this girl's upper circumference is amazing!

[Why did I suddenly think of this! ? 】

Just when Mo Tan suddenly began to question his mental state, Yu Chen's reply came.

'I went to see him once before setting off. It must have been when the sun was setting. It was different from before. The guy who looked like you had turned into the same look as when the knights captured him. He was very, very fierce (* .\u0026amp;amp;amp;gt;Д\u0026amp;amp;amp;lt;)o! ’

This news directly made Mo Tan feel frightened and relieved at the same time...

The reason for the horror and fear is that he is now almost 70% certain that the 'monster' is his own personality that has been sealed for many years, and is also the culprit of Mo Tan's daily 'fragments' during these days of playing the Innocence Realm. And he breathed a sigh of relief because the other party now seemed to be just a mindless monster full of desire for destruction. Although he always felt a little weird when he thought that he would go crazy in the game for a period of time every day, but the result was that he was completely acceptable.

After all...if 'that personality' had consciousness, God knows what terrible things he would do.

[If it is true as I speculated... that's fine, after all, it's not a bad thing for 'that me' to come out for air occasionally... Then the top priority now is to thoroughly investigate this matter. It would be great if it can be confirmed in a short time. But that's it. 】

Mo Tan tightly held the reins in his hands and couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

‘Well, Mo Tan, are you curious about that guy? He’s really scary (lll¬ω¬)~’

Mo Tan, who was immersed in thinking and forgot that he was talking to someone, was interrupted by Yu Chen's new message, and then immediately replied: "There must be some curiosity. After all, we have only met once, you think That 'monster' looks a lot like me, so it's definitely not an ordinary resemblance. Of course, it might just be because we are both public faces, and then we bumped into each other~'

‘No way! Classmate Mo Tan is quite handsome! ((*)!’ The girl thought that Mo Tan really thought he was a public figure, so she immediately comforted her, and then changed the topic thoughtfully, and then sent the message to: ‘Classmate Mo Tan, what are you doing?ヾ(ω`)?'

Mo Tan’s answer was simple: ‘On the way to a mission. ’

"Isn't it better to be carried away by a bunch of orc brothers (_)" Yuchen expressed that he was very curious.

Mo Tan twitched his lips and quickly replied: 'No, this trip is normal, just a bit far! ’

'oh oh! How far is it? (`)’

‘A side mission to help a friend convey a message to Sumir, the Holy Mountain in the northernmost part of the continent. ’

‘Is it just a message? Sumir w(Д)w? ’

'right. ’

‘(o゜▽゜)o☆I have an idea. ’

‘? ’

‘Wanyang-san seems to be in that place called Sumir, (ov)ノ you can ask him if he can help convey the news~’

‘Holy shit! ’

‘What’s wrong (((φ(◎ロ◎;)φ)))! ! ’

'I feel like a fool! ’

Mo Tan suddenly became enlightened!

Chapter 93: End

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