Quadruple split

Chapter 97 Going North and Going South

Maybe the game of Innocence is too real, or maybe it's just because Mo Tan simply didn't go around the corner, and he actually forgot a crucial detail!

The content of the side mission is to deliver a message to the Holy Mountain Sumir for the Fire Claw Leader, but this does not mean that Mo Tan really needs to run there honestly to deliver the message...

Maybe this matter is normal in Futaba's eyes. After all, according to Mo Tan's guess, this girl's friend list should only have two people so far, and those two are himself.

But he himself is completely different from the girl who is unsociable and has extreme otaku attributes.

First of all, he is a player, and secondly, he is also a player with a wide range of interpersonal relationships...

Whether from the perspective of side missions or from the perspective of the operation itself, there is actually only one thing Mo Tan needs to do now, and that is to tell the news to the Holy Mountain Sumir, as long as the people there know it. , and it doesn’t necessarily require him to relay it personally.

"Thanks to Yuchen, otherwise I would at least have to wait until the next time I go online to react." Mo Tan smiled bitterly and asked Xiaobai sitting down to run slower, and then immediately sent a friend request to the character 'Huo Yanyang' , and by the way, I also added a circle of other people who attended the party that day.

This group of people seemed to play very diligently. Huo Yanyang quickly approved his friend application, and Kang Lan and Ji Xiaoge also became Hei Fan's friends one after another. Only Ji Xiaodao and Cordoba There was no reply at all, but Mo Tan didn't care. After all, the former had a weird personality and the latter had weird luck. However, according to Lu Wei, Cordoba didn't seem to be completely dead and could still be saved a little bit... …

'Hey bro, you finally remembered me! ’

‘Mo Tan, you are finally online for once~ What are you doing now? Lost? 23333~~’

‘Long time no see, would you like to come and play in the Elf Forest when you have time? There are so many beauties, let me tell you! ’

After briefly dealing with Ji Xiaoge and Kang Lan, Mo Tan took the time to ask Wan Yang, "Sorry, I have been a little busy before. I heard from Yuchen that you have been staying in a place called Su during this time." Mill's place? ’

Not only did You Yuchen mention this to him just now, but Wan Yang himself had also told Mo Tan personally, but the person he told Mo Tan at that time was not Mo Tan, who is now Hei Fan. .

'Yes, there is a big trouble here. My sacrificial instructor was called here by the great shaman of the Holy Mountain, and he also brought me with him. Brother, why do you ask this? ’ Wan Yang curiously replied to Mo Tan with such a message.

'That's it... I just received a mission here, and I hope I can ask you for a favor. ’ After Mo Tan learned that Wan Yang was indeed in the holy mountain Sumir, he was relieved and said that he had something to help him with.

Then he briefly explained to the other party what happened with the Fire Claw Leader, but he didn't explain it too carefully. He mainly talked about the suspicion that the Marshall family was engaged in slave trading, and the Fire Claw leader was the victim. The Claw Territory has entered a state of preparation for war. If the Noble Tribunal of the Violet Empire does not make a fair judgment, then war may occur at any time.

'I understand. I will convey the meaning of the chief Xiluo to the mentor. He will tell the great shaman that if a very bad situation occurs, Sumir will never sit idly by and do nothing. Wait a moment and tell me if the system prompts that the task is completed. Wan Yang agreed happily. After all, it was just a piece of cake for him. What's more, this kind-hearted young man in the camp also hoped that he could be of some help, whether it was for his friend or the game. The 'kin' in there are all the same.

Ten minutes later, the system prompt sounded suddenly in Mo Tan's ears.

[The side mission has been completed, completion level: 200%, reward obtained: optional experience points of 1,200]

"It's true!" Mo Tan gently hammered his palm and whispered: "The system of this game is indeed very smart. The way to complete tasks is very flexible, and it has an additional 100% task completion rate. It should be because the orc tribe’s holy land intends to provide more support..."

He touched Xiaobai's head to make him stop first, and then opened the message board to tell Wan Yang that his task had been completed, and the degree of completion had doubled.

This time the other party took a short while before replying to the message: "I hope I can help you. The great shaman was there when I went to find the mentor just now. They all attach great importance to matters in the Fire Claw Territory, and It was decided to send two priests to the Violet Empire in the near future to put as much pressure on the Tribunal as possible. Although the effect may not be great, it is better than nothing after all. ’

‘Thank you, I will contact you if anything happens. ’ Mo Tan immediately expressed his gratitude.

'It's okay, but it's a pity that we are dealing with a bunch of particularly troublesome guys now, otherwise the Holy Mountain side can give more support to that side. Huo Yanyang said this, and then followed up with another message: "Please tell me if there is any new situation. I first deceived the first-hand mentor and the great shaman. I didn't think too much when I said it just now. Now these two have started Wondering how I knew that. ’

Mo Tanyan replied briefly and concisely, "No problem", then jumped off Xiao Bai's back, leaning against the snow-white giant wolf and lost in thought.

The task that originally needed to be completed within a month was completed in less than half an hour after setting off. Logically speaking, Mo Tan should return to the Fire Claw Territory immediately to report the situation, but he could not do so.

There was no problem with Futaba, but those NPCs had no way of understanding the method he used to inform Sumir of this information. You must know that even if the information is transported through the Mages Guild at an expensive price, it will take at least a few days. Time, not to mention that there is no mage guild in the orc holy land.

If he goes back now, there is no way to explain...

Moreover, Futaba has the task of accompanying the envoys to the Violet Imperial Capital, but Mo Tan himself has nothing to do. There is not much value in staying in the Fire Claw Territory. At best, it is just doing side tasks, which is meaningless. big.

[In this case, it’s better to take advantage of this time to figure out ‘that matter’...]

After thinking of this, Mo Tan no longer hesitated. He opened his friend list again and contacted Yu Chen, who had given him great inspiration before.

‘I’ve asked Wan Yang to take care of the task. Thank you for reminding me. ’ Mo Tan first expressed his gratitude.

‘o(*≧▽≦)ツDid you succeed! It's great to be able to help~' Yuchen seems to be relatively free at the moment and replies to messages very quickly.

I have to say that this girl's skills in using kaomoji are very good and her sense of substitution is very strong. However, Mo Tan feels that a girl who blushes after just two sentences should never be able to do this kind of expression.

‘Now that I have nothing to do, I plan to go to the Holy Land to have a look. After all, I am still a priest. Yuchen, you should be on your way back to the City of Light, right? ’ Mo Tan tentatively asked Yu Chen while considering his words.

He hoped to take this opportunity to take a look at the 'monster' that looked very similar to him, and at least learn more about it. Since he had time now, and the sanctuary located south of the Northeast Continent happened to be The route to the Holy Mountain Sumir does not conflict with my initial plan to go north, so I might as well meet Yuchen first.


'Well, I'm not on my way to the City of Light at the moment. Although I originally planned to do so, due to an emergency, I have to go to the south first. Ah, that should be where Mo Tan's classmate is. Go north (>﹏<)! ’ Yuchen’s answer was a bit unexpected.

Then Yuchen explained the cause of the matter to Mo Tan. The main content was that a large-scale plague broke out in a certain area in the Holy Land, and the scale continued to expand. Now tens of thousands of people have been infected. The local The church united with the Holy Religion simply couldn't cope with it, so the church in the City of Light temporarily dispatched a very powerful saint with Yu Chen and a small number of clergy to rescue...

The 'monster' that Mo Tan cares about most will be sent to the Supreme Dawn Cathedral in the City of Light in a few days for custody.

‘I see, I am also a priest, and I wonder if I can help in dealing with the plague. Mo Tan replied immediately after Yu Chen finished his story. Having almost memorized the map of the continent, he quickly searched for the epidemic area Yu Chen mentioned in his mind, and found that the place was not far away from him. It's not too far, only a day or two at most. Of course, because he is not online around the clock, it will definitely take a little longer.

'Of course I can help. The priest's skills all have a certain purification effect. It would be great if Mo Tan is willing to come and help! Don’t worry about safety, the saint sister will protect us ╰(*°▽°*)╯! Yuchen looked very happy. She felt that she could quite chat with this friend she had just met. Moreover, there were not many clergymen going to the epidemic area this time. After all, Misha County was not strictly speaking a holy city. It would be difficult to transfer a large number of manpower to the place where the religious union sheltered in a short period of time. It would be great if Mo Tan could go there.

So the two of them agreed to meet at the epidemic area. If everything goes well, Mo Tan will return to the Capital of Light with Yu Chen after the epidemic is resolved. And without him even mentioning it, Yu Chen has already said that he will bring him with him when the time comes. He went to see 'that guy'.

The girl also strongly suggested that Mo Tan go to the Supreme Dawn Cathedral to visit, because the little girl felt that the goddess was very easy to talk to. It would be great if Mo Tan could also become a favored one. Even if not, there are many magical arts there. You can learn it, and there are many side quests suitable for the priest profession.

Although he has reservations about the fact that the goddess is particularly easy to talk to, Mo Tan is indeed interested in the light. Moreover, it is not far from the Holy Mountain Sumir, so if anything happens, he will not delay things.

So the two decided happily.

Then Mo Tan went offline happily...

three hours later

[You have been disconnected urgently, please choose whether to reconnect. 】


[Reconnection begins...]

[Connection completed, reading character information]

[Welcome back, chaotic neutral Tan Mo, will soon enter the realm of innocence, wish you good night]

outside kalan city

After Mo Tan went online, he first sent a message to Yi Dong, and then walked leisurely to the city. He was now used to several hours of fragmentation every day, and if it was really the 'monster' that Yu Chen said, So this kind of thing is obviously completely acceptable, at least for him now.

"After all, that is the ending that is most suitable for 'that me'~" He murmured in a low voice, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth: "No matter when and where, there is always a need for a cage as a home, as long as it does not hinder If things go wrong, it doesn't matter if you occasionally sacrifice some time to let 'that side' breathe..."

A slight haze flashed in his eyes, and he whispered: "The first step is to confirm the harmlessness~"

Ten minutes later, the second floor of the ‘Air Pump’ Hotel

"Hey, it looks like we've already gotten along." Mo Tan, who walked into the room, glanced at Yi Dong, Cole and Xiao Ai who were chatting, closed the door behind him, leaned against the wall, and smiled at a certain gay friend A: "I'm really sorry that I didn't have time to reply to your message just now, Zombie~"

Yi Dong rolled his eyes: "It doesn't matter, I'm used to it."

Xiao Ai and Cole quickly stood up to say hello to Mo Tan, and looked at Yi Dong with a bit more respect. They really didn't expect that this junior mage was actually that gentleman's friend. .

"Just to introduce you casually, these two little guys are my boys." Mo Tan pointed at Cole and Xiao Ai casually, then glanced at Yi Dong, turned around and said sternly to the two people: "That pretty boy is My friend, you can call him Zombie."

Cole pursed his lips and said nothing.

Xiao Ai, on the other hand, turned around and bowed to Yidong honestly: "Zirty...Mr. Zirty Bi."

"What a dirty airplane guy! Don't listen to his nonsense! I should have introduced myself before!" Yi Dong sighed, and then shrugged at Mo Tan: "By the way, why did you specifically let me know before? Let me get to know these two? Show off or something?"

Mo Tan shook his head: "There's nothing to show off. I can see it but not use it. The system has already blocked me."

"What on earth did you @#¥% do!" Idong roared and complained: "Don't say such informative things with such a casual attitude! I should complain about the system blocking you. Still complaining about that unclear meaning of 'use'! Beast!"

Mo Tan stretched out his little finger to pick out his ears, and then said sternly to him: "Speaking of beasts, I have indeed seen both 'beasts' and 'birds' during this period, and one of them happened to be in Kalan City. You Do you want to go take a look?"

"Thanks, I'm not interested." Yi Dong shook his head quickly.

"Oh, okay." Mo Tan nodded: "Then get ready to go, taking Xiao Ai with you."

Yidong and the little priest asked at the same time, "Where are you going?"

"Go south to the Marshall Territory of the Violet Empire." Mo Tan said casually: "We will tell you the reasons later. Now you can set off..."

Chapter 94: End

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