Quadruple split

Chapter 965 A new day

Game time AM08:19

On the outskirts of the Golden City, in the chief house of the kobold settlement, the main hall

"Funny, my friends."

The Jialion clan leader, who had just played a trick with his nephew, blinked, moved his body deep in the large sofa, and showed a warm and friendly smile to the Wangwang team sitting opposite: "It seems that everyone has already used it. It’s breakfast~”

Mo Tan smiled, nodded sincerely and said, "I've already eaten. Thank you very much for your hospitality."

"What are you talking about? You are the benefactors of little Hogg, and even more so the Heipi family. Don't be polite to these simple meals, let alone..."

Carion stretched out her hand and rubbed Hogg's head next to her, and said with a smile: "Those things were all made by Hogg. This kid has been in charge of the family for a long time, and he has been good at cooking since a few years ago."

The kobold boy shrank his neck shyly, looking a little embarrassed.

The two members of the Heipi family did not dine with the Paw Paw team. Among them, Ms. Carion stayed in bed because she went to bed late yesterday, while Hogg got up before six o'clock and started doing After finishing the meal, I ate something briefly and then went out with Wang Ba Dan.

As for the reason, it is naturally to confirm whether the 'curse' has really faded away. This is what everyone has been doing during this time.

Cordoba, Fimiguel and A Liang had left two days ago, and the reason why the Wang Wang team, headed by Mo Tan, stayed in this settlement until now was to verify that Jialion Whether the matriarch and Hogg, the only remaining members of the Blackskin family, have been able to escape the curse, are as completely 'off duty' as their ancestor named Severn Ink Blackskin.

The specific test process is to accompany the two of them to do some things that theoretically will cause big problems after the Black Skin family does it, such as taking Hogg to the place where he accidentally teleported himself to an alien plane again.

Although the leader of the Jialion clan did not want to cooperate at first, his nephew made up his mind after hearing what Mo Tan and others had experienced in the ruins, and he adopted a posture that even ten oxen could not pull back. , and finally reluctantly agreed.

The first experiment was to ask Hogg to go to the place where he was chased by snakes and cut himself open, and drop two drops of blood under the root of the big tree. Nothing happened.

In the subsequent experiments, the Wangwang team, together with Carrie Ang, who rarely went out, went for a walk around the places where the ancestors of the Black Skin family had been 'disappeared' in the records. In the process, the patriarch The lady has been spreading her blood in the center of the protective circle of the Paw Paw Team, but nothing unusual has happened.

It was only then that Jialiang finally began to believe what Team Wang Wang had said before about her ancestors being off work. She was not a stupid person, so naturally she would not persist in insisting that those contents were made up by Mo Tan and others. Yes, after all, these people had no motive, and they had saved Hogg's life before.

Finally, just the night before, Patriarch Jialion made an extremely courageous decision. She put some medicine into Hogg's dinner, so that the child would get sleepy and go back to the house to sleep early. After that, she resolutely Let Mo Tan and others take him to a place fifteen miles away from the settlement.

The focus of this matter is not ‘a certain place’, but the ‘fifteen miles away’ in front.

Let me help you recall that when Mo Tan and Ji Xiaoge met the matriarch of Jialion for the first time, the latter mentioned that anyone with "black skin" mentioned it in her unstable mental state. 'People with this surname may disappear as long as they leave the village, even if they are active in the surrounding areas. Not only that, if they are more than fifteen miles away from the village, they will immediately die of cardiac arrest.

This may not be a curse, but it is more domineering than those real curses!

The basic theory of the former one, which Mo Tan and others have already guessed, is that people with black-skinned bloodline have some special 'qualifications', which allows them to obtain some relatively basic permissions, such as convenient access from somewhere on the surface. Teleported to the No. 7 database, just like Hogg before.

Now that the Sun Dynasty has completely cooled down, those fully automatic puppets that have been in disrepair have already developed a large number of problems, including but not limited to 'logic confusion', 'command errors', etc., and these problems are enough to make them shout " Praise the Sun' while hacking to death the unlucky ones who accidentally teleported themselves into the library.

If Mo Tan hadn't been stuck fighting in the corridor that day, and the Wang Wang team and the beautiful girl mercenary group were inexplicably teleported to the same place with a drop of dog blood, Hogg would have died long ago.

Of course, after two days of verification, it was basically certain that there would be no more mistransmissions. After all, Carion had visited almost every place where the ancestors disappeared mysteriously in the records, eating, drinking, drinking, peeing, and slitting their wrists. Blood and everything else were used, but it didn't cause any supernatural phenomena.

And the second quality of the 'curse' is so domineering that even people like Mo Tan, Ji Xiaoge and Dabus who can confirm that the mission has been completed are a little uneasy.

He died of cardiac arrest more than fifteen miles away from the village. To put it simply, he died suddenly!

This is where the curse is sharp. If not for this, the black-skinned lineage could have migrated carefully in the past years, away from this land that could make them disappear at any time, even if it might be activated on the way. No matter what the weird stuff, it won't be a big problem as long as you are careful enough.

But sudden death at a distance of more than fifteen miles has nothing to do with carelessness.

"I believe you. I believe that what you told me and Hogg before is true."

Nine hours before the game time, Carion, who secretly left the village with the Paw Paw team, took a deep breath, draped in the hazy moonlight like silver gauze, bowed deeply to the benefactors in front of her, and then grinned: "But everything is possible, so...if something happens to me, please comfort my nephew and take care of him for a while if you can."

After saying that, he strode out of the "safe area" in the family records and stepped into the "death line" where as long as he had black skin blood flowing through his body, he would die suddenly.

It turned out that nothing happened.

Carion shivered violently at first, and then carefully took the second step, but nothing happened. There was no sudden sharp pain from the chest, no bleeding from the orifices, and no immediate blackout. , There is no long life flashback, nothing!

Then, the patriarch lady began to fall into a state of confusion as if she was going crazy. She first knocked down two saplings with a flying swoop, then spun, jumped, and rattled around like a snake. He could only jump up and down like an epileptic gas tank, and made all kinds of weird screams that had no logic or meaning. At first glance, he looked like he had just gone crazy.

But everyone present knew that Carion was not crazy, but fell into a kind of ecstasy that was difficult for others to empathize with. The joy of breaking the curse, the joy of surviving the disaster, and the joy of breaking free from the shackles surged through the blood vessels and body. The joy in her soul, coupled with the pursuit of freedom that is inherent in every intelligent life that she has suppressed for who knows how many years, the mentality of this matriarch who is deep in the city and rational enough in most cases finally finally I collapsed and started burning my calories like crazy.

Although this flexible, fat man jumping up and down is not very lethal, the visual impact is not bad, and it made everyone look stupid on the spot.

After a long time, Carion finally calmed down. She knelt on the ground and raised her head in a daze, talking to herself. She kept mumbling something...

Mo Tan and others heard fragmentary words such as 'Father', 'Mother', and 'Barcyon'. The last one was the name of Hogg's father, the previous patriarch before Jialion.

Everyone did not come forward to disturb, but dispersed in tacit agreement, setting up a cordon in this not-so-dangerous place, creating an undisturbed environment for Carion.

It was not until dawn that Jia Liang, who seemed to be fine, found Mo Tan, patted the latter's butt to show that he was fine, and then quietly returned to the settlement with everyone.

Not long after, Hogg got up energetically after a good sleep, quickly prepared a sumptuous breakfast for everyone, and then sneaked out with Wang Badan.

The target is any place more than fifteen miles away from the village. Hogg, who is ready to use his own life to prove whether the curse is really gone, sets out!

What the boy didn't know was that a certain tortoise he thought he had become familiar with during this period had sold him long ago, and the reason why he was acquiesced in this little adventure was because of Carrie Ang I tried it myself last night and confirmed that even if I crossed the 'death line', there would be no problems before I let him slip away.

When Mo Tan and others came to the main hall after breakfast, they happened to catch up with Hogg, who was excitedly telling Carrie that the curse no longer existed.

Without telling Hogg the truth, Carion just watched lovingly as her nephew danced and took credit, and softly praised: "Good... very good, Hogg has really grown up..."

‘What a good parent! ’

Ji Xiaoge pursed her lips and smiled, then sent a message to Mo Tan.

'Agreed, Hogg is such a lucky boy. ’

Mo Tan nodded slightly and looked at the kobold boy with a shy smile and a straight waist without realizing it.

Obviously, without Carion saying that the concealment last night was the same, Hogg, who risked his life early this morning to test whether the sudden death curse was indeed ineffective, is a hero, a real hero!

This sense of achievement and satisfaction is exactly what Hogg, a child who has been constrained in the village since he was a child, and does not even have the freedom of other peers, lacks the most.

"Children at this age are all vain, especially boys."

When he returned to the patriarch's house early this morning, Jialion asked Mo Tan and others not to tell Hogg this: "But he doesn't even know what kind of fish there are in the creek outside the village. , just like me back then...I developed this kind of virtue in self-destruction, and a new life is about to begin. I can't let that child be ruined by the same kind of depression and inferiority as me!"

Jialiang clenched her fists, her eyes full of determination.

Mo Tan and others looked at each other, then nodded in unison.

Since people want to hide their merits and fame and build confidence and honor for their nephews, they will naturally not be ignorant to expose the unimportant truth. What's more, no matter what Carion did, at least little kid Hogg When rushing towards the 'death line', I didn't know that I was destined to be safe. The children were really risking their lives.

The pride in the young man's eyes was well-deserved and without any moisture.

"Well, that's it, Madam Patriarch."

Mo Tan coughed slightly, stood up and said sternly to Jia Liang: "We have been harassing you for a long time. Now that the 'curse' in the blood of the Black Skin family has been lifted, it is time for us to say goodbye. "

Hogg exclaimed softly: "Ah, Brother Mo, are you leaving now?"

Children are emotional. Although Hogg is a very smart and precocious child, and he knows that Mo Tan and others will not stay here forever, he is still very reluctant to say goodbye to these kind and kind "outsiders, brothers, sisters, grandpas and bastards". His eyes, which were quite big among kobolds, turned red at that time.

"Yes, now that you, little Hogg, have confirmed that the curse will no longer threaten you, it's time for us to continue our journey."

Ji Xiaoge fluttered her wings and jumped in front of Hogg. She rubbed the young man's head with a smile and said with a smile: "You are also going to start a new life with your aunt. In the future, you must help Sister Jialion with all kinds of things." It’s about that, little man.”

Jadeka also said with a smile: "We will come back to see you when we have time."

"Wang hid two big bones in the room, and Wang only hid this one!"

Yaya took out a big bone wrapped in oil paper from the bag on his waist and said sternly: "I left one for Wang Ge! Wang should save some food!"

"This is for you. It contains some short stories that I copied. They are all very philosophical, such as "The Two-Headed Ogre Let the Pear", "Three Little Goblins", "Seven Ink and the Forty Thieves", You can read more about "Fundamental Physics" when you have time."

Dabbs took out a thin pamphlet and handed it to Hogg, showing a smile that could be said to be selective in the latter's eyes: "I want to become a useful person to society."

Hogg took the manuscript handed over by Dabbs, held it in his arms with great care, and nodded heavily with tears in his eyes: "I understand! You must come back when you have time! If you don't have time, write a letter. Give it to me and my aunt."

"Easy to say."

Everyone looked at each other and smiled, said goodbye to the aunt and nephew again, and then left the patriarch's house with the two of them smiling reluctantly.

The sunshine outside is warm and the sky is blue.

It’s a new day in every sense of the word, and it’s just begun.

Chapter 958: End

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