Quadruple split

Chapter 966 Good to go

Game time AM10:47

Northwest Continent of Innocence, Golden City, North Gate

"I'm back~"

The beautiful winged girl flying at low altitude fell from the sky, turned around and smiled at her friends behind her: "Although I haven't been away for a few days, it still feels like a long time has passed!"

Mo Tan shrugged and said with a slightly complicated expression: "After all, we have experienced a lot, and it is normal to have this feeling of being separated from the world."

"Who says it isn't?"

Jadeka smacked his lips and echoed with emotion: "It was originally a simple escort mission, but as soon as it was completed, it was involved in the expedition of the Archaeologists Association, and then went around the ruins of the Sun Dynasty. , right after I came out, my fellow adventurers who were close to me suddenly turned into dragons and had a fight with Fimi, plus the curse of the Heipi family... Wow, I have never been so fulfilled before."

Yaya smiled narrowly, turned to Mo Tan and raised an eyebrow and said, "I was very boring when I was wandering, but after being picked up by someone, I basically haven't stopped these days."

As early as at the Anka Market, Mo Tan was evaluated by a lady at the front desk of the Adventurer Guild as having a "bad physique". He was helpless and could only smile bitterly.

After all, in a sense, the character 'Mo' is often involved in a lot of messy incidents, whether compared to most people or compared to Mo Tan's other two characters.

Although they seem to be busy and non-stop, but unlike 'Black Brahma' who is willing to cause trouble for himself because of his moral integrity, and 'Tan Mo' who will create a lot of trouble even if there is no trouble, his current personality In this game, Xia Mo is always the one who is constantly being approached by various incidents. It can be said that he is very passive.

Although some of the problems faced by the character of 'Black Van', such as dealing with the plague or fighting cultists, he would also do it before the current existence named 'Mo', but at least the events he has experienced so far In fact, there are really not many things that allow him to exert his subjective initiative.

To give a simple example, although in the world of innocence, as a "mo", he does not mind the hero saving the beauty, but the actual plot is often that before he subjectively wants to "save the beauty", the villain The disciple's knife has already been stabbed at him.

So from a certain perspective, although Mo Tan is not qualified to stand side by side with Cordoba under his current personality, he is definitely not a lucky person.

To put it simply, he has a troublesome constitution, the kind that will get him into trouble wherever he goes.

So facing Ya Ya's teasing, Mo Tan was really speechless.

By the way, the reason why this bitch is able to perform the high-level operation of 'teasing' is because about ten minutes ago, Jadeka's staff accidentally 'exploded', which caused a huge damage to Jadeka's magic staff. Robe and Fang's tails deal a lot of fire damage.

And Yaya, who went berserk on the spot because his tail was burned, immediately caused secondary damage to Jadeka, well, very heavy physical damage, and he has not recovered from the 'explosion state' until now.

"Well, having said that, I've always been quite curious."

Dabbs turned his attention to Yaya, who rarely had sharp teeth, and asked, "Yaya, what kind of life did you live before you met Mo?"


The fried-haired dog girl looked back at Dabbs like a bad girl. She stretched out her little finger to pick out her ears and curled her lips and said, "I live with the grandfather who adopted me. In a quite remote village, every day. They are all bored to death, and they are also given medicine that is very bitter and difficult to drink.”

Dabus chuckled: "Then you ran out and took risks because you couldn't stand the very painful medicine?"

"No, the old man has not been in good health. He died of illness about a year ago."

Yaya shook his head, and a haze flashed through his red eyes that were sharpened by his madness, and he said lightly: "He kept talking about how my illness is about to be cured and I can live a normal life. Then I died, and then I left the shabby village and wandered around. When I was hungry, I would help others with some manual labor or catch some weak beasts to eat. When I was sleepy, I would just find a place to sleep. Later, I heard that there was a place called I was a person who specialized in helping people, and I still had money to go to, so I went to the nearby Adventurer's Guild, and then I met Mo La."

It was the first time for everyone to hear these things, and everyone was speechless. After a while, Dabbs broke the silence by whispering "Sorry".

"Sorry for what?"

Yaya waved his hand nonchalantly and said calmly: "The old man has always been in poor health and suffered a lot in his life. He also kept giving me food that tasted particularly bad... Well, it's better than Sister Yege's stuff, right? , it’s just a bad-tasting medicine anyway, and he should have died long ago.”

Everyone: "..."

Ji Xiaoge: "..."

After a while, the beautiful winged girl who recovered from the blow took Yaya's hand and asked: "By the way, Yaya, you said you were adopted by that grandfather, but what about before you were adopted? Uh. ...If it’s not convenient to say it, you don’t have to say it!”

Perhaps realizing that his question was a bit abrupt, Ji Xiaoge quickly added.

"There's nothing inconvenient to say~"

Yaya shrugged nonchalantly, then spread his hands and said, "But I don't remember."

At this moment, everyone had entered the Golden City and was strolling on the well-greened Avenue of Glory. They were all stunned when they heard this.

"Can not remember?"

Jadeka scratched the folds on his face and asked in confusion: "What do you mean?"

"What do you mean? It's not interesting. I don't remember it."

Yaya curled his lips, turned his head and glanced at Jadeka, and said angrily: "Even I don't know what happened before being adopted by grandpa, do you understand? Also, old man, stay away from me, if you If that broken cane explodes again, I'll poke that thing out!"

The old mage shrank his neck, hugged his staff that had been iced into a two-handed war hammer, smiled and stopped talking.

"I'm different from you. I'm not a magical alien from the world, nor a rebellious old boy with a big family, nor a hybrid bastard."

Yaya put his hands behind his back, turned around, bared his teeth at his friends, and said with a smile: "Just a very ordinary ordinary person."

Wang Badan rolled his eyes and seemed to want to curse a few words, but in the end he swallowed it because Yaya was a bit difficult to deal with now.

Others exchanged a strange look. Although they didn't say much, everyone agreed that the dog girl who could learn dragon language magic and easily unlock the teleportation ban in the Sun Dynasty Archives was definitely not an ordinary person. Ordinary people'.

Of course, everyone who always regarded Yaya as their little sister didn't care whether she was ordinary or not. Compared with those who had some and didn't, what they cared about was whether Yaya was happy, in a good mood, and in good health.

So the topic just got sidetracked.

fifteen minutes later

City of Gold, No. 30 Rongguang Avenue, the entrance to the No. 2 airship platform owned by Goblin Bomb Airlines

"I said……"

Jadeka swallowed hard and said dryly: "Dabs, are you really planning to take this ride to Academy City?"

Dabus, who had just explained to the little goblin girl at the front desk the objective fact that the two-handed ogre is an ogre with two heads, so he only needs to buy one ticket, turned his head (Dabbus' own head) Lai smiled and said: "Yes, I have checked it before. The airship of Bangtan Airlines is very fast. Even if I am delayed for two more days here, as long as I can catch the flight in ten minutes, I should be able to catch it tomorrow. Arrive in Academy City before noon."

"I understand everything."

The old mage raised his head and glanced at the LOGO of Blast Air, which was made up of wrenches, motors, detonators and thick smoke, and said nonchalantly: "But that's on the premise of not crashing..."

Dabbs blinked in confusion: "Crash? What crash?"

"Well, in terms of air transportation, compared to the dwarf Pan-Business Circle, which is known for its safety, stability, price, and turtle speed, Bangtan Airlines, the former's biggest competitor, has always been famous for its low fees and fast speed."

Mo Tan coughed lightly, patted Dabus' elbow, and said in a deep voice: "In contrast, the airships owned by Bangtan Aviation have extremely high... note, it is an 'extremely high' crash rate. , even the highest-priced 'Explosive Cylinder Rover' has a crash rate of 37.52%, and the 'Explosive Cylinder Voyager' you are about to board, the flagship airship featured by Explosive Cylinder Aviation twenty years ago, has a crash rate of 49.85 % crash rate.”

Dabbs: "..."

Everyone: "..."

The goblin ticket sales girl who planned to sell two tickets to Dabus said expressionlessly: "Once the tickets are sold, they will not be refunded."


Yaya, who had already come out of his hair-raising state and hadn't yet realized the seriousness of the matter, tugged on Mo Tan's arm and said with admiration: "Mo Wang, your bark is so good!"

Mo Tan touched Yaya's head and said with a smile: "I have a friend who used to be the captain of Explosive Tank Airlines. I heard him talk a lot about this knowledge at that time."


Ji Xiaoge blinked and said in surprise: "Mo, you still have such a friend! Can you introduce me to him later?"

"Let's think about how Dabbs should go first. I thought he knew before."

Mo Tan changed the topic casually and didn't talk much about his friend...

Ford Explosive Diamond, the former Captain of the Explosive Tank Aviation stationed in Panshu City [Lucky], and the captain of the Misha County Joint Force [Kirov], at 21:26 on the evening of the 7th of the Song Moon, 9571 in the Holy Calendar, [ Kirov] exploded together on the long bridge in front of Eby City in southern Misha County, causing a devastating blow to the mutant cluster and creating the most perfect start for the Requiem Project.

Mo Tan still remembers the scene when the middle-aged goblin chatted with him with a cigarette in his mouth after the completion of the Kirov. He could not forget the moment when he fulfilled his promise and completed the long bridge in Eby City. The most gorgeous crash in his life, he calmly and freely ended his life and passed away with his family members who died in the plague.

[If I have the opportunity to take you there to see him in the future, I will introduce him to you. 】

Mo Tan sighed softly, then wiped away the past events that had nothing to do with 'Mo' in his mind, and turned his eyes again to Dabus, whose face was ashen.

"When I read a post online..."

Dabus stared at the boat ticket in his hand and gritted his teeth: "I didn't see the information you just mentioned in it at all!"

"There is a possibility."

Mo Tan shrugged his shoulders and said with a wry smile: "The author of that post and the people who replied to it have all had troubles with Explosive Air, and then formed a group to fool people like you out of the mentality of 'Why am I the only one so unlucky?' , in order to achieve the goal of not being unlucky alone but not as unlucky as others.”

Dabs, who had a good outlook on life, suddenly widened his eyes: "Is there such a thing!?"

"My guess just now may not be accurate."

Mo Tan touched the tip of his nose and said helplessly: "But it is indeed a possibility."

Dabbs stood there as if struck by lightning, muttering: "Is it too late for me to refund the check now..."

"That's too late."

The goblin girl shook her head and repeated what she just said: "Once the promissory note is sold, it will not be returned."

Dabbs looked ashen.

Everyone was a little at a loss.

"I said to this guest with two heads, your flight is arriving at the port soon."

The little goblin girl looked at Dabbs with disdain, crossed her arms and said, "The half-dragon guy next to you is indeed right. The crash rate of our Explosion Tank Aviation is slightly higher, but the crash rate is higher. It’s not about the mortality rate. Compared to the people in the dwarf pan-business circle, our emergency measures are the most complete. As long as we follow the rules, we may not be injured even if we crash ten or eight times, and we can also go to the nearest business point for free. Transfer.”

Dabbs was stunned for a moment, then turned to look at Mo Tan, who seemed to know a lot.

"What they said should be right."

Mo Tan nodded slightly and said with a smile: "If the crash rate was equal to the death rate, Explosive Tank Airlines would have been unable to survive long ago, and it would be impossible to compete with the dwarf anti-business circle until now."

At this moment, a crisp whistle sounded from mid-air. Everyone looked up and saw an empty airship that was shaped like a ship and emitted billowing smoke, swinging twice in a circle not far away. Then it moved tremblingly for a few meters, and finally landed with a loud bang.

It really hit the ground with a "thud", and it hit the ground with a "boom"!

The next second, the two magic crystals in front of the conductor lady were suddenly lit up, emitting a burst of soft yellow light.

"Well, it's moderately damaged. It will take about fifteen minutes of basic repairs."

The conductor lady nodded indifferently, then glanced at Dabbs who was dumbstruck: "Sorry, your flight will be delayed for about fifteen minutes. Would you like a drink of sweet honey water while you wait? One cup is just Two gold coins, a special gift from the royal family of the Violet Empire."

Dabbs: "..."

"Hey, drink it, I'll treat you to it."

Jadeka smacked his lips, stood up on tiptoes and patted Dabus' arm, sighing...

"Have a drink so you can hit the road."

Chapter 959: End

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