Quadruple split

Chapter 967 Huge Rewards

Dabbs is finally on his way...

Although he had tears in his eyes before boarding the plane, he was unwilling to do so, but with the kind reminder from the conductor, he learned that if he transferred to the airship of the Dwarf Pan Business Circle, he would have to fly for at least three days. After receiving the news that he had only half way to arrive in Academy City, he finally boarded the ship after completing some not-so-hasty repairs on the "Leopard Tamer".

The moment the airship struggled to take off, Anthony Dabbs was holding a large amount of food packed by Ji Xiaoge in his left hand, and in his right hand was holding the 200 gold coins that everyone had given him (Mo Tan said that this was considered as payment for the Archaeologists Association) Give it to him, everyone will ask for it from the Jotun branch president later), he said goodbye to his friends with a pale face and tears, with the attitude of a strong man who has gone and never returned.

"I really want to shed tears on the public screen..."

Ji Xiaoge looked up at the swaying airship in mid-air, drifting away, and worriedly asked Mo Tan in a low voice: "Is there anything going on with the two of them?"

Mo Tan, who was also unsure, shook his head slightly and comforted: "It shouldn't be a big problem. Didn't I just say that Bakutank Airlines is very well prepared for emergency evacuation, and even if it crashes, it will not easily put passengers in danger." , so, um... it’ll probably be fine.”

"Where are their physiques?"

Jadeka next to him stroked his beard without being too worried, and said calmly: "I have flown on many Explosive Airships back then, and they handled it very professionally when the ship was about to break down. Even if Even novice passengers with no crash experience can quickly grasp the essence.”

The worry on Ji Xiaoge's face lessened. He looked away and nodded: "Then let's go directly to the Archaeologists Association now?"

"Wang wants to go to Wangyuan City!"

Ya Ya, who was holding the airship platform security sign, turned around with a bright smile.

Mo Tan's face froze, and the corners of his mouth twitched twice without speaking.

"We have to wait until we get to Tianzhu Mountain to talk about Academy City's affairs~"

Ji Xiaoge walked over with a smile, hugged Yaya, and said with a smile: "Now we have to go to Mr. Zordon to get the reward. After all, we also participated in the expedition."

Yaya nodded excitedly and cheered: "Wang reward! Gold coins! Eat good food!"

"Silly girl, look at your potential~"

Jadeka smiled fondly and touched Yaya's soft silver-gray hair, like a grandfather watching his naughty granddaughter act cute.

Although Yaya will usually be the first to go to Jadka for trouble when he loses control and goes berserk. When he is in a mad state, he has no intention of respecting his elders at all. When talking to the latter, he is full of gunpowder, but he usually likes to stick to Jadkar. Ka, second only to Nian Motan, the relationship between the two is really similar to that of a biological grandfather and a biological daughter.

Even Yaya when she was in madness, in Jadeka's eyes, was just a good granddaughter who suddenly entered the rebellious stage. Not only was she not unhappy with the latter's attitude, she was even a bit indulgent, which can be said to be very doting on her. .

In fact, this is not difficult to understand. After all, the old mage is already at this age. It is probably unrealistic to find a wife to rejuvenate his second youth. However, as he grows older, he likes children more and more, and Mo Tan and Although Ji Xiaoge is several decades younger than him, he is still an adult in his twenties, and there is no way he can be treated like a child.

But Yaya is different. Although this girl's objective age is similar to that of Mo Tan, she is mentally younger in most cases. She has the innocence that belongs to a child, and she also has the cuteness that belongs to a child. The child is not articulate and can't speak Mandarin well. Even though she has the energy of a delinquent girl after going crazy, she still has the cuteness and cuteness of an adolescent girl.

Of course, there are not many people who can stand this cuteness. If it were an ordinary grandfather, Yaya would be able to slap to death at least three people in a mad state, and that is Jadeka's body. A freak with a nature that can be called a curiosity can withstand Yaya's little temper, and he can't be beaten to death no matter how hard he beats him.

And Yaya may have been adopted by another grandfather as long as he could remember, so he was also very kind to the old mage who also took good care of him and had a big white beard. After half a year, the two of them really became like their own grandfather and grandson. .

All in all, after sending Anthony Dabbs off, Mo Tan and his team set off for the Archaeologists Association after a moment of reminiscence. The journey was uneventful and they did not encounter any trouble or accident.

According to normal people's thinking, it is usually understood as follows: Even if the 'Mo' in the World of Innocence is a troublesome physique, because not long ago we were exploring ruins, lifting curses, and watching dragons fight, no matter what, we should do it. A peaceful day or two passed.

But in Mo Tan's own eyes, he subconsciously understood it as: Academy City may not be able to escape the disaster. This special thing is the calm before the storm! ?

Soon, the four people and one turtle arrived in front of the Archaeologists Association in the central area of ​​the Golden City smoothly.

The Golden City Archaeologists Association branch does not occupy a large area. It looks similar to the Wanderer Hotel run by Jun Wu in the Free City. It is an antique three-story building. Although it occupies a good location, There are not many pedestrians walking around, but not many people go in and out. If this was placed in the downtown areas of big cities outside the game, it would definitely be a money-losing business.

Of course, these problems do not exist for the Archaeologists Association in the Innocence. First of all, they are not in the business. Secondly, as a non-profit and neutral organization with an excellent reputation, it is especially an organization that can excavate from time to time. It is a neutral organization that produces some good stuff. It has a lot of sponsors, and you can get a lot of conveniences no matter where you are...

For example, because the manager of the Golden City is also one of its patrons, the Archaeologists Association here does not need to pay rent, etc.

"Wow, this is the Archaeologists Association."

Ji Xiaoge fluttered his wings and looked up at the antique and chronological building in front of him. He first let out an unclear sigh and tugged on Mo Tan's arm: "Doesn't it look like the kind of building that is protected by the country?" Old age architecture!”

Mo Tan nodded, feeling that what the girl said did make some sense. Compared with the various glamorous buildings in the downtown area around it, the Archaeologists Association really felt like a 'siheyuan among high-rise buildings'. The sense of déjà vu feels pretty good.


At this moment, an unfamiliar voice suddenly sounded not far away. The four of them looked back and saw the 'Colonel Touching the Gold' who they had interacted with and become friends with before, walking excitedly from the street. The man from the opposite side ran over, shouting as he ran, "Oh my god, I've finally brought you back!"

Mo Tan raised his hand and pressed Colonel Mo Jin's shoulder, preventing the latter from bumping into Ji Xiaoge due to failure to brake quickly and being kicked off the line by the system as a 'harassment'. He smiled and said, "Long time no see. We have just finished our work over there, which is the hidden mission I told you before."

"Sorry, sorry, ah! I understand, I understand, I just miss you!"

Colonel Mojin, who almost bumped into Ji Xiaoge because of his inertia, first apologized sincerely, then turned to Mo Tan with a smile and said: "I have made a great contribution this time! Your Excellency, the branch president, has applied for me to be promoted. If everything goes well, when the news comes back from the headquarters, I will be the youngest second-level steward of our Golden City branch, thanks to you!"

"Hey, don't say that."

Ji Xiaoge waved his hand in embarrassment, shook his head and said with a smile: "If you hadn't introduced this task to us, some very sad things would have lasted for who knows how many years, and we would have been paid. Ah, it should be considered a win-win situation!”

Under the girl's smile that almost brought out his soul, Colonel Mojin immediately nodded dizzy and said: "Yes, yes, win-win, win-win, thank you so much, thank you so much... Huh? That one Where’s the two-headed gentleman named Dabbs?”

"It's Anthony Dabbs."

Mo Tan corrected the name of Colonel Mojin and said, "They have something to do and they separated from us not long ago."

Colonel Mojin didn't ask any more questions. He just took Mo Tan and others into the branch and said with a smile: "It's okay, it's okay. Anyway, I will include Mr. Anthony Dabbs when I pay you."

"No, to be precise, Mr. Anthony and Mr. Dabbs."

Zordon Nightcrawler, who did not know when he appeared in the middle of the hall on the first floor of the association, bowed to Mo Tan and others, then turned to Colonel Mo Jin and said warmly: "You should think more before speaking in the future, such as the Wangwang team. What role did you all play in the previous series of events? If you continue to be like this, it will make me wonder if you were promoted too quickly, Mojin."

Captain Mojin was stunned for a moment, then quickly turned around and bowed to his boss: "Yes, your Excellency, branch president!"

"You go and do your work first. I'll just settle the payments for everyone in the Wangwang team."

Jotun nodded slightly, and after successfully sending away Colonel Jin, he smiled at Mo Tan and others, "Can the four of you have a cup of tea together?"

Although he knew that Zordon's motives were definitely not pure, and it was probably because he and the others were familiar with Christina that he was so enthusiastic, but as the saying goes, don't hit the smiling person, Mo Tan still nodded in good faith and responded: "It's an honor. "

"That's great. Please come with me."

Jordan smiled, then turned and walked upstairs. In the process, he told a girl standing in front of a large number of forms: "I'm going to make half a bucket of my precious herbal tea for the guy outside... um , friend of Warcraft, he is also my guest."

"Huh? Oh, yes!"

The girl was stunned for a moment, and then she nodded vigorously after taking two seconds to react.

"Thanks, sissy."

Wang Badan, who had good ears, shouted loudly at the door.

Zordon was staggering at that time. Although his appearance, voice and behavior were relatively gentle, he was still gentle. He could not be compared with a sissy. This was the first time in his life that he heard someone talk about him like this.

"Uh, I'm really sorry. That bastard is used to being a mouthy guy. I'll definitely teach him a lesson soon!"

Ji Xiaoge immediately apologized to Zordon with a red face, nodding and bending while secretly looking at the handsome old dark elf guy...

[It seems like she’s really a bit girly! 】

The girl couldn't help but sigh in her heart.

"It's okay, it's okay, that Warcraft friend is also really good-natured."

Zordon, who didn't know what the girl next to him was thinking, smiled cheerfully and said he didn't mind.

Just like that, five minutes later, Mo Tan, Ji Xiaoge, Jadeka, and Ya Ya were sitting in the president's office on the third floor of the branch, which was also Zordon's room. Everyone was greeted by the owner earnestly. A cup of fragrant tea was placed. It looked like the kind that was specially reserved for entertaining distinguished guests.

"Sir Zordon, you are... so enthusiastic."

Lao Jia, who was very knowledgeable, glanced at the tea in front of him and showed a somewhat narrow smile.

"I can't help it. After all, building a good relationship with you is part of my job."

Zordon made a face that made people feel friendly and shrugged: "And since it is part of the job, it means that the tea can be reimbursed."

"Pfft, Mr. Zordon, you are so smart."

Ji Xiaoge chuckled, and his favorable impression of this dark elf uncle who didn't seem hypocritical increased a lot.

"What does the Wang Wang accent mean?"

Yaya asked innocently.

Zordon: "???"

"Ah, I'm sorry Mr. Zordon, this girl doesn't speak Common Mandarin very well."

Jadeka immediately patted Yaya on the head and subconsciously translated: "She said sissy."

Zordon: "..."

Jadeka: "..."

After an awkward and uncomfortable minute of silence, the extremely well-educated Jotun branch president took the lead in breaking the silence.

"Ahem, let's get down to business first. First of all, the rewards for your participation in our Archaeologists Association's expedition."

Zordon coughed slightly and said seriously: "Mr. Mo, Mr. Jadeka, Ms. Yege, Ms. Yaya, Mr. Anthony, Mr. Dabbs... and Mr. Warcraft outside, each of you has two thousand gold coins. If it is inconvenient for Mr. Anthony and Mr. Dabbs, we can also remit the reward directly to his account in the name of the Gold Coin Chamber of Commerce or the Steam Consortium."

As soon as he finished speaking, the whole room suddenly fell into an eerie silence again.

The reason is simple. The Wangwang team, which has been running around doing tasks for the past six months and can be considered a group of mature adventurers, is really frightened by this insanely generous reward!

Two thousand gold coins!

Two thousand gold coins per person!

Even Wang Ba Guang has a share!

Anthony and Dabbs even count them separately!

A total of fourteen thousand gold coins!

This guy is no longer insane at an ordinary level. You must know that Mo Tan and his gang have never made so much money in the past six months!

How to prevent them from being blinded by thunder...


The point is, and then!



"We will also pay you the subsequent auction dividends harvested this time as soon as possible."


"If nothing else, the amount should be around 30,000 gold coins."


Chapter 960: End

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