Quadruple split

Chapter 983 Countdown to Departure

forty minutes later

Game time AM08:32

After going to the shop where Blake often went for breakfast, Mo Tan and Yu Chen, who took a walk back to the inner city of the City of Light, stopped in the square in front of the Dawn Cathedral, feeling the feeling that although for the latter, It's ordinary, but at this moment, Mo Tan, who has an 'absolutely neutral' personality, has precious peace in his eyes.

Thinking about it carefully, not to mention that he never had a good time to relax for even a minute under the other two personalities. Even now, Mo Tan, who was once called a salty fish state by gay friend A in the past, was innocent after entering the trap. I have never been able to get any holiday that was lazy enough, leisurely enough, and idle enough.

In the words of his complaint to Yi Dong, at least in the eyes of Mo Tan, who is under the "absolutely neutral" personality, he does not feel at all that he is playing a spiritual virtual game called the Realm of Innocence, but that he is playing the whole process. Being played with by this thing.

Of course, even though he was being 'played', he was enjoying it to a certain extent and never tired of it.

But in the final analysis, at this moment, Mo Tan still prefers a leisurely pace of life, rather than being driven by the wheel of fate in an awkward situation.

But if the above-mentioned car was carrying Yuchen, it would be a different matter.

Although he was still a little reluctant, Mo Tan did not firmly express his refusal. Although he knew that increasing the time spent with Yu Chen was definitely not the right thing to do, it was far from being a will. Determined, he still couldn't resist the temptation completely...

Well, strictly speaking, it's not a temptation. After all, the senior leaders of the Dawn Sect headed by Saint Xia Lian are very resolute, so Mo Tan, who is not firm enough, half-heartedly accepted the offer. In short, he was lying to himself.

Ah, actually I don’t want to go. I understand the reason. I know that this is a bad mistake in the long run. It’s just that those people’s attitudes are too tough and I can’t refuse at all.

Just like this ↑

This kind of thing can be said to be a basic operation that most advanced intelligent creatures can do. It is also the so-called self-comfort, shifting the responsibility to those messy force majeures. In fact, in the final analysis, it is just to find reasons and excuses for the actions that one is inclined to in the heart. .

Perhaps this behavior is a bit irresponsible, but it is not shameful. After all, it is something everyone does.

Since everyone can do it, there is no reason not to allow him to do it.

With this conclusion, even though he has a lawful neutral personality and a will as strong as steel, he can only shake his head and smile bitterly when he thinks of this matter.

It can't be said that the mud can't support the wall. After all, for him as the "Black Brahma", reaching the psychological quality of his other two personalities is simply nonsense and a nonsense joke.

As a 'Black Brahma', there is actually nothing unworthy about Mo Tan, but against the background of his two other non-mainstream personalities, he seems... almost uninteresting in all aspects.

He himself knew this, and it was precisely because of this that Mo Tan initially felt that he could do nothing when he was in danger with Ned and others. Although he was pushed to the limit, he still managed to do something. Today, he can even rub against the cultists with Sumir, but his psychological quality is still very poor.

So Mo Tan simply gave up thinking...

Just like what that person said to that person, just let nature take its course and wait until the ship reaches the bridge. As for whether it sinks or goes straight, we will decide when the time comes.

It was precisely because he gave up thinking every time he thought about the unsolvable future that Mo Tan, who had low stress tolerance and endurance, was not forced to have a stomach perforation.

That's it, that's good...

Bathed in the warm sunshine, Mo Tan, who had completely let himself go, narrowed his eyes slightly, enjoying the false peace and comfort.


Yuchen followed him in a daze for a while and gently tugged on Mo Tan's sleeves, blinking her clear and innocent eyes that the latter could not help but stare at at any time, and asked curiously: "Where are you?" What are you thinking about?"

Mo Tan was stunned for a moment, then shrugged and said with a smile: "I was thinking that this world is really wonderful. I didn't expect Luna, who has been a 'trainee' alchemist until now, to be recommended, and even better than We both need to be early."

[Since then, I have more and more acquaintances in Academy City. I don’t know if this is a good thing or a bad thing. 】

Another thought crossed his mind, but Mo Tan didn't say it out loud.

"I don't think there's any problem. After all, Luna can't only be at a 'trainee' level. She's just like us medical students. Whether she can pass the technical exam is one thing, but her personal level is another." Let’s talk about something~”

Yuchen chuckled, and then stuck out his tongue: "It's just an example! There are very few people who are unappreciated and unappreciated, and I only heard this from my mother, so I can't count them~"

"makes sense."

Mo Tan smiled and said with great energy: "Gold will always shine. Anyway, I think there is no problem in letting a young and potential alchemist like Luna go to Academy City. That President, Your Excellency Still very discerning.”

Yuchen nodded, covered his mouth and chuckled: "It's just that Luna didn't seem to be interested at first. Well, that's right. I don't think she's the kind of person who particularly likes fun."

Mo Tan made a face: "Me neither..."

Yuchen wrinkled his nose and feigned anger: "Uh-huh, that's right. It's really wronging you to ask Commander Heifan to condescend to accompany me on a business trip."

"It's good to know."

Mo Tan, who didn't want to think about his troubles, also made a joke and said with a smile: "So you have to behave better, use your initiative, bring tea and water to His Excellency Commander, wash the clothes and fold the quilt~"

"You are so stinky and shameless!"

A crisp and sweet voice accompanied by a rather tough temperament came from not far away. The first saint of the Dawn Sect, Xialian Zhuye, and the high-level paladin Yizuo Jileite walked around from the other side of the fountain. He came out, and then the former rushed to Mo Tan and poked the latter's forehead hard: "You brought tea! You poured water! You wash clothes and fold quilts! Why didn't you tell Wang Yu to warm your bed!" ?”

Mo Tan: "..."

Yi Zuo, who was next to him, shrank his neck and muttered in a low voice: "Well, I can do... serve tea, pour water, wash clothes, fold quilts, etc., but... but just warm the bed..."

Yu Chen: "..."

"You girl, please give me some attention!"

Xia Lian turned around and started poking the half-dragon female knight in the head, and said in a shocking voice: "Do you know how lovable a good girl like you is who is beautiful but has no muscles? If you keep doing this, everything will be lost. What should I do if Yiheifan loses control one day? If Wangyu is big, you can be small!"

Even though he had the physique of a high-level paladin, Xia Lian was staggered by Xia Lian's slender hand that was comparable to a powerful diamond finger. He nodded in a panic and said: "Okay... okay! I will definitely pay attention!"

"Sister Xia Lian! Don't talk nonsense...!!"

Yu Chen, who really couldn't stand it, blushed and started to grapple Xia Lian. However, the latter grabbed her by the collar and lifted her up in the air like a cat, dangling pitifully in Xia Lian's hands.

"And you~"

Xia Lian said something and her head suddenly collapsed, and she said viciously: "I woke up very early on purpose today, but when I asked, I found out that you ran away with Hei Fan at seven o'clock. Damn it, I thought You guys eloped!"

Yuchen stuck out his tongue, and while shaking it in Xia Lian's hand, he said obediently: "We just went for a walk, and visited Luna by the way. After all, we didn't have a good time together on the day Hei Fan came back. I just wanted to have a good chat with her before I left."

"Huh, okay, as long as it's not an elopement, I hate people leaving without saying hello the most in my life."

Xia Lian curled her lips, let go and put down Yuchen, and asked: "Then what? That girl who can't beat a fart with three sticks, what is she talking to you about?"

Yuchen shook his head: "Nothing to talk about, because Luna also wanted to go to Academy City on behalf of the Alchemist Association, so she was dragged to go through the formalities by President Fullundale without saying a few words."

Xia Lian was stunned: "Huh?"

"It means literally. It is said that the president of the Alchemist Association has always wanted Luna to go, but the person involved was not very willing. This time he changed his mind when he heard that Yuchen and I were also going."

Mo Tan glanced at the saintly lady in front of him who spoke with a lot of sand, shrugged and said: "According to the president, Luna will trigger the trigger in about three days, take a boat and take the waterway to Academy City, and then We won’t stay any longer, anyway we can meet again in a while.”

"Okay, little girl Luna is quite promising."

Xia Lian nodded, yawned without interest, and asked the two of them: "Have you packed everything? You are from another world, so you don't need to bring big and small bags with you, right?"

Yuchen nodded vigorously and patted the pocket connected to his luggage: "Yeah, it's all in the luggage."

"Then let's go. Although there's still a little time, but it's early rather than late when you're going far away, so I'll take you to the empty alley first."

Xia Lian, who was not on her way, stretched out, then grabbed Yuchen's thin shoulders and strode towards a direction that Mo Tan couldn't tell which direction it was.

Mo Tan also took Yi Zuo's large backpack and stuffed it into a bag that would be recognized by most NPCs as space storage props, and chased after the latter.

ten minutes later

Game time AM08:47

The outer city of the City of Light, empty alleys, and airship paddocks

"This must be your first time coming to this place~"

Xia Lian simply said hello to the two priests at the entrance and then led the three people into the empty alley. Xia Lian smiled and pointed at the huge open space not far away and the full-body ship parked in the center of the open space. Pure white, with a total of nine holy emblems printed on both sides, the shuttle-shaped mechanical creation looks like a date stone. He smiled and said: "This is the empty alley of our Holy Religion Union. Although the scale is not very large, the environment and greening are good. It’s pretty good, but as for the stuff parked over there…”

She paused for two seconds, as if she wanted to pass it off, but the curiosity of Mo Tan and Yu Chen seemed to be limited. Although they were indeed looking at the pure white spindle-shaped creature with interest, they were not interested at all. Ask her what she means.

As for Yi Zuo, she has seniority. Although she has never had the opportunity to ride on this thing before, she has sufficient theoretical knowledge and knows no less than Xia Lian.

"Hey, this thing is our Holy Religion United's own airship. It's called...hell call it [United Airship]. It's a very uncreative name."

Xia Lian smacked her lips and continued to introduce: "There are three ships in total, but only one is permanently stationed in the City of Light. They are all dwarf pan-business circles with the latest acceleration technology of explosive aviation. Although the styles and appearances are different, many big forces have them. In terms of speed, stability, comfort and safety, they are better than those standard models on the market. Well, that's it. In fact, there is nothing special about this thing worth bragging about. The advantage is that it has a good appearance and is easy to decorate.”

Mo Tan/Yu Chen: "..."

"What's wrong? Pretending is very important! Don't look down on the face-saving project."

Xia Lian raised her eyebrows, spread her hands and said: "Don't forget that we are the United Holy Religion. It is an organization with a lot of religions stacked together. If we don't pay attention to our image, how can we make others believe in religion? How can we make others convert to our goddess? ?”

Mo Tan covered his face helplessly, shook his head, and said dryly: "It's not that we look down on the face-saving project, we just think what you said is too direct, it hurts our teeth."

"The words are rough and the truth is not rough. It's so boring to talk so much about my own people's nonsense."

Xia Lian waved her hand carelessly and continued: "Anyway, this is your transportation to and from Academy City this time. If nothing else happens, it should only take you a day and a half at most. Well, if nothing else happens, it should only take you a day and a half."

Yi Zou blinked curiously: "Your Highness, didn't you say that the safety and stability of this airship are very high? What other accidents could happen?"

"for example."

Xia Lian snapped her fingers and said seriously: "For example... if the captain sees Old Tom's face, then I guess the ship will sink and crash directly, that's for sure."

Mo Tan/Yuchen/Yizou: "..."

"How much do you like to discuss topics about my appearance?"

A figure wearing a white linen robe, a heavy hood, and a face covered with white bandages quietly emerged from the morning light and appeared in front of Xia Lian: "Although I don't really mind."

There is no doubt that the person who came was Old Tom, who had become familiar with Mo Tan some time ago, but this time he was hiding his face.

"I thought I would be the first to come."

"Tsk, that's what I thought too. Hafan and the others must have arrived too early."

At the same time, two other familiar voices also sounded from the direction of the entrance not far behind them.

The Holy Son of the Sun Sect - Day Black.

The saint of the Wealth Cult - Fairy Graham.

These two people also went to the Academy City exchange meeting in the name of the Holy Religion Union and walked into the airship platform together.

At this point, it was only a short time before the United Holy Church team (?) officially set off for Academy City——

Only one hour and five minutes left.

Chapter 976: End

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