Quadruple split

Chapter 984 Academy City (I)

"Didn't I say we should gather twenty minutes in advance?"

Still wearing the complicated and luxurious robe, with gorgeous blond hair, and a friendly smile on her lips, Philly Graham waved vigorously to Mo Tan and others: "Hafan, why are you Dawn Sect here so early? Yeah, time is money."

Adhering to her usual down-to-earth style, the Saint of Fortune greeted the members of the Dawn Sect headed by Hei Fan in a joyful and unpretentious manner, very warmly.

"Good morning, Your Highness Xia Lian, Master Tom, Ms. Yi Zuo, Sister Wangyu and Brother Heifan, you all came so early."

Day Black next to him is much more well-behaved. Although from an objective point of view, this thirteen-year-old shota can be said to be the most valuable person among the younger generation of the United Holy Church, he is better than Yuchen in terms of rules and etiquette. He is more than a little bit better than Fiyali, and there is nothing stereotyped or pretentious about it, so it's hard not to like her.

"Senior's name is Hei Fan."

Yi Zuo first bowed respectfully, then glanced at Feiyali helplessly, trying to correct the latter's name for Mo Tan for countless times.

"Haha, I know, I know, Jileite, you really like to compare such details~"

Feiyali, who had become quite familiar with Yi Zou on the road before, laughed and waved her hand indifferently. From a visual inspection, she probably didn't listen at all.

Yuchen smiled and poked Mo Tan's arm: "I think the name Hafan is quite cute. Do you want me to call you that in the future?"

"Please let me go."

Mo Tan twitched the corner of his mouth, and then secretly gave a look to the Holy Son Shota who had just had a heart-to-heart relationship with him some time ago - Do you like this type?

Blake was stunned for a moment, then subconsciously followed Mo Tan's gaze and glanced at Fiyali next to him, and immediately shook his little head into an afterimage.

"You guys came quite early."

Xia Lian first glanced at the two juniors, Feiyali and Blake, then turned her gaze to the two people behind them and raised her hands: "Hey, Harrington, Milinda, you two are also here to see off the children. ?”

"Hello, Senior Xia Lian~"

Wearing the robe of a high-ranking priest of the Church of Fortune, the half-orc woman from the Fox tribe who looked to be in her early thirties and stood behind Fiyali smiled slightly, revealing two innocent dimples.

"Your Highness."

Behind Black, the Grand Knight Commander of the Sun Sect, Jeff Harrington, bowed very respectfully. His senses were exactly the same as those of the Holy Son in front of him. If it weren't for the fact that the latter was too fair-faced, cute and handsome, he was very similar to him. The heroic but not handsome Harrington is completely different, and may even give people a sense of déjà vu.

"We are all old acquaintances. Harrington, don't be so formal."

Xia Lian shrugged and said displeasedly: "As old as I am."

Jeff Harrington nodded slightly, and after two seconds of silence, he said softly: "I have been looking for an opportunity to apologize to you, regarding some unpleasantness during the previous Northern Expedition..."

"No need, I'm quite happy now, and Black Brahman is doing well too. Let's not talk about those old sesame seeds and rotten millet things."

Xia Lian waved her hand to interrupt Jeff's words and ended the topic lightly: "Too bad."

In view of the previous monitoring of the conversation between Mo Tan and Blake, Xia Lian, who had already determined that the conservative Jeff was not involved in the incident of "contrary to the Black Van Priest", seemed very generous and had no intention of using the topic as an excuse. After all, she has a relatively simple personality. People don't have the habit of knocking over a whole boat of people with one stick.


Jeff nodded, then saluted Tom and Yuchen respectively, and finally turned his gaze to Mo Tan, the corners of his lips that were pursed into a thin line were slightly curved: "If I remember correctly, this should be Let’s meet formally for the first time, Pastor Hei Fan.”

Like Xia Lian, Mo Tan, who had no ill intentions toward the Grand Knight Commander, nodded obediently: "Yes, Sir Harrington."

"Exquisite tactics, but also very bold and courageous."

Harrington's eyes were full of approval, and he praised unabashedly: "You have improved a lot compared to when you were in Misha County, or...is that the battle with Sumir that is your real strength?"

Mo Tan was stunned for a moment, and then smiled awkwardly but politely: "Misha County just happened to meet. As for the battle of Sumir... well, as far as I know, it should be guided by those respectable elders. victory in the war, so the ingenious tactics you mentioned... must be some interesting misunderstandings."

Obviously, Mo Tan was pretending to be stupid. Others present also knew that Mo Tan was pretending to be stupid. Mo Tan even knew that others present knew that he was pretending to be stupid, but he still chose to pretend to be stupid.

The reason is very simple, that is, after the accident that occurred when he entered the city due to his lack of concentration, Mo Tan, who had been pushed half of his body into the spotlight, had already made up his mind to stay away from any incident that might cause trouble for him. , and determined that no matter on any occasion, no matter whether it is private or public, we must sever ties with Sumir and fight to the death!

Of course, as the saying goes, ideals are full and reality is skinny. At this moment, Mo Tan didn't know that he had been clearly arranged.

"Haha, I see, I must have misunderstood."

Harrington did not expose the young man in front of him who was pretending to be stupid. He just chuckled and said: "But we are both talented young people. Pastor Heifan, if you have time, you can communicate more with His Highness Black."

"do not worry."

Mo Tan immediately borrowed Po Xia's donkey and gave Black a meaningful look: "We can still talk very well."

Harrington nodded: "That would be great."

He thought that the Black Vatican Priest in front of him had implicitly admitted that he was officially the commander of Sumir's final battle, and said that he could talk to Blake about things that were not convenient for him to tell him. He did not expect that Mo Tan was referring to something about Theoretical knowledge on 'royal sister control'.

But Blake understood, so he lowered his head with a red face.

Yu Chen, who had been monitoring with Xia Lian before, also understood, so he rolled his eyes covertly.

"Okay, okay, stop chatting with the juniors, let's go over there to have a drink and chat for a while, leaving some space for the children to communicate."

Xia Lian yawned, greeted Harrington and Milinda, and then walked towards the beverage sales counter not far away, because she was a little depressed and needed some cold beer to stay in shape.

As a result, the three church guardians who came to see off the juniors went to the opposite side of the airship platform together, and Old Tom, who was about to be one of the team's full guardians, was shouted over by Xia Lian, leaving only Mo Tan, There are four young people, Yuchen, Yizuo, Feiyali and Blake, plus a child.

"Ha~free air~"

After those people walked away, Fiyali opened her hands grandly and hugged the air in front of her, and then snickered to Mo Tan: "Hafan, you are so true. It's rare for Knight Commander Harrington to praise you. Damn it." Why don’t you admit it?”

Mo Tan's face was expressionless: "I don't understand what you are talking about."

Fiyali hugged her shoulders with a hurt look on her face, blinked pitifully and asked, "Oh, Hafan, how can you be so outspoken!"

Mo Tan rolled his eyes: "Am I familiar with you?"

"It's more than cooked! It's like raw rice and cooked rice!"

Feiyali made an astonishing utterance that could theoretically only exist between players, and said with tears in her eyes before Mo Tan, whose face suddenly turned black, burst into tears: "I am your first Investor! You can’t be so alienated from me!”

Blake tilted his head curiously: "Investor?"

Yuchen also tilted his head curiously: "Investor?"

"Hey... I remember I told you, right?"

Mo Tan smiled bitterly and turned to look at Yu Chen, and said helplessly: "Don't cause trouble."

The latter stuck out his tongue playfully: "Because it feels fun."

I just followed my eyes, nose, nose, mouth, and heart, and had no intention of participating in the discussion.

Although she is indeed quite familiar with Fiyali, as a paladin with a somewhat serious personality, it is still difficult for Yi Zou to talk freely in front of the two gods' favored ones opposite her, although both Fiyali and Black are very familiar with each other. There is no arrogance at all, but the female knight still feels a bit stressed.

It was precisely because of this that she admired her seniors even more, even though their religious ranks were not high, they were able to talk freely, laugh and even fall in love with the gods' favored ones.

"Okay, stop talking about me."

Mo Tan waved his hand helplessly and suggested, "Let's change the topic."

Feiyali didn't bother too much, and just said in a good-natured manner: "Okay, if you are willing, I can educate you on the cost of this empty airship, and by the way, reveal how much money Explosion Aviation and the dwarf pan-business circle have made with this thing. How much dirty money~"

Mo Tan twitched his lips: "Do we have to talk about such a heavy topic..."

"If possible, I would like to ask Sister Fiyali to help educate people about the Academy City Exchange Meeting."

Blake, who has a sweet mouth and a sweet mouth, made Fiali smile with the words "Sister", and said with a smile: "If I remember correctly, it should be the second time for Fiali-san to participate in the Academy City Exchange Meeting. I still It’s the first time.”

"Eh? Is that so?"

Yu Chen also poked his head from behind Mo Tan's shoulder with great interest and exclaimed: "It turns out that Your Highness Feiyali has already been there once."

Although Mo Tan and Yi Zuo did not speak, they were both going to the exchange meeting for the first time, and they seemed very interested in it.

The reason why I say "seems" is because Yi Zou is really interested, while Mo Tan, who has already figured out what the so-called exchange meeting is about through various channels, is probably just pretending.

"Haha, when it comes to 'participating', this is my first time, and this is your zeroth time."

Fiyali grinned, wagging her fingers and said, "After all, internship is not considered participation. It's more like just going to have fun."

It was obvious that this person was emphasizing his status as a formal member of the meeting.

Mo Tan and others also cooperated with Feiyali's little pride, and they all looked like curious babies who were all ears.

"Well~ since you are all interested in that place, I will do what little Blake said and give you a little knowledge about it."

Fiyali cleared her throat and said seriously: "By the way, one day thousands of years ago..."

"Wait a minute~!"

Mo Tan was shocked at that time, and interrupted with a confused look on his face: "Do you want to start talking about it from thousands of years ago?!"

"Yes, yes, Hafan, please don't interrupt."

Fiyali wrinkled her nose, and then continued: "In the northwest continent at that time, there was a country called the Sun Dynasty. That country was so powerful. At its peak, it almost unified the entire northwest, and whether it was politics, economy or society The structure is all very advanced, and it’s so powerful that you don’t need it.”



Both Yuchen and Yi Zhao listened very carefully and nodded repeatedly.

Mo Tan pretended to listen attentively and began to get distracted by the faint fragrance emanating from the girl behind him.

Black also pretended to listen attentively, but deep down he felt a little helpless, because his original intention was to let Fiari talk about the features of Academy City during the exchange meeting, not that he himself had already known it. , how did Academy City come to be like this?

However, since Feiyali spoke with great interest, Yuchen and Yi Zhao also listened with great interest. The two men did not ask others to talk about the important points quickly, but invariably put on their expressions of 'listening carefully' After wrapping up, I started to get distracted.

"Then, just when the Sun Dynasty had just barely put back its pace of expansion, those very forward-thinking and very wealthy executives suddenly formulated a long-term plan, which was to build a land bordering the easternmost part of the Sun Dynasty in the center of the continent. Build a bunch of academies in the middle of the Golden Valley and the Dark Forest."

Feiyali shook her index finger and emphasized: "Please note, it is a bunch of colleges, not one college."

"Is that Academy City?"

Yuchen responded quickly and immediately asked a reliable question.

"It's almost, but not exactly. To be more precise, it should be considered the predecessor of Academy City."

Feiyali smiled approvingly and continued to explain: "You must know that the Sun Dynasty was one of the largest forces in the entire continent at that time. It had almost the top talents in the entire northwest under its command. There were dozens of legendary level experts alone. There are hundreds of masters in engineering, alchemy, pharmacy, art and other fields. Yaris, the governor of the Sun Dynasty at the time, directly extracted nearly 30% of the top talents in various fields from the dynasty as the first A group of tutors have invested in those dozens of colleges, 30%! That’s 30% of the elites when the Sun Dynasty was extremely prosperous!”

Feiyali exaggeratedly made two 'three' signs with her hands and shook them vigorously, like a female crab with delicate features.

"Sounds awesome!"

Yuchen clapped his little hands in admiration and asked enthusiastically: "What next?"

"Then those people will be independent!"


Chapter 977: End

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