Quadruple split

Chapter 985 Academy City (II)


Both Yuchen and Yi Zhao were confused, and they couldn't understand how those colleges could become independent in such a smooth way.

"Yes, it became independent, but not immediately. It became independent after Academy City had completely entered into a healthy operation and had fully expanded its scale. At that time, it was already called Academy City."

Fiyali shrugged and said with a smile: "As for the specific process, it's a long story..."

Then the Saint of Fortune took out five cushions from one of the space storage items on her body, gave one to each of Mo Tan and the others, sat on the ground and started talking nonstop.

As she said, the colleges established by the Sun Dynasty did not immediately become independent in a short period of time. They only drew a clear line with their old employers after they became a unique cluster of colleges in the entire continent and their wings were completely hardened. This process totaled It probably took...nearly three hundred years.

The Sun Dynasty spent huge manpower and material resources to establish those academies for the purpose of network talents. This was not a shady conspiracy, but a naked conspiracy that covered the entire innocent continent. After all, no one is a fool. When the Sun After the dynasty spreads out its publicity plan for those colleges, even any stall owner can guess which ambitious dynasty is definitely not planning to do some charity on a whim, and intends to provide young talents and those who are not young around the world. Provide a platform.

Indiscriminately attracting talented people, mainly young people, selecting and cultivating capable potential stocks in various fields, and turning them into fresh blood to fill the increasingly large dynasty. This is what these efforts are all about. One-third of the entire dynasty's top talents spent huge sums of money to build the core reason for the creation of the academic cluster.

And the Sun Dynasty did not hide it. They have stated from the very beginning that no matter who can succeed in those top universities, after graduation, they can get the full power of the dynasty in terms of politics, economy, resources and even social status. support.

To put it in terms that are easier for us to understand, as long as you pass the test after graduation, you will be allocated a car, a house, money, a stable job with a salary above the social average, and five insurances and one housing fund. take.

Of course, there is a premise for all this, and this premise is very simple, that is, you need to change your household registration.

This trick can be said to be quite advanced and difficult to copy. It is not that the idea is difficult to come up with, and no one else except the great minds of the Sun Dynasty can figure it out, but looking at the entire Innocence Continent at that time, there was no force that could compare to the Sun Dynasty. In this way, Dynasty created a bunch of higher education institutions from scratch.

That’s right, a bunch of them, not one!

Although many large forces at that time had the capital to erect an oxford academy on the spot, a single academy was naturally unable to compete with the group of academies established by the Sun Dynasty, and this was not a matter of money or hardware. In fact, Even excluding the Gold Coin Chamber of Commerce and the Steam Consortium, the two largest top chaebols in the continent, there were still many forces that were able to establish enough academies at that time. After all, in this world with a fantasy worldview, the cost of building an academy was actually not high. Sometimes it only takes an epic-level earth magician or a blessed seed to create or plant an academy.

But the problem is, we have the college, we have the venue, we have the money, but where are the people?

Teacher strength, teacher strength, once we have the qualifications, where are the teachers?

The Sun Dynasty can send hundreds of masters in various fields to give lectures at one go, and even occasionally have legendary professors to make soy sauce. Can other forces do it?

It's a pity, let alone at that time, even now, no force can do this kind of thing.

The Violet Empire has the 'Violet Military Academy' which has a history of hundreds of years and has produced numerous talented people, and two schools of the same level located in the Duntis Territory and the Simon Territory; the City of Light also has the famous 'Sacred United Theological Seminary', but these are You can count them on one hand.

But the academy cluster established by the Sun Dynasty back then is also the current Academy City. It contains top universities of the same level, not to mention one hand, even one's feet.

Coupled with their ultra-low threshold of accepting students regardless of their background or financial strength, as long as they have talent, they set off a trend across the continent almost in the first year of the school's establishment, and countless people flocked to it. of students have crossed the threshold.

After all, no matter what world view you are in, there are too many people with unmet talents. Even if there are a lot of discerning people who can screen out 99% of the people who are just useless, there are definitely many people who are truly talented and have potential, but they just failed to succeed due to various reasons. It's just glowing and heating up.

For example, if there are ten young civilians who were born in the Violet Empire and have great interest and talent in the field of command operations, only one of them will be lucky enough to enter the Imperial Military Academy for further study, while the other nine will be The son of the Grand Duke, the nephew of His Excellency the Marquis, the great nephew of the generous wealthy businessman, or whoever had a school district room opposite the Imperial Military Academy were squeezed out, even if their potential was not as good as theirs.

This is a fact, an irrefutable, iron-clad fact.

Because the world is not fair, this is normal, because if it were completely fair, the world would be in chaos.

In this case, the schools established by the Sun Dynasty gave those eliminated a chance, a chance that was not absolutely fair, but at least relatively fair.

'You may be turned away, but that's just because you're not as skilled as others, not because you're from a humble background or you don't have enough money. ’

This sentence is the honorary dean of 'Edmund Skyfire Academy'. Legend has it that Edmund Tonks, the sage of both thunder and fire systems, accidentally fell in love with someone who traveled thousands of miles to Academy City, but was in Skyfire. The words of the poor dwarf who hesitated in front of the luxurious gate of the college were not propaganda slogans, but they were regarded as classics by countless students in the future.

By the way, the dwarf young man who finally had the courage to button up the 'Edmund Skyfire Academy' was named Keke Shaomei. He was the eldest son of a family that made a living by selling sugar cookies, and he was also the only one. The ultimate academic master who has received the highest scholarship of the Edmund Skyfire Academy for eight consecutive years. He is one of the few monsters in history who achieved legendary strength before the age of forty. Not only that, he even achieved the level of fire in his later years. The achievements of the sages of the four series of , wind, thunder and shadow can be regarded as one of the representatives of Academy City graduates.

Although he did not choose to serve the Sun Dynasty in the end, even though he was eccentric and trouble-making, even though he was sued many times, and even though there were rumors that he turned the Red Scale Dragon Peak, the pride of the Dragon Clan, into an active volcano, Master Edmund Tonks, the leader of the Sun Dynasty's Thousand Relics Mage Group, still regarded him as his most outstanding, proud, and most wanted disciple to be slapped to death.

All in all, those academy clusters, the predecessor of Academy City, quickly became famous and became one of the most popular places in the entire continent. In the end, even other forces sent batches of promising young people they selected. I study further because the educational conditions there are so good.

The academies also accept all comers. Even if they know that many students sent by other forces are unlikely to jump to the Sun Dynasty, they still do not make things difficult and harsh. As long as they are qualified, all comers will be accepted.

The Sun Dynasty never thought about monopolizing the education sector in the Innocence Continent from the beginning, nor did it think about retaining all young talents. It just wanted to ensure that it had more talents in its hands than others.

Even if one of the hundred students sent by other forces changes their household registration, they will still make a profit, and those who cannot join the Sun Dynasty due to various reasons will basically have a good relationship, and they will not lose money anyway.

However, just three hundred years after the main staff had changed for several generations, and the number of students who stayed in school after graduation among the senior leaders of each college accounted for a certain proportion, in the opening season of a certain year, all these colleges funded by the Sun Dynasty They even jointly issued a statement. The central idea can be basically summarized as follows: From now on, the major colleges will no longer be affiliated with the Sun Dynasty, but will continue to operate as a permanently neutral educational institution without any camp bias, and will continue to operate as a permanent neutral educational institution. The Academy Cluster is renamed Academy City.

After the statement, the whole world was shocked. The first reaction of all the major forces was ecstasy, and after the ecstasy, they were worried. They were worried that the Sun Dynasty, which had nearly doubled its strength compared to three hundred years ago, would directly send troops to destroy the newly established Sun Dynasty. 'Academy City' was bulldozed.

Perhaps Academy City, with its countless big bosses, is powerful and even has the energy to directly eradicate some small and medium-sized forces, but compared to its old club, it is still far behind.

What was shocking was that not only did the Sun Dynasty not destroy Academy City in anger, they didn't even remove any of the 'employees' working there, thus directly acquiescing to Academy City's independence.

After that, Academy City naturally abolished the various benefits that promising talents could receive in the Sun Dynasty after graduation, and replaced them with benefits for staying in Academy City, and even included many historical courses. The one-sided Wei Guangzheng information about the Sun Dynasty has been changed to make the content more consistent with historical facts. Then, when it comes to recruiting students and teaching, there is no delay in anything.

However, in view of the increasingly bad reputation of the Dynasty of the Sun in the past century, the major forces did not take it lightly. Instead, they always speculated on the independent incident in Academy City with the idea of ​​"Is there some conspiracy?" Even in the first few years, certain The flow of talents to Academy City was reduced to a certain extent, but as time went by, Academy City, which was as prosperous as ever and even became more and more prosperous, made everyone feel relieved, and in the end, it was still a matter of course.

Then, almost a hundred years later, the Sun Dynasty suddenly took action against the Dragon Clan, which had always had a good relationship with them.

The result once again shocked the whole world, but this time everyone was not shocked for long. It is not that the average psychological quality of the innocent continent has improved, but that the Sun Dynasty directly wiped out the Dragon Pride in just thirteen days. Destroyed the entire dragon clan.

What followed was naturally the third time that shocked the whole world, because before that, although everyone knew that the Sun Dynasty was powerful, they did not know that they were already so powerful that even the Dragon Clan could be defeated within half a month. .

And then……

Reign of the Sun gave the world its fourth and final shock.

It was paralyzed, very inexplicably paralyzed, and was flattened by a meteorite falling from the sky to the royal capital of Undershel. All the high-level officials died almost overnight.

Then the Sun Dynasty was destroyed by the forces that had already regarded it as a huge threat.

And Academy City is still that Academy City, standing at the academic pinnacle of the entire innocent world in the name of an absolutely neutral organization, prosperous and not in a trance.

Later, the attention paid to Academy City by all walks of life in the mainland increased rapidly due to the fall of the Sun Dynasty. The major forces that no longer had any scruples devoted almost 200% of their enthusiasm to this 'Holy Land' and would not participate in any official activities. Academy City, which has always adhered to an inclusive and open academic attitude, regards it as the best talent market.

Finally, several years after the fall of the Sun Dynasty, Academy City, under pressure... to put it mildly, under the pleading of major forces, decided to hold an invitation meeting every five years, with the core purpose of giving the world Outstanding young people have an opportunity to communicate and learn. The Academy City Elders Association sends invitations to various countries, forces, and organizations around the world, and it has become an important source of talent for all walks of life.

"But as of today, the original invitation has long since changed in nature, ah, thank you."

Feiyali took a sip of the juice handed over by Yu Chen, carelessly touched her mouth with her sleeve, shrugged and said: "Since a long time ago, the invitational meeting that has evolved into an exchange meeting is still an invitation meeting that attracts the attention of the whole world. An event for outstanding young people to exchange and learn from each other, but because the invitees are basically top forces from all walks of life, it has gradually developed into a multilateral informal meeting covering military, trade, transnational joint operations, etc."

Yuchen blinked and praised softly: "It feels so amazing!"

Although he looked like he didn't understand it at all, and there were actually many details that he still didn't understand, Yuchen still immediately understood the essence of the exchange meeting he was about to go to.

"It's quite impressive. It can be said that there is no other summit of this scale in the entire continent."

Phyllis shrugged and spread her hands and said: "All in all, many major issues will be discussed in this exchange meeting. Whether it is on the table or off the table, it is a very good platform. For example, I went this time , mainly to discuss cooperation with the executives of the Gold Coin Chamber of Commerce and the Steam Consortium on behalf of our Holy Religion Alliance. The content is very complicated and trivial. If printed, it would kill Ha Fan."

Innocent Mo Tan twitched his lips: "Why should you beat me to death..."

"It's just a metaphor, don't worry about the details."

Feiyali drank up the juice given by Yuchen, stretched her body lazily, clapped her hands and said, "That's probably what happened."

"Well, thank you, Your Highness Fiyali, I understand too."

Yi Zuo nodded slightly, and then asked curiously: "However, since you represent the United Alliance to discuss business with those executives, what about us? Are we just going to experience it?"

"Of course not. Your main task is actually to grow your face."

"Long face?"

"Yes, give our Holy Religion Union a good face, and let those stupid students who think too highly of themselves know what it means that there are people outside the world, and there is a sky outside the world."


Chapter 978: End

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