Quadruple split

Chapter 986 Waking Dream

five days later

Game time AM08:51

The northwest continent of the Innocence, deep underground at the end of the Dragon Clan, the place where bones are buried - mounted in a different space

This is a lightless, empty, nothingness, and weird space. It probably presents a black tone that is not deep, but it is different from the 'darkness' in most people's eyes. It flows like an endless curtain. , has no effect on the field of vision.

Of course, this is not something worth paying attention to. After all, on this curtain where even concepts such as 'desolation' and 'dead silence' do not exist, there is actually no big difference whether there is a field of vision. The difference is only whether it is clear or not. I just saw the grotesque goddess statue diagonally inserted in the middle of this endless curtain, and the man sitting on the statue.

Wearing a slightly torn black cape as wide as bat wings, and a slim aristocratic dress with the same background color and a slightly more complicated style, the man with most of his face hidden under the mask was rarely distracted by everything around him. Repulsive, but well integrated with this bad environment that is not weird and weird.

From an objective point of view, this is really a very new thing. After all, from the moment this character named [Mo] appeared in the Innocence Continent, he had a close relationship with this character who was theoretically only written with programs and codes. The world is jealous and incompatible, as if it is...a virus-like existence.

The phenomenon of being repulsed by everything and being repelled by everything is not a secret. In fact, in addition to Ji Xiaodao who spends most of his time with Mo, even Jia Wen, who travels all year round, and Mei Lin, who joins the team later, also I can feel that my boss/sponsor seems to have a bad compatibility with this world.

Without deliberately disguising oneself or making arrangements in advance, the feeling of rejection surrounding the existence of 'Mo' is too obvious.

At this moment, Mo did not disguise himself, nor did he leave any special arrangements around him. However, it was rare that he did not cause the slightest disturbance in the surrounding environment, and even felt that he matched well.

"Amazing transformation."

As a low, melodious and magnetic voice suddenly sounded, a handsome, elegant, middle-aged man in black robes quietly appeared in front of the statue. He pondered for a moment and then lightly stamped his feet. , and then he was lifted up to the same level as Mo by a huge dragon skull rising from the ground, and he chuckled: "Now I don't even think about killing you when I take the opportunity. It's really sad..."


The eyes behind the mask opened slightly, and his dark eyes that were not gray but looked like an abyss were focused on the face of the last Dragon King, Bosh Galon. Mo lazily held his chin and said lightly: "No, Bosh, you should be grateful for your transformation, because now you are indeed 'complete' enough to disobey the prohibition I set before and launch an attack on me."

Bosh was stunned for a moment, and then his eyes narrowed. Suddenly, a ball of dark golden 'Dragon Flame' popped up and struck straight towards Mo Gao, who was on the same level as it. At the same time, he showed an extremely astonished expression. It seemed that there was no He expected that he could really eject that flame, which although it didn't have much lethality, could still be classified as an 'attack' category.

"Look, you made it."

Mo nodded lightly, and there seemed to be a trace of undetectable approval in his words without warmth. At the same time, a dark hexagonal position appeared silently in front of him, and intercepted it without warning. That flame was enough to instantly incinerate any mid-level professional, and then immediately dissipated in the air.

"Yeah, I succeeded."

Bosh's shock did not last long. The last Dragon King with excellent psychological quality only took a few seconds to calm down his mood. After calming down, he sighed deeply: "I regret it too. …”

Mo Tan didn't speak, nor did he close his eyes again, he just waited calmly for what happened next.

"If I had known just now that I had been able to violate your restriction that seemed to be rooted in my soul, I would have absolutely used all my strength to attack you..."

Bosh shook his head regretfully, crossed his legs and leaned on the bone dragon horns behind his back, and said with a wry smile: "I know that you will be in some weird undefended state for a long time every day, and not long ago, I missed my best chance to destroy you.”

"I said, you should feel lucky, Your Majesty Bosh."

Mo smiled playfully, patted the statue under him twice, and said nonchalantly: "If you really want to do what you just said and try to attack me while I'm in that state, Even a joke-like attack like the one just now will lead to very bad consequences."

Bosh's eyes narrowed: "I would like to hear the details."

"Simply put, it's this interesting statue of a god that breaks free."

Mo lowered his head and glanced at the 'god statue' below him, which was nailed to a stone pillar with a cross and wrapped in chains. His lifelike expression was full of madness and joy, and the corners of his mouth were raised high. He said softly: "And triggered Some consequences are not optimistic."

Bosh raised his eyebrows and smiled: "For example?"

"There is no such thing as you and I both know very well that the great last Dragon King Bosh Galon will not take action against me now that you have become 'complete'."

Mo did not continue to explain kindly, but said casually: "When your will is enough to support you to attack me, those prohibitions will force you to stop; when you are enough to disobey those prohibitions...such as now, you can actually no longer Then you take action on the pretext of destroying my existence."

Bosh suppressed his smile, and his dark vertical pupils were filled with coldness and anger: "In fact, I, who you say has become 'complete', can better understand than before how you shouldn't exist in this world." Monsters in the world, no, monster is no longer enough to describe you, Mo, you are simply a terrible mistake, the worst joke ever made by the Creator, bar none!"

"I'm glad you finally realize that."

Mo nodded calmly and looked at the Dragon King in front of him whose eyes and hair had turned pitch black and who was constantly exuding an ominous aura: "Then now, my dear Majesty Bosh, you can take off that disgusting disguise. , did you talk to me based on your own will instead of the so-called rationality and sense of responsibility?"


Bosh was silent for a long time. Finally, the cold anger in his eyes gradually disappeared, and the corners of his tightly pursed mouth began to gradually rise, and finally settled on a brisk expression that made people feel like they were bathing in spring breeze. He smiled and said: "Okay. , my disgusting master, in fact I am pretending to be a little tired."


Mo made a brief but direct assessment.

"Please don't get me wrong. As you promised before, I have not slacked off in the process of 'perfection' and I have not lost myself. The fact that I said you were 'wrong' is also true from the bottom of my heart." idea."

Bosh shrugged and said briskly: "I just...oh, how should I put it, I just woke up."


While Mo gently rubbed the twisted cheek of the statue under him, he asked casually: "How do you feel?"

"It sucks. It can't get any worse."

Bosh spread his hands and looked around at the endless black 'curtain'. His tone was very dry: "In the beginning, this was my small tomb. There was nothing except a symbolic tombstone. Then It's the destination I gave myself in the past...

Then, the transformation began. Under some bad influence, this tomb chamber turned into a magnificent palace under my own influence. It was the first time that as a golden dragon, I stepped into the main peak of Dragon Pride and walked The first scene I saw when I entered the hall that symbolized the eternal glory of the dragon clan. At that time, I was very ambitious. Although I was just a young boy, I had a dream of leading the dragon to once again develop its glory.

Then, here is a wilderness of birds singing and flowers fragrant. That is the scene the rebellious Bosh Galon saw when he left the Pride of the Dragon for the first time and flew to the Fairy Wilderness. That blood-soaking freedom has never left him until now. It is unforgettable for me. When I tasted freedom for the first time, I realized at that moment how broad the world is and how narrow I am.

Soon after, the wilderness disappeared, and it turned into a prosperous city that had long since disappeared in the torrent of history. There were many people there, many, many people. They came from different races, had different personalities, and had different dreams. They were bustling and bustling. There is an endless stream, and I can name each of them, because those faces that I never tire of seeing have all crossed paths with me. They either love me or hate me, or they sneak side by side with me, or they teach me novelties. The knowledge, they made me feel alive, these intersections, proved the existence of Bosh Galon, even though the vast majority of them did not know the name.

To be honest, in that city, you are simply out of place with the unpleasant statue under you, just like a crude and inferior product placed in a famous exhibition hall.

Well, although your gold content and value may be higher than all other exhibits combined...

After the city disappeared, I saw the women I loved deeply. Well, that's it. Please allow me to pass this point through in the simplest way.

In the end, this place turned into the ruins of the Pride of the Dragon. Haha, according to what you told me before, this place has now been renamed the End of the Dragon Clan. I saw the invincible army of the Sun Dynasty here. I witnessed it again. I saw those familiar people of my race wailing and perishing. I saw the earth trembling, the sky being torn apart, and the arrogant dragon fleeing hastily in desperation. I saw myself sitting on a shaky throne, witnessing blankly that my world was falling apart. or one’s own innocence.

At that time, I was thinking, if this is a dream, please let me wake up.

Please let me go back to the people I love deeply, please let me go back to my friends, please let me go back to the wilderness of freedom, please let me live again, go back to the moment when I just stepped into that palace. , give me a chance to start over.

If that doesn't work, at least let me go back to my tomb and continue to be a confused remnant soul. "

Bosh Galon let out a long sigh, his eyes full of despair.

Mo still looked at him calmly. There was no wave in his expression.

"Even now, I'm still thinking..."

Bosh closed his eyes in pain and murmured: "If this was just a dream, it would be great if I could go back to that tomb."

"We have been in your tomb the entire time."

Mo smiled and said lightly: "It's just that you have woken up from your dream. Take a look at everything around you. This is your current essence, and it is also the end point of your long journey."

"I could have died a decent death."

"Yes, if I didn't know the way to enter this tomb, you could indeed die with dignity."

"I could have lived forever in what the world sees as reality."

"Yes, if I hadn't visited here, of course you could."

"You were a mistake."

"Maybe, at least I don't think I've represented correctly."

"Now, you've made me a mistake too."

"I'm not going to apologize for that."

"Why do you do this?"

"Because I need your power, and the power of all the dragons who are sleeping here, to do what I should do as a mistake."

"Achieve self-worth?"

"It's just out of interest."

"what should I do……"

Bosh opened his eyes tiredly and asked Mo, "What should I do?"

"Grasp the power of 'sin', stabilize your soul that has just been 'perfected', and then stay here, just like I did to you before, awaken your tribe in a relatively gentle way and let them Hibernate here and recuperate.”

Mo waved his hand casually, and the [Fallen God Statue] under him turned into black light and disappeared into the air. He fell to the ground silently, walked toward the deepest part of the black curtain, and said without looking back. : "I will summon you after a while."

"I see."

Bosh didn't move, but after being silent for a long time, he shouted to Mo Na's retreating back: "Maybe I'm too talkative... but you should know what you are doing, right?"

Mo did not stop, but said coldly: "Stop asking such boring questions. You remind me of an equally boring woman."

"Oh? Woman?"

Bosh's eyes widened and he asked with interest: "Is he your lover? Haha, hahahaha, no, no, no, can someone like you also have a lover?"

Mo ignored Bosh's narrow cry and continued to move forward.

"Hey, do you really know what you're doing?"


"You probably want to leave my tomb, right?"

"……what do you want to say in the end?"

"You're going the wrong way."


Chapter 979: End

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