Quanmin: After The Showdown, I Am The SSS Boss

Chapter 36 Demo, Let You Feel The Weight Of The World!

Blood Crow also joined the battle. Although Su Qianxue's [Holy Blood Radiance] was missing, each arrow still had more than 20,000 attacks.

Wang Yi has an army of more than two thousand undead, as well as the world boss rushing into battle, and the two-star high-ranking boss boss Blood Crow output.

Dealing with these 6,700 undead is really a bit of a bully.

Wang Yi went all the way to the entrance of the canyon.

Only when we got closer did we realize that the canyon was extremely wide and several kilometers long.

The green and black mountains on both sides go straight into the sky, and the top cannot be seen at all.

In the canyon, a huge cold wind howled.

Some low-level skeleton soldiers were even blown out because they couldn't stand still.

At this time.


A terrifying roar came from the dark and deep canyon.


Wang Yi's complexion changed slightly, and he immediately commanded the team to retreat, hiding behind the raging ogre boss.

Not long.

I felt a terrifying cold wind blowing from the deep valley.





The terrifying cold wind passed by. Although most of the damage was blocked by the ogre boss, the skeleton soldiers on the edge still suffered some damage.

However, for the two-star mid-level silver skeleton soldier, the health value exceeds 50,000, and this damage does not matter at all.

Immediately afterwards.

In the depths of the canyon, two green light balls like big lanterns were exposed, floating out from far and near.

At the same time, it was accompanied by a biting cold wind, which made people unable to stand still.

Wait until it's close.

Only then did Wang Yi see clearly that this was not a big lantern, it was clearly the eyeball of a huge skeleton dragon.

The giant skeleton dragon is hundreds of meters long, flapping its wings, staring at the skeleton soldiers like ants below.

in an instant.

It swooped down, spouting a terrifying cold current from its mouth.

Wang Yi immediately controlled the ogre boss, turned around and half knelt on the ground, protecting the skeleton soldier under him.




A string of terrifying ice damage figures emerged from the head of the ogre boss.

A thick layer of frost immediately formed on the ground.

If this icy breath was sprayed directly on the skeleton army, Wang Yi would probably be wiped out in an instant.

However, this level of damage is not even a tickle for the ogre boss with 1 billion health.


Could this be the gatekeeper mentioned in the hidden mission?

This damage is too perverted!

Wang Yi hastily threw out the Discrimination Technique.

[Name]: Ice Dragon Sapphiron (leader level)

Note: It used to be that man, the most loyal companion and mount. After the man left, it stayed in front of his throne, refusing to leave.

It firmly believes that that man will eventually come back...

[Star rank]: 3-star intermediate rank

[Level]: Level 150

"I'm going! A 3-star leader-level boss at level 150!?"

Wang Yi was shocked.

[Heavenly Trial] is for newly promoted professionals to hone their skills and upgrade, which is commonly known as Novice Village.

How could there be such a horrible existence! ?

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh...

The blood crow has already started to shoot at the ice dragon frantically, and the flaming arrows ignited small flames on the ice dragon.

Can be extinguished quickly.




-51243 (Crit)


The ice dragon let out a miserable howl.

Wang Yi's eyes flashed, but fortunately, the blood crow's flame arrow had a bonus damage to the ice dragon.

The wings of the icy huge skeleton flickered suddenly, and the figure passed over the heads of the crowd, avoiding the blood crow's arrows.

After making a circle in front of him, he turned abruptly, staring at the blood crow with his dark green eyes, and swooped down again.

No, this ice dragon is sane!

Wang Yi felt bad, obviously this time the ice dragon was going towards the blood crow.

Without a moment's hesitation, he immediately ordered the three-star gold shield guards to surround the blood crow and activate the [Golden Shield Formation] at the same time.

The defense of the Golden Shield Guard can not only resist physical attacks, but also resist elemental damage.

The golden shield guards unite to form a shield wall, and the defense power is instantly increased by 500%.


The ice dragon breathed out its icy breath again, passing over the blood crow and the golden shield guard.




A string of damage figures emerged from the golden shield guard's head.

The Golden Shield Guard with 125,000 health, activated the [Golden Shield Formation], but was almost given a second by a breath of ice.

Seeing that the blood crow was not killed by the mouth just now, the ice dragon climbed up again and prepared to repeat the old trick.

And at this moment.

Both feet were suddenly grabbed by a pair of big hands.

Want to do it again?

It's not over, is it?

How could Wang Yi give it this chance, order the Ogre BOSS to jump up and grab its feet firmly.

Quack, quack, quack...

More than two thousand skeleton soldiers excitedly climbed up the ice dragon along the body of the ogre boss.

Just now the ice dragon was flying in the sky, and there were more than two thousand skeleton boys, unable to exert energy, they could only stare blankly.

This time, it can be regarded as seizing the opportunity!

All kinds of weapons slashed at the ice dragon crazily, and the damage numbers shot up like a fountain.


The ice dragon flapped its wings desperately in pain, but it still couldn't get rid of the big hand of the ogre boss.

More and more skeleton soldiers climbed onto the body of the ice dragon, hacking and knocking.


The ice dragon couldn't hold on any longer and fell heavily to the ground.

This time it can't stand up again, the abomination that was killed earlier was also revived by Wang Yi.

Hundreds of abominations rushed over and stood on the ice dragon.

Hundreds of abominations like the "Roshan Great Demon King" directly crushed the ice dragon to lie on the ground.

The ogre boss dragged the ice dragon down and sat on it.


The ice dragon let out a scream, and its eyes were bloodshot and swollen.

The Ogre Boss has a physique like a mountain, and when he went down, he almost pushed out the ice dragon's Xiang.

"Small sample, let you feel the weight of the world!"

Wang Yi folded his arms, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

The blood crow rushed over, approached and shot wildly, more than two thousand skeleton soldiers surrounded the ice dragon and hacked.








Various damage numbers emerged from the ice faucet like a volcanic eruption.

Even if the ice dragon has more than 50 million health points, it can't stop Wang Yi's wolves and tigers from outputting like crazy.

The blood bars of the ice dragon fell down piece by piece at a speed visible to the naked eye.

After a while, the ice dragon's blood dropped below 10%.

"Turn harder and kill it directly!"

Wang Yi wiped the cold sweat off his brow, since he entered [Heavenly Trial], this was the first time he encountered danger.


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