If such a three-star leader-level monster is encountered in a different space, it will take at least a team of ten thousand people to defeat it.

And Wang Yi took it all by himself.

He took a deep breath, he is really ridiculously strong now!


The ice dragon let out a mournful cry and gave up resistance.

Wang Yi frowned slightly, and waved his hands to order the younger brothers to stop attacking.

However, hundreds of abominations and ogre bosses still control it tightly, not afraid of this guy playing tricks.

"What, are you going to surrender?"

Wang Yi walked up to the ice dragon's head and asked.

On top of the ice dragon's head, sat the leader of the hatred who was six or seven meters high, and it was so heavy that it couldn't lift its head, so it could only move its head with great effort.

There was a hint of obedience in the eyes.

Immediately, a blue transparent mark flew out from the ice dragon's forehead and entered into Wang Yi's body.

"Ding, the hidden mission conditions are completed, and the gatekeeper's permission has been obtained!"

"Ding, Ice Dragon Sapphiron wants to sign a [soul contract] with you and become your riding pet. Do you agree?"

Wang Yi was overjoyed.

In his previous life, he had seen those high-level super-professionals flying past in the sky with their spiritual pets.

Don't mention the envy.

Now, he actually has a three-star mid-level leader-level riding pet!

One word - cool!

Wang Yi directly chose yes, and an extra area immediately appeared in his mind, where he could perceive every move of the ice dragon.

After the riding pet signs the [soul contract] with the owner, the master and the riding pet are connected with each other.

Wang Yi waved his hand and let his men get off the ice dragon.

The ice dragon stood up, with its huge wings folded behind its back, its two front legs knelt down in front of Wang Yi, its big head pressed against the ground.

Looks like an obedient little milk dog.

Wang Yi patted the ice dragon's head with his hands, and nodded in satisfaction: "Go, go and see what secrets are hidden in the deep ice valley!"


Quack, quack...

The army of undead cheered and marched forward along the deep ice valley.

1054 regional towns.

Three days have passed since the world boss was killed.

at this time.

Su Qianxue was browsing the store in a good mood.

It is obvious that women love shopping, even the ice beauty Su Qianxue is no exception.

After killing the world boss, Su Qianxue was promoted to two levels in a row, and with the [Angry Baijin Armor] given by Wang Yi, she completed the advanced and ultimate tasks without much effort.

Got several good pieces of equipment.

She is about to buy some potions to do public tasks in the district.

Don't look at the advanced tasks and the ultimate tasks, which are as difficult as the sky in front of ordinary professionals.

But in the eyes of Su Qianxue and the others, the favored sons and daughters of the heavens, they are really nothing.

Initial missions, advanced missions, and ultimate missions can only be regarded as novice missions.

The real test is the following public tasks. The public tasks are divided into 10 levels, and the difficulty of each level is greatly increased.

Similarly, every time you complete a level, you will also get rich rewards.

Su Qianxue took a fancy to a fiery red cloak, but it was a bit expensive.

She kept thinking about it in her mind: "Why don't you buy a bottle of speed-up potion, although the information says that speed-up potion is very important for the first level, but now that you have [Wrath Baijin Armor], you don't need to drink two bottle?"

Su Qianxue pouted, touched the fiery red cloak in her hand, her pretty face was full of reluctance: "This cloak and [Armor Baijin Armor] really match well, it must be very beautiful to wear!"

"Buy it!"

Su Qianxue gritted her teeth and finally bought the red cloak.

Just as she was happily preparing to leave, two men in black robes, one tall and one short, entered the door.

The black-robed man removed the protection from his face, and Su Qianxue's puzzled expression was immediately replaced by joy, "Uncle An Dong, Uncle Tang Chong, why are you here?"

The tall and thin man and the short and fat man are both members of the military, named An Dong and Tang Chong respectively, and they used to be the subordinates of Mr. Su.

Su Qianxue has known them since childhood.

The tall, thin man named Anton made a silent gesture, pulled Su Qianxue to a secluded place, and said, "We were sent by the superiors to investigate [Reaper], and we have been waiting for you in the town for three days."

"wait for me?"

Su Qianxue tilted her head and thought for a while, not knowing, "What are you waiting for me?"

"Hey, didn't you participate in the cross-regional battlefield with [Reaper]? Is there any information about his identity?"

Anton asked anxiously.

Tang Chong also interjected, "I thought you were going to go back to the town to replenish potions for the advanced mission, but why did you come after waiting for 3 days. Could it be that the initial mission didn't go well?"

Because after completing the advanced mission, the ultimate mission will start directly.

Therefore, before doing advanced tasks, professionals must go back to the town to replenish the potion, and do the two tasks together.


Su Qianxue smiled mischievously, "I didn't use the potion, and I just passed the advanced and ultimate missions."


Dadong and Tang Bo both had expressions of disbelief, "You completed the ultimate mission in 3 days? You haven't taken the medicine yet!"

"Of course."

Su Qianxue puffed out her small chest, turned on the attributes of [Wrath Baijin Armor], and said confidently: "With this piece of equipment, I have passed the ultimate mission, so I don't need to drink medicine at all."

At this time.

An Dong and Tang Chong quickly checked the armor on Su Qianxue, it turned out to be Baijin class!

After seeing the sky-defying attributes, the two of them froze in place.

"Baijin-level equipment comes with such heaven-defying attributes! Where did it come from?"

An Dong and Tang Chong were so shocked that their eyeballs almost fell to the ground. Even they only had two pieces of Baijin-level equipment on their bodies.

Moreover, it is still a small piece of wristband and belt.

Compared with Su Qianxue's large armor, it's not worth mentioning at all.

"After killing the world boss, [Reaper] gave it to me."

Su Qianxue said lightly.

"What? For you!"

An Dong and Tang Chong looked skeptical that they were not afraid of the wind flashing their tongues.

Baijin level armor, with such sky-defying attributes, its value is hard to estimate!

Would you give it away casually?

how is this possible?

It's almost like a dowry!

An Dong and Tang Chong looked at each other, showing a small expression of someone who had come here.

Su Qianxue didn't see the meaning of their expressions, and said with a smile still: "[Reaper] said he knew my grandfather, so this armor should be a gift from my grandfather."

"I think he should be very familiar with my grandfather."

"[Reaper] actually knew Old General Su!?"

The news exploded in the heads of Dadong and Uncle Fu like a bolt from the blue.

The two exchanged glances again, "Such important information must be reported immediately!"

After bidding farewell to Su Qianxue in a hurry, the two left the store, leaving only Su Qianxue standing there with a puzzled expression.


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