Quanmin: Necromancer Is Weak? I Have Unlimited Skills

Chapter 214. If You Wait Any Longer, You Will Be Blocked! Lu Nan Show Time! (Please Subscribe!)

A faint shadow flashed by. If you didn't look carefully, you would definitely think it was a phantom.

Black elemental lines spread out from Great Elder Evan's body, connecting them with several tribesmen behind him.

Let the other party keep up with your speed.

This is another skill derived from his talent - Speedy Legion.

People of the same clan who are linked by his talent can get 80% of his agility bonus. Of course, the premise is that these clan members are weaker than him.

Moreover, after the addition, there is no way to surpass his strength.

"The final agility of my full burst can reach more than 20,000, which is stronger than a demigod. Even if Emperor Yama is promoted to the holy realm, there is no way he can be faster than me!"

Elder Evan was very calm.

No matter how you look at it, there is no way he will lose.

This secret realm is so big, and with his speed, no one can stop him!

"Huh? What is that!"

Suddenly, his nose moved.

A cool breath filled the air from afar.

"The breath of the undead? Is the Emperor of Yama nearby? It seems that he is almost here!"

The profession of Emperor Yama is to summon undead creatures. Although in the Yan Kingdom, those undead creatures have different names, many people will not admit this.

"They're all in ambush! Once others show up, take action immediately!"

"By the way, those who cast necromancy spells should not move, lest they be caught!"

Evan is still very cautious. Most of the people who can use undead skills are the Emperor of Yama. Although he is not worried about being caught by the Emperor of Yama, he is worried about these subordinates.

After all, he is one of his own, so if he is killed, it will be a big loss.

"We just need to kill the other members of the Yanhuang Union!"

There is not much pressure on the few demon clan members.

The Emperor of Yama can't beat him, so beating a group of human job transferees of level 89 is not a waste of time?

However, at this moment, suddenly, the aura of the undead in the air became thicker at an extremely strong speed.

"what is that?"

A demon clan member pointed into the distance.

Under the light, strange green seas of fire were approaching.

"Could it be some kind of natural disaster?"

Elder Evan thought subconsciously.

A pair of bat wings spread out from his back, and the Nether Bat stretched out its head from behind, taking him to fly high.

Unexpectedly, when he saw the so-called fire clearly, he turned around and flew away with a look of panic.

"Run! It's an undead creature!"

"What are the undead creatures afraid of? Can they all block the space and prevent us from moving?"

"It must be reasonable for the Great Elder to ask us to run 123!"

"I think he is timid?"

The devil's suspicious character was clearly exposed at this time.

Out of caution, they still chose to turn back, but they didn't know that it was already too late.

A cold burning sensation instantly covered his whole body.

"Tip: You have fallen into the realm of the undead...

"Hint: You have fallen into the realm of the undead..."

Suddenly, rows of negative statuses popped up on the heads of several demon tribes' sanctuaries. What made them despair was that Tang Ran could not clear these negative statuses in a short time.

"Run! Run!"

Fortunately, even with negative status, their speed still allows them to run fast enough.

Unfortunately, at this moment, suddenly, a whistling sound fell from the sky.

Countless black light spots quickly grew in size in the sky, evolving into huge arrows that penetrated the void.

Several saints did not even scream, but suffered a series of huge injuries and died immediately.

"What kind of creature is this?"

Elder Evan, who had escaped a step earlier, saw this scene from the corner of his eye, and his scalp suddenly became numb.

At this time, a huge shadow passed by.

He looked up suddenly and saw a huge body hanging directly from the clouds.


Ghost impact!

"——12 million!"

Elder Evan suddenly entered a dizzy negative state.

Even the Nether Bat flying behind him was like this.

Immediately afterwards, the bone dragon's death domain covered one person and one bat, and a series of injuries continued to pop out.

Before Elder Evan could wake up from his dizziness, tens of billions of lives disappeared completely, and his body collapsed.

"What the hell killed me?"

On an altar, several rays of light emerged.

Several figures of the demon tribesmen from the holy realm were revealed.

"How is it possible? How can the speed of those undead creatures be so terrifying? Also, with those negative states, we are in the sanctuary!"

"It shouldn't be like this! It shouldn't be!"

They went absolutely crazy.

In their guess, even if Emperor Yama entered the holy realm, he would not cause much trouble to them.

Because their agility is high enough, even if their speed is partially limited by the sanction-level restriction skills, they are still faster than many domain experts.

But that was not the case at all just now!

"Are those undead creatures demigods?"

They couldn't believe this fact (bgai). If it was a demigod, how strong would Yama be as the main body of summoned creatures?

"It's okay! We also have Elder Evan, he is faster than us, he will definitely not-"

A ray of light emerged, revealing Evan's figure, which also made several saint-level devils shut their mouths, with a hint of fear in their eyes.

Even the Great Elder Evan died once, so who else can stop the Emperor of Yama?

"It's impossible. Emperor Yama was still a nine-level giant more than ten years ago. It's impossible for him to be promoted to the holy realm or above so quickly!"

"Elder Evan, should we go through this muddy water?"

A few of the Sanctuary-level subordinates are afraid!

They were killed instantly without even taking a shot. How could this kind of damage be done by people of the same level?

"Don't be afraid, we can just bypass that position!" Elder Evan was a little angry.

He came here so confidently that he didn't even see the face of Emperor Yama and just went back. How shameless would he, the great elder, be?

Faced with the threatening gaze of the great elder, several holy domain-level subordinates could only bite the bullet and follow him.

More than ten minutes later——

"Swish, swish, swish!"

Balls of white light emerged on the altar.

"No, no! Let's go back! We can't stay here anymore!"

"Yes! Oh my god, there are so many summoned creatures, and they are all so big! Have you ever seen that type of undead?"

"I've never seen it before! I can guarantee it with the ancestor of the devil!"

This time, several people finally saw the undead summons that killed them.

Thinking of those guys who didn't know their species, several demon tribes completely lost their temper.

"By the way, where is the great elder!"

As soon as he finished speaking, with a flash, the Great Elder came back to life.

"Great Elder, why don't we go back?"

"Yes! That Emperor Yama is definitely different from before!"

"Let's do it again! We still have several chances to be resurrected, so what are we afraid of?"

"Besides, I don't believe that the undead creature he summoned is so strong and can last for such a long time!"


Several holy realm devils suddenly felt that what the great elder said made sense.

They are in the Sanctuary. The summons that can kill them instantly must at least be in the Sanctuary, right?

It stands to reason that this kind of scene cannot be summoned by a saint-level job changer.

"Let's try another direction. Don't worry, we still have six or seven chances to be resurrected. Even if we die one or two more times, we'll be fine!"

"The Great Elder is right!"

So, I started touching it again.

What they didn't know was that not long after they left this time, suddenly, a huge bone dragon fell from the sky and landed directly on the altar.

The huge body of tens of thousands of meters completely covered this place.

Then, after a while, a group of black skeleton warriors rushed over and filled the entire space here.

"Come out, my skeleton warriors!"

Lu Nan is still losing skills.

Throw it wherever there is space.

"There shouldn't be any fish slipping through the net, right?"

He said silently.

After a while, a reminder that the Four Knights of the Gods had been killed appeared on the data panels of all job changers.

"Tip: The Yanhuang Guild has killed the God-killing Knight x1! All members of the Yanhuang Guild will receive the Halo Secret Realm Token x1!"

"Tip: The Yanhuang Guild has killed the God-killing Knight x2! All members of the Yanhuang Guild will receive the Halo Secret Realm Token x2!"

"Tip: The Yanhuang Guild has killed 4 God-killing Knights! All members of the Yanhuang Guild will receive 4 Halo Secret Realm Tokens!"

"The token is in hand!"

Lu Nan looked at the halo token that suddenly appeared in the space backpack. When he got out, he could get the halo by entering again.

"If there is a God-killing halo, you must choose the God-killing halo!"

Although other halos are also strong, for Lu Nan, they can only be regarded as the icing on the cake.

In the near future, he will inevitably face the gods, so the God-killing halo will naturally be of greatest use to him.

Looking at the space backpack, the horizontal push of summoned creatures not only brought him rich experience, but also brought a large amount of equipment and materials.

"This dungeon of the Four God-Slaying Knights secret realm can be treated as a normal giant-level resource secret realm!"

Feed the equipment to the spirit of Youmu one after another.

"You fed the Carpenter's Hammer to the Spirit of Youmu, and the experience of the artifact was increased!"

"The current experience bar progress is 55%!"

"You feed the equipment Liuyun Shoes to the spirit of Youmeng, and the formation experience is gained!"

"The current experience bar progress is 56%!"

"The mysterious staff you will equip will be fed to the spirit of Youmu, and the artifact experience will be increased!"

"The current experience bar progress is 80%!"

All equipment is consumed.

"After Youmu's spirit reaches the ninth rank legendary level, the level of upgrade becomes much more difficult!"

The equipment drops here are very good, with the lowest being gold and platinum level equipment.

There are dozens of epic and legendary level items even at level 8 or 9.

The total number of them is at least thousands, but it is only an increase of more than 20 percentage points.

"It seems that we have to go to the plane of the undead as soon as possible!"

The plane of the undead is a super map, completely different from the maps in the real world that are put together one by one.

Moreover, there are undead everywhere, so if you go there, you will definitely feel like a fish in water.

Lu Nan's only worry is that if there is no reasonable excuse, he will be targeted by the overlords of the undead plane.

"Before we figure out the situation in the plane of the undead, keep a low profile for the time being!"

Just as Lu Nan was taking stock, on the other side, Elder Evan and several devils were completely desperate.

As Lu Nan's undead creatures gradually spread throughout the Four Knights of God Killing Secret Realm dungeon, Elder Evan and others who had left not long after died and resurrected again.


This time, everyone was killed almost at the same time.

As for the murderer, it is naturally the huge bone dragon in the sky.

Various terrifying skills combined with super powerful skeletal attacks allowed these saints to soar directly on the spot.

What's even more terrifying is that the Bone Dragon is paired with the Demon Archer.

The damage is increased instantly!

At the moment before death, Elder Evan finally figured it out.

"Go back! I'm so tired!"

There are summoned creatures from the Emperor Yama in all directions. How can he still play when he is so strong?

I can’t play anymore!

Originally he came out in high spirits this time, but after learning that the world no longer had many restrictions on these legendary races, he was still happy to be promoted.

He secretly thought that when he goes back, he can let the devil tribesmen come out to act as monsters and cause troubles with peace of mind.

Who knew that when he turned around, he would be beaten severely by Emperor Yama.

"Fortunately, I have the number of resurrections, otherwise, it would be terrible!"

Although as a top sanctuary, they all have some resurrection methods, but those resurrection methods are somewhat limited by distance. If you want to escape from Yan through death and resurrection in this predicament,

It is almost impossible for Luo Tianzi's undead to summon creatures.

The number of resurrections provided by the copy is much better.

"Wait until the altar is resurrected and leave immediately!"

Elder Evan, as well as several demon clan sanctuaries, actually reached a tacit consensus at the moment of death.

However, when a white light flashed and they were resurrected, they were immediately confused.

There was darkness in the field of vision, and the huge bone dragon was twisting restlessly, pushing the skeleton warriors squeezing over one by one to other positions.

to free up some moving space.

Lu Nan still lost too many skills, so that these undead summoned creatures didn't even have room to move.

The resurrection light in the altar instantly attracted the attention of countless undead.

Then, in the horrified eyes of the elders of Evan, countless attacks came overwhelmingly.


The strong aura of the undead was billowing, mixed with some splashing bones. It was not known whether they belonged to the undead warriors or the bone dragons.

The angry undead summons stared at the altar, as if they had found an angry slant.

As a result, the elders of Evan successfully enjoyed what it means to rise in seconds and die in seconds!

The white light kept flashing, and soon, all the resurrection times given by the copy were consumed.

Entered resurrection prop consumption mode.

More than ten minutes passed, and no more waves of resurrection appeared.

There was only one devil who just used a top-notch defensive item to block the attack for two seconds and roared crazily: "Evan, you scumbag! I hate you!"

If it hadn't been for Elder Evan's "wait a little longer", they wouldn't have fallen into the sea of ​​undead summons.

More than twenty meters away from the altar is the exit of the secret realm.

It's a pity that this little distance has become a distance that they can never cross!

Even the devils and the powerful ones at the sanctuary level were beaten repeatedly, not to mention those giants of the Presbyterian Church who were at level 8 or 9.

Almost at the moment when the elders of Evan died, a white light of resurrection flashed.

Then he followed in the footsteps of the great elders of Evan.


"You killed the person who changed jobs due to Yingjiang Kingdom and received 450 points of national tribute!"

"You killed the person who changed jobs due to Yingjiang Country and received 400 points of national tribute!"

"You killed the person who changed jobs due to Yingjiang Kingdom and received 350 points of national tribute!"

"Congratulations to the Yanhuang Guild for gaining temporary control of the Halo Secret Realm!"

A prompt came. Lu Nan waited for more than ten minutes and saw the entire secret realm through the summoned creature's vision. There were no more monsters. "Then he walked towards the entrance.

"Our hero is back!"

"The road god is mighty!"

Facing the enthusiastic support of a group of giants, Lu Nan was a little embarrassed.

A group of grown men, what's the point of getting together? Beautiful women are more comfortable.

Looking at Xu Wei, who was holding her left arm tightly next to her, Lu Nan's face was full of smiles.

"Do you have time tonight?"

Looking at the private message sent by Xu Wei, Lu Nan frowned slightly.

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