Quanmin: Necromancer Is Weak? I Have Unlimited Skills

Chapter 215, God-Killing Halo, The Choice Of All Trade Unions! (Please Subscribe!)

Woman, do you want to mess with my mind?

Beautiful thought!

"Nine o'clock in the evening, see you or not!"

Lu Nan replied.

Don’t get me wrong, he just wants to see how firm his Taoist heart is!

After receiving the Secret Realm Halo Token, everyone immediately left the Four Knights of God Killing dungeon and opened the Secret Realm Halo dungeon.

There is no need for Lu Nan to worry about this time. There is a low-level monster area in the dungeon.

"Star Ring Beast (Special)"

"Level~: Level 50 (one turn)"


Combat power: 50 stars

Note: I am a monster that can drop halo, ow~

"So cute!"

Looking at the monsters on the map that looked like little dragons with little dragon horns on their heads, Lu Nan had a feeling that she would not let them go.

It's so cute.

With short legs, short hands, and eyes like two sapphires, if placed outside, it would definitely be the first choice pet for a group of low-level career changers.

"Who told you that you would drop halos?"

"Lu Shen, just rest this time and let us take action!"

The giants patted their chests and said.

Lu Nan couldn't defeat them, so he could only let them summon his cavalry and rush over.

"The Star Ring Beast let out a cry, and its big sapphire-blue eyes held a trace of pain and confusion. It seemed to be wondering why someone would have the heart to kill them if they were so cute. With a pop, it fell from its body. I bought a skill book, and when I took a closer look, it turned out to be the God-killing Halo skill book!"

To deal with this kind of monster that is obviously a welfare monster, the giants are no different from Kai Wushuang. If the ring beasts were not scattered, they would be able to clear the map in a short time.

“The first book became a hit!”

Lu Nan looked at the space backpack.

There is a skill book that glows with color.

"God-killing Halo Skill Book"

"Attribute: The damage bonus to divine creatures is increased by 0.1%!"

"Item cannot be traded!"

Seeing a line of red words at the back, Lu Nan's pupils shrank slightly.

This was the first time he had seen an item that couldn't be traded.

"It seems that if you want to increase the level of the God-killing Halo in the future, you will have to play the dungeon yourself!"

"The Star Ring Beast let out a cry, and its big sapphire-blue eyes held a trace of pain and confusion. It seemed to be wondering why someone would have the heart to kill them if they were so cute. With a pop, it fell from its body. I bought a skill book, and when I took a closer look, it turned out to be an agility aura skill book!"

"The Star Ring Beast let out a cry, and its big sapphire-blue eyes held a trace of pain and confusion. It seemed to be wondering why someone would have the heart to kill them if they were so cute. With a pop, it fell from its body. I bought a skill book, and when I took a closer look, it turned out to be a power aura skill book!"

The efficiency of the giants in clearing the map was quite high. It didn't take long for the entire map to be cleared.

Looking at the halo skill books in their backpacks, the giants were so excited that they turned over every corner of the map.

After confirming that nothing was missing, he returned with unfinished business.

After leaving the Halo Temple, Lu Nan separated from the giants and returned to his residence.

I looked at the space backpack and found that there were nearly a hundred halo books obtained this time. Not every halo skill book would drop.

More halo skill book fragments will be dropped, and 10 fragments can be synthesized into a skill book.

Lu Nan synthesized all the fragments to obtain so many halo skill books.

Among them, the God-killing Halo skill books are the least, with only 5, and the rest are other types of Halo skill books.

"It's better than nothing!"

Lu Nan clicked on all skill books to learn.

Then, a new skill icon suddenly appeared below the skill bar.

They are all halo skills.

"God-killing aura: God-killing damage +0.5%!'

"Prophet Halo: Map Vision +1%!"

"Agility Aura: Agility attribute +3%"

"Strength Aura: +3% of Strength attribute"

"Skill effect enhancement aura: skill effect +2.5%!"

Because Lu Nan's basic attributes were too high, even a few percent increase brought him an increase of more than a thousand in a single attribute.

"The combat power has increased by hundreds of points!"

Lu Nan is becoming more and more confident in his goal of killing gods.

"I still have some experience left. If I work harder today, I should be able to reach the level limit before tomorrow!"

"We will take a look at what is needed to be promoted to rank eight, so we can prepare in advance!"

Lu Nan squinted his eyes and rested for a while. He would be very busy next. Taking advantage of the free time now, he could rest more and recharge his batteries.

While the top leaders of the Yanhuang Union were digesting the many benefits brought by the union's promotion, the outside world was already in shock.

"What kind of bad luck did Yan Guo have? He was the first to be promoted to the 10th level union!"

"No, does the Yanhuang Trade Union still have such a foundation? Hasn't Yingjiang Country suppressed the Yanhuang Trade Union to the point of being downgraded in recent years?"

"I can't understand it, but I feel very shocked! Isn't Yan Guo pretending to be a pig and eating the tiger all the time?"

"Yan Guo is still powerful, but we underestimated them!"

The Yanhuang Union was promoted to level 10, causing an uproar around the world.

In particular, the promoted union was not the most favored Longteng Union, but the Yanhuang Union that had been targeted for many years. This made many people feel an unimaginable sense of contrast.

The Cherry Blossom Country, the White Elephant Country, etc., these countries that suffered great losses at the hands of the Yan Country, were all so angry that they wanted to vomit blood.

Watching the enemy become stronger and stronger, but you can't do anything against them, the frustration and helplessness make people crazy.

"Let them squeak, our gods will soon be revived!"

"I have sensed the call of Lord Shiva, and he will come to this world soon!"

"Our Sakura god is coming soon!"

"What if you get promoted to the 10th level of the union? You'll all die when the gods show up!"

The job-changers in these countries cursed like crazy.

At this moment, in Yingjiang Country, the manor where the Presbyterian Church is located.

The lights stay on all night long.

The glazed light continued to radiate from every corner to every inch of the manor.

The luxurious and luxurious interior scene is jaw-dropping.

The Pope and others, a group of giants prepared some champagne and drinks, waiting for the triumph of the great elders.

With the Devil Tribe’s Sanctuary level participating, no one thought they would lose.

When they went to the Halo Secret Realm dungeon, they had already calculated it all. It can be said that the chance of winning was definitely much better than that of the Yanguo Yanhuang Union.

Looking at the crowds of people around, the faces of the giants glowing red, the Pope felt a little uneasy.

"It would be great if the great prophecy hadn't started cooling down yet!"

Without cooling down, you can watch many future clips through the Great Prophecy, which also has a fundamental impact on their actions.

It's a pity that during the last battle for the Sky Arena, all the prediction spells in the future were squeezed out.

This skill that can peek into the future, its cooler, and the conditions for its use are quite terrifying. If he insists on using it now, he will risk his own life, and he may not be able to see anything.

"His Majesty the Pope! There is no need to worry. The Great Elder is not a fool of those top families. He has strong enough wisdom and means. Even if there is an accident, he can return safely!"


A giant saw the worry on the Pope's face and comforted him.

"You also know that the Yanhuang Trade Union has been developing too fast recently. If we don't do something and wait for the gods to fully recover, something unexpected may happen!"

Originally, the Presbyterian Church had decided to hide behind the scenes and rely on the security of the national border to avoid the attack of Emperor Yama.

But as the Yanhuang Trade Union entered the 10th level, everyone's mentality changed.

Because the development of the Yanhuang Trade Union was really too fast, exceeding their expectations.

"Of course, I understand and support this——"

Before the Pope finished speaking, suddenly, a loud exclamation sounded in the hall of the manor.

"Oh~ these losers, they failed! The Yanhuang Guild has gained control of the Halo Secret Realm!"

A giant crushed the glass in his hand, his face full of anger.

Other giants opened their data panels one after another and saw the prompts that popped up above.

"Congratulations to the Yanhuang Guild for gaining temporary control of the Halo Secret Realm!"

Everyone's expressions suddenly looked like they were constipated.

A series of curses rang out.

These people who are gathered together because of interests will not be honest just because the other party has a higher status. Any failure that causes huge losses to the Presbyterian Church will cause them to spout all kinds of vicious abuses wantonly.


Things like "trash" and "idiot" are considered to save face, but some ugly things, such as stuffing your penis into dermatitis, are simply ruining people's outlook.

In the end, all the abuses formed the trial of the great elder.

Most of the giants gathered at the entrance of the Halo Temple, and when the Great Elder and others came out, they would be judged.

Unexpectedly, things were completely beyond their expectations.

Five minutes passed——

There was no movement at the entrance.

"Are they trying to evade responsibility?"

No one thought that something unexpected had happened to the Great Elder and the others.

The 10 resurrections given in the Halo Secret Realm copy are different from the general resurrection props. As long as you are not stupid enough to be completely blocked by someone, you will definitely not encounter any unexpected events.

Is the Great Elder stupid?

No one thinks so!

Therefore, they subconsciously believed that the Great Elder and the others did not leave the Four Knights of Gods copy immediately because they wanted to avoid responsibility.

But as time went by, the abuse began to die down quickly.

"The copy of the Four Knights of God has been closed. The next restart will be in seven days!"

The prompt that appeared at the entrance to the dungeon immediately made everyone numb.

"How about choosing a new great elder!"

After a long time, a voice said faintly.

In the evening, Lu Nan had a good meal and said goodbye to Xu Wei, who had some mobility issues.

"When you have a good rest, you will have enough energy!"

He planned to go out to practice at night.

Although the combat power of monsters at night will be greatly improved, the danger will increase, and there will be a negative state of insufficient vision.

But that's for ordinary career changers, and for me, that's it.

But at this moment, Huang Fengyang's news popped up on the data panel.

"Lu Nan, come over to the Union Temple!"

It didn't take much time to go there. Lu Nan turned around and disappeared.

After a while, they entered the guild's headquarters and met Huang Fengyang and Mr. Lu.

What makes Lu Nan feel strange is that there are not only people from the Yanhuang Trade Union here, but also giants from several other top trade unions.

Moreover, they are all cores of at least rank eight or above.

"This is--"

Lu Nan looked at everyone suspiciously.


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