Quanmin: Necromancer Is Weak? I Have Unlimited Skills

Chapter 79: The Eye Of Hell, The Heart Of The Holy Source! (Please Subscribe!)

"Huh? There is only one monster!"

On the 90th floor, as soon as Lu Nan stepped into it, he saw a flame-like world, surrounded by ravines flowing with lava, and the whole world was blood-red.

In a huge volcano in front of him, a figure tens of meters high slowly stood up from the huge crater.

A large amount of magma rises and falls with the huge figure, it seems that the magma in the entire crater is about to overturn at this moment.


Lu Nan exclaimed.

This is the tallest monster he has ever seen, almost comparable to the body of the evil god.

At this time, he also became a little cautious.

Simply start to cast the skeleton call directly.

"Come out! My army of skeletons!"

Huge magic circles began to appear in the lava world, and three-meter-tall skeleton warriors sprang up like bamboo shoots.

Immediately, the whole world was filled with a strong breath of undead, and the skeleton warriors shrouded in the fire of the undead turned into a terrifying wave of undead.

When the two sides started to contact, the information immediately appeared in Lu Nan's mind.

"Lava Behemoth (BOSS)"

Level: 299 (Master)

HP: 10 million

Mana: 500,000

Constitution: 1000




Combat rating: 700 stars

Skills: Extinct Lava, Lava Clone, Flame Domain, Crimson Wings, Eyes of Hell...

The overall statistics seem to be nothing, but what really makes Lu Nan feel a little bit of a crisis is the series of skills.

"This floor is not those coquettish goods at all!"

Lu Nan immediately activated the illusory mask and turned into a three-meter-tall skeleton warrior.

At the same time, it took 1 point of mana to cast the guardian of the dead.

The next moment, invisible chains spread out and landed on the nearest skeleton warrior.

Just in case, Lu Nan directly controlled the actions of the group of skeleton warriors linked to him, making them hide at the back and wrap themselves in the middle.

When all this was done, a large group of warriors in front of them had already killed the giant lava beast.

With 10 million blood volume, only blood skin remained.

However, at this moment, the body of the giant lava beast changed, and the surrounding lava suddenly shone with terrifying blood.

Originally, these skills need to consume a certain amount of blood to trigger them. However, Lu Nan's army of skeleton warriors is so terrifying that it almost killed the giant lava beast in seconds.


Lu Nan discovered the clue, it wasn't that his skeleton army didn't do enough damage, but that this guy actually had a lock function.

Therefore, there is room to display skills.

A gust of hot air rushed over.

In an instant, the land under Lu Nan's feet turned into a lake of lava.

"You have fallen into the flame field of the lava behemoth, fire resistance -1!"

"You have fallen into the flame field of the lava monster, damage 1000!"

"Your fire resistance is weakened, damage—1500!"

Lu Nan was amazed.

This flame field is also really powerful, sharpening his fire resistance every second and deepening his damage.

According to this range, it won't take long, and the fear of injury will skyrocket to a rather terrifying level.

Ordinary third- and fourth-turn professionals have only four to fifty thousand HP, and those with hidden professions may reach hundreds of thousands, but if there is no countermeasure, they will definitely not be able to last for a few minutes.

"Unfortunately, my blood volume is beyond your imagination!"

Lu Nan grinned.

Even if the flame field has an area-of-effect damage effect, the guardian effect of the undead cannot be increased, but even a skeleton warrior still has five million HP.

After being promoted to the king, the skeleton warrior went straight to five million.

Adding Lu Nan's own blood volume of more than 7 million, the total is more than the blood volume of the lava monster.

This is a completely unequal battle!

The lava behemoth also seemed to feel the crisis of death. After using the flame field, another wave of skills erupted.

This is the dying struggle of a master boss!


Countless flames gathered behind the giant lava beast, and then turned into a huge flame plume

It (cabe) spread its wings, and along with the scorching wind, its huge body rose from the crater to rush to the sky.

However, at this moment, the skeleton warriors have already piled up, like a mountain of bones, and the skeleton warriors on the high place jumped onto the back of the lava monster one after another like a pack of wolves, submerging it


Seeing that the last trace of blood was about to disappear, the chest of the giant lava beast suddenly split open, and a huge eyeball emerged.

Lu Nan was shocked.

Then, in those flaming eyes, a crimson light shot east through the holes of countless skeleton warriors.


The magma erupted, and the whole world was in constant turmoil.

In the boiling lava, Lu Nan's body slowly emerged, covered by a cyan barrier.

That is the defensive skill 'Dream Barrier' that comes with the Youmeng Armor, which creates a barrier with twice its own health.

But at this moment, this enchantment with a blood volume of more than 14 million has lost more than one million blood volume!

"It's scary, it's almost a hundred million points away from hurting me!"

Lu Nan was speechless for a while.

If the damage is multiplied dozens of times, it can break his dream barrier, and then hurt him.

Of course, the final result of this kind of single-target damage must be passed on to the summoned skeleton warrior first.

After all, the 3,000-level Guardian of the Undead is no joke.

Thinking about it this way, Lu Nan realized that he seemed to be thinking too much.

This ability to directly attack the body looks terrifying, but to him, it is precisely the least threatening!

It's not as good as the flame field!

"However, I have to guard against it! What if there is a skill characteristic with instant death damage?"

"Don't be careless in the future!"

Lu Nan warned himself.

A mere master-level boss can ignore his disguise. It can be seen that many skills are not completely invincible.

After firing the skill Eye of Hell, the blood-locking time of the lava behemoth passed completely, the last trace of blood disappeared, and it crashed down.

"You passed the 90th step, it took 1 minute, and the level of clearance: 100%! Perfect level!"

"You get 10,000 ladder points!"

"You killed the giant lava monster x1! Experience +50 million!"

"Open the ninth floor of the points store!"

"It's not 1000 points!" Seeing the system prompt, Lu Nan was overjoyed.

He originally thought that the 90th floor to the 99th floor would only be 100 points more than the 900 points of the 80th floor, but he didn't expect it to be more than ten times!

"This is enough points!"

The points broke through 50,000 all of a sudden, reaching 52,100 points!


"I'll exchange that Holy Origin Heart later!"

Lu Nan secretly thought.

There is nothing to hesitate about this, the heart of the holy source is just an ordinary extreme equipment to others, but to him, it is more valuable than a holy weapon.

"However, before that, let's take a look, what is the store on this level of points!"

Lu Nan opened the point store directly, and when he saw the items inside, he frowned.

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