Quanmin: Necromancer Is Weak? I Have Unlimited Skills

Chapter 80, Li Fang's Discovery, The Poor Excuse Of The Four Presidents! (Please Subscribe!)

"Bone Dragon Descending Skill Book, worth 10 points, unlimited number of redemptions!"

Lu Nan fell into deep thought.

As a seventh-rank skill, Bone Dragon Descent has completely stepped into the ranks of high-level skills. For necromancers, it is a card skill.

This kind of high-level skill is rarely produced on the market, even if someone hits it, they won't take it out for sale.

Therefore, the situation is different from the low-level one-turn skill Knight-Knight Funeral.

Because the most stock in the market is still those low-level skills, the current him is of course investing limited resources on the cutting edge.

For relatively high-level skills, they should be released on time, but no one can tell what will happen in the future.

After the skills of summoning skeletons are upgraded to the legend of the ninth rank, can they still be improved?

Or, what about the sanctuary and the demigod empress?

There are too many accidents.

Once you can't upgrade, or if the upgrade is too difficult, if you want to form a high-end combat power as soon as possible, you must focus on high-end skills.

Bone Dragon Descent is a good choice.

The start is to summon creatures at rank seven, and after two promotions, you can reach legendary creatures.

The temptation to Lu Nan is not insignificant.

"Besides, for me now, the ground combat power is enough for the time being, what is lacking is the air combat power!"

For example, this time, if the giant lava beast can fly high into the sky, its ability to fight against the enemy will be greatly reduced.

"With my promotion speed, as long as I'm not too unlucky, I can reach rank seven in a short time, and I can make up for it by then!"

"However, let's replace the extreme equipment first!"

Extreme equipment is hard to find, especially the heart of the holy source with extreme mana.

Lu Nan closed the Points Store and directly chose to buy the Heart of Saint Source.

"Do you want to spend 50,000 points to exchange for the heart of the holy source?"


The next moment, a piece of legendary equipment glowing with light suddenly appeared in Lu Nan's backpack.

"Not bad, the equipment is in hand, and the first dream building skill has been completed!"

"I hope that next, there will be two more pieces, so that I can achieve success!"

Lu Nan was full of anticipation.

He didn't know that when he stepped into the 90th step, the outside world was completely shocked.

"It really broke through!"

"Terrible! What kind of props can achieve this level?"

"The props are hard to make! Otherwise, the job changers of the previous session would not have stopped at the 90th step!"

Although some people think that Lu Nan is using props, they no longer dare to take it lightly.

In particular, some high-level job transfers who knew about the 90th floor level were even more silent for a while.

It can make an ordinary professional break through 90, even if it is because of props, at least he can reach the strength of a rank seven giant in the future.

"This Lu Nan, luck is really against the sky!"


Countless people said with emotion.

Yunlu City.

City Lord's Mansion.

Job changers are still busy investigating the existence of natural disasters.

As a witness of these many events, Li Fang held a mentality of swearing not to give up when he dug out the reason for the Nine-rank crisis and the abnormality of the Nightmare dungeon.

As a result, he was not present at this climbing ladder activity.

"With the president and the others over there, there shouldn't be any problem!"

"I don't know, what happened to the climbing ladder!"

Those who have not participated in the climbing ladder activity can only see the scoreboard at the entrance of the climbing ladder activity.

Li Fang has been in the City Lord's Mansion, so of course he doesn't know the details.

"Those guys don't know how to reply to my message!"

Opening the trade union channel, it was unusually quiet inside. There were only a few messages on it, and they were all sent by him not long ago.

Fortunately, he had the foresight to let the city lord Wang go into the square to have a look not long ago.

Just as he was thinking, a message popped up in the chat channel.

Wang Jin directly sent a moving picture.

Li Fang clicked on it and stared at it.

"Number one? Lu Nan? Necromancer?"

"Wang Jin, did you make a mistake?" Li Fang couldn't help sending a message.

Soon, he received a reply from Wang Jin.

"That's right! That's right! Everyone saw it!"


Li Fang took a breath, and on a whim, rushed towards the job transfer temple.

"Call out all the recent job transfer information and show me!"

For the request of Li Fang, a top trade union boss, the staff of the temple of his job transfer would certainly not refuse.

Soon, Lu Nan's message will be called out.

Li Fang's heart skipped a beat when he saw the above information.

"Nine Stars!"

"Nine Stars!"

"Nine Stars!"

The three job-changing tasks are all nine-star tasks!


"If Lu Nan was able to pass the 90th step because of a problem with props, then it is impossible for him to be the first nine-star mission!"

Li Fang knew how terrifying the nine-star mission was.

Like their SS-level hidden occupations, when receiving job-changing tasks, they will pray in their hearts that they will not receive nine-star tasks.

But if you want to be strong, you need to receive high-star job transfer tasks as much as possible. Therefore, in the top guilds, there will be some relatively accurate strategies for controlling combat power.

0 looking for flowers......

What level, how much combat power to control, in order to receive the most suitable job transfer task, all have particular considerations.

This is the advantage of the Grand Council.

Job transferees like Lu Nan who have three consecutive nine-star missions are rare in recent years.

"Whether it is a natural disaster or not, it will be proved soon!"

Li Fang became a little excited, and used his authority to find out the city where Lu Nan was located.

"Linshan City?"

This location is too coincidental.

However, it is not completely sure now.

Passing through 90 levels is difficult, but it is not impossible.

All of this can only be clarified when we meet and verify in person!

Thinking of this, Li Fang quickly sent a message to the president, and then quickly left the job transfer temple.

"What? Lu Nan is in Linshan City?"

"It doesn't seem far away!"

"However, how do you find a suitable excuse to leave?"

The efficiency of the top guild is fast. When Lu Nan just passed the 90th floor, the four major guild leaders also received the news from the bottom.

Thus, a funny scene happened.

The president of the Longteng trade union suddenly covered his stomach and said, "Not good, I probably ate something wrong in the morning, everyone, I'll go first!"

As he spoke, he rode the giant dragon and flew towards the distance.

"I forgot to take care of something, so I left first!" The president of the Yanhuang trade union coughed and flew away.

"I'll go and see what's going on with the two of you!" Wang Fenghuang, the president of the Fenghuang Jiutian trade union, was not to be outdone.

In the end, only the president of the wolf pack union remained.

"Senior rank nine giant, still have diarrhea? What you eat is not rice, but poisonous dragon meat?"

"Go and see? Is Wang Fenghuang so kind?"

As the leader of the wolf pack, Guan Zhen despises such behavior from the bottom of his heart.

At this time, he also saw the message sent from the channel.

"Lu Nan is in Linshan City!"

His expression changed, he turned his head and said to the giant behind him: "I forgot to eat lunch, because I ate it!"

A group of giants were left behind, looking at each other in blank dismay.

have lunch?

Can you be a little more fake?

However, since his boss didn't tell them the reason, there must be a reason, but he can't help guessing in his heart.

What was the reason that made the president and the others leave?

Could it be because of that Lu Nan?

A giant suddenly had a flash of inspiration in his mind, but at this moment, a voice suddenly sounded

"Huh? Why did you stop?"

Everyone looked at it one after another, but they saw that on the scoreboard, Lu Nan's level hadn't improved for a while. .

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