Wen Lin frowned and listened, feeling a little uneasy at the same time, but she was accustomed to keeping calm in various unknown situations. At this time, her thoughts were slightly confused, but her expression was still calm.

After listening quietly for a while, the knocking on the door gradually stopped, and Wen Lin ignored it and did not open the door.

Her eyes fell on the small ball pattern on her wrist again. Wen Lin rubbed it hard, but it didn't change when she rubbed it red, as if it was born on the skin.

How did this pattern come about? Wen Lin knew nothing.

Just when I was thinking about nothing, there was another knock on the door.

Could it be that Vicia hasn't left yet?

The knocking on the door didn't stop this time. Wen Lin walked to the door to open the door. She saw Vicia wearing a thin coat and standing at the door with her bare feet. The naked eye could see that she was red from the cold.

Seeing Wen Lin come out, Vicia's eyes lit up instantly, but she pursed her lips tightly, looking at her aggrieved and pitiful.

Wen Lin frowned calmly and said softly, "I'll take you back."

Unexpectedly, Vicia didn't appreciate it, and stood at the door in a daze, unwilling to move a step.

At night, it was windy and snowy, so Wen Lin felt cold to her bones when she opened the door.

It's unreasonable to talk to an alcoholic, but she can't be left out of the door like this.

Wen Lin reluctantly stepped back to one side and tentatively said, "Come in?"

Without any hesitation, Vicia walked into Wen Lin's small stone house.

But after entering the room, Vicia looked very calm. She stood in the middle of the room, staring at Wen Lin blankly, not moving or speaking.

Rubbing her forehead slightly tiredly, Wen Lin led her to sit down on the couch, changed her clothes, and re-medicated her ankles.

Under the thin jacket was a thin inner lining, and the neckline was a little loose. Wen Lin inadvertently saw a conspicuous scar under Vicia's left collarbone.

His eyes stayed on the scar for a few seconds, and then moved away as if nothing had happened.

Lie down on the couch in accordance with Wen Lin's order, Vicia's eyes never left Wen Lin for a moment.

The eyes were too hot, and Wen Lin couldn't ignore it even if she wanted to ignore it. She raised her eyes and looked at Vicia.

She didn't seem to be drunk at all, she was quiet at this moment, staring at her eyes seemed to have deep affection flowing, every line of eyes and chin was just right, and the years left a faint trace on her face, But more calm and elegant.

Even the slightly dull blond hair seems to have added a bit of heaviness accumulated over the years, with a unique charm.

He should be a high-ranking person, how could he be willing to humble himself in front of him?

Wen Lin fell into a brief moment of doubt, she sat down on the low stool on the slump, and suddenly began to think deeply.

It's just that Visiah is still drunk, so I don't know what to ask now.

Looking at the night outside the window, Wen Lin got up to go to Vicia's stone house to rest, but Vicia grabbed her wrist the moment she turned around.

Wen Lin tried to break free, but found that Vicia was gripping harder and harder, as if she was using all her strength.

Wen Lin looked at her helplessly, "Vishiya, it's time for me to rest."

"Stay, stay here,"

The two were deadlocked, and Wei Shiya refused to let go. Wen Lin sighed helplessly again, and had to compromise, "You let go, I won't leave."

The couch was not that wide, so it was a bit crowded when two people were sleeping. Vicia moved to the edge, but she still didn't let go.

Wen Lin lay down at her will, and seeing that half of Vicia's body was not covered tightly, she took the initiative to say, "You can sleep some more."

After all, it was a completely unfamiliar environment here. Without Vicia, Wen Lin didn't know what the situation would be like now.

For Vicia, even if she loses her memory, Wen Lin has to be extra indulgent.

The two of them were lying on their backs, one on their sides, their bodies inevitably pressed together, and under the quilt were their hands.

Wen Lin was really tired. She closed her eyes and was about to fall asleep, but the almost condensed gaze from the side made her a little upset, so she turned her back.

After a while, Wen Lin fell into a deep sleep.

The next day, at dawn, Vicia woke up.

With a dull pain in her head and a little soreness on her body, Vicia was stunned for a while, and slowly recalled her actions last night.

Looking at Wen Lin who was beside her, a brief blank appeared in Vicia's mind, her chest heaved violently several times, and her body was stiff and motionless.

Staring at Wen Lin's fair neck, Vicia wanted to hug her regardless, but when she thought of Wen Lin's disliked or even disgusted eyes, her heart felt like it was pierced by a sharp knife, causing sharp pain to spread.

Thinking of Wen Lin dancing with Rima last night, and her own gaffe, Visia was suddenly at a loss.

Will Wen Lin hate herself?

This question grabbed Vicia's heart tightly, and she greedily stayed on the couch for a while, then left lightly.

Make breakfast as usual, but Wen Lin hasn't woken up yet.

Vicia immediately blamed herself. It should have disturbed her to rest last night, and it was obvious that her body had not recovered.

After standing in the snow for a long time, Vicia still didn't know how to face Wen Lin who woke up and how to explain her actions last night.

Obviously she doesn't like it, why can't she restrain herself?

The lips and tongues were full of bitterness, and Vicia's mind was full of the way Wen Lin said a month ago that she didn't like being close to her. The thought of Wen Lin's disgusting eyes might make Vicia breathless.

Obviously she should take care of Wen Lin by herself, so why did Wen Lin give in?

Vicia stared at the closed door for a long time, turned around and walked to the maid in the distance, and told Wen Lin to wake up at a certain time. Go, followed by a small group of royal guards.

I walked aimlessly until I came to a clear lake.

The alpine lake reflected the snow-capped mountains in the distance, and Vicia stopped to look afar and lost her mind for a long time.

Until twilight came quietly, Wen Lin sat by the window with a book in her hand, and didn't turn a page for a long time.

As soon as she woke up and didn't see Vicia, Wen Lin asked the attendant and said she was going up the mountain.

But no one came back for a day. The severe cold weather, the beasts and the snow on the mountain are all potential dangers.

Once encountering a large beast, or falling into a hunting pit, I am afraid that there will be no return.

The more she thought about it, the more wrong she became. Wen Lin packed up and was about to go out and find someone to go with Vicia.

Unexpectedly, just after walking a few steps, she saw the fire in the distance getting closer and closer. Wen Lin stopped to take a closer look. It was Visia and her party.

The two stared at each other from a distance in the snow under the night. Vicia held a garland woven with grass in her hand. Looking at Wen Lin's slightly cold eyes, she looked away a little embarrassedly. Shrinking back.

After sizing Vicia from head to toe and confirming that nothing happened, Wen Lin breathed a sigh of relief and said first, "Let's eat something first."

Vicia nodded politely and followed Wen Lin into the kitchen with the garland.

Wen Lin didn't use dinner yet. Taking advantage of Vicia's time to shoot the snow, Wen Lin went to bring the hot bread and soup to the table.

Her eyes flickered messily, Vicia quietly looked at Wen Lin's expression, her eyes were calm, and there was no disgust, let alone disgust.

Wen Lin didn't seem to be angry because of what happened last night, and when she caught a glimpse of the food for two people on the table, Vicia realized that Wen Lin was waiting for her, and her heart suddenly filled with joy and excitement.

The two of them ate silently, and Vicia quietly looked at Wen Lin's expression and noticed that her gaze was on the garland, so she couldn't help but explain,

"Dancing with a garland of lingering grass, at the bonfire party on the last day of St. Valentine's Day, it means goodwill or love for each other."

Hearing this explanation, Wen Lin was a little surprised, but she didn't say anything and finished her dinner quietly.

Seeing Wen Lin's calm reaction, Vicia was a little disappointed and didn't continue to say anything.

When the two were about to go back to the stone house, Wen Lin suddenly stopped Vicia, "Tonight, just tonight, can you tell me all the stories that happened between us?"

Vicia met Wen Lin's gaze, but she didn't notice any special emotions, but she seemed to suddenly give Vicia some kind of hope.

This was the first time Wen Lin took the initiative to ask about the past.

Vicia lowered her eyes, covered up her rolling emotions, and said in a calm tone, "Okay, I'll tell you slowly."

The fireplace was burning all the time, and the stone house was extraordinarily warm. The two sat side by side in front of the fireplace, and the firelight reflected on them, making them harmonious and warm.

From the encounter at sea, the Atta Tower, the gladiatorial arena, the royal court, the village of Yinhe, the church, to the last wall of fire standing on the sea, Vicia's voice became more and more hoarse, and she tried her best to understate those deep pasts. Tell Wen Lin a little bit.

But those memories that supported her to survive in countless lonely days and nights, even the most peaceful narrative, made Vicia unbearable.

Pain, unforgettable.

It took a whole night for Vicia's story to stop in the final fire.

Wen Lin looked sideways, Vicia's thin red eyes were quietly looking out the window, and there was a loneliness that made her feel heavy and suffocated.

Dull gray hair hung down on the side of her face, tracing the lines of her face that looked cold but was extremely gentle when facing her.

There was a clear thumping sound from under the ribs, heavier than the sound.

Wen Lin was in a trance, her heart was numb, clear and intense, the sadness that seemed to bite her and swallow her up like a torrent.

Looking at Mi Qian in Vichy's eyes, her heart hurts a lot.

But the memory is still blank.

Maybe after a while, Wen Lin can calmly accept the fact that she has come to a parallel time and space, but she has such a deep and helpless sad past with the monarch of a country, and Wen Lin doesn't know how to respond.

With warmth accumulated in her eyes, Wen Lin closed her eyes suddenly and lowered her head.

Obviously she didn't think of anything, but the grief that penetrated into her limbs made Wen Lin feel that it was hard to breathe. She couldn't avoid thinking, these nine years, these nine years of loneliness, how should Vicia survive?

Sadness goes straight to the soul.

Vicia looked at the morning light showing a little bit of clouds, and tried to smile at Wen Lin, "People are always praising the victory of that war, but they ignore the price of victory."

"I have grown into what I once looked forward to, firmly in control of the pinnacle of power in a country, but I still can't resist the power of time, the power of forgetting."

Wen Lin pondered for a long time before she dared to look up at Vicia.

The sourness and sadness that gathered from every part of the body to the heart seemed to verify everything Vicia said.

But for Wen Lin, who has no memory, she cannot become another protagonist in the story.

Wen Lin pursed her dry lips and wanted to speak, but she saw that Vicia's face suddenly turned pale.

She seemed to know what Wen Lin was going to say next, and smiled bitterly, her eyes were conflicted, helpless, and pleading.


The author has something to say:

The second one is late, don't wait

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