Vicia stopped Wen Lin from opening her mouth with her still gentle eyes, and said first,

"I'm telling you this, I'm not forcing you to accept me, and I don't need you to pity me, I just beg you not to refuse, try to give me a chance, a chance for us to start again even if you can never remember everything ."

Silently pulling the saw, Vicia's hand on her lap suddenly tapped uneasy twice, looked at Wen Lin, and said, "I only have this request, nothing else."

With a secret sigh, Wen Lin subconsciously avoided Vicia's gaze.

While waiting silently, the blood in Vichy's whole body seemed to have solidified. Just when she was desperate, Wen Lin responded softly, "Okay."

The body froze for a while, and there were a few glamorous lights flashing in the bottom of Vicia's eyes, and a very shallow arc was drawn at the corner of her mouth, and the whole person seemed to be instantly brightened.

She looked away from Wen Lin and said lightly, "It's time to rest, but eat something and then rest, I'll do it."

After walking out of the room, Vicia paused for a moment and then suddenly smiled. There seemed to be countless twists and turns in her heart, some astringent and some sweet, which were difficult to smooth out.

After thinking about it in the room for a while, Wen Lin followed to the kitchen. Wen Lin, who was already familiar with the kitchen layout, was very helpful.

It seemed that there was a thin crack in the solid barrier standing between the two, and it was not even noticeable, but it did appear.

After the two of them finished their breakfast, the sky was not yet bright, and after Wen Lin returned to the stone house to rest, Vicia specifically told the attendants not to let others disturb them.

When Elima came, he was stopped far away at the intersection.

Wen Lin slept very deeply. Vicia woke up first. After waking up, she sat quietly in front of Wen Lin's couch, watching Rima come three times and was stopped three times.

Retracting her gaze from the window, Vicia secretly wondered when the castle would be repaired the soonest, and once it was repaired, she would move there as soon as possible.

According to Wen Lin's behavior, if she really intends for Rima, it is impossible for her to promise herself again.

But if she didn't care about Rima and danced with Rima on the St. Valentine's Day, Visiah thought about it, and it was because Wen Lin didn't know the meaning of the last ball on St. Valentine's Day.

Think of it as being selfish, Vicia sighed softly.

Looking at the bookshelf on one side, Vicia got up and walked forward. The parchment that was tightly placed on the innermost side showed no signs of being turned over.

Vicia took out the parchment book, and caressed it gently, full of love, Vicia turned it over, starting from the first page to the last page.

In the past nine years, every night when it was so quiet that it was difficult to fall asleep, Vicia would sit quietly at the desk and write notes with the quill pen that Wen Lin had used.

These notes include the details and effects of various policy implementation feedback, changes in the situation in Wangcheng, the improvement of people's lives, and everything they ever wanted to do together...

In addition, Vicia also wrote down her thoughts about Wen Lin in Chinese. She told Wen Lin all the hidden secrets that could not be said to others in this parchment.

Staring at the book in her hand for a long time, Vicia thought for a while and put it back.

Vicia was a little selfish and didn't take the parchment book away. She hoped that one day, Wen Lin could open the book she left behind.

This was the deepest sustenance they shared.

The night was silent, and the moonlight through the thin clouds climbed silently up the edge of the window. Just when Vicia was about to wake up Wen Lin, Rema came again.

This time Vicia went out and asked the attendant to let her over.

"Madam," Rima looked a little aggrieved, ran over angrily, and complained to Vicia for the attendant who was blocking her.

Vicia just smiled and asked, "Rima, what's your business with Wen Lin?"

"I want to invite you and Wen Lin to participate in the last big hunt in the village," Rima looked very excited when it came to hunting.

The weather in Sutherland is getting colder every day, and it won't be long before the real cold season begins, so they need to stock up on as much food as possible before the worst weather arrives.

Seeing that Wen Lin's body had obviously improved, Rima wanted to invite her to participate with Vicia.

The village is not big, there are only a few people in total, and Rima seems to be especially attentive to Wen Lin and Visia, who are a little mysterious.

Taking into account Wen Lin's body, Rema said again, "Wen Lin can be waiting for us at the foot of the mountain, and maybe even hunt mountain foxes and moose."

Vicia didn't agree or refuse, she just waited for Wen Lin to wake up and ask her what she thought. .

Most of the time, Wen Lin stayed in her small stone house. If her physical condition allowed, Vicia would like to go and have a look. It would help Wen Lin to integrate here faster.

Just as Vicia was talking to Rima, Wen Lin had already woken up. She didn't go out immediately, but curled up on the couch and watched Vicia and Rima talking from a distance.

They are standing under the firelight, Vicia is slender and tall, even if her expression is gentle, it can be clearly seen that during the conversation with Rema, she has always maintained a just right distance.

It is completely different from the casual softness when dealing with yourself.

Wen Lin bent her lips unconsciously, and watched Vicia's every move with interest through the window.

Wen Lin didn't get up until she watched Visia and Rima walk into the kitchen.

Because of Rema's arrival, I have to make more dinner, and Vicia is kneading the fermented dough.

Rema obviously didn't know how to help, so she squatted in front of the stove and made a fire.

When Wen Lin pushed open the kitchen door, she happened to meet Vicia's gaze. She smiled and called Vicia before looking at Rima beside her.

Seeing that Vicia had already prepared a few doughs and put them aside, Wen Lin naturally stepped forward and put the doughs into the oven. Every move was very smooth.

Seeing the interaction between Vicia and Wen Lin, Rima clearly felt that something was different.

In front of Madam, Wen Lin seemed to have become less indifferent.

At the same time, Vicia is also carefully observing Rima's reaction. Seeing that her expression is just pure curiosity, Vicia's hanging mind is completely relieved.

That night, it must have been a complete misunderstanding.

Turning her head to look at Wen Lin who was busy with her, Vicia couldn't help recalling Wen Lin's smile and eyes when she looked at her over and over again.

She could clearly feel that there was a slight difference between Wen Lin's name and Rema's, even if it sounded roughly the same.

When calling herself, Wen Lin's eyes were obviously softer, and her voice was not as alienated as before.

For this slight difference, Vicia felt very satisfied, this was a brand new beginning for her and Wen Lin.

During the meal, Vicia mentioned the hunting in the village, but Wen Lin agreed without thinking much.

Rema looked very happy, she took out the prepared drawings and said the real purpose.

"Wen Lin, the blacksmith in the village can't make the improved crossbow arrow according to the blueprint you gave, can you draw the blueprint more precisely?"

At that time, Wen Lin gave Ruima two drawings, one bow and arrow, and one crossbow arrow. The structure of the crossbow arrow was much more refined. Wen Lin's body was too weak at the time, and she could not concentrate for a long time to draw all the structures of the crossbow arrow. come out.

Now that her body is much better, Wen Lin, who wanted to repay the villagers for saving her life, certainly would not refuse.

Crossbow arrows are more accurate and powerful than bows, and when used for short-range hunting or fixed-point defense, the advantages are obviously stronger than bows and arrows.

If it can be popularized in the village, it will undoubtedly be a good thing for the village.

Rema, who achieved her goal, disappeared without a trace soon after eating, and Wen Lin stayed behind to clean up the kitchen with Vicia.

It's hard to imagine that a monarch of a country would be willing to do such trivial things in a dimly lit kitchen.

Even though she was used to it, Wen Lin couldn't hide her surprise. She put down the last bowl she washed and pretended to be teasing and asked,

"A monarch of a country can even cook and wash dishes?"

Although Wen Lin did not feel any obvious sense of class in the village, in the feudal era, the ruler of a country was still a powerful ruler, and he should never be reduced to solving basic living needs by himself.

Vicia was stunned for a moment, then smiled. She looked at Wen Lin seriously and said softly,

"In the nine years you've been away, I've learned a lot, more than what you've seen now."

The once stern and dignified face showed such a gentle and delicate expression, which is more visually striking.

Wen Lin couldn't describe the feeling in her heart, she turned her head slightly uncomfortably and walked out the door.

The two walked towards the stone house at a leisurely pace, one after the other.

Wen Lin walked to the desk with the blueprint and said it was a desk, but it was actually two and a half-person-high wooden piers and wooden boards on top.

The desk was not close to the fireplace. Seeing this, Visia narrowed her eyes slightly, walked to Wen Lin, took the blueprint on the desk, and said warmly, "Let me draw it."

Although her tone was gentle, Vicia's uncompromising gesture clearly left no room for negotiation.

The two who slept during the day didn't feel sleepy at this time. Vicia also wanted to spend more time with Wen Lin. After thinking about it, she said, "There is a chart in the middle of the second floor of the bookshelf, you can go and have a look."

While Wen Lin's Golan language is getting richer and richer, she has also read more and more books.

Vicia's book collection covers all aspects, and Wen Lin is still very interested in the content of the ocean, and Vicia brought it up accordingly.

The intention was obviously to drive Wen Lin to the side of the fireplace. With a faint smile in Wen Lin's eyes, she followed Vicia's intention to find the chart and sat on the collapse.

However, Yu Guang always glanced at Vishya intentionally or unintentionally, and a complete crossbow arrow drawing would be impossible for ordinary people to write.

However, Wen Lin's worries were obviously unnecessary. From the moment she started writing, it could be seen that she was very familiar with the structure of crossbow arrows.

With the smooth movements, you can clearly see the outlines that are gradually forming, but it will take some time to draw them completely.

Looking at the flickering candlelight, Wen Lin felt a little dark, so she got up and found a few other candles.

After lighting them one by one, Wen Lin still felt dark, so she simply held Vicia's hand and said, "It's too dark, it hurts my eyes, I'll paint it in daylight tomorrow."

There was an obvious smile on her lips. Vicia didn't expect Wen Lin to act now. She couldn't hide her smile and looked at Wen Lin, "Wen Lin, are you caring about me? I'm very happy. ."


The author has something to say:

I don't know if there are any bugs, but you have worked hard to catch them~ Comments and red envelopes!

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