Quick Transmigrating Second Female Lead’s Counterattack

Chapter 1329: BOSS your vest is gone! 54.8

[Private chat] Autumn moon is boundless:

Going home, do you have time at 8:00 on Saturday night? We have a song meeting for the sound-sounding song. Would you like to invite you as the finale? - Sending time: Monday at 12 noon.

Returning to our goddess, oh, that is, CV and other people have always wanted to know you, and that year is because you entered the circle.

Only at that time she was still a newcomer. I feel that you will definitely not pay attention to her, so I want to wait for the results to appear in front of you.

But it is a pity that after you became a purple, you left. This song is not only a commemoration of our five-year-old lyrics, but also a dream to round the goddess.

- Send time: Wednesday at 6pm.

The return journey is very big. Our song meeting time is from 8:00 to 11:00 on Saturday. If you have time, I hope and look forward to your arrival. - Send time: Just now.

The autumn moon that just had a private chat with him is boundless, and this will also be talking privately before returning to the search.

But so far she is unilaterally brushing the way back to the screen, the heart more or less still hold some hope.

Shao Zhan's brow is almost knotted. He just hangs on the whim and hasn't used it for a long time. He saw the familiar avatar flashing.

Especially after seeing the content, I feel very surprised.

Was it that she entered the circle for herself? The fate is so wonderful.

At that time, he was studying and writing a novel to pass the time. As a result, he accidentally fired. He felt that he had a sense of accomplishment and he kept writing.

When I came into contact with this circle, someone found him to ask for authorization. I felt that the radio drama was quite new, and I agreed to follow it.

I have a villain for my own text and I feel very good.

But after the family hired him to go back, he left the circle for two years, and when he came back, he changed the vest directly.

I didn't expect them to go around or meet each other, just... she would hate herself.

If he did not leave in the past, she would not pay attention to the half-life, and would not...

Oh, it’s so bad, I feel that it’s all done by myself, no, this vest is going to be good, and she can’t let her find it.

When I turn people around, I don’t want to lick my vest.

[Private chat] Returning home: I know, I will arrive at 10:50, but I hope that I will not disclose it for the time being. It is a surprise for her.

After thinking about it, make a decision, this vest can attract her attention, it must not be let go, but he has to be strict.

The autumn months that have not given up hope are boundless, and the second is back. The excitement can be seen from the tone.

[Private chat] Autumn moon is boundless: ah ah, returning home, I finally waited for your reply, so happy and happy, let me go downstairs and run two laps first.

[Private chat] Autumn moon is boundless: I am relieved, I must be confidential, ah ah, so excited and excited \\(≧▽≦)/

Shao Zhanxi is somewhat worried. This girl is sure that he will not shake him out in advance. He always feels... very doubtful.

What to say, men's sometimes intuition is also very accurate.

Qiuyue turned his head and looked for it. I was very happy to share this news with her.

The only remaining IQ is that she did not say who she is.

[Private chat] Autumn moon is boundless: goddess goddess, I tell you, there is a big surprise tonight, you must come up with your spirit of 120,000 points.

Looking for the news that jumped out again, touched the chin, is there any heavyweight gods to come.

Wouldn't it be... returning home?

The thoughts flashed in my eyes, and the man disappeared for three or four years. It should not be him.

Negating the thoughts in my heart, I didn't care too much about it. She is now considering whether a few numbers will be held on the wheat at the same time.

This is really a topic... I want to die and die. o(╯□╰)o

[Private chat] I don't know who to return to: Autumn Moon, you remember to separate my number, let the host not swear by my words, sing the number one, I will hide one.

In order to be on the safe side, it is necessary to look for it. If you are not afraid of 10,000, you will be afraid of it.

[Private chat] Autumn moon is boundless: already said with the sleeves, rest assured.

With the guarantee of the other party, looking for a strong reassurance, first hang on the number of people who are returning to the people, the opening is her chorus with the Japanese songs.

[Telephony Songs Temporary Guest Group]

Moderator · Hunchun Sleeve: Goddess Goddess @等归人, 日暮大@日暮湛歌在咩, the song will start right away, are you ready?

Opening · Japanese 暮 暮 song: OK

Looking for the news, I also replied.

Opening · Waiting for people: OK

Moderator · Hunchun Sleeve: Hao Le, then I will hold you on the wheat.

[Puzzle Songs 5th Anniversary Song Celebration Channel]

Hunchun Sleeve's unique lively and crisp vitality girl voice: "Hello welcomes everyone to participate in our fifth anniversary song of the sound-sounding song."

"I don't talk nonsense, I know that you are looking forward to the guests, oh, tell me now, who do you want."

Good luck: Of course it is a big day.

Chihuahua: Waiting for the goddess.

There are people and places where there are rivers and lakes: my family is domineering the queen of the moon.

Haha: Half-life is huge.


Hunchun Sleeve will adjust the atmosphere, and the audience's activity will be mobilized.

At this time, the large size of the searcher appeared in 2 wheat, and the 3 wheat was also occupied by the ID of the Japanese zhao song.

Seeing the two eyes appear at the tip of the eye, the public screen brush is more cheerful.

"You want to wait for the goddess and the sundial to come, have you been very excited, have you been surprised, but I tell you, this is not the most surprise, let us hand over the opening to our golden CP."

Hunchun’s sleeves are swaying, and the desire for infection is extremely strong. The emotions inside are also rendered in place.

The public screen is a crazy screen, even if the speed is controlled by the field, it is still very warm.

"The sleeves don't hurt me. The sundial is great, but if he is here, he is not going to kill me."

Looking for the open wheat, the enchanting voice of the silk came out from the wheat, some hoarse, but unexpectedly **** hook.

I wanted to reject the strong picture that I greeted and successfully let the public screen blow up again.

At this time, the green light of the ID of Zhan Zhan song is also bright, the magnetic sound is mixed with the heavy sound, and then the words of the imagination are combined.

"The one in my family is not there, wait for the queen not to be the clearest."

To say that Shao Zhanxi is still a little uncertain, then at this moment he can almost be sure that the other party is a small nephew.

"I just don't know if she will punish me after I sang this song, oh."

With a low sigh, the long tail is filled with tender tenderness.

Koi: I seem to know something.

I like you without reason: I also seem to know something.

Lucky Fortune: Waiting for the song CP will not waver for ten thousand years.


Looking at the group of magical dances on the channel, looking for inexplicable feelings that her previous ideas are wrong.

Isn't he wrong, but deliberate, illusory?

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