Quick Transmigrating Second Female Lead’s Counterattack

Chapter 1330: BOSS your vest is gone! 54.9

"Since we have this idea in the future, it must be better to sing."

Looking for a bent lip, while watching the news on the public screen, smiled.

There was no hesitation in the other way back: "You said you are embarrassed."

In one sentence, the public screen was completely boiled, and the speed control of the explosion could not be controlled.

Such a strong Queen VS loyal dog picture, there is love to not, they have been unable to control their own power.

"Hey, I said that the two of you are coming to show your love or to feed them dog food. I really can't take care of this little girl."

Hunchun Sleeve is also in a timely manner, the number of people in the channel is increasing, and the public screen is getting more and more hilarious.

"Don't tease you, today I am bringing you a "Prince" with you."

Looking for a smile interface, also entered the official prologue of the song club.

"The fine moon enters the night and hangs in the clouds. The Huaqing pool is cool and cool, and the micro-woman is 18 years old. I am in the palace for the first time..."

After searching for the prelude, the Japanese and Zhan Song immediately took the adverb.

"The Prince is plunging into the country, and the weak water is three thousand for whom you are. The twenty-four bridges and lakes are tears for you, and it is difficult to rely on the flowers."

"The Prince is fascinated by the wind and the wind is drunk... The emperor's heart is drunk in the harem, and the unforgettable smile is drunk; the prince of the Prince heard the news if it was right, killing and angering Jinyiwei."

Looking for low-pitched voices to improve the transfer: "The imperial court riots and sighs the princes, the princes are sad and **** into tears, Prince Si..."

The repressed crying rushed out with deep lyrics, the helpless madness and hot love, like the wild weeds, and the frost that was suppressed under the volcano, sooner or later the day would be melted.

The two changed the single-sided humming into a MV with a picture. Although they could not see the person, they could draw a clear and clear picture when they heard the sound, and they were seductive.

"This time you are the place of your prince, you will protect you and love you, and you will believe in you, even if everyone in the world says that you are a sinister disaster, I will keep you as you are."

"Love you, you can be willing to enjoy this world together!"

With the sorrowful tune of the tail, the domineering declaration screamed out, with overwhelming deterrence.

It’s like tens of thousands of horses running on the ground, shaking up the ground and shaking the mountain, so that everyone can't help but stop all the movements at hand to marvel at the scene.

"Oh, Your Highness will dare to ask, why don't you dare to pick up this palace?"

Looking for a chuckle interface, that sneer, with arrogance that can't be ignored, and a dazzling madness.

But no one thinks that the woman is rude, but she thinks that she should be like this. If she is trapped in the palace, she is regarded as a disaster by everyone, and she has the truth of that person. How can she let go of it?

Both of them sang for a while, and the public screen was like a convulsion. The constant brushing of the brush made countless messages, and the speed was fast to see the various colors.

"Scorpio, Scorpio, are you two playing or singing? I can't find the answer."

The sound of Hunchun’s sleeves exclaimed sounded properly, and the excessive reaction, but unexpectedly made people feel very real.

Lost to know: ah ah ah ah, so beautiful, ask together.

He Xi He: Together, together, together.

Leaves and butterflies: Love you, you can be willing to accompany the orphans to enjoy this world, and the Japanese saying that this sentence is so domineering, the blood tank of Su is empty.

Snail running: The blood tank has been empty for me.

Poached rice: The last laugh of the goddess also made me angry. This is the CP station, and I am not going to graduate.

How busy the channel is, and how ugly the expression on the face of the man in front of the computer is.

Yin Shihe didn't understand why he was like this, his hands on his forehead, his hair blocking the expression on his face, and people couldn't see what he was thinking.

He didn't know the person's thoughts about him, but because he knew that he felt too heavy, he would choose to avoid it.

But when she saw her with others, he was upset and unwilling in his heart.

Sometimes she is clamoring to grab her back, she should have been her own.

"A search, A search, what should I do?"

The low voice is full of struggles, making him like a beast.

There is no one who can pull him out, and no one who can guide him.

Looking for a few words with the Japanese and Zhan songs and the Chunchun sleeves, they went down the wheat and gave up the position.

"Although I can't wait to wait for the songs, I also look forward to the big guys in the back. Come to the friends and call me to call the next mysterious guest."

Hunchun Sleeve knows how to let go of the two and start the next game.

The enthusiasm of the guild, during the search for three vests, a little relieved to give those few numbers.

It’s only 9:20, and at 10:00, she doesn’t have her wheat, and she gets up and pours water.

When I came back, I found that the public screen was blown up again, and I fixed my eyes and moved to the wheat order.

Half a world.

"Thank you for inviting me to invite me. In fact, today I am a little worried that she knows that I am coming, and will not appear."

"I don't know if she is still there at the moment, but whether she is absent or not, I will say something to her, sorry."

"I still want to ask, if I am going back and regret it, I still have time?"

Yin Shihe stared at the screen with his eyes, and wanted to see the ID lights he was very familiar with, but unfortunately not.

Some disappointed bowed his head, and the hand couldn't help but cling to it. Even so, he didn't want to give up.

The hand covered his eyes and covered the self-deprecating inside. He was really doing it.

When people like him, he dismisses people. Now that she is gone, he regrets it. Is he so embarrassed?

It’s ridiculous, ridiculous.

"Some things are not something you can regret when you come back. Here I solemnly tell you that you have no chance, no, you can't have a chance from start to finish."

With a disdainful boy, Yin Shi and a stunned.

The brow is high, who is this person, and why he answers her.

"Who are you, I don't think you are qualified to intervene in my business."

Shao Zhanxi, who is also sitting in front of the computer, has a cold chill in his eyes, and his face is even more ridiculous.

During this time, he ran to the editorial department every day, but it wasn’t a white run. The understanding of the half-life was clear.

Telling the truth, he is really not in the eyes of this kind of goods, but it is very uncomfortable.

"Oh, who am I, I am her husband... Hey, I was wrong, I was wrong, don't fight, don't fight, I can't do it wrong."

Just halfway through, the window was jumped out of the screen by a knocking-out animation, and the subconscious Shao Zhanxi asked for mercy.

The tone is called a grievance, poor, really makes the listener shocked the play.

Bubble: Is there a large family in the sun? The name of a good relative is the master of the beautiful figure in the picture (☆▽☆)

Long and tall: I am a bit ugly about what kind of development, who is coming.

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