Quick Transmigrating Second Female Lead’s Counterattack

Chapter 1351: Beauty, don't run 55.7

I just want to turn my eyes, what is he can't help (#‵')

It’s as if she is seduce him, she’s so embarrassed, she’s so arrogant, she clearly keeps people from falling apart.

If not... if not... she can't beat this person, she started early _(:зゝ∠)_

Wait, why she can't beat this person, I go, it's not scientific.

Finally found the problem, the whole person is not good, the brain is also quickly turning, want to find out if there is nothing to be ignored.

I thought for a long time, my eyes wide open, and some surprised openings: "Carol, are you the child?!"

I just didn't feel that the name was so familiar, sweat, this is her fault.

"You think of it, it's good, I thought you forgot me."

Carol put down his hand, and the gloomy face was bright and sunny, and his eyes were filled with happiness.

It’s like a child who got sugar, so excited.

It is really no one who feels that this is a harmless child, and his danger is enough to make them all destroyed.

"Well, you are so big." I couldn't help but sigh, it really has a fate. The person she saved at the time was a man.

But... "Can you let me go first, and my people."

Finally, I did not forget the purpose of my own purpose, and took a big shot of my waist.

Although Carol was very reluctant, this time he was relieved to listen, but he did not leave her, and followed suit, as if he was guarding the proximity of all men.

Loy’s mouth is twitching. He knows who she is in this population. It’s no wonder that their Queen’s Majesty is so strange.

The charm of Her Majesty is still as good as that of the past, even more so than that seen a dozen years ago, and the temperament is even more outstanding.

Obviously it is a happy thing, but at this time he is really happy, a hunter licks their queen, really...

"Loy, can you tell me why this is the case?"

"You have promised me, I will manage the blood."

Her voice was very light, and there was no blame, but it made Luo Yi's landless.

Looking at Loy, who bowed his head, sighed and walked over to him, giving a golden glow between his fingers, guiding them all into his body.

Blood is the best and most effective treatment for the blood family, but it is clear that her own blood can no longer drink to Loy.

The blood of ordinary people needs a lot to achieve such an effect. There is no way to choose a lower level method.

Loy felt the warmth of strength swimming in the body, soothing his painful nerves.

When the light dissipated, his body recovered almost completely.

Immediately on one knee in front of the search, other blood families also followed suit, this is surrender, and only one of her qualifications.

Aibei, who has been sluggish for a long time, is turbid again when he sees the resilience of this scene.

Who is this woman, why does she appear?

On the basis of what happened, the handsome man would be so gentle to her, and the guys of the blood family.

She has not enjoyed their worship, by what, by what.

The desire to look at the boiling in the chest again seems to break through the barrier and spurt out.

The temperament of the temperament just came out, and the search and Carol found it. The two shot at the same time, the golden light washed the filth that should not exist.

"You are a queen, but you can't control yourself. As a family, I am very disappointed with you."

Looking at the eyebrows is a sorrowful look, like a **** on the top, feeling pity for these sufferings in the world.

"Our blood family has a long life, a rich and colorful life, and the ability of others to look up."

“There are more embarrassing beauty. These are the honors that God has given us, but what are you doing now?”

Her voice was very low, some hoarse, and the pair of waveless eyes stared at the blood clan around her, and finally got disappointed.

Especially when it comes to ordinary people who are lying far and wide, the blood is flowing across them. When it looks extraordinarily tempting, they can't help but step back two steps, and the horrified look appears in the eye.

At that moment, I was able to feel the powerlessness, anger, and spit on myself.

Close your eyes, full of golden light, from her center, slowly unfold, and finally cover those ordinary people who are hurt and tired.

The **** people were down because their Queen’s words were low, and they were very ashamed.

Even some blood races that only use humans as food have caused a lot of fluctuations.

They have always been elegant and noble, but they have just done things, not to mention beauty, no sense of reason, just like a beast dominated by desire.

This makes them unable to accept it. They are not fallen, and they definitely do not fall.

Looking for the ordinary people who slowly recovered, they sighed and swayed, and they were steadily held by the people who stood by.

"Is there any uncomfortable, hey, tell me." Carroll was so distressed that he wanted to force her out, but not let her out to hurt her body.

If these things caused her to have an accident, he would not help ruining them.

Loy also appeared in front of the search and wanted to help her, but was fixed by Carol in the same place.

Mom, this hunter is really enough. If you are strong enough to suppress them, you can still grab the Queen with them and want to drag it out to kill.

"I'm fine, don't worry, those people just have to wake up and they're fine."

Looking for someone to gently shake his head, pointing at the person lying not far away, and put his eyes on the dozens of **** people who are squatting, very helpless.

She really didn't know that she would oversleep, or she would get there soon, maybe it wasn't like this.

"Lloyd, I want to know what is going on."

Loy’s eyes were dark and he simply said things again. He didn’t look at Aibei during the period.

Before the Queen did not appear, the highest ruler of their blood family was the Queen.

After this series of things, they are very disappointed with the Queen, especially this time the Queen is taking the lead, so that they are even more unacceptable.

Aibei fell in the same place, the body could not move, only the eyes were unwilling, angry and glaring at the white woman standing in front.

Why do she have more than one person to come out, is it... she is the woman?

No, she also wants to be a woman.

The nails fell into the flesh, and the pain instantly awake her, lowered her head and covered the cockroaches inside.

Although I have already known the story, I have already said it from Loy’s mouth. I fantasize that picture, and the eyes of the woman are not calm.

How long the brain of this person is, actually dare to say that as long as Carroll is with her, he will obey.

She knows what people are saying before, pulling teeth!

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