Quick Transmigrating Second Female Lead’s Counterattack

Chapter 1352: Beauty, don't run 55.8

Without the teeth, how can the blood family be a blood family.

Make sure her brain is not sick?

"Sorry, I am not managing the blood family, please punish."

"Can you please come back and manage the blood family personally, I..." Loy did not say it later, but everyone knows.

Looking for it also understands the extra sound, fearing that the female owner is noisy.

Nodded, she did not intend to go back after this time out, but originally thought about going to disassemble the CP first, and it seems that it is completely unnecessary.

It seems that she currently has only one task to do and manage the blood family.

However, it is a matter of urgency to deal with this turmoil and unable to support it. It is really troublesome.

Carol and Roy saw her as she was sad, and her heart was not good enough. She was a little disgusted with what Abe did.

"Don't frown, don't be unhappy, there is me, I will help you solve it."

Carol's movement gently smoothed her frowning brows, and the soft voice dripped, making the members of the Hunter Guild face each other, and the look was a little dignified.

Their most promising hunters, or the next president to be scheduled, are tied to the **** queen who is their natural enemies.

It’s really good to be taken away like this.

Oh, no, maybe it’s more accurate that their people are forcibly bound to each other’s top leaders.

Whether this is a good thing or a bad thing, we must know that a hundred years ago, both of them are not dead.

These years have not eased the relationship, but it is definitely not good enough to help each other without any help.

"Lord Carroll, this is our blood family's own business, please do not intervene."

Roy's forehead is blue and violent, what the man wants to do.

And the imprint of Her Majesty's body, really... ah, things are getting more and more chaotic.

In fact, I also feel a little depressed. I thought about it and said: "That, Carol, are you now a member of the Hunters Guild?"

"No, I am just your person." Carol replied without hesitation, and the serious appearance, no one can say that he was joking.

Buddy and others looked like they were standing in the same place as the Thunder, and they looked very good.

Looking for it is also a time when I don’t know how to react. If I say such a blatant statement, is he really afraid of being beaten?

"Oh... that... that... we will talk about it later."

Two laughs, looking for a decision to transfer the topic, she was afraid that she could not help but laugh.

"Let's talk about the things at hand. This time it is indeed our blood family's violation of the agreement. You can propose a solution. We will try our best to cooperate."

I don't know if the other party will come to any strange conditions, so she can't say anything to death.

"Where are you on the side? Actually, this is a low-pitched voice. It is not going to be a good looking parent. I want to please others."

"If he said that he wanted to marry you, did you send the entire blood family?"

Aibei, who had a smoldering fire, couldn’t help it anymore. It was obvious that she was the queen. Even if it was a negotiation, it should be hers. What is the sudden appearance of the empress.

She has been in the blood for so long, she has always said what she is, how can she be taken away from the position casually.

Looking for a facial expression on the face, the twilight was slightly changed, and a raging flash of color appeared.

This female lord really picks the pain of the original owner. In the original plot, the original owner is not strong, and he has to watch the blood family fall into such a situation.

Finally, it fell apart with the blood family and the whole world.

‘啪啪...’ “His Royal Highness, please pay attention to your words, otherwise don’t blame me.”

Roy directly slaps in the past, in the end he still distressed this girl who has been with him for several years, otherwise it is not just as simple as two slaps.

But he also needs her to understand what the situation is now and what kind of weakness they are facing.

If the Hunters Guild can really solve them peacefully, then it is naturally better.

The blood family does have seclusion elders and princes, but no one knows where they sleep.

If the two sides set off a war, the strength of the hunter is not the same. Just saying that Carol’s hand is just enough to solve all the blood races they are present.

This powerful strength has already surpassed their temporary cognition.

Especially at this moment, their queen is still given by others... I think it’s a bitter tear.

"I really didn't think that the current character of the blood family actually reached this point. As an opponent, I feel worried about your future."

Buddy's face was sympathetic, and the emotion that had just been worried was gone, and it became an appreciation for Carroll.

The shocked brain also reacted and controlled the strongest of the other party. What is scary in the future is really smart.

And seeing each other's heart is very peaceful, and how much better with that unclear.

Even if Carroll said he wanted to marry the other, he absolutely supported it.

Then... he heard Carol talking.

"If this is the case, then please marry me the noble Queen, or I can marry."

Carol stepped back, holding the hand of searching, kneeling down on one knee, and the way of deep feelings.

Buddy: "..." He just really thought about it _(:зゝ∠)_

The search was also embarrassing, but before she responded, the female leader jumped first.

"No, no, I am not allowed, you are mine, how can you marry others."

Aibei struggled wildly, and she had a hunch that if she retreated, she would never get that person again.

And that person should be her, she does not know where it feels, but she believes that the truth is like that.

"I am the one who deserves you. The person you want to be jealous should be me, it is me."

There is no image of the amnesty, the identity of the blood family is really lost.

Loy lowered his head and covered his face. Unbelievable, why the Queen would become like this. Although she used to be crazy, she was very cheerful and lively.

The heart is also very kind, and treating them is also very good, but at this moment, this woman who is like a madman is really the one I once knew?

Not just Loy, the other **** people who were present couldn't help but look strange.

They were very angry with a hunter who dared to force them to the Queen. As a result, the Queen also jumped out to lose her identity for a man. Did she know what her identity represented in the blood family?

Such people, why did they support her before, and accompany her to make troubles, they could not understand.

Carol was very upset. Looking back at the woman with the same white coat, the eyes were cold and unbearable, and there was a suffocating anger.

That is the smell of some **** talents, with a majestic shackles, the darkness inside can make people directly die.

More fear than a snake, at least after Ai Bei touched it, the atmosphere did not dare to breathe, and the body was stiff as a hail.

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