Quick Transmigrating Second Female Lead’s Counterattack

Chapter 1374: Undercover attack, please be careful 56.9

She came only last night, and things disappeared. Although it seems that time is not right, it is an accidental coincidence.

[Know it, come over now. Yan Yu hung up the phone and looked deep into his eyes. He didn't know what to say.

"Don't look at me like this, I don't know anything."

Looking for the pillow to lift up and block to look at his own sight, Mom, don't let her catch the guy behind the shot, or definitely unloading eight.

"I believe you, baby, you will eat with your father-in-law, I will come back later."

Left-handedly looking for the head, the eyes are gentle, there is no doubt in the inside, even the little bit struggles.

Total trust, entrusted to life.

"Boss, you..." Yan Yu just opened and was dragged by Gao Ze.

"If the boss wants you to stay with the big brother and the father, let's go see the situation first."

How can Gao Ze do not understand the status of the boss in the heart of the boss, and he will not understand what the meaning of the sentence just now.

He is blindly trusting the person, even if it is really what she did, as long as she does not admit, he will not doubt her.

This kind of trust is really enviable.

"No, I am going with you."

Looking for a special natural way to get out of the phone from the husband's bag, gave her a cheap father to call, simply said the situation.

I promised that I will return to see him, then I will end the call and turn it off and put it back.

A set of movements sat down smoothly and fluently, so that Yan Yu’s three eyes followed.

"Go, go early and go back early, maybe you can catch up with my dad."

Left-handed frowning, apparently disapproved of looking for it, he worried that the baby is dangerous.

"I can take care of myself, just as I want to know which ‘gentleman’ is so timely.”

Looking for a long hair, the lips raised the arc of evil, and for a long time did not start, it feels rusting.

The previous plane is a talented skill that is used. It is rare to have a plane that allows her to collapse and not have to worry about the consequences.

"Follow me." Zuo Yu thought about opening her mouth and put her in front of her eyes. She really wanted to be more assured.

Gao Ze opened his mouth and finally closed. He almost forgot.

The boss is not only the ordinary man who has just seen the tenderness, but he is still an ambitious crocodile who is afraid of both face and face.

Looking down, behind him, what the truth is, he thought, the boss will not be confused.

The car turned into a seemingly ordinary pier with workers wearing vests.

Large and small bags, stacked oil cans, and iron mesh around them, make this seem like nothing, more than one or two extraordinarily.

Looking for the eyes flashed, and there was a faint smell in the air.

Some familiar, what is it?

Stopped at a half-open blue shutter door, Yan Yu and Lian Yu took the lead to get off the scene.

It’s not that they are courageous, but the entire terminal is their site.

In addition, there are special devices here, and even if there are aerial photographs, nothing can be photographed.

And the most important thing is that the camouflage here is not only the surface, they have a lot of emergency items, otherwise they will not put the finished product to be delivered here.

I just didn't expect this accident to happen. It was unexpected.

It is their care.

I slammed the shutter door three times, one single tone, two double-bombs, and the footsteps that came running immediately.

Looking out from the window, the good-looking brow wrinkled slightly, and I always felt that something was wrong.

Quietly unfolding my mental strength, scanning the past with them as the center, and not finding problems, is it because of my own heart?

"Boss, we have seen it, except for a few footprints, nothing."

"But the bulk of the goods were all gone, the monitoring was also checked, and there was no trace of destruction."

After a short while, Yan Yu came back and bent down against the window and said to the left, the face was dignified.

Five boxes of light shell bullets, ten boxes of short sniper rifles, a box of the latest pistols, two boxes of explosives and a high-end fighter.

This is not a small amount. Even if it can be done in one night, it is impossible to leave no clues.

The key is not to alarm anyone, too abnormal.

The point is that this batch of things is the biggest overlord of the sea, and it is the time of trading tonight.

It’s nothing to get things out, but their credibility will be damaged. This is the most taboo for arms sales.

Because you don't know if the other party needs these arms to save lives or kill people, no one can delay.

Once you make a mistake, you can also lead to a series of more difficult follow-ups.

They are not afraid of these, but they are in trouble.

The left-handed finger tapped the thigh, closed his eyes, and he was quiet from the car.

"Looking, dig a mile around the square." The low voice, like the big bell that was knocked, was heavy and shocking.

Yan Yu and others who were still a little anxious, calmed down and the impetuous emotions were all evacuated.

Yan Yu nodded and respected: "Yes."

When can I play, when should it converge, they understand.

"Boss, monitoring has been destroyed, this person is very technical, I can crack but can not be restored."

Gao Ze, who has been quietly playing with the computer, looks at the data displayed on the screen, and his face is not very good.

Who is it, can do this without flaws, even he can not repair, there are people outside this sentence, he must be trusted.

"There is no other way?" The left eye opened his eyes, deep into the scorpion, looking directly at Gao Ze, invisible pressure to escape.

Gao Ze’s forehead was sweating and he didn’t have time to manage it. “Not yet.”

He has not thought of a better way to decipher and repair, and if he directly destroys it, it may damage other important pictures.

The car was quiet for a while and the breathing was a bit nervous.

"Show me a look." The search suddenly sounded. She used to play in other planes. It was still very powerful. Maybe I can try it.

"You will?" Gao Ze turned around in surprise.

Looking for a nod, and playing with the long hair falling down, "After all, there is a former boyfriend like Zhuo Yihui, naturally hope that there will be a place to help him in the future."

So she will be hacking technology, so it will be ok, isn't it.

Zuo Yu reached out and pulled the man into his arms, holding her chin in one hand and forcing her to look up.

"Baby, you better not let me hear the name that I don't like to hear from your mouth, or else... I will marry him."

The look of the haze is different from the harmless big dog before, so that the search is to be embarrassed, and whether the husband is fine.

The speed of changing faces is too fast, and it is too sensitive.

I was trying to tease two sentences, but suddenly my face changed. "I think of what it is, fast, and withdraw."

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