Quick Transmigrating Second Female Lead’s Counterattack

Chapter 1375: Undercover attack, please be careful 56.10

"What's wrong?" Gao Zeyi, just didn't say that he wanted to try it, why he shouted away.

Zuo Wei felt the force on his arm and acted off: "Remove, inform Yan Yu and Lian Yu, let them come back."

When the driver heard the order, he immediately started a stepping on the throttle and staged a 180-degree turn.

The car smashed out like a sword, stopped at the intersection of Sancha, waiting for Yan Yu and Lian Yu.

Look for the hand to tighten, carefully feel the taste in the air, and the spirit is once again launched a rigorous search.

The smell of a lot of gunpowder powder is covered up. If it wasn't for her long-term dealing with gunpowder, it might not be discovered.

But why did her husband not find out what they said was also an arms dealer, strange.

What Gao Ze wants to ask, it is obvious that looking for a closed eye seems to be thinking about something, then there is no opening.

Just staring at the computer in hand, the invasion that has been blocked, and the tendency to move around, what is going on.

Looking for another investigation, I still did not find where the gunpowder was, and the brow wrinkled.

"Yan Yu, why haven't they come back, the area covered by gunpowder is too large, I don't know the scope and time. It is not safe here, so I must leave quickly."

"What do you say, gunpowder? Here?" The fingers of the flying dance stopped, and Gao Zesheng’s voice was raised a degree.

How could this be, their own site, actually buried gunpowder, no one found.

No, they don't know how she knows.

"Take Yan Yu to call them again, and let the people on the docks all retreat. The goods are not needed."

The left-handed gun is on the gun, ready to attack, dare to do it during the day, those people must have a move.

Put the adjusted gun in the hands of the people around you, "Baby, don't get hurt."

Looking for a gun to pick up at the fingertips, very light, the back seat is just right, I feel very good, it is worth doing the arms.

"Well, I know, don't hurt, or else..." She will kill his people because they are bad for their guardian.

After Gao Ze once again urged Yan Yu to them, they also put the computer aside and pulled out a box from the co-pilot's seat and began assembling the sniper rifle.

"This red dot, the flashing wave line, this is... this dock." Looking for the side of the head inadvertently smashed the data on the screen, with two points of surprise.

I quickly took the computer and dropped the gun. The hands began to squat on the keyboard, leaving only the afterimage.

"What happened?" Yan Yu and Lian Hao quickly opened the door and sat up, panting and asking.

The driver saw people coming together, and didn't have to say left, he slammed the throttle and ran quickly.

"There are ambushes here, and the specific ones are leaving to say." Gao Ze assembled a sniper rifle and turned back to a simple explanation.

The eyes fell on the person who buried the computer, and the eyes behind the glasses were all deeply explored and invisible vigilance.

She is totally different from the person who wrote the information, is it... was it lost?

In fact, this is not really Miss Ai, but a well-trained agent, otherwise how can I know so much.

If you want to know his thoughts, you will be blindfolded.

"Some people will use magnetic resonance, and now the entire dock is covered by electromagnetic. It takes twenty seconds to leave."

"This machine configuration is not strong, my interference can last up to half a minute."

Looking for the head is not lifted, the tone is full of undisguised horror, the original is still very relaxed, can not help but dignified.

It’s a miracle that they just got through the phone.

The atmosphere was suddenly suppressed to the extreme, fifty seconds, less than 500 meters from the dock, to have time.

as long as...

"Hey, hey."

As long as there is no person who blocks it... I haven’t finished it yet, and the sound of the bullet hitting the car sounds.

"Can't take a straight line, their goal is the tire." Yan Yu turned over and squatted at the door of the car, opening a gap, facing the darkness is two shots.

Lian Hao guards the door on the other side, the car is modified, bullet-proof glass, not afraid of bullets.

However, if high-pressure is always going on, breaking is a matter of time.

Looking for a finger faster than once, focusing on the screen in front of you, do not dare to distract yourself from the outside.

Damn, she must make the people behind it cut into pieces to feed the sharks.

"M, they actually hid the explosives in the water, damn, I said how I have never found out."

"Go to the left, turn into the mountains, can't go out." Seeking can't help but burst, but his eyes are still calm.

The dock is a T-shaped, with a mountain on the left and a large trading market on the right. The back is all sea, with a road in the middle that connects outside.

And if they are straight, they will inevitably be blown into a horse's nest. Both sides are water, and the explosiveness of the explosives, they can't escape.

Originally, this was a good place to be easy to defend and difficult to attack. At the beginning, Zuoyi was also interested in this point and would choose to use it as a safe base.

But now it is the first one to be broken, and it has almost become a place to bury them. Everyone has a cares and a traitor.

The driver is simply reliable. At this moment, he did not look for it. He only looked at the left eye from the rearview mirror.

"After listening to her command, Gao Ze contacted the shepherd and asked him to send a helicopter to pick it up."

The expressionless opening on the left side of the face seemed to be not on the way to escape.

The calmness of the mountain is so calm that a few people in the car are relieved.

It seems that as long as he is there, they will definitely be able to go out.

Looking for a brow that soothes and wrinkles into a hill, and the eyes flash, what these people are doing is absolutely perfect.

"There is no signal." Gao Ze dialed three or four times, and the second time was unable to connect. He had to conclude that it was not only monitored but also blocked.

"Tell me your encrypted channel. I am directly contacting you here. It is too time-consuming to force the invasion."

Looking for a little attention, but the hand is not slow, steady operation of the three green lines and a black line in front of them, to stop the red line that wants to break.

For a time, the car was silent, only the sound from outside bullets.

"04586FVJG." Zuo Yan looked down and looked at Gao Ze. He replaced the empty gun with a bullet and sideways to look behind him, focusing on the situation outside the car.

Gao Ze licked her lips and bowed her head. The silence that the boss had just had was not to believe her, but to see their attitude.

But one person only knows for a few hours, and knows that it is a woman with a purpose, they...

"Okay." Looking for the dark tide between several people, this time life is the most important.

Only when you are alive can you take care of these things.

"Boom, hehe..."

"Hold the grass, they actually use the smallest mini bomb." Yan Yu is not good for the whole person, stunned and looked at the door that is missing a face in front of him, the brain is full of sweat.

Just if he wasn’t the boss’s eye, he would pull him a hand. The missing one is his head.

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