Quick Transmigrating Second Female Lead’s Counterattack

Chapter 1376: Undercover attack, please be careful 56.11

"There are twenty-eight seconds." Looking for the time displayed on the screen, cold channel.

The speed of the car is getting faster and faster, and the fire outside is getting stronger.

Such a big movement, still in the daytime, did not alarm anyone who was alarmed, and the breath of chilling in the eyes flashed away.

That group of idiots is still very smart, knowing that the two-pronged approach, just...

People who dare to move her, very good!

"Yan Yu, Yan Yu, what happened to you over there, how did I hear the sound of ammunition."

There was a rude male voice in the computer, which caught anxious, but could not hide and worry.

"The shepherd hawks mobilized the gunfire to the T-shaped dock. MD Laozi will kill them today and dare to play with us."

Yan Yu, while aiming at the cold gun, snarled, and the sultry expression was judged by the suffocating appearance.

"Oh." Another shot was shot on the bulletproof glass, and the eyes were not lifted. The glass on her side was already faltering.

Although she has a lot of things in her backpack, she can use less.

The left hand looked for help in his arms, and the backhand was two shots. The person who just shot at this side fell down only one face.

"Go to the forest to meet." Speaking to the computer, quickly pressed down, throwing smoke bombs from the crack in the door, and lifting the pistol.

"Oh." The smoke exploded in the air, and the mist and smell that filled it were very embarrassing.

Yan Yu and Lian Yu quickly closed the door to prevent the taste from coming in.

The driver's leg collapsed straight, stepped on the gas pedal, did not dare to relax, no matter whether there is any obstacle in front, can directly hit the past without hesitation and add throttle.

"Ten." Looking for a few lines of data that are constantly flashing on the screen, began to count down.

The grazing eagle did not open the mouth after Yan Yu and Zuo Yu, and the connection was not broken. I wanted to come and prepare for it.





The crisp voice, each spit out a word, is like a stone pressed in my heart, breathing is not smooth.

However, those who have experienced great winds and waves have not shown any confusion. Apart from the tight lines on their faces, they barely see any problems.

The driver's face was all cold sweat, and there was a hanging in the corner of his eye, but he did not dare to shake it. He was afraid that it would be a bad thing in a moment.

The eyes of the dead and the old, looking at the forest close to the door, the accelerator pedals to the end, the operating lever is pressed to the bottom.




"Damn, there are ambushes in the forest, ***, looking for death." Looking for anger, the mental force directly smashed the sniper who was aiming.

Just as Gao Ze also shot at the same time, the red dot that was shot over disappeared instantly.

Yan Yu thinks that Gao Ze is doing it, but only Gao Ze feels strange. He just did aim at it, but the man was offset, so his bullet should not be hit.

However, at this moment, it is not a doubt when it is time to scan the other ambush in the dark again.

Looking for a hit enter button, trapped the red line, the notebook was lost, picked up the gun at hand, opened the door, and opened two shots to the person hiding in a tree.

Life and death, whoever hides, will die.

"The last second, jumped away." Hugged the notebook, looked at her husband and exchanged a look.

Waiting for the buzzing sounds from outside, let the land under their feet tremble, open the door and rush toward the outside.

The left-hander followed closely, and the two guns in his hand were sharply played, blocking several sneak attacks.

Perhaps the other party feels that the outside has been properly arranged, they will certainly not highlight the encirclement, and will not find such a hidden magnetic resonance.

Therefore, there are not many ambushes arranged inside, and three snipers at the commanding heights, all of which are sought by mental power.

The other few scattered patrols were also solved.

Fortunately, they often go deep into here, and are familiar with the whole forest. Yan Yu leads the way in front, and several people soon find a more secret place, and can stay a little.

Looking for the tree, the face is not very good, her soul is strong, but this body is a delicate lady.

Just after that move, the body couldn’t eat, the legs were soft, the back was all cold sweat, and the arms were a little weak.

"We don't have anything but ammunition with a lot of ammunition. It's not known what is going on outside."

"When the shepherd eagle is looking for it, it is the best way to do it. If I know who is behind the ghosts, I must let him regret coming to this world."

Yan Yu’s fist slammed into the tree. Today they really care about it and they are negligent.

Although it is too coincidental to know that the person’s arrival, plus the things that happened, the suspicion is the biggest, but he is subconsciously unable to doubt.

Probably the other party has experienced all this with them, they are also relying on her reminder, in order to such a timely retreat relationship.

Although it’s awkward, it’s better than leaving it.

Gao Ze looked for it and looked down at her. Sincerely said: "Thank you."

Sorry, he won't say, at least for the time being, and he will ask her for forgiveness after the results come out.

Looking for a hand that doesn't care much, "I am not saving you, I am just saving him, you are just by the way."

I don’t hide my intentions at all. These people don’t care about them. It’s dead or living. It doesn’t matter to her.

But her husband's thoughts, she will respect, will also help, after all, her husband is not only her husband, but also left.

A few people didn't talk, just looked at each other and seemed to have no feelings about this.

Zuo Yu took the person into his arms and let her lean on her shoulder, gently touching the back of the ice.

Full of feelings of distress, I came to the first day of my own, I encountered such a thing, his knight is too incompetent.

Those people, it’s time to clean up once, too greedy, but not good.

"How much explosives have they buried? They haven’t stopped outside until now."

Listening to the buzzing sound from time to time outside, Gao Ze could not help but frown.

That battle, let alone bombing them, it’s more than enough to blow up the entire dock.

It seems that in order to bury them, the other party has also spent a lot of time.

"Is there any gunpowder in the goods you lost?" Suddenly remembered, and asked in a loud voice.

Gao Ze’s brain turned and immediately understood that his face was abrupt: “You mean, those outside may be the arms we lost?”

Although it is a question, he has almost believed that it is.

Otherwise, how can I mobilize so many things in a short period of time, and I have not alarmed others at all.

It happened that their things were also removed by the unconscious, leaving no clues.

There are so many coincidences, and those who are in their position will believe in the illusory possibilities.

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