Quick Transmigrating Second Female Lead’s Counterattack

Chapter 1377: Undercover attack, please be careful 56.12

"That also shows that the rest of the things are hidden here."

Yan Yu followed the sound, and the line of sight began to look around, thinking about whether he could find something.

"Do not care about things for the time being, pay attention to the warning." Zuo Yan looked deep in the eyes, that is the direction they came.

The sound of the explosion is slowly decreasing. Once it is calmed down, there will be people looking at the scene to find it.

What they are going to fight now is time, to see if they are fast, or if the shepherd is fast.

The car is some distance away from here. They have paid attention to the footprints along the way. They should be able to temporarily confuse the enemy for a while.

Looking for the spirit to scan the circle, I really found something stacked in a corner with a black cloth.

I want to come to that is the husband who lost the arms, is preparing to open, the arm is pulled by the body, and thrown into a thick chest.

Then the bullet flew out from the side and fell into the body of the sneak attacker.

Staring at the cold face of the ribs carved out like a knife, the eyes are like a torch, and the scorpion shines with a sharp killing.

Raised arms, muscles violent, powerful and powerful.

At that moment, the search finally understood the words that the female host liked most in those novels. What did he mean when he came to my life like a god?

Because at this moment, she also seems to see God, belongs to her patron.

The left hand retracted the hand and took the man, and the heartbeat almost stopped at that moment.

If she had something to do, and finally came to the result, he would not let her face cold.

"Boss, you are fine." Gao Ze quickly opened the mouth, the man who was hit by the boss with a shot, just shot.

Looking for it, hurriedly pushed the person up, checked it up and down, saw no wounds, and let out a sigh of relief.

But I didn't put it all down. When I reached out, I was ready to take off my husband's clothes and I wanted to confirm it further.

Zuo Yu grabbed the little hand that walked up in his own body. Hey, the baby is too tempting. Just like this, he almost hardened.

If she really let her get in touch with her, wouldn't it let him fall directly?

This place is too bad, and if he changes it, he will definitely not stop her movements, but unfortunately.

"I'm fine, the bullets are here." The point of the tree next to them was a gun, and it was a deformed bomb.

Looking for this, the heart fell, but fortunately, my husband is fine, I just made too much.

In this case, you must never make another second.

Open the notebook in his arms, the data on it has been a mess, and the red data that is trapped is constantly struggling.

The fingers swam quickly on a few feet, and after a while, the situation on the dock appeared.

Some monitors are destroyed, some are still running hard, consuming a small amount of vitality.

"You are really amazing, you are not like other Miss Qianjin I know."

Because of the sneak attack, Yan Yu relied on the police to guard against the back of them and prevent such things from happening.

I could see the contents of the screen with a turn of the head, and I was so shocked that I couldn’t help but admire it. It was really strong.

He has not yet admired a woman, this is the first one, and perhaps the last one.

No matter what she is thinking, at least he is sincerely admiring this person.

Looking for the picture while adjusting, I replied: "I have learned a lot, and I have more, but less."

"The gun and this, I am more able to get the hand, oh, my medical skills are not bad, after all, this is my major."

The original owner is indeed a high school student in the medical department. If there is no such thing, she should go abroad for further study.

At that time, it will definitely become a rising star in the medical world. Unfortunately, the plan cannot keep up with the changes.

"Someone is coming, it should be the answer, but it seems... it seems that another person is coming soon."

Looking for a compressed data map in the lower right corner, that is, she invaded with the magnetic resonance of the other party, and spy on a little bit of the other's whereabouts.

Can only say that she is lucky, and those people are stupid, the channel has not changed.

Probably I feel that I am very aggressive and will not be counter-invasive. It is just cheaper for her. This can blame who is ┑( ̄Д ̄)┍

"Boss, Yan Yu, Gao Ze, Lian, are you there, can you hear my voice?"

The sound that appeared once and again came from the computer, accompanied by the sound of the wing.

"Yes, look 100 meters forward, we are below."

Left-handed contrasts the position in the picture, calmly opening.

However, in a minute or two, a green helicopter appeared on top of them.

The open hatch has someone exposing his head, shaking his arm against them, and then throwing the ladder down.

At the same time, two fighters appeared, carefully guarding them around, and from the red dots that were constantly projected on the leaves, it can be seen that they are all snipers who are ready to spit.

"Gao Ze, go up first, shepherd eagle, and split a team to stop people outside."

Zuo Yu put the bullets of the two guns into one gun, throwing away the other empty shell, holding the two steps back and looking back, better hidden under the big tree.

Gao Ze did not hesitate to climb the fallen safety ladder with a sniper rifle.

Yan Yu stayed by the two people and saw Gao Ze being pulled up and followed.

"Boss, I am going to go up first, behind my temple." Lian Yan turned his gun in his hand and touched his wrist without any trace.

Looking for her husband, "You are going up." Her husband's safety is the most important.

Left to look for the way to the safety ladder, took the computer in her hand, threw it to the ground, "go."

"Together." Pulling her husband's hand, looking for a little bit, but did not delay the time, grabbed the ladder with one hand, and the foot began to go up.

Left to the back, the two staggered and began to climb together.

Look for the husband's situation at the moment, and be alert to the surrounding, if the fish that leaked the net suddenly popped out, it would be bad.

It’s just that no matter how you look for it, you haven’t avoided it.

I felt the sound of a broken air coming, and I tried hard at the foot, and I flipped the safety ladder.

The bullet that had been going to her husband had not entered her waist.

"Oh..." It hurts.

"Baby!" Left-handedly, the hand quickly grabbed the opposite person, watching her face that was quickly pale, her heart was squatting, and the black whirlpool appeared in her eyes, brewing a storm.

"Boss, be careful." Sharp screams, uploaded from the helicopter.

"Oh." The sound of the bullets slammed in the ears of the two.

Looking for a bite to hold her husband's hand, "I'm fine, go."

I did not expect that it would be that person.

Left and one foot crossed, and turned one hand and held the man into his arms.

Yan Yu immediately dropped the pistol, squatted down, hooked the steel bars under the seat, and explored the body and began to pull up the safety ladder.

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