Quick Transmigrating Second Female Lead’s Counterattack

Chapter 1411: Innocent Mermaid vs Rebirth Shadow 57.24

Tian Li's face was a little stiff, and she barely smiled twice, and explained her teeth.

"I... I just don't want to... I don't want Jiaqi to keep going wrong. As a girlfriend of her girlfriend, if I don't help her, no one can help her."

In the eyes of the search, there is a flash of irony. This is the first time that I have not disguised myself as a child who is not worthy of the world.

Clear and obvious to the ridicule of the red fruit, straight into the heart of Tian Liwei.

"A hypocritical woman, if my girlfriend is making a mistake, I can help the inevitable help, and I can’t help but also die."

"After so many years of friendship, can't it be worth a short protection?"

"What is good for her, you are saying that you are so grand, you have such a small hair and girlfriends, no wonder she has to do bad things, huh..."

The female lord was not a good thing. Now, it is not for sin or for wiky endorsement.

Funny, she looks so good and fooled?

Tian Li's face changed and changed, and she cursed the person who had troubled her for dozens of times.

Obviously she is all right, she will be able to elute the suspect immediately, even if the surveillance video is taken, she is not afraid.

"Ha ha ha, that's right, although I don't like you, of course I don't like Tian Liwei, a hypocritical woman."

"Yes, I changed the painting, but if you really want to change it, how can you get it wrong? I put the first one in the corridor."

"The distance between each is so big, I am nervous because when I put it, I didn't correct it at all. I only need to be able to find the problem at a glance."

"Tian Liwei, Tian Liwei, you are always so self-righteous, but unfortunately, this time someone does not eat this one."

"Want to come here, you are going to give us a few fights for each other. Finally, you are profitable, really, for so many years, I found that I have never seen you through."

Xin Jiaqi couldn't help but laugh. The stern voice had a kind of despair and happiness, and there was a relief.

It seems that she has already seen it, completely let go, and she doesn’t care.

"How can you say Jiaqi, we grow up together, you..."

Tian Liwei's body is crumbling, and her sadness and helplessness accused by her girlfriends make her seem unable to support herself and may fall at any time.

The look on the face is more painful, but it is strong enough to keep yourself from showing.

This performance seeks to give a zero point, not afraid of her pride.

It is a man who has become a filmmaker. This acting is really a minute of success.

It’s a pity that she won’t have another chance to act because she doesn’t give it (*/ω╲*)

Xin Jiaqi snorted and impatiently said: "Tian Liwei, you are not disgusting, I admit it, and I have tore my face, why bother to fake."

"Even if you are not disgusting, I am disgusting, okay?"

Anyway, she also knows that waiting for her is nothing more than a ban, she is bearish, and the bustling entertainment circle is supposed to end in life.

When did it start, she could only see cockroaches in her eyes, and her mind was full of calculations?

She couldn’t remember it, huh... it’s sad.

"How do you deal with me casually, just ask not to endanger my family."

"Mr. Hey, look for it, please let me go through Jiaqi. She just didn't want to open it for a while. Seeing that she didn't do much bad things, forgive her for this time."

Tian Liwei tried to stretch her face, stepped forward, and asked for two people on the sofa with tears.

I don't know, I really thought how good the relationship between the two is.

Even the people who watched this scene on the scene couldn’t help but think that what they saw was an illusion. People have already said so clearly, and they have not gotten together.

Is this really true, or... with ulterior motives?

Xin Jiaqi didn't want to turn over her eyes. She felt so beautiful. She didn't cooperate with her. She was so dedicated and dedicated.

Seeking and jealousy are also speechless. Compared with Tian Liwei, they are more inclined to Xin Jiaqi.

At least Xin Jiaqi is more stupid o (╯ ╰ ╰) o doing things simply, do not play with you any intrigues, very frank.

The scene was once again caught in a strange encounter, and even Tian Liwei, who was still thinking about washing his own, was aware of it.

He bit his lip, and the inside is soaring. What went wrong, she is obviously good.

"Oh, don't play, the video is coming, you can see it." He waved his hand and stopped Tian Liwei who still wanted to say something.

The disgusting tone is like what giant bacteria he is facing.

Tian Liwei swallowed the words in his mouth, lowered his eyes and covered a touch of resentment inside.

Once again, how or nothing has changed, she refused.

The agent took over the things sent by the technical department and handed it to Lin Zhi. Lin Zhi was also unambiguous and inserted directly into the player, waiting for the video screen to be exported.

"Okay." Turning the screen over to face everyone, a clear picture emerges.

The front is indeed as Tian Liwei and Xin Jiaqi's followers said, at 10:45, Tian Liwei came in.

After going upstairs, the screen of this picture is still, and another picture begins to appear.

On the second floor of the corridor is a row of neat Mona Lisa smile paintings. She stood for a while and went downstairs.

When I passed the sofa, I meditated. I turned over and looked at the painting and left.

When he was six o'clock at ten o'clock, Xin Jiaqi came in and went straight upstairs to take a picture and went down to change the picture.

The upstairs monitoring showed that she was really nervous because of the paintings, and it was also the first one.

At 11:20, Tian Liwei appeared again. When she saw the painting on the sofa, she frowned. She immediately went upstairs and read it again. Then she took the painting in the second position and smoothly cut off the painting in the first position. .

Going down and changing the painting, I also carefully backed it up, obviously remembering how the painting was placed at that time.

After that, the picture was still, and no one came in during the period until the bonfire ended and they appeared together.

It’s really clear at this point.

Both of them moved their paintings, and Xin Jiaqi did not lie, but Tian Liwei’s behavior was to make people have to think deeply.

I have seen the painting before, but I have seen it so carefully. How can I not find the difference between this painting and other paintings?

Especially when she started, go to the second floor to see what the paintings do?

When I changed the painting, I still seemed to have sorted out the painted paintings. Is this smooth or intentional?

"So, what better explanations do you have now?" Looking for the squats on his shoulders, picking up the blue eyes and smiling at the opening.

Like a cat who only wants to touch, because there is no satisfactory service, the small claws are slightly exposed, but because it is too small, it looks soft and harmless.

"I... I was curious. At that time, because I was still in a state of uncertainty, I would not find the right one."

Tian Li is very strong and calm. Anyway, there is no picture of the gate. They can't know if she has seen Xin Jiaqi change painting.

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