Quick Transmigrating Second Female Lead’s Counterattack

Chapter 1412: Innocent Mermaid vs Rebirth Shadow 57.25

And her performance in the video screen, it makes sense, it is also very fit.

I silently told myself not to panic, nothing, calm.

Looking for the curvature of the lip angle is increased, this female lord is not to the heart of the Yellow River, then it is handed over to the old man to deal with ┑ ( Д Д ┍) ┍

"Give you two opportunities, whoever wins the wiky endorsement."

娄宵 抚 抚 抚 抚 抚 抚 抚 抚 抚 抚 抚 抚 抚 抚 抚 抚 抚 抚 抚 抚 抚 怀 怀 怀 怀 怀 怀 怀 怀 怀

What is an opportunity to win, you can take wiky's endorsement, are they not solving the problem of someone doing bad now?

They said they couldn't understand, they couldn't make it because they didn't have enough IQ _(:зゝ∠)_

Tian Liwei and Xin Jiaqi are also inexplicable and do not understand what it means.

"It's very simple, one hour, whoever explodes the other's black material, who wins."

"Under your own Weibo, rest assured, win that, even if you are all black, I can make you all red."

The voice of the voice is very low, each word is clearly revealed, and the attitude is very clear.

No one doubts what he said because he has that ability.

So now, just look at how they choose themselves, for their own image, face rejection, or bottom-up.

All of them put their eyes on the two parties and waited for their decision.

Xin Jiaqi was surprised and shrugged: "I don't care, if she agrees, I will accompany you."

Anyway, she is ready to retire. She knows that she is not suitable for this circle. However, she can step on Tian Liwei before retreating. She is also very willing.

This person, never think she can be kind.

A good choice, agree or disagree, but Tian Liwei is guilty.

She knows that the one who won wons not to worry, and she will say it, but after all, the image is badly damaged.

Wiky's endorsement is very tempting, missed this time who knows if there is no chance, but for an international endorsement, leaving a black material for himself, in the entertainment circle is not a wise move.

After thinking about it, Tian Li refused to say: "I don't think there is anything that can be violent, even if there is, I don't want to do this."

"Sorry, I abstained, Jiaqi is a good seedling, and endorsement wiky will have unexpected results."

This answer is very strange, but more is watching the show.

If it is not because the occasion is not right, the search will definitely applaud, it is the last life winner.

This time, once again, the mentality of the mind must be mature, although sometimes the brain is guilty, but the key time is unambiguous.

This move not only expresses her generosity and the concession for her friends, but also shows her character.

To be honest, if she does not intervene, the female lord will certainly get their good support and even get countless opportunities.

However, she has done something wrong and should not provoke her.

"If this is the case, then give the endorsement to Xin Jiaqi." Looking for the shackles, the big eyes, the mouth that could not be refused.

Oh, naturally, there is no objection, "Okay."

Xin Jiaqi, who had somehow got the chance: "..." This circle really doesn't suit me, can't keep up with their ideas, I will leave early.

Even if Tian Liwei was psychologically prepared, after hearing the answer, the face was still distorted, but the convergence was too fast and was not discovered.

Things are not like the end of the common card to draw a full stop, so that the bad is Xin Jiaqi, the last chance is her.

If you don't see it with your own eyes, I am afraid that many people will not believe it.

The next few recordings were much smoother, and no one jumped out to be a demon.

At the end of the tenth period, the taunting remarks on the Internet that had originally been resisted by the search have become a favorite.

After all, it is so cute and very lovable, who can always resist her constant invasion.

"Uncle, you... what are you doing?" The search continued to go backwards, the voice was a little trembling, the man in front of him was so good... the feeling of being hungry.

But she is not food, can't eat / (ㄒoㄒ)/~~

Step by step approaching the scared little man, I found a round pearl from the bag, and successfully saw her eyes wide open, filled with surprise.

"Small things, I haven’t had time to talk about life before, now let’s talk about the future."

There was an evil smile on his face, like a wolf who abducted a lamb.

Looking for this little lamb, he could only nod and nod, and he shed two rows of lasagna.

How did she forget this, and she would not find her secret.

I am satisfied with the reaction of the little things. "Hey, now I ask, you answer, you are wrong, but you have to be punished."

Some rippling tone makes the instinctive instinct retreat, always feel that this old man is not well-intentioned.

She can succumb to obscenity, she can only nod.

Keep playing with the small pearls in your hand, continue: "This pearl is made by your tears, don't shake your head, I saw it."

I was preparing to shake my head and froze, biting my mouth, looking at the tall man in front of me, and playing drums in my heart.

"The book says that only the tears of the mermaid can be turned into pearls, so you are a mermaid."

Picking up his eyes and firmly locking the little man who is already leaning against the wall, the smile disappears.

The reaction to the little things is scared, but for the future, he can't regress now.

Looking for the blue eyes of the water is innocent, as if I don’t know what you are saying, I don’t understand.

"It seems to be, small things, you know, the country has a research institute, specializing in you, these become fine... unknown species, you say..."

When the words were not finished, they were interrupted by the villain who was thrown into his arms.

"Uncle, hey, my brother, I don't want to go to the institute. I will be obedient. Don't send me away."

The search for success was scared, his face was white, and the crystal tears swirled in the eyelids, that is, they did not fall.

The beauty is tearful, and it is tempting.

Who can be jealous, for the happiness he is about to reach, he bears.

"Small things, you are not my wife, and I don't want to marry me. I have any reason to help you, unless..."

Deliberately paused, see her erect her ears, listen carefully, inductive opening: "Unless you marry me, marry?"

"Well, marry and marry." Looking for a nod, like a garlic, oh ~~~ The place where the institute is so horrible, she should not go.

To achieve the goal, stand in front of the horse, and stick out the magic, "Baby, since you are mine now, let your husband see your tail."

Sucking the mouthwash, the little things with the tail must be super beautiful.

Looking for: "..." She seems to have done a stupid thing, and succeeded in selling herself _(:зゝ∠)_

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