Quick Transmigrating Second Female Lead’s Counterattack

Chapter 1415: The King of the Mountain King's Pressress 58.2

The violent temper is violent, looking for it or seriously feeling the original desire.

The Yin Dynasty did not break, no longer fell in love with Long Hanyang.

Very simple, but also very sad, she knows that she is just a woman who can't do anything, not wanting to fight, but she is too scared.

Fear of embarking on the road of the last life, can not avoid such an ending.

So when I heard the name of the king of the mountain called Long Yize, I was shocked and even panicked. The multiple emotions were piled up and directly let her not slow down (⊙_⊙)b

Pulling off the hijab on the head, it is now imperative to change her situation.

If it is going well, you can talk to the prince who doesn't know how to become a bandit.

Finished the clothes and pulled a whip that looked like a decoration from the waist.

There was no guard at the door. I thought she couldn’t run and didn’t dare to run.

The sound of a loud noise went out louder, and it converges and lifts the foot toward the lobby.

"Da Wang, you have to believe me. The little girl has been pleasing to you since a long time ago. I know that I can marry you. I am so excited that I can't sleep."

"Get up early in the morning and get married, but the result is not tied to the sedan chair."

"The person who tied me said that I blocked the way of others. Some brides have come to you normally, and I should not appear."

"I yelled at the other side and did not pay attention to sneaking out. As a result, I rolled down the mountain and woke up and quickly found it."

The squeaky voice of the singer flutters from the lobby, and from the position of looking for it, I can see the girl in the middle of the green shirt.

The back looks beautiful, and I want to be a woman, and the looks are not bad.

But this heart... I really can't compliment, why do she meet several female facets in a row... very speechless.

After the girl finished, she immediately whispered.

"The kidnapper said that it was the sedan that we were robbed."

"Is the other party ready already, then this..."

"There will be no scams."

"Or which chick loves the death of our great king, and wants to marry us."

"Ha ha ha, maybe that chick..."

"Oh." The words haven't finished yet, and a fierce momentum has broken through, and then the crimson whip has been drawn on the big man who has just uttered madness.

"Let's relax, this palace is like a small one, you can arbitrarily destroy the filth." The domineering history, followed closely, with unmatched honor.

A woman wearing a red wedding dress and wearing a phoenix crown, a breathtaking woman came slowly.

Her expression is cold and arrogant, exuding an invincible cold.

As if to forget to wear all the mourning black scorpions of past and present, I don’t know because the long eyelashes have a shadow on the underside of the eyes, or other things, which makes the eyes more distant and far-sighted.

The white skin is under the red color, which is more radiant and confusing. As she approaches, it is clear that there are nine golden phoenixes on the wedding dress.

The phoenix crown on the head is a dragon and a dragon. The dragon is made of gold silk, the phoenix is ​​made of kingfisher feathers, and a blood red jewel is placed in the mouth of the cage.

Longfeng, the ordinary people know that people who can use this kind of specification, except the royal family, dare not commit.

Especially the five dragons and nine phoenixes, because this is equivalent to the ninety-five sage, appearing on a woman, there is only one answer, the other party gave the empress.

The person who recognized this fact was terrified and completely suppressed the shock of the strong and fierce whip that this beautiful woman had waved.

Originally, he was pumped a whip, and the painful dying man still wanted to jump back and attack, but he was caught by the momentum he was looking for.

Listening to her words again, I watched this dress and held my fist and held it down.

Looking for a gaze, he was placed on the man wearing a leopard-print leather jacket. The rude facial features were very masculine.

The skin is a bit black, the body... burly, the exposed arms, the muscles... one by one, this visually, it has already been overwhelmed by o(╯□╰)o

However, this man, who is a bit like a beast, happens to be the real beast of her family.

However, the character of the original owner is destined that she can not recognize him, and even can not be embarrassed, but she is very satisfied with this person.

It can be reported that the hatred of being oppressed in my life is really cool, there are! No! Have!

In this life, she refused to let her husband chase her for three or seven or seven hundred years, and she thought she nodded.

Oh, don't think she didn't feel that the guy's eyes are green again, you are red, she is not moving!

Long Yize never believes in **** love, but also disdains those so-called true love.

His father-in-law said to her mother that she only loved her. As a result, not one after another, the nephew was carried into the palace, forcing her mother to be depressed.

Then regret it, everyone is dead, thinking that giving the throne to him is the love for the mother, ridiculous.

He didn't look up at that position, and he hated it.

Bringing an imperial edict that cannot be made public, he chose a hidden life.

It is not necessary to change the name.

When he left, he said that as long as he doesn't bother him, he will not go back, otherwise he will not blame him for doing something bad.

The forces left by his father in the same year and the forces he cultivated were enough to overthrow a dynasty. The current emperor, that is, his older brother knows this very well, so these years are very quiet.

I thought that I could go on like this without any pursuit, but when I saw the person in front of me, he had a strong possession in his chest.

Whether she is a queen or not, he wants this person.

And... she has already entered her new house, entered his lobby, became a wife, and could not leave.

For a time, the lobby was quiet and even heard breathing, and a group of people looked at each other.

"You are... Yin Princess three princesses?" After half a ring, Yu Yinyuan, the military commander of the cottage, broke the silence.

Looking for a dignified, graceful, and obvious dress, I can be seen by people with no glance.

"This palace is looking for it. I passed by here today, but I was in a bad mood for a moment, and I was invited by you."

"But it's nothing, but some people's mouths are too dirty."

With a low eyelid, the finger gently strokes the deep red whip in his hand, graceful as the cherry blossom lips, opening and closing, the voice is low and indifferent.

It’s like these people are not in her eyes at all, or that she doesn’t put the world in her eyes at all, and the silence is almost vicissitudes. The inexplicable one is somewhat distressing.

"Why are you not happy, are you going to marry someone you don't like?" The thick and vocal voice immediately rang, giving people a sense of urgency.

Long Yize looked forward to seeing if she didn't want to marry, was she forced, if so...

If so, then he also forced the guy on the dragon chair to grab her.

When the bandits are used to it, what the first reaction is to grab, this does not blame the two days after the two heads were searched for ╮ (╯▽╰)╭

Look for the sloping man, look at the lips, raise the enchantment of the arc, the red lips lightly open: "The king is this to see this palace?"

The dragon's conditional reflexes nodded, and when the point was over, the whole person was stiff. Did he show that it was too Menglang, would it scare her, and beg for it!

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