Quick Transmigrating Second Female Lead’s Counterattack

Chapter 1416: Mr. Shan’s Lady of the Village 58.3

"Oh..." Looking for a chuckle, the whip in the hand was raised, and the man who was sitting on the main seat was pumped away.

"Don't dare, you dare to think that this palace should teach you guys who don't know the rules today."

Thinking of the husband of the last generation, the animal became the original shape, overwhelming himself, it was simply not taking him a meal, she was wronged.

In the end, because of the level of suppression, you said, Nima has a fish that can fight against you.

The result is naturally destined to be eaten by her, this is still eating for many years.

Originally, there was nothing, but when she thought of her husband's original shape, she said that she would be embarrassed. Even if she narrowed down, she would be two meters away, but she was only one meter six. It was a memory that could not be said.

Forget it, still take him a meal.

The whip came to the fore, and the air seemed to be broken through a gap, and people who were close to each other clearly felt the power from the place where they passed.

Can not help but take a step back, the heart of the princess's cognition is a bit higher.

It seems that the Yin Dynasty adored the princess is true. The dragon snake king nine sons are also very fond of the princess's love, but how can they marry such a ferocious woman?

But...they think that such a woman is a good match with the king. The same force value bursts out, and it looks special and pleasing to the eye. It is simply tailored for their king.

The more you think, the hotter your eyes are, and you must stay behind.

Long Yi Ze licked his lips and did not flash when the whip was waving. He directly reached out and grabbed himself. He thought he was so cool that he raised his chin.

"His Royal Highness, your whip can't hurt this king, and you see that this king is thick and thick, your little hand is weak and boneless, and the whip is not good."

"Not as good as you want to smoke later, tell me, I will help you."

I want to say that you are married to me, I will help you to smoke in the future, you will not be pleasing to the eye, terrible, this princess is urgent, how to do it.

Looking for the lips to rise, the eyes flashed a smirk, her husband's degree of shame, seems to converge.

Actually, when she didn’t come up, she claimed to be her husband, or she called her lady.

Oh... don't think so, she can't count the previous accounts with him.

"You are too young to see this princess. I don't know that this kind of person has died under the princess's whip."

When the wrist moves and perfuse the internal force, the whip seems to have vitality and begins to swing in the hands of the dragon.

Then he took advantage of the dragon and lost his attention, and wrapped his wrist around him, looking for a whip, and the red mark immediately appeared on the dragon's arm.

Long Yize was shocked, and the people in the cottage were shocked.

Holding the grass, this princess is so strong that I will hide away from it in the future, so as not to be affected.

Looking for a chance to quickly withdraw the whip, not giving the man a chance to respond, but also a whip to pull back.

"Hey." "Hey." He fell on the chair and instantly let the chairs covered with tiger skins spread out.

The dragon yeze who quickly hid to the side, the chin fell, the stiff turn, and wanted to say something, and the whip came again, and immediately flew to the side.

"Wow... Your Royal Highness, have something to say, don't do it."

"Women's whip is not good, no one wants it, you see, stop first."

When Long Yize ran, he asked for mercy and burst into tears.

He is not a princess who can't beat this thorn, but he can't bear to start.

And he wouldn’t say that she was wearing a wedding dress and chasing her own picture, making him feel like a newlywed wife’s dissatisfaction with her husband’s late return.

Hey... His Princess’s Highness is not the same. When the light is caught in the air, he flies to the beauty who is waving the whip.

Unfortunately, they all looked at the blind.

Or it should be said that it was too terrible, and the search did not even see that it was a wink, and thought that his eyes were gusting.

So this sad thing, really makes people laugh.

From the lobby was chased to the open space outside, but in a short time, when the people in the cottage came back, their king has been jumped up and down by the princess.

That picture is really... don't be too shameful o(╯□╰)o

It’s a man, or a mountain king. The martial arts are also very powerful. How can you face this princess?

Sure enough, it was defeated under her fiery wedding dress, then they should be happy, or should it... think about how to solve this trouble.

The news that the three emperors of the Yin Dynasty married the Dragon King and the Nine Emperors can be said to have spread throughout the world. After all, the Dragon Snake Kingdom is the strongest country at present.

It is said that the emperor of the Dragon Snake Kingdom is very satisfied with the Nine Emperors, and has already faintly defined him as a Prince.

When I saw the princess's wedding dress specifications, it is not difficult to see that the rumors are true.

In addition to the emperor, only the emperor is the most likely to touch the position. This is also the announcement of the emperor of the Dragon Snake in disguise. The news of the Nine Emperor is the Prince.

If the king really looks at the princess, it is a bit of a hassle.

It’s almost ten years since I’ve been in the world. Maybe it’s time to contact those people and get ready. Later, I’ll go to the big king to discuss it, Yu Naiyuan thinks.

To say that the most exquisite expression is no more than Su Xiaoshuang, the novel did not say that this princess is so powerful.

So ferocious, a whip can kill the effect of the dead, touched the neck, a bit cold.

Mom, she is a very precious little girl. For the sake of the future, she decided, oh... hug the woman’s thigh.

Anyway, it seems that the male lord likes the female lord. Although she likes it very much, she is very infatuated with the female host.

In order to turn her back, she used the powerful man to seek the whole world, but in contrast, she was more reluctant.

Can not be related to the male owner, not the male master's military division, the first one after the other is the Yuan.

The little eyes sneaked past, and the white eyes were like a scholar. There was no such thing as a soil.

Very modern and fresh meat, it looks very delicious, and I am sorry for myself.

Yu Naiyuan, who is thinking about things, feels that there is a chill in the back, as if it is being stared at.

Turning her head, I saw that the face of the green shirt was covered with mud. Miss Sue, who was supposed to be awkward, revealed a small white tooth and smiled at him.

Shaking, I always feel a little scary, what is going on.

I don't know if I am looking for a change here. She is so cool now that she is very satisfied even if she doesn't get people, but she can make her husband so embarrassed.

It would be better if he was not tempted to wink with himself.

That's right, after so long, if she didn't understand what it meant, she really should go see the ophthalmology.

"My Royal Highness Princess, you danced for so long, the hand is definitely soft, we will have a truce, and we will continue tomorrow."

Long Yize was so distressed that he was holding the white tender hand on the deep red whip handle, so I wanted to hold her little hand inside and outside to check it again.

Look at the injury, by the way... oh... feel the lower hand.

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