Quick Transmigrating Second Female Lead’s Counterattack

Chapter 1417: The King of the Mountain King's Pressress 58.4

It must be the same as the imagination, soft, tender, very touchable, very pinch.

Oh, it’s awkward, the nose is a little hot, and I quickly reach out and cover my nose.

The intention to stop, the whip in his hand turned hard and turned to the position where the man was.

"Wow, how come the Princess of the Princess is still coming." Long Yize quickly jumped away, and the hand that held his nose was released. The two red liquids were exposed in the eyes of some people.

Really... people look subtle, don't know what to look for to describe their mood at the moment.

Looking up at the sky silently, can they not see this scene, will they be ruined by the king afterwards?

Looking for the anger in my heart, I can't wait to rush to pick up a few whips, but the guy will run too much, can't catch up.

Mom, look good.

"You are standing at the palace, you are not allowed to move." Angry yelling (#‵') He is a monkey in this world, is it right? How can it run?

Moreover, there are special things that will go up to the tree, looking for foreheads and blue-legged violent jumps. She feels that she will become the first little pity in history to be mad at her husband.

It was falling on the tree, pulling the leaves to start destroying the dead, and getting rid of the red liquid flowing down the nose, and sneak out of the leaves, and weakly return.

"I don't want to be a Princess, I don't want to be angry. You are angry, I will be afraid."

The hand did not stop, constantly rubbing the nosebleeds still flowing out.

Wicked beast, he really just fantasized about it, then God knows why it will become like this, can you rewind it once?

At that time, he must first go to a place where no one is, and finally dream of the picture in his mind, and come back n (*≧▽≦*)n

Looking for it did not give nonsense, flew directly to the whip, and smashed all the leaves that were blocked in front of him.

I took a whip in an unwelcome manner, this time controlling the strength, hitting the person with the most redness for a while.

The result... "Hey." "Hey, the legs are broken, the hands are gone, the brain is dizzy, and the body hurts."

The people in the tree fell down at once, and they made a loud noise, even with the pain of the period of Ai Ai.

The crowds of the onlookers immediately came up, and the worried questions were asked, and they did not forget to cast a fierce look at the culprit.

"How are you, King."

"Go to the doctor."

"Don't make a noise, let Naiyuan look."

"Right, right, come see the king."

Yu Naiyuan rushed to the side of Long Yize, and began to check in the first time, but the people around him were concerned about chaos and did not notice.

The people outside the crowd grasped the whip, the whole person was shaking, and the inner tension made her even more confused.

How is her husband, she just... looked at the whip in her hand.

Taking a deep breath and calming down, she has a washable marrow and a big Dan in her backpack. Even if she is dead, she can save people back.

Don't panic, vomit, but worry there is still.

Long Yize emptied his eyes and found that his princess did not come in. He immediately opened his eyes and gave a look to Yu Naiyuan.

I still don't forget to continue on my mouth: "Hey, his feet hurt, his hands hurt."

The cottages that were still worried about the death of the village: "..." Oh, hey, you are really naughty.

After a simple check, Yu Naiyuan found that the king was completely okay, and he thought about what he was playing when he thought about it.

Especially after he opened his eyes and gestured to himself, his mouth was twitching. In order to chase a daughter-in-law, the king was also enough to fight.

However, he is not afraid to be discovered by the hot beauty outside, and the small whip continues to sway, the picture, he can't think, anyway, it must be beautiful.

"The king is a strain on the leg muscles, compressing the bones, so the legs will be painful, and it will be good to rest for ten days and a half."

"As for the hand, the bone collision is a bit serious, slightly torn, and can't move in the near future, so take a rest."

Yu Naiyuan’s serious opening, the voice is slightly improved, so that people outside can hear it.

The people around them are also very eye-opening to make sure that the person who hears can hear it. For the king, they are really subordinates...is competent enough.

They are all qualified to help the king to lie, and this is really hard to say.

Forget it, who makes him the king that they all worship.

The princess who stayed as the king of the king of the village is really good, regardless of personality or skill, it is suitable.

Looking for the lips, a trace of suspicion in the eyes.

Just the voice that my husband fell down is only a muscle strain and a fracture?

It seems that this ancient doctor is really not a doctor, she still personally check it.

The whip gently waved to the waist, firmly wrapped around, hanged on the hanging bell, and lifted his foot toward the person still lying on the ground.

Everyone saw it and looked for it.

Originally thought that she was looking at the king, and apologized by the way, the result was that she was kneeling down, and she had the kind of hand holding the king's wrist.

Then, the thin, tender fingers began to walk up the legs and hands of the dragon.

Before they even understood what it was, Yu Yinyuan, who was next to him, began to silently pray for his own king.

This princess is a medical doctor. Dawang, you ask for more happiness.

Just before the moment, I was touched by my own fingers, and the blood in the dragon’s body was boiling backwards.

The princess is helping him to massage. It’s a sweet torture, but he doesn’t mind getting more of it.

Close your eyes and enjoy the touch of this **********.

Looking for the face from the beginning of the tension, to the frowning slowly, in the current gnashing teeth.

"You told me that he was hurting the bones?"

She just glanced at her husband's body mentally, not to mention that the bones were hit, that is, there was no muscle strain.

What does this mean, indicating that this guy is uniting the fake doctor or the real doctor together to fool her.

Mom, this is the bigger the game, the more I dare to play with my body. Well, she helped him.

Yu Naiyuan sneered two times and his voice was awkward: "...I may...the doctor is not a little home, hehehe..."

The princess's suffocation is heavy, the king is taking care of you, and the small one can't really help you.

Looking for a sneer, "You are really not a doctor, I don't mind teaching you what is a bone tear."

Unexpectedly, he was still lying on the ground with an injured man's arm. "Ah...murder the husband."

The pig-like screams rang out in the ear, and the people next to them quietly moved back and moved.

Holding the grass, this princess is not so ferocious, it is super ferocious.

"You are giving him a look now." Looking for a cold man, Yu Naiyuan, pointing to the man who sat up with his arm and was crying and sullen because of the stinging sensation.

Yu Naiyuan swallowed and swallowed, and the hand trembled and began to check.


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