Quick Transmigrating Second Female Lead’s Counterattack

Chapter 1429: Mr. Shan’s Lady of the Village, 58.16

Su Xiaocui, Yu Naiyuan, and Long Hanyang watching the play: "..." This is simple and rude, and it really is what the King/Men/Uncle can do.

Unfortunately, we can't continue to see the follow-up development, but it will be more exciting tomorrow.

The three people drifted away silently and did not make any sound. It can be seen that this kind of thing has been done many times and has experience.

Looking for it until it was pressed on the bed, his hands were tied with a belt, and it was still very aggressive.

The clothes on her body were fading, and the temperature suddenly exposed to the night made her shake, and then she returned to God, and her face was red with anger.

Mom, what the **** is going on here, she is not cleaning up her husband, how can she be turned into bed inexplicably, especially, this is not scientific.

"Ah, hey... Long Yi Ze, you, you let the palace let go."

Still looking angry, immediately whispered, the two groups in front of the chest were held by a big hand, pinched, as if trying to feel like a hand, so that her body can not stop shaking.

Damn, my husband’s feelings about eating meat are all so good, and my heart is tired.

Long Yi Ze did not listen to his wife's words, directly bowed to contain the seductive red beans, smashing the suck.

The sweet juice immediately appeared in the mouth, like the most attractive drug, let him want more and more.

With a wave of hand, the gauze fell, and the tall figure was pressed against the petite person, and the fierce action made the room not full of women's shackles.

This night, the moonlight is beautiful, the time is right, the love is sweet, everything is so beautiful.

However, this is only superficial.

"To bet, when will the king be driven out by the princess, or when will the next king enter the princess's door?"

Early in the morning, Su Xiaoshuang took Yu Naiyuan and Long Hanyang to the corner and wanted to get a message.

The situation last night was very obvious. Long Yi Ze definitely ate people. After all, it was the meat to the mouth. As a man, it is absolutely impossible for him not to eat it.

The dragon Yize guy is energetic at first glance, so...hey... I want to come to the battle last night must be very intense.

Yu Naiyuan silently ate the sweet-scented osmanthus cake made by Su Xiaoshou and did not participate in her topic.

If this is to let the king know that they are betting him, relying on his stingy character, hehe...

Long Hanyang, let alone, directly licked two white eyes, touched the already numb heart, and went to the side to start self-blame.

Yesterday, I was about to be my own wife. I became my own emperor yesterday, and then I soon watched the two men go to the last step, hehe.

His careful liver, really broken, the strong 502 can not stick back.

"Hey." "Dragon Yize, you are finished."

The dragon Han Yang, who is silently **** wounds, swayed, and felt the unidentified objects flying over his head. The question marks were all in his head. What happened?

The same astonished direct osmanthus cake stuck in the throat of Yu Naiyuan, kept licking his chest and his heart collapsed.

In the end, he was trying to do something that was so unreliable and put himself in the pit.

Su Xiaoshuang’s worries seemed to be around Yu Naiyuan. For a time, the three did not pay attention to the parabolic ground.

Looking for a random dress, the hair is messy, the cheeks are red, and the tempering anger appears in the doorway, and the three people who are still busy are falling on her.

It was the first time I saw this violently lost appearance. I felt that the princess’s body was full of black air.

Hey, wait, hold the grass, just flew past, it won’t be...

A few people acted in a consistently rigid direction, and looked at them. They fell into the ground and smashed the unidentified objects. It was not the dragon.

... that arrogant, unconventional, domineering dragon snake king / man, now is the appearance of this dying, really, there is no blink of an eye.

Long Yi Ze licked his lips and climbed up from the ground. Even if he looked very embarrassed, he did not affect his good mood.

For a full-fledged man, nothing is a thing.

As for the lady’s early morning, she still had the strength to smash him out of the house. He felt that he needed to review it.

One hand clumsily patted the dust on the body, and the fart turned to the person who was standing at the door and sulking with anger.

Please come up and please, "Mrs, you are not tired at all, is it not for the husband to serve last night."

"If you go back to lie down, make sure that you are more comfortable." Looking forward, there are people who are tempting everywhere, and the saliva almost flows out.

Although I ate it for a night, I still wanted to eat it, and looking at the look of this spirit, it seemed like I didn’t work hard last night.

This can be done. If you want to find out what you are not doing well, you must rescue it.

It’s also like crying. He obviously cultivated so hard. Why did he look like he was not tired?

He also dreamed of taking a good night's sleep in the morning, as long as he was looking for a well-behaved lying in his arms, he was satisfied with the hot body.

But it is a reality, but it is a bitter tear.

Looking at the suffocating chest, a certain animal was staring at the eye straight.

"Dragon Yi Ze, you will wait for me first, wait for me to wake up, let's come back and count."

Husband's animal level is constantly going up, Nima, just like the previous shameless, the lower limit is almost gone, really.

In the face of such a bastard, rogue, there is only one way, you are more **** than him, more rogue!

Seeing the turn and entering the door, Long Yize also followed, but at the door, the door was slammed shut, just hit his nose.

The painful dragon Yi Ze took a splash of water and sat directly on the ground with sadness. He felt that he was pitiful.

Especially now, a wounded, the hand is still not good, the back of the whip is still still, just fell off the leg, now hit the nose, he wants to become a waste dragon.

Silently removed the bandage on the left hand and pressed it gently. Well, basically no feeling, it seems to be better.

However, this injury is also worthwhile, at least to give his princess a princess, oh...

Leaning on the door, smirked and began to replay the picture in his mind.

Looking for it quickly fell asleep, not to look at the spirit of her previous performance, are strong support, and now a relaxed, physical and mental fatigue swept.

The dragon Yi Ze, who has been waiting for the opportunity outside, feels that the breathing inside is gradually calming down, quietly pushing the door open and one eye looking inside.

Make sure the bed is very familiar, sleep carefully, close the door, tear off the clothes wrapped in random, and climb the bed lightly.

The action carefully puts people into their arms, and when they are satisfied, they close their eyes and start to sleep.

As for what was warned, Long Yize said that he did not remember n(*≧▽≦*)n

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