Quick Transmigrating Second Female Lead’s Counterattack

Chapter 1430: Mr. Shan’s Lady of the Village, 58.17

The lady is in the arms, who is still empty and wants to mess.

The typical heart is too big to be unscrupulous, and it is no wonder that there is no way to find this person.

Also silently watched a three-person trio, this time the feet are really floating, it should be said that the whole person is fluttering as if still dreaming.

It’s just the scene, it’s too much for them to see.

The Royal Highness of the Princess is so murderous, so big and big, can give it out, God.

It seems that I have to wait a little longer, but I can't get rid of the two men, the fierceness of the male prostitute, this combination is absolutely.

I still don't know that her image in other people's mind has completely changed. When she sleeps in the afternoon, she just wants to move and feels entangled.

I don’t have to think about it at all. It must be that my own husband who is not worrying about her is always angry with her husband.

Sighed deeply, she gave up treatment.

This guy is also not afraid to fight, hey and don't listen, what else can she do, besides letting this guy blame, she can't think of any other better way.

"Madam, are you awake, hungry, and the husband is going to give you food."

In the search for an eye-opener, Huang Yize, who was actually awake, did not have the first time to speak. He was observing the expression of his wife.

Seeing that she was not angry, she was not angry, and the whole heart was full of anger.

Does this mean that he can sleep directly with his wife in the room, and it is his room.

Looking for a touch of the stomach, nodded: "Let the little pastry do it, I am going to sleep, so call me."

The man who was still lying and not planning to move, told you not to be polite.

There is a saying that you can't resist, then try to enjoy it. Her husband is too big, she has to pack up and work hard, and it has no effect. She is embarrassed.

Anyway, if you come to Japan, you will always have a chance.

Long Yize was unwilling to look at his face and squatted. He turned over and got out of bed. He took out the suit from the closet and put it on, and quickly went out to prepare his wife.

Can't be hungry to the lady, he wants to feed the lady's white and fat, and feed it into a piglet, hehe...

When I closed my eyes, I felt that there was some chilly look behind me, frowning, and my husband’s beast must be playing bad ideas.

Mom, can't you be a little bit safe, it's almost a bear child (#‵')

The days of the cottage have passed very quickly, and it’s a week in a blink of an eye. Looking for a rocking chair, drinking tea while listening to the people around you.

"Mrs. You said that the guy is not guilty, actually dare to threaten me, I am going to put him in the old nest."

Long Yize was very angry, dare to bully his wife's country, and dared to filthy his wife to escape marriage, and was simply impatient.

I didn’t think that I wanted to understand it before, and the result was waiting for it. Did I really think that his words were nonsense?

Oh, it’s the fault of the kid. If he didn’t have anything to do, he would leave the house and there would be such things behind.

Long Hanyang, who quietly narrowed the sense of existence, felt that he was really embarrassed and very wrong.

Uncle Huang always always refers to his father in front of his face, and it is very... a shameless hat, a tired heart.

Looking for a hand to vacate, patted her husband's dog's head, the person who was still hot in the moment, and the pet who asked for the owner to touch it in an instant, the picture is really difficult to say.

Fortunately, several of the people present are already very used to it.

"The dragon snake country is just asking, there is no other meaning." She had asked the father, and the answer given by the father was indeed nothing.

"However, Nine Emperors, should you go back and see, or write a letter to your father."

"This is not the way to stay, you..."

"That is, especially if you still live here in white." Long Yize took the trouble and was too disgusted to look at the person who blocked his face with a fan.

"Know that you have no face, don't block it, remember to leave the money when you leave."

Sure enough, the son raised by the dragon is really not lovable. Don't think that he doesn't know. This guy privately finds a way to deal with his own affairs, hehe.

Unfortunately, it is too tender, fight with him, wait a few hundred years.

Long Hanyang is very fond of the domineering table, but this time, he does not see the other party is already good.

Even if he is mad, he can only bitterly and haha.

Can't pick him up, can't he expect him to be able to suppress this big demon, that is too much to see him.

Just... "Uncle, if I remember correctly, all the wanderings brought by my nephew are taken away by your people."

"There seems to be a lot of quantity, it is enough to eat and live here, there is nothing extra."

Even if he doesn't have any money concept, it doesn't mean that he really doesn't know anything.

Tens of thousands of silver tickets, let alone live in this place for ten days, is it enough to live for ten years, is there such a uncle who is so scorpion?

He asked, is there (╯‵□')╯(┻━┻

Long Yize’s face is not red-hearted and does not jump to the rhythm of resentment. “You can eat such a careful meal in the palace? Can you live in such a quiet courtyard in the palace?”

"You can make friends so easily in the palace? Can you be as unscrupulous in the palace as you are now?"

"You are enjoying life now. If you enjoy it, you can't follow the usual rules."

"I didn't let your father and the emperor have already given face. I remember to send me 100,000 gold after I went back. I have to rebuild the cottage and marry your emperor."

I have seen shamelessly, I have never seen such shameless, Long Hanyang gritted his teeth, but he could not find a rebuttal.

Also because of these three or two sentences, let him suddenly become clear, yeah, need to be careful in the palace.

No matter who you are facing, you need to think about words, pay special attention to the form of etiquette, and be afraid of what goes wrong.

It is even more necessary to guard against it, or you don’t know how to die.

In the past few days, he did not think about these problems at all, and he did not notice at all.

Uncle Huang will leave the royal family that year, is this the case?

Looking for a cup to cover the curvature of the lips, the ability of her husband is more and more powerful.

In order to pass the man for two seconds of silence, it’s pitiful, being stared at by the husband, not bleeding, it’s bleeding...

But really, let's do it beautifully!

The Dragon Snake Kingdom is very rich, so it is nothing at all.

"Then I still have to give a gift." Long Hanyang did not have a good air, the uncle is really too dark.

When I heard it, I decided to nod and decisively said: "Remember to talk to your father and grandfather. It doesn't matter if people come or not. It is good to be happy."

Long Hanyang: "..." He just talked about it, nothing else _(:зゝ∠)_

Looking for a smile, this day is actually very good, it is also very good.

There are so many live treasures around you that you don't feel bored at all.

If Long Hanyang knows that he is not only being swayed by the male master, but also being regarded as a boring person by the female lord, I don’t know if he will rise up and resist.

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