Quick Transmigrating Second Female Lead’s Counterattack

Chapter 1435: Su Shao's petty baby 59.3

The morning sun sprinkled in from the window, and the two people who fell on the bed and fell asleep, beautiful and peaceful.

Su Shi, who had already woken up, quietly stared at the scented little man who was sleeping in her arms. The eyebrows were full of tenderness.

Fingers caressed the reddish face and made a kiss.

Everything happened last night was too sudden, but Su Shi was very happy.

Looking back now, he dared not assume that he would be a step later, what he would do, and what she would do.

Fortunately, but those who dare to count her, he will not let go.

Looking at the white skin, one after another bright traces, the corners of the lips raised the curvature of the foot.

Pulled the sliding quilt to cover the beautiful body of the pregnant man.

Can be a good mood then gloomy, some people dare to blatantly hurt her at home, it is impossible not to know her identity.

who is it?

No matter who it is, move his baby, then leave his life.

Looking for a good night's sleep, I wanted to turn over and continue to sleep, but I found that I couldn't move, and I opened my eyes in a confused way. It was a handsome face that smiled very gently.

Hey, the brain still has some reactions, but the fog is full of eyes and eyes, as if asking, who are you, how are you here?

Seeing Su Shi’s soft heart, the little baby’s waking look is so cute.

I couldn't help but squeeze my nose and smiled. "Why, I don't know her husband."

"Husband?" Looking for thoughts is still not clear, soft mouth, with a little doubt.

"True." Su Shi was looking for a kiss on his forehead, and even the man took the quilt and walked toward the bathroom.

I can't live here. Last night, it was a baby's physical problem. It was inconvenient and I didn't leave in time.

Looking for it is completely stupid, waiting to be washed, dressed, hugged in the car, and slept in the past.

Su Shi gave his baby a coat and drove back to his home.

The three people in the villa took people away in the morning.

When I got home, I put my baby in the bed on the bed before I went to the kitchen to eat. I was shocked and spent so much energy last night. I have to make up.

While observing the firepower, while paying attention to the news from the mobile phone, Su Shi did not find a small head behind him, barn the door frame, staring at him with a small face, and the pink lips were close to each other.

The bare bare feet were gently honed on the ground, seemingly wanting to go forward, but they were a little nervous and nervous.

When I opened my eyes and found that I changed a place and received the message, I really didn't know what to do.

Although it was my own Chinese medicine last night, I can clearly understand that I have thrown my husband down.


Biting his lip, he didn't know what he thought.

"Ah!" The entangled search, suddenly felt that I was vacant, and the conditioned resounding exclaimed.

Immediately, there was a distressed male voice in the ear, with a gentle lingering and subtle blame: "Is it so sad that your husband is sad?"

Looking for a silly man's clothes, he was full of distressed scorpions, and his eyes were red.

The crystal tears swirl inside, as if they would fall at any time.

At the moment, it seems to have rooted in it, and people are extremely pity.

"Su... Su Brother." Looking for a small voice, the look of his voice, the hand holding his clothes tight, the clear bones and the green blue veins rushed out.

Some uneasy quietly peeked at Su Shi, seeing his face calm, **** lips and serious together, the consciousness of the hand is tighter.

Su Shi’s heart hurts the reaction of his baby, and this is more afraid that he will be so cautious and embarrassed.

In the end, how could I endure such a bad feeling for such a cute baby, and sure enough, it is not myself.

Put people on the sofa, "Baby, cool on the ground, can't wear shoes next time, do you know?"

"Hey, sit first, husband to cook for you, you can eat it in a while, if you are bored, first watch TV, or play with your mobile phone."

Put your own mobile phone in her hand, and take the remote control board on the coffee table.

Helped her to pad the cushion behind her, and adjusted her to a comfortable sitting position, only to get up and continue to go to the kitchen.

Look for the embarrassment of the husband, like a delicate glass doll.

Looking at the tall and straight back, the frequency of the heartbeat is accelerating, and I quickly hang down my eyes and cover the love that I worship.

The original Lord left, leaving a strong feeling of suffocation, and a desire that made people feel pitiful and taken for granted.

The baby who made Su Shi’s palm was raised by him for a lifetime.

Keep the Qiu family, not to be harmed by the bad guys.


"Baby, last night, my husband called it so embarrassed, how to wake up so unfamiliar, hey, call her husband."

Su Shi took the cooked corn coix porridge out, and saw his family's clever baby was a little nervous, heartache and pain.

Perhaps it was not reacted before, and there was no resistance to his touch. But when he just sat next to her, he immediately felt her body stiff, and even thought it was natural to avoid it.

The hand holding the bowl was tight, but the surface was not obvious. I took the spoon, picked up a spoonful and blew it, and fed it to her lips.

Obviously, some of them did not adapt to Su Shi’s over-intimate behavior, even though the two talents last night... thought about it, the cheeks were blushing.

The sleek scorpion is even more beautiful, and the beautiful one is more beautiful than the most precious pearl.

"Hey, eat first, good." Su Shi patiently groaned, did not feel annoyed, steady hands, the same peach eyes, only the people holding the pillow together.

And that person is looking for it.

Get this kind of cognition, it seems that you are shocked and your eyes are bigger.

Su Shi’s hand shook, and the baby was so tempting. He’s really clean inside, and he didn’t think about anything.

But this little bunny looks like a baby, he can't hold it.

Looked at the round and full of rice in the spoon, touched the stomach, so hungry.

Bowing his head, the open lips are tentatively contained, but the eyes have never been removed from the man's face in front of him, as if to determine whether she is experiencing the illusion at the moment.

Deep in the eyes, there is a small expectation, and after the fragrant porridge enters the body, it begins to cheer.

Su Big Brother didn't marry her, and she didn't dislike her. Instead, she fed her so gently, so happy.

She feels that today is the happiest day, she has to keep a firm record.

Su Shi couldn't find a word to describe her mood at the moment, seeing her so cautious, so easy to satisfy, the heart is only sour and bitter.

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