Quick Transmigrating Second Female Lead’s Counterattack

Chapter 1436: Su Shao's petty baby 59.4

Stabilizing my mind and taking a spoonful to feed the past, feeling the unswerving gaze, Su Shi’s inner heart is more and more difficult.

When I finished eating, my eyes were not removed from Su Shi, and the original cautiousness turned into a small unknown.

Let Su Shi did not hold back and lick her head, and took the man into her arms.

"Baby, tell me what happened last night." Just finished, he felt the small body in his arms trembled.

The fearful emotions are unreserved and exposed, making him feel suffocated and scorning.

"Baby, hey, nothing, I am, there is a husband, no one can hurt you, don't be afraid, tell her husband, the husband will beat the bad guys."

He didn't want to ask, but he had to ask.

The villa is not monitored, and since he left there, it has almost become an abandoned place.

He knows that it is because of himself that she will be in such danger, except for fear of self-blame, and embarrassment.

But this matter, he can't let go, although he has decided to take her with her wherever she goes, she can worry about it.

Still fundamentally resolved, more assured.

Looking for it seems to have fallen into the memory of last night, the picture in the mind began to emerge constantly, the fear inside deep, let her face pale.

"No... don't... walk away, go away... don't..."

The sight of **** and evil, as long as you close your eyes, you can see, how can you drive away, she does not.

The tears of the tears rushed out of the eyelids and wet the man's clothes.

Su Shi carefully comforted the frightened baby in her arms, her hand gently stroking her back, trying to calm her down.

"Baby, those things are gone, they can't bully you, I will stay with you in the future, don't be afraid."

"If you are afraid, you will call your husband's name, you will be on call, just like Altman, help my baby to kill all the monsters."

The low and soft voice, with inexhaustible lingering mourning, is a very naive word, but unexpectedly makes people feel at ease.

Looking for such comfort, slowly relaxing the mood, slowly looking up, red and swollen peach eyes, like a bunny bunny, cute and pitiful.

"Baby, look, my husband is here, don't be afraid, come, tell me boldly, what happened to my husband before."

Su Shi grabbed the hand holding her own clothes and pinched it, trying to use her physical contact to ease her inner tension.

Perhaps his eyes were too safe and warm, and the search was tempted, and began to whisper memories of last night.

"Mom... ah, sorry, Sue Big Brother, I... is wrong, it’s Su Ayi."

The habitual name of the exit is scared and the face is white.

Quickly admit her mistakes, she forgot, Su Da Ge said, in front of him is not allowed to call those two words, "I really did not deliberately, Big Brother, you don't want to be angry with me."

The extremely uneasy look also refused to take care of the two men’s postures now, squeezing into Su Shi’s arms and trying to grab his clothes.

It seems that this will not be left behind, nor will it be hated by the people in front of you.

Su Shi’s eyes were sour, and her heart was even more boring. He really didn’t think that she would hurt her to such a point.

There is a feeling of being a soldier, he is really a jerk.

"Hey, don't cry, how can your husband be angry with you, and you are too late to pet."

"Baby, have you forgotten, we are already husband and wife, my mother is naturally your mother, how do you want to call it."

"And me, too, to call my husband, or my husband will be angry."

He knows that one and a half will want to make her not afraid that she is impossible. The previous memory is too deep, hehe.

But he will work hard and try to keep this baby that he has neglected.

The squeaky feeling that I used to feel is very cute and sensible at this moment.

Such an obedient baby, it should be a little more delicate, not only that, but he also has to raise her arrogance.

However, as far as I look at it, I feel that this is a bit of a long way to go.

Looking for big eyes, there are still three or two water drops hanging on the long eyelashes. As it trembles, it shakes like a beautiful crystal.

Together with a delicate face, I look at you weakly, even if it is the heart of the stone, it can be melted at this moment.

"I... can it really be?" The small can't be small, full of uncertainty.

Su Shi smiled and nodded: "Yes, come, call my husband."

"...husband." Silence for a while, only shyly call, like a mosquito, if it is not near Su Shi, it is estimated that it will not be heard.

Reluctantly satisfied, I can go to this step, the baby is making great progress, he has time to come slowly.

"The baby told me about what happened last night, and I forgot it after I finished. We don't want those unpleasant memories. When the husband takes you to put more and better memories into it."

He will also be with her, personally depicting a unique picture, engraved into her little head, let her remember for a lifetime.

I was nodded by the appeasement. "Mom gave me the reason to come over and cook every day because I was worried about me."

"I was as usual last night, I went back to the house after dinner, but after a while, I felt that my body was wrong."

"Later... later... there are three people, they...they..."

Having said that, the red lips are biting, and the soothing face is beginning to show the tension of fear, but it is slightly better than before.

"During the time they said that the woman told them that no one would come to save me, I was desperate, thinking... I thought if it was true... I really got that step, I will..."

I didn't say anything later, but Su Shi understood that if she couldn't resist, she would commit suicide.

He didn't forget the scene last night. She had sharp porcelain in her hand. It might not hurt people, but it is very easy to cut the carotid artery or blood vessels.

With the hand tightened, she was afraid, and he was not afraid.

"It's all my fault, my husband will take a good self-review, baby supervision is good."

"If the husband does not do well in the future, you will hit me and promise you to be obedient."

Su Shi secretly remembered the words of her own baby, and later he went to see the interrogation results there.

When he went upstairs, he also vaguely heard what women had said about him. This intuition told him that it was not simple, and it was probably directed at him.

The lips sneer, no matter what the purpose, no matter who the other party is, the last thing to do is to hurt his baby.

However, he would like to thank the other party, let him recognize his heart in time, did not let him regret life.

Looking at the arms and still staring at myself, it seems that I was scared by my own words to the baby who did not return to God, and my heart was full.

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